**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jan 30 02:59:58 2016 Jan 30 05:52:10 Tofe, my thought is that it’s better to calculate those headers on the fly. I’ll see if I can find a sample for you. Jan 30 05:56:00 Tofe, see https://gist.github.com/DougReeder/ef3f6a6a3e5468717fae Jan 30 06:57:25 DougReeder: Which headers are you referring to? Jan 30 06:58:36 in the call history Jan 30 06:59:20 DougReeder: Ah :) Jan 30 06:59:34 Or anywhere, really. Jan 30 06:59:54 Transforming from seconds to days is easily done on the fly. Jan 30 07:00:03 DougReeder: Could be QML is the limiting factor here somehow Jan 30 07:00:22 Oh! Hmm, my example is Enyo. Jan 30 07:00:27 But I'm sure Tofe will comment ;) Jan 30 07:00:40 But, I should hope something similar could be done. Jan 30 07:00:47 DougReeder: New phone app is qml ;) Jan 30 07:01:05 * DougReeder nods Jan 30 09:20:34 Morning Jan 30 09:21:01 DougReeder: exactly, my issue here is that I have a view that takes a model, and expects a timestamp in seconds to work well Jan 30 09:21:51 but in QML, doing something like a proxy model is a bit heavy, and will result in lots of copy and sync just to add a property on the fly Jan 30 09:22:15 It's pretty easy in C++, but it just seems overkill... Jan 30 10:55:52 Tofe: Which images we'll need first for phone app? Jan 30 11:19:45 I would need a mask for the photo button, to have a raisen/sunken effect Jan 30 11:20:30 I need an arrow, pointing right or down, the same height as the default picture image, and about 1/4th its width Jan 30 11:20:38 s/or/and/ Jan 30 11:21:28 Maybe a little round image for the number of calls in a group, that will be shown on top-left of contact's photo Jan 30 11:22:17 Herrie|2: do you see what I mean, for the mask? Jan 30 11:24:56 Maybe we already do have that sort of mask, I need to double check; maybe in Enyo, actually. Jan 30 11:28:41 ah, no, in legacy phone app it was an image, "avatar-disclosure.png" Jan 30 11:29:00 I guess this image isn't available to us? Jan 30 11:32:18 Oh, we do! https://github.com/openwebos/image-assets/blob/master/palm/applications/com.palm.app.phone/phoneApp/images/avatar-disclosure.png Jan 30 11:33:12 Herrie|Veer: I didn't realize all the images were available! That's great news. I can use them without restriction for LuneOS, right? Jan 30 11:51:21 Tofe: Yeah Enda made them available to us a while ago while he was still @ LG SVL. We can use them yes. They're Apache 2.0 like other OWO stuff. Jan 30 11:51:48 Just wondering of which one we need a @4x urgently? Jan 30 11:52:32 Well, it's much less urgent now :) Jan 30 11:53:02 but I'll begin with using avatar-disclosure and call-log-count-pill Jan 30 11:53:24 Then I'll migrate the tabs and the all/missed buttons Jan 30 11:55:08 Tofe: OK :) Just let me know what you need @4x. We already have some at http://webos-ports.org/wiki/Graphics_Work#Phone_App Jan 30 11:56:53 ok :) Jan 30 12:09:22 Tofe: The contacts-unknown-icon-large.png would be nice to add to the call when we don't have a contact picture instead of the black square we have now ;) Jan 30 12:14:22 It is already, but it can't find it; I don't know why yet Jan 30 12:22:12 Tofe: Ah Jan 30 12:23:58 I found it Jan 30 12:24:26 Tofe: I odn't think you need the black rectangle? Jan 30 12:24:33 Just a the different dark image? Jan 30 12:26:14 what are you talking about? Jan 30 12:26:58 elvispre: I noticed that BT and WiFi use a different spinner. Might be good to use the same on for consistency? Jan 30 13:21:29 Herrie: Yes, Aressel introduced a new one for the BT settings. I'll give it some thought. Jan 30 13:23:47 Herrie: By the way, I have started work on issue 623 (Manual WiFi Settings). As with the BT plugin, the WiFi plugin does not appear to support this for a hidden network. Jan 30 13:25:31 Herrie: I have updated the WiFi UI to handle the manual connection process, but I have had to add a warning that it is not actually implemented yet. Jan 30 13:27:02 Herrie: It might be worth a PR anyway, particularly if I unify the spinners...? Jan 30 13:30:48 elvispre: sure Jan 30 13:31:21 For the plugin: That's something you can fix? Jan 30 13:31:26 Herrie|Veer: A bit later today, then. Jan 30 13:31:47 Or should we ask nizovn? Jan 30 13:32:36 Herrie|Veer: For the plugin, I don't know yet. I didn't see any obvious support on a first glance. I guess nizovn would just know if the support is there. Jan 30 13:34:03 Herrie|Veer: The trouble is that the connectNetwork function wants the network's "path" not its SSID. How is Settings supposed to know its path when it isn't in the list of found networks? Jan 30 13:43:58 ConnMan allows SSID I think? At least I recall reading about that. Jan 30 14:25:24 Herrie|Veer: Yes, I think the NetworkManager plugin ought to provide a variant connect call that accepts just SSID and, optionally, appropriate credentials. Jan 30 15:16:23 https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.phone/pull/33 makes the view of the callgroup details bearable :) Jan 30 15:37:17 Tofe: That's looking quite nice already! Jan 30 15:37:58 Well, it'll be better :p Jan 30 15:38:53 I think it'll be a good srcrev for the comming release Jan 30 15:41:19 One thing I'd like to have is to get the equivalent of Enyo g11n PhoneNumber normalization Jan 30 15:44:32 Tofe: Enyo 2 has something as well Jan 30 15:44:43 And I know morphis put something in some repo Jan 30 15:45:03 Tofe: Enyo 2 bits: https://github.com/enyojs/enyo-ilib Jan 30 15:45:11 You might be able to borrow something from there? Jan 30 15:48:23 Herrie|2: that does phone numbers too? Jan 30 15:50:36 Not sure but I think it should Jan 30 15:51:02 ilib = i18n which is successor if i11n I think? Jan 30 15:52:43 yes, but I was talking about g11n, not sure what it is though :p Jan 30 16:06:09 Herrie|2: That PR: https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.settings/pull/67 Jan 30 16:07:52 Herrie|2: Feb 25 18:28:07 DougReeder: I just added https://github.com/webOS-ports/telephony-lib Jan 30 16:10:36 once agan, morphis saved the day :) even when he's not there! Jan 30 16:37:46 DougReeder: ping Jan 30 16:47:19 Herrie|2: I think we should move telephone-lib to luneos-components/Modules/LuneOS/Telephony Jan 30 16:48:49 pong, Tofe Jan 30 16:49:20 DougReeder: do you remember, last year, when morphis introduced telephony-lib, in which context it was? Jan 30 16:49:41 Sorry, no, I haven’t tocuhed telephony Jan 30 16:50:11 well, it's just a little JS library to manipulate phone numbers Jan 30 16:50:51 http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/livelogs/webos-ports/webos-ports.20150226.txt <-- here you talked about moving it to a submodule somewhere, but I can't find out what you were talking about Jan 30 16:50:52 Oh, I’ve *looked* at that - but don’t remember much Jan 30 16:51:28 Because I'm very much interested in using it in the phone app, of course :) Jan 30 16:51:56 I'm certainly going to move it to luneos-components, but I'd like to check a bit if it's already used somewhere Jan 30 16:53:46 Ah, a git submodule Jan 30 16:53:52 yes Jan 30 16:54:55 I’m weak on those, but the main point is that you can pull the lates version of a submodule from the repository, without pulling other stuff, and you can pull the same submodule in different places. Jan 30 16:55:09 Tofe: Ah yeah I was looking for telephony-lib Jan 30 16:55:33 DougReeder: question being, is it currently used as a submodule somewhere :) Jan 30 16:55:59 luneos-components make sense since we'll use it elsewhere. Don't we have g11n in Enyo 1.0 anyway that we could copy from? Quite sure enyo-ilib does phone numbers too. Jan 30 16:56:14 Heh, that’s straightforward on a dev machine, and it can be done as a bb recipe, but I don’t know how. Jan 30 16:56:40 Herrie|Veer: yes, there's also g11n in Enyo, up to 2.4 where it's deprecated Jan 30 16:57:05 but importing Enyo code from QML would probably result in lots of errors Jan 30 16:57:28 I'd like to give telephony-lib a chance Jan 30 16:57:32 I don’t know QML, so I can’t help you there. Jan 30 16:58:00 Here’s my notes on submodules: Jan 30 16:58:01 DougReeder: And switching back to the earlier conversation, JaMa, is supporting git submodules in a recipe as easy as adding SRCREV and SRC_URI lines for every submodule? Jan 30 16:58:01 JaMa: yes Jan 30 16:58:14 I hate git submodules :) Jan 30 16:59:01 They do complicate things, but the complication is in many places worth it. Jan 30 16:59:54 In particular, it’s nice to just do a git pull to update the Enyo code. (You still have to deal with any imcompatibilities, of course) Jan 30 17:00:08 Herrie|Veer: for the moment, I'll copy it to luneos-components; then, maybe after a discussion with morphis, we could simple delete the telephone-lib repo Jan 30 17:01:11 DougReeder: when it's an external code shared with many people, it makes much sense; chromium does the same Jan 30 17:01:20 * DougReeder nods Jan 30 17:01:59 For the moment, I see an luneos code shared with luneos devs, so if I can avoid a submodule, I will :) Jan 30 17:08:51 I’m not sure we’ll need telephony-lib everywhere we need luneos-components. Jan 30 17:11:12 Well, luneos-components will be on the system rootfs in any case Jan 30 17:14:11 Given the willingness of the Enyo team to make breaking changes, it seems to me that sharing Enyo code between apps is a false economy. Jan 30 17:15:51 That explains why there's no Enyo2 in rootfs :) Jan 30 18:44:56 Tofe: Well you actually CAN put Enyo 2 in rootfs, even multiple versions Jan 30 18:45:31 but ? Jan 30 18:45:38 See: https://developer.lge.com/webOSTV/develop/web-app/app-developer-guide/app-metadata/ Jan 30 18:45:48 Just we don't support it at our end :P Jan 30 18:46:02 I think... Jan 30 18:46:04 onDeviceSource ;) Jan 30 18:46:09 in appinfo.json Jan 30 18:46:57 isn't is the same fields for Enyo 1.0, which we support on device? Jan 30 18:47:18 Tofe: No... Jan 30 18:47:34 Enyo 1.0 has a hard reference to it's Enyo location in index.html Jan 30 18:49:27 ah ok Jan 30 18:51:20 Tofe: See https://github.com/webOS-ports/core-apps/blob/master/com.palm.app.accounts/index.html#l22 Jan 30 18:51:38 But I guess it works out the same in practice more or less Jan 30 18:52:37 yes, I guess the script node is inserted in the DOM at the very beginning of the loading of the app Jan 30 18:56:07 Herrie|Laptop: I'm investigating the g11n case, and aren't we going to troubles if our core apps (phone, message, contact) don't have the same way to handle normalized phone numbers? Jan 30 18:56:40 Tofe: I think we should use an unified approach Jan 30 18:56:52 I can have a little look now to see if I can find something Jan 30 18:57:08 Well, the unified approach is Enyo 1.0's g11n Jan 30 18:57:52 There's enyo-1.0/framework/build/g11n/phone Jan 30 18:58:20 But as soon as we look into depends.js, we see we're going to pull all enyo... Jan 30 18:58:36 Does that part also take care of the number to location resolution, so it will show you "Paris" when you receive a call from an unknown Paris number? Jan 30 18:58:54 let me see Jan 30 18:59:40 I know its somewhere on device, just not sure it's g11n or something else Jan 30 18:59:48 in phone/geo, yes Jan 30 19:00:14 {"1":{"sn":"Paris","ln":"Paris (Ile-de-France area)"} Jan 30 19:00:23 Ah Jan 30 19:00:33 Problem with those is that they might be outdated a bit Jan 30 19:00:51 I know legacy had some patches to fix some AU and CN ones for example Jan 30 19:00:55 But we could incorporate those Jan 30 19:01:11 Also the coverage for phone numbers is pretty sparse Jan 30 19:01:32 Just would be good to get a full "current" dump of the world numberplan from somewhere and use that instead of 5-7 year old data Jan 30 19:01:40 Tofe: It was pretty good for NL Jan 30 19:03:16 one of the references is https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/tree/master/resources Jan 30 19:05:15 https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/blob/master/resources/geocoding/fr/33.txt Jan 30 19:07:03 Tofe: That doesn't look like a bad reference to start with... Jan 30 19:07:18 Just we'd need some scripts to parse it and create the JSON files I guess Jan 30 19:08:13 yup Jan 30 19:08:26 But that doesn't tell me how I hook Enyo into QML :p Jan 30 19:11:54 Tofe: Far from elegant at my side, but I just stripped some of the functions from ISIS for our browser: https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.browser/blob/master-webengine/qml/js/util.js Jan 30 19:12:59 Maybe you could do something similar for the Phone app? So it would still reference the resources in the Enyo framework, but you just copy & adjust the functions you need so you don't need to load the whole ENyo framework just for phone # stuff? Jan 30 19:13:48 Tofe: Nasty but worked OK for browser: https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.browser/blob/master-webengine/qml/js/util.js#l985 Jan 30 19:14:02 And I basically just took the mixin & clone functions from Enyo :P Jan 30 19:16:56 I can try; and it's not as if Enyo 1.0 is going to change Jan 30 19:17:58 Tofe: Yeah Jan 30 19:18:04 That was my idea Jan 30 19:18:18 And why to load a whole framework if you need a couple of functions ;) Jan 30 19:19:05 Not sure it will be as easy in this case, but it might be Jan 30 19:19:14 We only need SOME functionality I guess Jan 30 19:28:41 well, yes, but that's a big one :) Jan 30 19:30:05 Basically, what we need is the whole PhoneNumber object in here enyo-1.0/framework/build/g11n/phone/parse/javascript/phone.js Jan 30 19:31:56 Tofe: It's still smaller compared to the whole framework :P Jan 30 20:02:29 Well, when you start looking at the dependencies, it gets a bit bigger... Jan 30 23:12:33 Looking like preware.org is out of commission. Jan 30 23:29:01 Herrie|2: I think I figured out part of the reason why Preware 2 hasn't been working correctly: http://issues.webos-ports.org/issues/1093 Jan 30 23:40:17 I currently have no way to test this, but: https://github.com/webOS-ports/preware/pull/29 Jan 30 23:40:22 Have to go. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 31 02:59:58 2016