**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 01 02:59:57 2019 May 01 07:32:02 Morning! May 01 07:35:49 morning! May 01 07:38:14 JaMa: Morning! May 01 07:38:41 JaMa: For when you have a minute: https://github.com/webOS-ports/meta-webos-ports/pull/343 May 01 07:39:20 Not sure the GnuTLS is the proper way to solve this for example May 01 07:44:07 But it works ;) The GeoClue work could be upstreamed, just I'm not that familiar with their process May 01 07:55:43 Tofe: The issue with email app might actually be "stageReady returned null" May 01 07:55:49 I don't think that should happen? May 01 08:02:05 Morning! May 01 08:02:14 That's a weird log, yes May 01 08:03:33 Tofe: I see it for the other legacy apps a well, but I think that shouldn't be the case actually May 01 08:04:29 Apr 30 10:54:32 qemux86-64 LunaWebAppManager[630]: [630:630:0430/105432.582717:INFO:CONSOLE(527)] "stageReady returned null", source: userscript:webosAPI (527) May 01 08:04:42 Herrie|Laptop: ok, will have a look later, thanks May 01 08:07:58 We'll have to trace back what's causing this May 01 08:09:07 Tofe: I'll get a working image from somewhere and compare May 01 08:09:14 Just to make sure it's not the wrong lead May 01 08:40:35 Old VBox images are extremely slow in VBox 6 at my end May 01 08:40:40 But they boot eventually May 01 08:40:49 And with SSH I can launch app and pull logs May 01 08:43:46 https://photos.app.goo.gl/3bTwvK7VUrWmrapS7 (you can skip the first 40s) May 01 08:46:03 That's the Pinephone devkit :) May 01 08:46:53 Ooh nice:) May 01 08:46:57 It's a bit slow or is it me? May 01 08:47:13 it's running on framebuffer May 01 08:47:20 Ah ok May 01 08:47:27 compositor is ok-ish, but apps are just really slow yes May 01 08:47:58 I'll need mainline Mali drivers with Mesa 19.1 and Linux 5.2 to hope having something better May 01 08:48:16 But this looks great already in general :)' May 01 08:48:20 I tried getting it to work, but without any luck so far May 01 08:48:33 Just noticed it was a bit sluggish in terms of UI May 01 08:48:41 yes, that's quite nice already May 01 08:48:43 Which is shouldn't be seeing the specs of the board ;) May 01 08:48:49 But framebuffer explains it May 01 08:48:54 Tofe: you can "hack" the vblank so it is slightly better :P May 01 08:49:43 bshah: well linuxfb is what it is; for me the next step is lima May 01 08:50:08 also, it would really be nice to get the hw keys working, like power button May 01 08:50:11 "drm/sun4i: sun6i_mipi_dsi: Refactor vertical video start delay" apply this patch, in .... drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-pinephone-jd9365da.c chance .clock rate to 70000 from 48000 May 01 08:50:42 Tofe: Keys should be pretty straight forward normally? May 01 08:50:50 bshah: that helps with " 3925.612728] [drm:drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_dependencies [drm_kms_helper]] *ERROR* [CRTC:42:crtc-0] flip_done timed out" ? May 01 08:50:52 Since they're just evdev and nyx @ our end? May 01 08:50:57 Tofe: yes May 01 08:51:08 bshah: ah ok, yes I'll try May 01 08:51:11 I am finding proper fix atm, but hack works :) May 01 08:51:46 Herrie|Laptop: well I'm very new to these dts files and syntax May 01 08:51:56 Tofe: the patch you want : https://lkml.org/lkml/2018/9/27/758 May 01 08:53:10 thanks ! May 01 08:54:46 bshah: I tried to give a go at linux 5.2 rebasing, but got lost in all these commits that I didn't know enough May 01 08:54:59 :P May 01 08:55:22 there's 5.1 rebased branch though ^^ by Wizzup May 01 08:55:28 in same repo. May 01 08:55:37 maybe you can try that, it includes lima ^^ May 01 08:56:42 oooh :) May 01 08:56:58 I'll give it a try ! Because I already use Mesa-next, so maybe... May 01 09:25:50 Tofe: good work! May 01 09:26:50 JaMa: thanks! Though a lot of the building blocks were already put in place by the people already working on it :) (bshah, anarsoul, Wizzup, etc...) May 01 09:27:35 JaMa: "bad" news though: a Mesa-based build aarch64 ;) May 01 09:31:14 Tofe: Depends on how quick your builder is :P May 01 09:32:02 Tofe: I suspect the root cause of the email app MIGHT be outside of WebEngine. Seems that the activitymanager bits have some issues. May 01 09:33:02 May 01 06:49:06 qemux86-64 LunaWebAppManager[673]: CRITICAL: 06:49:06.048: Error: invalid parameters: caller='com.palm.app.calendar' error='property not allowed - '$activity'' May 01 09:33:25 This used to work before and it would give us a Calendar App icon with the day of the month in it May 01 09:33:55 But that doesn't work now. So I suspect some schema or other change in OSE activitymanager that's the root cause of this May 01 09:37:38 Yup for sure some activities are missing. JSONLint output currently: 194 lines, Doppio release 1126 lines May 01 09:41:24 that's quite some, yes! May 01 09:42:21 I see things in the logs like: May 01 06:44:59 qemux86-64 configurator-db8.sh[457]: {"errorCode":-1000,"errorText":"Partial configuration - 95 ok, 3 failed","returnValue":false} May 01 09:42:28 May 01 06:44:59 qemux86-64 logger[659]: root: Configuring activities asynchronously May 01 09:42:33 May 01 06:44:59 qemux86-64 luna-send[660]: "errorText": "Partial configuration - 186 ok, 5 failed" May 01 09:43:32 if it's on firstboot, it might be a special situation May 01 09:44:17 True, let me double check that just in case May 01 09:49:05 bshah: it's worse with eglfs :( May 01 09:49:32 (but it works ! yeah !) May 01 09:51:23 luna-next is at 100% CPU, the client process too... looks like software rendering to me... May 01 11:40:35 novaldex: ping May 01 12:10:54 ahah oh damn, I'm dumb... in the lima kernel patch, I hardcoded the fact that it was enabled... but of course, with the rebaed kernel, I have to enable the corresponding config items... May 01 12:14:42 ah, no, it was a loaded module May 01 12:22:48 ...mmmh no, not loaded! May 01 12:29:52 ok it's lags much less now May 01 12:30:02 but... the rendering is all bugged May 01 14:37:23 Herrie|Laptop: ping? May 01 14:47:10 novaldex: Ehm my monthly reminder of the WebOS Ports Dev Mailing list hit my mailbox today May 01 15:03:05 ah yes, I got one of the same too May 01 15:04:04 we still having issues maintaining the list? May 01 15:04:53 got a couple of things for oyu too May 01 15:04:57 *you May 01 15:24:40 could you follow up with LGE about the disks please? May 01 15:25:29 at present we're going to work on getting you test access to issues running on openproject, I believe with the intention of upgrading it to latest May 01 15:31:49 novaldex: Well we're sending monthly membership emails but the links in there don't work so people cannot unsubscribe etc May 01 15:31:57 OpenProject: Nice! May 01 15:32:13 Issues from Chili will be in there? May 01 15:32:32 very good point about the links, shall communicate that to ka6sox, he's got a contact he can speak to I believe May 01 15:32:36 Disks is being followed up with both LG Korea & US May 01 15:32:46 So hopefully they'll get sorted soon May 01 15:32:48 yes, we should have all the data from before (so i've been told!) May 01 15:32:54 Great! May 01 15:32:58 Any ETA? May 01 15:32:59 disks: thanks, I know it's a pest May 01 15:33:17 ETA? :D May 01 15:33:20 Checking with them 1-2 times a week ;) May 01 15:33:27 will you accept 'soon'? May 01 15:33:27 For the OpenProject May 01 15:33:53 Soon beats unknown or distant future May 01 15:34:00 So will do :) May 01 15:34:10 dyoung has been doing the most work, but time is limited, I may take over some of it from the infra side so you can 'get to it' May 01 15:35:15 Great May 01 15:35:35 Well we don't do fancy stuff there so should be pretty straight forward May 01 15:36:18 we'll be employing reverse proxies to it I understand, at the moment it's inaccessible May 01 15:36:38 bit of a middle man at the moment, are the disks being sent to Fremont? May 01 16:06:19 Yeah the Fremont one May 01 16:17:53 JaMa: so far, I've built my pinephone recipes around a meta-pine64-luneos, but now I realize that I've overriden almost all of "meta-pine64" recipes... Is it still worth it ? Or should I simply copy the couple of recipes left and move all this to meta-smartphone/meta-pine64 ? May 01 16:19:48 mmmh no, meta-smartphone isn't luneos specific, that wouldn't do; but I could throw away meta-pine64... May 01 16:35:35 Tofe: I think repo in webos-ports for this is best suitable May 01 16:36:52 I've quite already thrown away meta-pine64; can you create a meta-pine64-luneos in webos-ports, where I can push the initial things ? May 01 16:40:21 Gimme a few minutes May 01 16:40:37 no pb May 01 16:41:56 Done May 01 16:41:59 I guess ;) May 01 16:42:14 The mail app, filecache, activitymanager & configurator are still a bit of a riddle May 01 16:42:31 It seems some stuff fails, but need to see what, standard log output is minimal May 01 16:44:44 (oops, I forgot a license file) May 01 16:44:52 May 01 13:03:27 qemux86-64 configurator-db8.sh[518]: {"errorCode":-1000,"errorText":"Partial configuration - 4 ok, 3 failed","returnValue":false} May 01 16:45:30 May 01 13:03:27 qemux86-64 luna-send[601]: "errorText": "Partial configuration - 16 ok, 13 failed" May 01 16:48:20 I suspect some schema change in OSE is the cause of it, but without more in the logs I need to find some more debug info first May 01 16:48:31 To see what's going on May 01 16:53:03 Not sure what's not working because of it, but seeing that activities are responsible for quite some basic things it would be good to get this fixed. It takes care of icon updates, calendar reminders, alarms etc May 01 16:55:26 It could also be LS2 permission issues but I don't get any of those anymore after the fixed for filecache and configurator I pushed. May 01 16:55:49 Just might need to start from a first boot image, not from subsequent boots May 01 16:55:57 To see if it solves things May 01 16:56:00 It's quite painful to debug, usually :( May 01 16:56:07 Yeah May 01 16:56:26 I'm sure there's some debug switch somewhere just need to find it May 01 16:56:27 ok, most of the pinephone stuff is pushed May 01 16:57:01 :) May 01 16:58:01 Mer guys seem happy with the Voice call changes so far, seems to build OK at their end, so I guess we'll see it merged in not too distant future :) May 01 16:58:26 that's great May 01 16:58:54 Would be good to iron out these few issues and push out a release May 01 16:59:09 Then we can see what else from OSE we could take May 01 16:59:23 There are still a few components that need migration May 01 16:59:31 Not too many though May 01 17:00:51 Luna-sys-mgr or sam like they call it, is one of the hardest probably. We could thinker with WAM maybe at some point too, to see how that behaves May 01 17:01:51 Might be good to not rely too much on Qt and WebEngine there for some reasons, though it offers advantages as well of course. Hard to tell... May 01 17:04:20 SAM and WAM have a lot of overlap with our stack May 01 17:04:45 Yes May 01 17:05:07 Well SAM replaces our luna-sys-mgr basically May 01 17:05:19 And WAM our LunaWebAppManager May 01 17:06:20 Advantage of those is that they have been stress tested on millions of devices May 01 17:06:39 But the question is how well they would work for our purpose May 01 17:06:47 And that's hard to predict May 01 17:07:13 Without testing, but that's not a small operation... May 01 17:07:37 SAM also overlaps with luna-next, isn't it? May 01 17:07:47 Interesting is that there's even a PR in WAM to make it Qt less :) May 01 17:07:52 I don't remember if they separated the compositor May 01 17:08:03 They do have one I think May 01 17:08:14 It's all pretty modular from their end May 01 17:08:22 good :) May 01 17:08:27 So they can plug & play on various targets May 01 17:24:58 Pinephone machine LGTM, maybe JaMa will have some feedback, so I'll hold off on merge for now May 01 17:30:08 The PR shouldn't impact any other build, but a mistake is always possible May 01 17:57:16 Yes just not familiar with WKS_FILE. Rest I have no concerns **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 02 02:59:57 2019