**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Feb 18 02:59:57 2010 Feb 18 03:04:38 why did palm's developer page just go down >.> Feb 18 03:05:05 its so they can push out my update... Feb 18 03:05:34 I wish...>.< Feb 18 03:55:20 good evening everyone Feb 18 03:55:32 hi LoneStar99 Feb 18 03:57:42 howdy Feb 18 04:10:51 has anyone here gotten oauth working? i'm having trouble signing requests Feb 18 04:11:54 Howdy Feb 18 04:12:03 hey Feb 18 04:12:05 rwhitby: You around? Feb 18 04:14:30 Anyon have any earth shaking news for tonights news roundup? Feb 18 04:14:38 Pretty quiet week as near as I can tell. Feb 18 04:14:46 New updates to the AUPT, I saw. Feb 18 04:27:41 Roy-Pre101: yep Feb 18 04:28:04 rwhitby: Anything newsworthy other than AUPT v3 and Preware update? Feb 18 04:28:35 Roy-Pre101: Preware English, French, Italian, German, Spanish (EFIGS) translations Feb 18 04:29:35 Ah, thanks. Feb 18 04:29:40 Roy-Pre101: Preware option for free apps only (note that the default is to show all apps), mainly for those countries that can't purchase apps yet Feb 18 04:30:04 tigers win 82-77 Feb 18 04:30:54 Roy-Pre101: WebOS Internals booth at SCALE (http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/) this friday and weekend Feb 18 04:30:59 It's been a pretty slow news week. I'm not even sure what to write about Feb 18 04:31:18 Roy-Pre101: we're possibly going to have some Palm stuff to give away Feb 18 04:31:27 fun Feb 18 04:31:46 Feh, just read the Motley Fool article on Palm stock. Feb 18 04:33:59 Roy-Pre101: MeeGo.com released? Feb 18 04:37:25 Don't think the average webOS user will be excited about that. Feb 18 04:37:54 Roy-Pre101: true Feb 18 04:38:08 Roy-Pre101: MyTether review? Feb 18 04:39:29 Hmm... maybe. Feb 18 04:44:01 w00t my app the got suspended might be reapproved! Feb 18 04:45:11 which app??? Feb 18 04:45:21 rboatright: Hello Rick Feb 18 04:45:28 Hi Roy Feb 18 04:45:48 rboatright: You know of any good Palm news from the last week? This week is sort of a bust. :P Feb 18 04:45:57 music wave app Feb 18 04:46:06 apparently palms called an internal meeting in the companyt Feb 18 04:46:10 to discuss my app Feb 18 04:46:23 and what they wana do about it Feb 18 04:46:43 nope, except the hands-on demo of flash in spain. Feb 18 04:46:54 and the crappy news about another delay in docs-to-go Feb 18 04:50:09 yeah. Feb 18 04:51:00 sounds like it's gonna result in a policy change in Palm app criteria Feb 18 04:51:54 crasheed: on what grounds was it suspended? Feb 18 04:51:57 crasheed: what does music wave do/why would it be a problem? Feb 18 05:01:00 Music wave app is a mp3 search engine Feb 18 05:01:13 that lets you find mp3s using online search engines Feb 18 05:01:19 and then you can download those links Feb 18 05:01:32 it was suspended on the grounds it doens't verify the download source Feb 18 05:01:44 Mmmm. Feb 18 05:01:47 http://pre101.com/blog/2010/02/17/wednesday-news-roundup-4/ Feb 18 05:01:56 I sent an email explaining that it isn't a download service it simply is a web interface Feb 18 05:02:14 and complies with the DMCA under transitory category Feb 18 05:02:23 soooo Now they are discussing it internally Feb 18 05:02:28 (Probably typos in it. I was too tired to proof it well. :P ) Feb 18 05:04:02 I've posted the email exhanges between me and palm Feb 18 05:04:02 http://forums.precentral.net/showthread.php?p=2229921#post2220673 Feb 18 05:04:59 god i hope they allow it Feb 18 05:52:18 ok.. so i cant remember what usb port i pluged my phone into.. any good way to get rid of all the crap i need to install so i can reinstall it and get it to detect the phone again? :/ Feb 18 05:52:50 only thing that shows up in device manager is Palm USB drive Feb 18 05:53:01 running and windows 7 64bit Feb 18 05:53:26 also tried novacom reinstall in wosqi Feb 18 05:57:58 great.. cant get devmode to come up either Feb 18 05:59:05 there it goes Feb 18 06:02:45 wee.. got it working Feb 18 06:02:57 had to do that stupid novacom exe hack thing Feb 18 06:33:46 JenP: please pass on my thanks Feb 18 06:34:07 thanks for what? Feb 18 06:34:16 JenP: the logo for the banner Feb 18 06:34:20 ohhhh the banner Feb 18 06:34:25 cute huh? Feb 18 06:34:32 the screen contents are perfect Feb 18 06:34:50 heheheh yeah Feb 18 08:35:43 hi Feb 18 08:37:01 WebOS Internals banner: http://i45.tinypic.com/t6pf6r.png Feb 18 08:49:24 hi all, how can i get the name of a scene controller? Feb 18 09:01:32 anyone here? Feb 18 09:17:46 hebrewzHam im here, but im a noob :) Feb 18 13:04:08 hi all Feb 18 13:36:01 JenP: hi Feb 18 13:37:04 good morning haeffb_pre Feb 18 13:39:36 so the bug i had yesterday seemed to magically heal itself over night....very weird Feb 18 13:44:35 uh oh Feb 18 13:44:52 what was the bug? Feb 18 13:45:19 when you set a calendar reminder you would get an unkown object error Feb 18 13:45:27 but on phone, not on emulator Feb 18 13:51:43 hmmm. Feb 18 13:51:58 had you run on phone before? Feb 18 13:52:24 yes Feb 18 13:53:16 and what's weirder is when i put a log in success & failure...they both get triggered Feb 18 14:07:17 well that is weird Feb 18 14:07:40 yeah Feb 18 14:07:56 i sent palm some info...hopefully they'll get back with answers Feb 18 16:09:28 does someone has knowings about getting data from e.g. the addressbook to sync them over syncml? Feb 18 16:40:11 Hi.. writing an app for palm pre, you use javascript (or ecmascript) ? Feb 18 16:41:50 mdg: official apps are js, at least until the pdk comes along Feb 18 16:42:42 hmm, javascript is my favorite language. I need to get a palm pre plus.. Made the mistake of getting a BB storm :-/ Feb 18 16:42:48 mdg: unofficial apps can use java or C services, or even C using the SDL libs Feb 18 16:42:59 mdg: ugh, BB and their odd java libs heh Feb 18 16:43:15 I thought it was going to be the "next big thing" heh Feb 18 16:43:26 zsoc: thanks Feb 18 16:50:18 I must say, the documentation at developer.palm.com seems a notch above BB as well Feb 18 16:51:32 mdg: yes try to writing a client.. syncml client for funambol Feb 18 16:52:07 need some help.. Feb 18 16:52:38 https://webos-client.forge.funambol.org/ Feb 18 17:07:23 hi Feb 18 17:16:49 morning chuqui Feb 18 17:18:13 morning! Feb 18 17:18:29 ooh chuqui i have been wanted to ask you a completely uninmportant question Feb 18 17:18:38 how do you pronounce chuqui Feb 18 17:18:51 choo kwee Feb 18 17:18:54 "chuq" is just variant spelling of "chuck" Feb 18 17:19:04 so chuqui is a funky spelling of "chuckie" Feb 18 17:19:08 sort of. Feb 18 17:19:15 mine's better Feb 18 17:19:23 h, see, I was assuming chuq-UI Feb 18 17:19:27 oh* Feb 18 17:19:39 kk i wasnt sure, i figured chuq was chuck but i wasnt sure if ui was ie or UI Feb 18 17:19:42 as in, user interface Feb 18 17:19:49 nerds Feb 18 17:19:53 yeah what summatusmentis said Feb 18 17:19:54 lol Feb 18 17:20:06 good to know though, now i feel like i can talk about you when you arent around :D Feb 18 17:30:10 how can i show images in a list? Feb 18 17:30:34 i got one of those wonderfull "WARNING: modelChanged() found no watchers" errors Feb 18 17:30:42 and really cant figured it out Feb 18 17:31:09 it's code i copied from elsewhere in my app but doesnt work inside a custom dialog Feb 18 17:31:47 warning LONG -> http://webos.pastebin.com/d235113ec Feb 18 17:32:09 i'm really starting to not like custom dialog boxes....i think it's part of my calendar problem Feb 18 17:32:28 these two things could be related JenP: Feb 18 17:32:52 I dont always get the same modelchanged errors Feb 18 17:32:58 it varies Feb 18 17:33:08 that's weird Feb 18 17:34:42 i think my issue is related to the scope of the widget and model. just not sure how to correct it Feb 18 17:39:23 that would make sense Feb 18 17:54:10 how can i show images in a list title Feb 18 17:55:03 hello all Feb 18 17:58:10 hi LoneStar99 Feb 18 18:03:00 JenP u still on Vacation? Feb 18 18:03:59 yeah Feb 18 18:04:05 gotta go back on monday Feb 18 18:04:30 but it's super weird sleeping past 4 am...really screws up my day lol Feb 18 18:06:00 u wake up at 4am for worK? Feb 18 18:06:11 to work out before work Feb 18 18:06:20 oh ok Feb 18 18:07:40 do you work close to where u live? Feb 18 18:07:53 within 10 miles Feb 18 18:08:10 u take the 5? Feb 18 18:08:28 no i never have to get on a freeway Feb 18 18:09:35 nice Feb 18 18:10:28 Chais_z3r0: In the list template is what I would try Feb 18 18:11:28 well wouldn't that mean i need a template for each list entry, if i want different images? Feb 18 18:11:46 do you want an image in the list title or at each list element? Feb 18 18:12:11 yep Feb 18 18:12:17 which one? Feb 18 18:12:55 which image? Feb 18 18:12:59 sugardave did you write the tutorial on global cookies in webos101? Feb 18 18:13:14 no, do you want an image in the list title OR do you want an image for each list item> Feb 18 18:13:17 ? Feb 18 18:13:19 JenP: yes Feb 18 18:13:43 JenP: well, I wrote that "bakery" example Feb 18 18:13:52 i want an image in the title of each list entry Feb 18 18:14:14 Chais_z3r0: then you will need to store the different images as pieces of the list item model Feb 18 18:14:25 if i make up my global functions in utility.js and want to call it elsewhere do i need to initialize it in the setup function of the scene i'm trying to use it in? Feb 18 18:15:08 JenP: no, for utility stuff like that you should just be able to include it in sources.json....BEFORE you include whatever scene you want to use it in Feb 18 18:15:21 I put stuff at the top of my sources.json for debugging and object helpers, etc. Feb 18 18:15:29 ah ok...that might be my prob Feb 18 18:15:30 like plain html in the div tag Feb 18 18:16:46 Chais_z3r0: listitem.model.item[0] = {'title': 'item title', 'imgSrc': 'whateverItIs'} Feb 18 18:16:49 for example Feb 18 18:17:22 then in your item template you have an Feb 18 18:17:27 something like that.... Feb 18 18:23:05 sugardave i put it as my first item in sources.json Feb 18 18:23:09 but it fails Feb 18 18:40:35 sugardave: i don't get it Feb 18 18:41:51 i added imgSrc:'text' tothe first entry of the list Feb 18 18:42:59 and into the div tag of the item.html Feb 18 18:43:51 i get a little empty box in front of the title, but i have no idea where to specify the img source Feb 18 18:44:49 it should probably be images/text Feb 18 18:44:53 what's the actual src? Feb 18 18:45:09 the image source is relative to the root Feb 18 18:45:59 the image lies in src/images/ Feb 18 18:48:46 but if i replace #{imgSrc} with the real path it gets static Feb 18 18:49:26 also i don't see anything then Feb 18 18:51:03 yeah the emu screwed me over on a calendar functions... Feb 18 18:51:13 JenP: how? Feb 18 18:51:28 function works in emu...fails on phone Feb 18 18:51:34 that was yesterday... Feb 18 18:52:04 Chais_z3r0: your img src should probably be: 'images/file.png' or whatever it is for that particular list item Feb 18 18:52:07 today...i no longer get the error..."code heal thyself?" but it doesn't work on phone...works in emulator Feb 18 18:53:37 what function? Feb 18 18:57:08 one sec bbiab Feb 18 18:58:47 heya Feb 18 18:58:52 I need to be better at db schema design Feb 18 18:58:54 swisstomcat: hello Feb 18 19:01:57 yay it works. thanks dave Feb 18 19:02:02 np Feb 18 19:03:38 hey roy Feb 18 19:03:50 oh before i forget; how do i get the text to v-allign in the middle? specifying it in the css doesn't work Feb 18 19:04:55 Howdy folks Feb 18 19:05:44 sugardave: you pointed me to the database thing. im wondering if other apps have access to a database i setup. im concerned about other apps maliciously reading my database stuff. Feb 18 19:06:24 hi cobalt027 Feb 18 19:06:43 they'd have to know your database name Feb 18 19:08:22 cobalt027: I believe the OS prevents it. Feb 18 19:09:49 Roy-Pre101: ah. nice. is there confirmation of that somewhere? i want to store user/pass credentials, so its a concern of mine. Feb 18 19:12:39 doesn't the database have a random name on the actual filesystem? Feb 18 19:13:23 swisstomcat: Mostly, yes. Feb 18 19:13:34 so another app couldn't access that depot Feb 18 19:13:35 cobalt027: You had best encrypt them in any case. Feb 18 19:14:48 always encrypt anything that needs encrypting. Feb 18 19:14:52 it seems obvious, but it's not Feb 18 19:14:53 :O Feb 18 19:15:08 cobalt027: your apps are in their own sandbox, so non worries there...the only thing that might be a problem is IF you are using ext: dbs...there is a risk that others can get at your data Feb 18 19:15:12 but still not in an app Feb 18 19:16:09 ext: dbs, being on /media/internal are subject to bad behavior in USB drive mode Feb 18 19:20:17 Hi, I am writing a small plugin for Netbeans 6.8 to develop webOS apps. Does anyone has a hint for me on how I can check if virtualbox and novacon are running ? Feb 18 19:23:58 matsimoto: hi, you can probably get a more complete answer to that in #webos-internals Feb 18 19:24:42 sugardave: Thanks! I will try. Feb 18 19:25:32 matsimoto: should give the komodo plugin a try, much better than trying to use eclipse Feb 18 19:26:33 i got the eclipse plugin working. its pretty pleased with it. Feb 18 19:26:40 digitalpowers: Thanks, but I am totally addicted to netbeans. Feb 18 19:26:43 *I'm* Feb 18 19:26:47 fair enough Feb 18 20:13:12 i have some weird behaviour from the emu regarding style Feb 18 20:13:40 i have v-allign: middle and padding-left:1em in the css Feb 18 20:15:36 the text is either on the top or the bottom, depending from wether i have an image in the listTitle. and the padding-left seems variable. Feb 18 20:17:33 the titles are left-aligned, but in a way that the ends of the lines are the same height Feb 18 20:25:51 time to redoctor my pre ... Feb 18 20:26:15 swisstomcat: hey, you've been looking for me the last couple of days? Feb 18 20:26:20 yeah Feb 18 20:26:24 in vain Feb 18 20:26:33 pm Feb 18 20:27:50 swisstomcat: did u get the 2 finger slider working? Feb 18 20:28:02 hey lonestar .. no, didn't work on it yet Feb 18 20:28:14 oh ok Feb 18 20:32:40 working on the website Feb 18 20:34:29 everyone see our new banner? http://www.webos-internals.org/images/4/41/WebOS_Internals_Banner_Screenshot.png Feb 18 20:34:40 WebOS Internals: Smart. Open. Phones. Feb 18 20:34:51 oh that looks great Feb 18 20:35:30 can't get ahold of him Feb 18 20:36:30 not so hot of the font Feb 18 20:38:02 doh. problem one solved. text-padding correct. only the text won't v-align correctly Feb 18 20:38:25 and how can i prevent the list entry from getting bigger when tapped Feb 18 20:39:10 sugardave: im wondering if just using the Mojo.Depot would get me what i want and then i wouldn't have to worry about the sql stuff.im thinking the depot might be a simplistic wrapper around the sql, eh? Feb 18 20:41:43 rwhitby: it looks good except the font and the screw driver looks kinda blurry Feb 18 20:42:01 cobalt027, depot is exactly that Feb 18 20:42:08 except its a pain in the butt to use ;p Feb 18 20:42:14 really? Feb 18 20:42:29 it seemed easier to me. granted, i havent actually tried both. just reading docs, etc. Feb 18 20:42:30 LoneStar99: note this is for a physical banner - a web banner will use different fonts. Feb 18 20:43:05 everyone ive talked with about depot say you're better off just going with sqllite cause your gonna do just that after you waste time toying with depot Feb 18 20:43:24 lollercopters Feb 18 20:44:22 cobalt027: I've never tried the depot, so I'm not sure about its limitations Feb 18 20:44:26 i just want to store some key/value pairs... :/ Feb 18 20:44:48 im not storing lists or anything. just some simple configuration data points. Feb 18 20:45:17 cobalt027: if it's not much data, then a cookie is best for that...is it more than 4K? Feb 18 20:45:47 rwhitby: oh ok that makes sense Feb 18 20:50:12 LoneStar99: it's going to be 1 foot high and 4 or 5 feet wide Feb 18 20:58:17 damn Feb 18 20:58:20 where at? Feb 18 21:11:51 LoneStar99: you must not follow @webosinternals on twitter ... Feb 18 21:13:08 http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/exhibitor/webos-internals Feb 18 21:13:54 wish i could visit socal :) Feb 18 21:19:38 woohoo! just got confirmation of some Palm freebies to give away at SCALE :-) Feb 18 21:20:18 need to book a flight :) Feb 18 21:20:28 free developer pres and pixies? Feb 18 21:20:45 haven't got confirmation of that level of support yet ... Feb 18 21:20:53 hehe Feb 18 21:21:51 (SCALE is not a mobile-developer focused event) Feb 18 21:23:08 rwhitby: my connection dropped, what is the banner for? Feb 18 21:23:28 LoneStar99: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/exhibitor/webos-internals Feb 18 21:24:06 where in so.cal LA? Feb 18 21:24:38 san diego would be nice and sunny :) Feb 18 21:24:39 Westin LAX Feb 18 21:26:37 ok, Feb 18 21:26:55 cool Feb 18 21:28:44 rwhitby: that is tommorrow, aren't u down under? Feb 18 21:31:17 rwhitby: hehe i can probably see your hotel from my house Feb 18 21:36:15 LoneStar99: I won't be there myself. Feb 18 21:36:29 pandora--: want to help out on the booth? Feb 18 21:39:28 =( - would have gone if I was still living in San Diego Feb 18 21:43:48 it's in LA Feb 18 21:44:01 yeah only 100 miles north Feb 18 21:44:05 of SD Feb 18 21:44:33 have driven past that hotel, going to LAX Feb 18 21:44:59 maybe next year! Feb 18 21:45:46 a palm developer conference would be cool Feb 18 21:46:07 yeah in SD, NYC or Las Vegas Feb 18 21:47:22 swisstomcat: u watch the winter olympics? Feb 18 21:47:34 nah Feb 18 21:47:35 woot Feb 18 21:47:39 even if the swiss win Feb 18 21:47:50 i'm workin Feb 18 21:48:58 updated my tracker for the next release, now it only tracks app installs, time it was last used, and all device info available from Mojo.Environment.DeviceInfo Feb 18 21:49:29 having it store every usage was a mistake since the db is getting too large to easily read heh Feb 18 21:54:13 dawm: i'm doing the same Feb 18 21:56:05 I forgot to uncomment the tracker in this latest release... Feb 18 21:56:17 in two of my apps Feb 18 21:58:26 =( Feb 18 22:04:57 i use use this.controller.setupWidget to setup a widget. if i change the model at a later date, how do i force the widget to update? Feb 18 22:05:35 this.controller.modelChanged Feb 18 22:07:30 and that will force a "redraw" ? Feb 18 22:07:38 yes Feb 18 22:07:57 it has parameters Feb 18 22:09:48 this.controller.modelChanged(your_model) Feb 18 22:09:57 hrm. its not working. Feb 18 22:10:11 im trying to update a textfield widget Feb 18 22:10:14 often the model of palm samples are this.model Feb 18 22:10:30 so it would be this.controller.modelChanged(this.model) Feb 18 22:10:33 this is no longer a sample. Feb 18 22:10:48 lemme paste bin a couple of things Feb 18 22:11:25 http://cobalt027.pastebin.com/ddfee615 Feb 18 22:11:45 line 50: i see it in the logs. all good, so i know its getting there. Feb 18 22:11:56 line 52 doesn't seem to do anything Feb 18 22:12:27 try this.controller.modelChanged(your_model,this) Feb 18 22:13:40 friends Feb 18 22:13:42 cobalt027: on line 46 you arnt binding this to retrueiveUsernameSuccess Feb 18 22:14:11 need this.confDB.get("username",this.retrieveUsernameSuccess/bind(this),this.DBFailure.bind(this)); Feb 18 22:14:20 if I'm going to register an alarm to check for stuff in the background while my app is closed, when should I do the registration? is there an "appClosing" event? Feb 18 22:14:21 except that / is a . Feb 18 22:14:29 digitalpowers: im not sure. Feb 18 22:14:53 i see the object from DB== in the log. so im pretty sure its getting into that method. Feb 18 22:15:09 yeah, but it cant access this Feb 18 22:15:10 yeah because it is running Feb 18 22:15:16 hmm Feb 18 22:15:17 the event gets called but doesnt have "this" avaialbe Feb 18 22:15:22 its like calling a function Feb 18 22:15:50 you just call the function instead of having it "listen" to call the function Feb 18 22:15:52 digitalpowers: you are right. Feb 18 22:16:16 that syntax is slightly confusing. Feb 18 22:16:20 but, that got it. Feb 18 22:16:34 yeah, it confused me at first too, it still doesnt make a lot of since but it works :D Feb 18 22:16:35 and the docs dont explain it well. Feb 18 22:16:42 HA! agreed Feb 18 22:16:47 where else am i missing the bind? Feb 18 22:17:05 confDB.add() ?? Feb 18 22:17:13 you just need it any time you are passing a function as a parameter Feb 18 22:17:26 but yes Feb 18 22:17:39 on line 57 needs it too Feb 18 22:18:20 yep. working now. Feb 18 22:19:05 here is a more general question. How is my thinking for storing and retreiving preferences? is this an "standard" way of doing it? are there any huge no-nos im committing here? Feb 18 22:19:21 i use the term standard very loosly. :) Feb 18 22:19:37 you are kinda doing it overkill style Feb 18 22:19:55 have you seen cookies? Feb 18 22:19:59 tried* Feb 18 22:20:14 meh.... i've read/heard that cookies dont persist over a reboot. Feb 18 22:20:19 They DOOO Feb 18 22:20:21 that's a myth Feb 18 22:20:24 and a bad one at that Feb 18 22:20:44 http://webos101.com/Mojo.Cookie Feb 18 22:21:01 does anyone here care to debate that point with Tibfib? i dont want to repeat what others have said. Feb 18 22:21:37 Okay, let me run one test. Feb 18 22:22:37 i havent done enough preferences stuff Feb 18 22:24:40 Tibfib: i checked my #webos logs. only one person said they dont persist, and 2 people corrected him. hrm. Feb 18 22:24:45 have cookies and my remain with a reboot Feb 18 22:24:54 Myth busted. Just tested it. Feb 18 22:25:08 In my app, running on my pre, the cookie stayed Feb 18 22:25:13 My changed preference stayed Feb 18 22:25:23 nod. are there any security issues with cookies? Feb 18 22:25:29 testing on my device again Feb 18 22:25:47 i would prefer cookies as they are synchronous. no need for callbacks, etc. Feb 18 22:26:02 cobalt: I haven't found any Feb 18 22:26:10 but it depends on what data you are storing Feb 18 22:26:24 user/pass for a service. :) Feb 18 22:26:33 hmmm, not sure Feb 18 22:27:09 If you are worried about it, you could just remember the username Feb 18 22:27:37 "remember" ? Feb 18 22:27:46 oh Feb 18 22:27:48 i see. Feb 18 22:27:53 cookies remain on 3 of my apps Feb 18 22:28:01 no, that would be horrible UI Feb 18 22:28:25 to be forced to type in the pass every time you wanted to use this. blech Feb 18 22:28:26 It all depends on the context of the app Feb 18 22:28:55 hmmm Feb 18 22:29:24 5:30p (EST) - quitting time. thanks again for everyones help. I'm sure ill back tomorrow. :) Feb 18 22:29:38 cya Feb 18 22:31:07 hey maik, want to try v.7 of countdown? Feb 18 22:31:43 HEY! Feb 18 22:35:10 diov6: rogers mobile? Feb 18 22:36:55 kesne, or using wifi Feb 18 22:37:14 dawm: Hey! been a while! Feb 18 22:37:29 hey, been busy with life, but working on S&D again ;p Feb 18 22:37:51 Oh nice nice Feb 18 22:39:11 attempting to tackle online leaderboards, just trying to figure out the best way to go about remembering the user, not sure if i want to prompt them for their name each time or ask for an email initially and store that along with the nduid or something. Feb 18 22:43:41 Or use Keen Studios Online Feb 18 22:55:11 g'night Feb 18 22:59:08 gn swisstomcat Feb 18 23:00:25 LoneStar99: hey...you have any need for an autosuggest box that you can use AJAX or local data to provide suggestions and it accepts multiple inputs (so tags...etc)? Feb 18 23:00:39 LoneStar99: a mojoized one I mean Feb 18 23:02:56 yeah wy not Feb 18 23:03:35 was thinking about adding auto suggest to my "app cat search" Feb 18 23:03:51 did you build one? Feb 18 23:05:42 jfelectron: do you have an auto suggest? Feb 18 23:06:03 LoneStar99: I adapted one based on prototype for Mojo Feb 18 23:06:53 LoneStar99: its based on this one: prototextboxlist Feb 18 23:07:03 oops http://www.interiders.com/2008/02/11/prototextboxlist-meets-autocompletion/ Feb 18 23:07:12 /nick JenP Feb 18 23:08:14 hi all Feb 18 23:08:25 hello registered JenP Feb 18 23:08:41 lol hiya Feb 18 23:09:24 when did you develop the mojo version? Feb 18 23:10:21 LoneStar99: last night :) Feb 18 23:11:35 awesome! Feb 18 23:12:21 LoneStar99: I sent it to you Feb 18 23:12:58 ok thanks, will check it out, tonight Feb 18 23:13:13 the important bits are in test.js....the base class is textboxlist.js but you shouldn't have to tweak that Feb 18 23:13:52 also check out the handleEnter function. I added that to work with WebOS and tuned the behavior for my own needs, but yours might be different Feb 18 23:14:44 k, u gonna release it with your app? Feb 18 23:17:13 i will test it out, need to add some fields to my db table Feb 18 23:27:59 LoneStar99: yeah...going to use it for adding tags to posts. I pull down user tags from LJ site Feb 18 23:31:35 ugh no matter what I try I can not figure out why this thing works in emulator but not on phone. Feb 18 23:31:41 just doesn't make sense Feb 18 23:33:18 JenP: I've encountered things like that...its REALLY frustrating Feb 18 23:33:31 yeah it is... Feb 18 23:33:50 JenP: in general phone is tuned to bail on errors more frequently I think....emu things churn through some errors Feb 18 23:34:27 JenP: its painful...but you can use the command line debugger with the phone...just give yourself a few hours because its very slow Feb 18 23:34:56 i just wish i had a good debugger...or a little more documentation Feb 18 23:35:14 oh i've been doing the command line debugging...all night Feb 18 23:35:21 if there a decent example of using that debugger? Feb 18 23:35:26 JenP: have you tried the Mojo.Log.info=Mojo.Log.error trick? Feb 18 23:35:39 Bmyers: it has like 5 commands Feb 18 23:36:12 JenP: also configure your framework_config.json to log events....make it as verbose as possible Feb 18 23:36:15 trick? no just Mojo.Log.error("..."); Feb 18 23:36:58 JenP: I'll give credit to Bmyers for this one.....set Mojo.Log.info=Mojo.Log.error and you'll see all the logs on the phone Feb 18 23:37:13 kk thanks Feb 18 23:37:14 just don't freak out because everything is an 'error' :) Feb 18 23:37:36 happy happy joy joy Feb 18 23:37:41 :) Feb 18 23:37:46 JenP: set "logEvents":true, in framework_config.json Feb 18 23:38:02 Bmyers: that little thing has saved me about three times now :) Feb 18 23:38:45 JenP: what are u having problem with> Feb 18 23:40:00 good, glad it helped.. Feb 18 23:40:08 jfelectron: I could use your autosuggest box...! Feb 18 23:40:10 i'm trying to set a calendar reminder Feb 18 23:40:40 works on emulator great...on the phone not so much Feb 18 23:40:48 haeffb: OK...I'll send it your way. Its still a little rough around the edges, but def usable Feb 18 23:40:58 what does it do in the phone? Feb 18 23:41:00 sweet Feb 18 23:41:36 haeffb_asleep: man...i really need to stop coding these toys...will never finish this app :/ Feb 18 23:42:56 jfelecton: do you have a link to how to use that debug cmd? Feb 18 23:45:17 Bmyers: yeah hold on Feb 18 23:45:47 Bmyers: for emu debugging though I highly recommend the Ares debugger Feb 18 23:46:16 Bmyers: http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1672 Feb 18 23:47:03 thanks. you can drop an existing project into ares right? Feb 18 23:47:24 Bmyers: you have to zip it and then drop it Feb 18 23:47:47 its sweet....its just like Safari/Chrome command line Feb 18 23:48:05 jfelectron: how time consuming is it getting an migrate app to run in ares? Feb 18 23:48:35 LoneStar99: it runs on the emulator....but the debugger interfaces with the emulator Feb 18 23:48:53 LoneStar99: the only pain is when you make changes locally you have to upload them again to Ares Feb 18 23:50:02 it gives you a real usable debugger....its really nice Feb 18 23:50:41 locally meaning, modifying code via komodo etc,,, Feb 18 23:51:30 LoneStar99: yeah Feb 18 23:52:00 jf: by "zip it up" do you mean the ipkg? Feb 18 23:52:13 ok, will give it a try with the next update of an app Feb 18 23:52:20 Bmyers: no a zip file Feb 18 23:52:27 ah Feb 18 23:52:58 hey haeffb: whats this part do? this.widget = widget; in the custom dialog assistant? Feb 18 23:53:57 Bmyers: I think this inside of dialog points to scene assistant and not widget Feb 18 23:54:27 so that would add the widget reference as a property of the scene assistant if I'm not mistaken... Feb 18 23:55:21 well it starts off as myDialogAssistant.prototype.setup = function (widget) { Feb 18 23:55:43 there is something strange about the scoping.....don't remember exactly what Feb 18 23:55:52 there sure is Feb 18 23:56:19 i wish i knew what it was cause i'm getting weird modelchanged/no listener warnings in my dialog assistant Feb 18 23:56:20 I think its because you create the widget in the scene...but then the scoping changes to the 'this' of the assistant Feb 18 23:56:28 widget is a reference to the dialog itself Feb 18 23:56:45 Bmyers: are you passing the scene assistant to the initialization function Feb 18 23:57:02 Bmyers: save your models as a property of the sceneAssistant Feb 18 23:57:03 like initialize: function(sceneAssistant,textwidget) { Feb 18 23:57:03 this.sceneAssistant=sceneAssistant; ...} Feb 18 23:57:25 instead of this.myModel use this.sceneAssistant.myModel. see if that helps. Feb 18 23:57:51 ok Feb 18 23:58:51 this.widget.myModel ? would that be useable? Feb 19 00:02:01 i have a listen/tap handler that doesnt seem to work in the dialog assistant either Feb 19 00:30:38 http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5262&start=0 :) Feb 19 00:51:10 Bmyers: setup your buttons and listeners via the scene assistant Feb 19 00:57:07 for the showdialog? Feb 19 00:57:28 Bmyers: inside the dialog assistant Feb 19 00:57:36 thats what i have Feb 19 00:58:09 let me paste my dialog assistant and you can see if there are differences with your implementation Feb 19 00:58:21 sure man! thanks.. Feb 19 00:58:33 i think i've narrowed it down a little Feb 19 00:59:54 http://www.pastie.org/831907 Feb 19 01:02:37 that pretty close to what i have. thanks for the sanity check Feb 19 01:02:54 in your handleadd you close the window first thing Feb 19 01:03:01 whats the advantage there? Feb 19 01:30:33 Bmyers: dunno....just my preference Feb 19 01:31:06 Bmyers: clear the dialog so the user can get back to the scene in case subsequent steps are delayed Feb 19 02:02:37 jfelectron: just curious. thanks again for posting it up there Feb 19 02:02:54 Bmyers: no prob Feb 19 02:03:14 Bmyers: the documentation is poor Feb 19 02:04:37 i think my app problem is related to how I am calling it Feb 19 02:05:02 it doesnt seem to be a problem with the dialog itself Feb 19 02:05:26 but its in the dialog you notice the problem so it was misleading me Feb 19 02:06:24 i calling it from a button in a list divider Feb 19 02:06:49 if there is more that one list row per divider it gets lost Feb 19 02:07:17 hey haeffb Feb 19 02:07:31 hello world! Feb 19 02:07:38 hi haeffb Feb 19 02:10:14 hello JenP Feb 19 02:10:33 hey haeffb....let me know when you're ready... Feb 19 02:20:42 Anyone in here know about service subscriptions, and what causes the 'cancel' message to be sent? Feb 19 02:25:29 How can I change a label's text? Feb 19 02:33:38 does the label have a div id? Feb 19 02:34:47 I made it in ares Feb 19 02:35:05 so I don't think so Feb 19 02:38:58 sorry, can't help with Ares Feb 19 02:39:12 =\ thanks anyways Feb 19 02:39:47 If you were wondering I was wondering what javascript thing I use to modify a label's text, not how to manually change the text in ares Feb 19 02:53:47 this.controller.get('myID').innerHTML = "new label"; Feb 19 02:54:05 but you'd need to know the label's id. But you can probably set that in Ares. Feb 19 02:54:26 Would it just be the label name? Like "label1"? Feb 19 02:59:50 twbbas you would get your label id from the div it's in **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Feb 19 02:59:57 2010