**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Feb 19 02:59:57 2010 Feb 19 03:00:06 <....label...id="label1"... Feb 19 03:00:24 also the label id and name may be the same Feb 19 03:00:37 Yea, I made it in ares though and using the label name worked Feb 19 03:01:01 cool Feb 19 03:02:23 Thanks haeffb Feb 19 03:15:15 anyone good at regular expressions? Feb 19 03:20:13 what do you need LoneStar99 Feb 19 03:23:43 RegExp("[a-z][a-z][a-z]"); that will only work with a 3 letters is that right? Feb 19 03:24:26 yes three lower case letters Feb 19 03:25:02 is there a shortcut for a 16 character alphanumeric? Feb 19 03:25:15 instead of [a-z][0-9] 16 times Feb 19 03:25:28 are you looking for the 16th occurance of the letters? Feb 19 03:25:46 \w.+?\w Feb 19 03:25:55 Would someone be able to look at my very simple code and tell me what's wrong? Feb 19 03:25:58 will give you anything within a word boundary Feb 19 03:26:10 LoneStar99 do they need to be lowercase Feb 19 03:26:42 twbbas: http://www.pastie.org Feb 19 03:26:51 [a-z]{16} gives you the 16th occurance of a letter Feb 19 03:27:14 I already have it pasted Feb 19 03:27:18 Look at button2tap Feb 19 03:27:20 http://twbbas.pastebin.com/d3c81d527 Feb 19 03:27:40 Sorry for the random tabbing Feb 19 03:27:54 have divs all with unique 16 character like this "949b56fe169b0aaa" and once tapped need to make sure i bring up the information from that div Feb 19 03:28:09 ajax call? Feb 19 03:28:17 Basically what's wrong is that it's not updating the label with the text on the website Feb 19 03:28:22 It updates it to LOADING... Feb 19 03:28:24 but stays there Feb 19 03:28:38 it is an ajax call, but Feb 19 03:29:04 kk Feb 19 03:29:20 do you have any delimiter before or after the character sequence? Feb 19 03:29:23 have all the ajax working, just need to evaluate "match" the ID on tap and then process the unique info Feb 19 03:29:33 none Feb 19 03:29:44 See anything wrong haeffb? Feb 19 03:30:24 easiest way is Feb 19 03:30:31 \w{16} Feb 19 03:31:17 twbbas: do you know how to read your logs? Feb 19 03:31:46 No, I'm very new to developing for webos. I'm using the emulator too Feb 19 03:32:07 JenP: so that will be the equivent of "[a-z][0-9][a-z][0-9][a-z][0-9]" 16times? Feb 19 03:32:09 step 1: open a command prompt Feb 19 03:32:16 ok Feb 19 03:32:23 on Windows? Feb 19 03:32:28 Yes, XP Feb 19 03:32:50 it will the same as saying a word character 16 times..but wait one Feb 19 03:32:50 step 2: palm-log -d tcp -f com.mydomain.myapp Feb 19 03:32:56 i'm giving you something different Feb 19 03:33:16 One second, I need to get to the sdk folder right? Feb 19 03:33:28 but use your appid rather than com.mydomain.myapp Feb 19 03:33:29 [\da-z]{16} Feb 19 03:33:35 it should be in your path Feb 19 03:33:52 LoneStar99 use that...this way you wont capture periods or other punctuation Feb 19 03:34:33 so what that's saying is any digit or lowercase letter that is sequenced 16 times Feb 19 03:34:34 if not, then c:\mySDKpath\bin\palm-log ... Feb 19 03:35:07 JenP: is this correct = "divRE=new RegExp("[\da-z]{16}");" Feb 19 03:35:51 var divRe = /[\da-z]{16}/; Feb 19 03:36:22 haeffb, I don't think it works because I'm making this app in ares Feb 19 03:36:22 ok thanks JenP, gonna test it out! Feb 19 03:36:27 I don't have an actual file on my computer Feb 19 03:36:40 you're running it in the emulator, though? Feb 19 03:36:45 Yes Feb 19 03:36:53 then palm-log should work Feb 19 03:37:04 Maybe I was typing the wrong id Feb 19 03:37:06 let me check Feb 19 03:37:30 ok yea it works now Feb 19 03:37:34 What am I looking for now? Feb 19 03:38:03 "cannot call method of 'bind'" I see that as the last line Feb 19 03:38:29 cannot call method "bind" of undefined? Feb 19 03:38:32 yes Feb 19 03:38:38 What does that mean? Feb 19 03:40:02 that means that this.loginAjaxFailure is undefined in your assistant. Feb 19 03:40:16 so, your code crashes. Feb 19 03:41:11 Sorry, I'm very new. What's the code to define it and I put it at the top of the assistant right? Feb 19 03:41:14 is there a way to transfer to a pre without using usb mode Feb 19 03:41:31 Yea I had wifi transfer on my pre a week ago before I doctored Feb 19 03:41:41 Look at openssh on webos-internals Feb 19 03:42:45 you need to define a loginAjaxFailure like you did for loginAjaxSuccess Feb 19 03:43:00 JenP: works great thanks! Feb 19 03:43:03 ohh I get it now Feb 19 03:43:14 thanks Feb 19 03:43:33 is it complicated to get done Feb 19 03:43:36 also, you can do Mojo.Log.error("Hi, Here I am"); in your code and it will show up in your logs Feb 19 03:43:39 oh that's great LoneStar99 Feb 19 03:45:47 is there a way to transfer using the usb cable without havign to put the pre in usb mode Feb 19 03:46:16 It's a little complicated, I forgot exactly how I got it to work Feb 19 03:46:25 If you have preware, go to optware and install openssh Feb 19 03:46:35 in the description there's a link to a page on how to seti t up Feb 19 03:46:51 not interested in the wifi transfer Feb 19 03:48:10 no way to transfer using the cables ? Feb 19 03:48:23 I don't think so Feb 19 03:54:29 haeffb, I still can't seem to get it to work. In the log now it's saying "info: about to activate scene main" "warning: indicated new content but not active" and "info: transition ended" Feb 19 03:56:48 those are not problems. Feb 19 03:56:57 hmm the site works fine Feb 19 03:56:58 sort of standard messages Feb 19 03:57:40 after this line: response = response.responseText.evalJSON(false); Feb 19 03:57:58 do Mojo.Log.info("Response is", response); Feb 19 03:58:09 then look in your log to see what's what. Feb 19 03:58:47 the pre usb transfer rate is really slow Feb 19 03:59:21 cannot hit 3MBps Feb 19 04:00:55 Nothing's showing up in the logs but I did see that the onsuccess part is working Feb 19 04:01:15 So the problem is with the response = response.responseText.evalJSON(false); under the onsuccess Feb 19 04:03:33 Wait! I got it to work Feb 19 04:03:44 I just took out the .evalJSon part at the end of that line Feb 19 04:03:49 Thanks so much haeffb Feb 19 04:36:16 Hi everyone :) Feb 19 04:36:48 Anybody over here who could help me a bit with the freakin' Ares interface? :) Feb 19 04:42:23 NuttyBunny: what are you trying to do? Feb 19 04:42:33 NuttyBunny, I use ares Feb 19 04:43:25 I found it, I was trying to make a scrolling container to scroll, and couldn't Feb 19 04:43:43 and I just read, "press Maximize", did it and it worked :) Feb 19 04:43:56 lol Feb 19 04:44:02 glad I could help :) Feb 19 04:45:16 hehe.. thanks :) Feb 19 04:46:19 Ah, another quick question, is there a way to get the integer picker to show non contigous values? for example, 2-4-8-16? Feb 19 04:46:35 I'm using a ListSelector, but I'm considering options Feb 19 04:56:51 you could use javascript to hunt down the elements in it and display:none them Feb 19 04:56:55 but its hackey :P Feb 19 05:02:05 mmm.... nah, I'll see... besides, I showed both selectors to a friend and he went for the listselector one :) Feb 19 05:16:58 bleh Feb 19 05:17:20 hey codeslaw Feb 19 05:17:37 hey JenP Feb 19 05:17:50 how's it going? Feb 19 05:18:39 does anyone know how to listen to the enter key in a multistage app? this.controller.document.addEventListener('keyp',this.handleEnter.bind(this).true) doesn't seem to work Feb 19 05:49:26 what's the easiet way to get an approximate plain language location like city,state or intersection from GPS cords? Feb 19 06:49:31 does anyone have a link to to shortcut keys for the emulator Feb 19 07:03:51 insert/home/esc F5-F9 Feb 19 07:03:56 they all do something :p Feb 19 07:04:08 might be end as well Feb 19 07:06:47 i found it Feb 19 07:06:58 http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1744&Itemid=58 Feb 19 07:58:32 anybody with experience with Google APIs around? Feb 19 07:59:06 mostly I'm just curious if you really have to suck down the api each time or if its OK to cache it Feb 19 08:06:35 jfelectron: which google api? Feb 19 08:06:52 LoneStar99: all of them seem to require jsapi Feb 19 08:07:11 it provides google.load() among other things Feb 19 08:07:45 LoneStar99: http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/js.html Feb 19 08:08:09 Just wondering if there is significant drawback to caching the scripts (legal or otherwise....) Feb 19 08:08:50 I really don't want to suck down the scripts each time I want to make a handful of API calls Feb 19 08:09:15 i only use the google search api Feb 19 08:10:06 you want to use the more complex apis right? Feb 19 08:10:43 yeah....I need to access the google data apis for interacting with Picassa Feb 19 08:12:36 I mean I can use raw XML and JSON requests...but their library is nice Feb 19 08:13:39 really, have not messed with auth stuff for about 3+ years Feb 19 08:16:05 does google use OAUTH? Feb 19 08:23:01 LoneStar99: yeah they support oauth....I found a JS library for that Feb 19 08:23:14 Flickr doens't they have their own token based handshake Feb 19 08:25:29 I'm not sure Oauth will work though....it requires a callback url for the token Feb 19 08:27:42 yahoo has BBauth Feb 19 08:32:08 mmm.....Flickr doesn't indicate any standard...just a procedure of calls to get a token and generate a response Feb 19 08:33:35 hmm... interesting Feb 19 08:33:46 the auth methods designed for web apps don't really work for WebOS because you can't have a callback url for the token to be returned to Feb 19 08:33:57 they don Feb 19 08:34:25 oh yeah, did not think of that Feb 19 08:35:57 well Google also has a ClientLogin protocol...which will work. Its less secure because the app has to store credentials Feb 19 08:36:14 brb Feb 19 08:41:08 k Feb 19 09:10:45 heya Feb 19 09:23:05 hi Feb 19 09:23:08 i ve got a question about icons Feb 19 09:23:10 i try this :
My Project
Feb 19 09:23:20 i can see a Google icon and my title Feb 19 09:23:24 how can i change this icon ? Feb 19 09:49:44 morning Feb 19 10:03:33 morning. Feb 19 10:06:00 what's up? Feb 19 10:10:49 syncml :)... need help.. Feb 19 10:10:58 https://webos-client.forge.funambol.org/ Feb 19 10:11:26 where do you need help? Feb 19 10:20:10 syncml.. Feb 19 10:24:24 the best would be a synergy module Feb 19 10:24:35 have not heard that those can be 3rd party Feb 19 10:25:30 swisstomcat: funambol has it's own syncml java sdk.. and a developer from funambol has rewrited it into js.. Feb 19 10:25:34 so.. learn :) Feb 19 10:25:58 but how do you get the data into the calendar/contacts/etc.? Feb 19 10:33:38 swisstomcat: thats the next step.. first i want get data from the syncml server... and show them.. after i know how, i will get/insert/update data into calendar, addressbook,... Feb 19 10:34:03 i see Feb 19 10:34:30 hi Feb 19 10:35:22 hi Feb 19 10:39:25 i think the part on the webos site will be simpler after knowing about syncml with funambol ;) Feb 19 10:39:49 i have to figure out how to save data into the calendar too Feb 19 10:53:46 other question.. does anybody develop in eclipse with the palm sdk?.. Feb 19 10:54:01 how can i get it to work, so i can jump to the declaration of a function? Feb 19 10:54:21 nromaly in php i can press F3 and then it opens the .php files where the function declaration exists. Feb 19 10:54:58 with palm mojo i get this message: The resource is not on the build path of a JavaScript project.. Feb 19 11:03:49 i'm not using eclipse, sorry Feb 19 11:14:27 noaXess: i'm using eclipse and f3 does as at it should Feb 19 11:14:46 maybe you have misspelled it or something Feb 19 12:20:02 mAlAriAn: f3 Feb 19 12:21:13 mAlAriAn: not misspelled it.. Feb 19 12:21:39 if i click on a function an push f3 it redirects to the html file Feb 19 12:24:27 mAlAriAn: so now it workes.. but i needed to add JavaScript Support.. right click on the project, configure... Feb 19 12:25:40 java script support in eclipse? Feb 19 12:27:47 which plugins do you use? Feb 19 12:34:36 mAlAriAn: just a moment.. Feb 19 12:36:37 Javascript Code Manupulation Functionality, Developer Tools, Developter Tools Core Feb 19 12:37:07 org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.manipulation, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core Feb 19 12:38:56 sorry .. i have to prepare lunch Feb 19 12:38:57 brb Feb 19 12:39:14 good lunch Feb 19 12:58:16 okay Feb 19 12:59:01 so you develop just with javascript plugins Feb 19 12:59:17 no mojo plugin or something like that Feb 19 13:00:54 i ve got a question about icons Feb 19 13:00:58 i try this :
My Project
Feb 19 13:01:01 i can see a Google icon and my title Feb 19 13:01:06 but how can i change this icon ? Feb 19 13:01:17 does someone knows that ? Feb 19 13:01:57 google icon ... is this the icon you use as program symbol? Feb 19 13:08:35 anyone here? Feb 19 13:08:40 no :) Feb 19 13:09:14 please before i stab someone can someone tell me how to install novacom.deb on a mac Feb 19 13:10:02 you are not first on line to stab someone.. i am ;) Feb 19 13:10:07 lol Feb 19 13:10:15 ive been googling this for an hour now Feb 19 13:10:20 its not written anywhere Feb 19 13:10:23 i'm trying to get novacom running on opensuse linux Feb 19 13:10:29 $ sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.palm.novacomd $ sudo /opt/nova/bin/post-install.sh Feb 19 13:10:46 $ sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.palm.novacomd Feb 19 13:10:54 $ sudo /opt/nova/bin/post-install.sh Feb 19 13:11:45 i need to pm someone whos in the developer program really Feb 19 13:12:25 l_a_m: check the css file ... maybe you'll find something there Feb 19 13:12:37 please..someone who is in the dev program Feb 19 13:12:40 can i pm you Feb 19 13:13:03 you mean someone who is a registered developer at palm? Feb 19 13:13:34 on their dev program..early access Feb 19 13:13:40 oh Feb 19 13:14:13 you can pm me Feb 19 13:14:17 thanks Feb 19 13:15:47 mAlAriAn: yes Feb 19 13:16:26 mAlAriAn: there is nothing in the CSS file Feb 19 13:16:36 mAlAriAn: i think it's internal webOS Feb 19 13:17:28 thats odd Feb 19 13:18:08 the U.S. are awakening :> Feb 19 13:20:43 yup Feb 19 13:21:23 l_a_m: maybe you should change the classname of the header wrapper Feb 19 13:24:40 why does this app struggle against getting installed Feb 19 13:29:34 does someone have any example to display in a view an image from internet ? Feb 19 13:30:28 i_a_m: the imageview: http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1920&Itemid=330 Feb 19 13:33:53 swisstomcat: yes Feb 19 13:34:03 swisstomcat: but how i setup the URL of the image ? Feb 19 13:34:25 the url should work .. e.g http://somewhere.org/img/image1.jpg Feb 19 13:34:46 swisstomcat:
? Feb 19 13:36:10 no, that's just the html part Feb 19 13:37:14 the html part is in the app view Feb 19 13:37:21 you setup the widget in the assistant Feb 19 13:37:27 yes Feb 19 13:37:29 and that's where you provide the url Feb 19 13:37:41 what does your setupWidget for the imageview look like? Feb 19 13:37:46 with which property ? Feb 19 13:38:09 this.controller.setupWidget("ImageId", Feb 19 13:38:09 this.attributes = { Feb 19 13:38:09 noExtractFS: true Feb 19 13:38:09 }, Feb 19 13:38:09 this.model = { Feb 19 13:38:12 onLeftFunction: this.onLeft.bind(this), Feb 19 13:38:14 onRightFunction: this.onRight.bind(this) Feb 19 13:38:17 } Feb 19 13:38:19 ); Feb 19 13:38:24 centerUrlProvided Feb 19 13:38:41 centerUrlProvidedfilepath or urlTell the widget to use this image as the center. Feb 19 13:38:42 :) Feb 19 13:38:43 thanks Feb 19 13:48:57 i try this : Feb 19 13:49:00 in .Html :
Feb 19 13:49:09 in .js : this.controller.get('imageID').centerUrlProvided(this.url); Feb 19 13:49:13 and i've got an error : Feb 19 13:49:42 Error: Object # has no method 'centerUrlProvided', line undefined, file undefined Feb 19 13:53:14 try this.controller.get('imageID').mojo.centerUrlProvided(this.url); Feb 19 14:08:24 it works Feb 19 14:08:25 thanks Feb 19 14:08:55 cool Feb 19 14:49:31 mAlAriAn: i develop with mojo plugins.. have installed them int eclipse.. Feb 19 14:53:32 I'm having a problem with my Palm Pre, if I enter an event in the Google calendar, which is my default, it disappears after I enter it. The only one that works is my Palm profile. Feb 19 14:57:08 huh Feb 19 14:57:18 my app update was accepted, but its not showing up in the app catalog Feb 19 15:00:45 it can take 10 hours. Feb 19 15:02:13 put out 3 app updates today .. let's see how quickly they appear :) Feb 19 15:27:27 morning Feb 19 15:28:31 morning rick Feb 19 15:34:34 dummy question.. what means ===? or !==? Feb 19 15:36:25 good question Feb 19 15:36:26 hi all Feb 19 15:36:28 hey Feb 19 15:36:29 i know != and == Feb 19 15:36:35 Just got my monthly report Feb 19 15:36:44 and? Feb 19 15:36:46 Seems its a few hundred sales short of my actual number =/ Feb 19 15:36:56 More like 500 short Feb 19 15:37:47 short of what? Feb 19 15:37:52 downloads? Feb 19 15:37:55 I noted my download count in the am the day it was released Feb 19 15:38:14 Yeah, day 1 I sold ~450 copies of my game Feb 19 15:38:23 My sales report shows 77 total sales Feb 19 15:40:17 downloads could also be reinstalls? Feb 19 15:40:18 The morning it was released I had 3656 downloads of the beta. The beta became the catalog app and I've since seen ~600 downloads total Feb 19 15:41:03 I'm not sure why 77 people would uninstall and reinstall the app 600 times Feb 19 15:44:49 did you have updates? those count as well Feb 19 15:44:59 Nope Feb 19 15:45:00 true Feb 19 15:45:04 No updates. Feb 19 15:45:17 if chuqi comes in ask him , or email him with your numbers Feb 19 15:45:27 He's beating n the programmers of the app cat every day. Feb 19 15:45:33 and needs data Feb 19 15:45:41 hehe Feb 19 15:45:47 tbqh the my apps page should list purchases next to downloads. period. Feb 19 15:46:39 Esp since there is no record that can be pointed at to say hey look 600 sales not 77 Feb 19 15:47:05 Palm cant be held accountable, they just say "no 77 trust us" Feb 19 15:47:07 it can't be that hard for their database to come up with a purchased number Feb 19 15:50:15 No, it seems you just grab actual downloads divide by then Feb 19 15:52:32 Rick_work: if a person changes their review, looks like the catalog counts both ratings in the avg. any idea if that's right? Feb 19 15:54:25 haeffb_pre: that'd be amusing. buy your own app, review it with 5 stars, and update the review like 50 times Feb 19 15:56:34 I have 5 reviews. 4 are 5 stars. 1 is now 1 star, but was originally are stars. Overall rating is 3.1. Feb 19 15:57:03 originally 2 stars Feb 19 15:59:33 neither would come out to 3.1 Feb 19 15:59:48 counting both the 1 star and the 2 star gets a 3.83 average Feb 19 15:59:53 yeah, I can't make the math work Feb 19 15:59:59 haeffb_pre that's right Feb 19 16:00:16 Chuqui has a change order filed with the app cat folks about it. Feb 19 16:00:20 awesome Feb 19 16:00:28 If he deletes a 0 review, the average is not getting updated either. Feb 19 16:00:42 It's a bug, the app cat is denormalized, and they aren't doing nightly recalcs Feb 19 16:00:48 gotta go review an app. bbl Feb 19 16:00:55 :) Feb 19 16:02:11 hehe Feb 19 16:03:07 * VincentLaw downrates all of brighthouse's apps to 0 Feb 19 16:04:05 do they even have downloads? Feb 19 16:05:03 * haeffb_pre now understands the frustration with not being able to respond to / contact a reviewer... Feb 19 16:05:13 yeah Feb 19 16:05:19 "can't install app .. please help" Feb 19 16:05:30 as a review .. not good Feb 19 16:05:32 would like to know what the problem is so I can fix it. Feb 19 16:06:19 how can you even do a review when you can't install the app in the first place? Feb 19 16:33:21 swisstomcat: if they purchase it, but the download fails, they can still review it as long as the purchase went through Feb 19 16:33:38 hi sugardave Feb 19 16:33:43 hello Feb 19 16:33:44 sugardave: same for free apps? Feb 19 16:33:56 swisstomcat: hmmm...not sure about that one Feb 19 16:33:58 seems like a bug Feb 19 16:34:04 can't download, no review Feb 19 16:34:09 no matter what Feb 19 16:36:47 morning folks Feb 19 16:37:05 morning Feb 19 16:40:21 swisstomcat: it is a bug. And they know about it. One of the joys of chuq's life is to go through the review once a week and delete all the entries that say "Cant download app" Feb 19 16:40:34 (review=reviews) Feb 19 16:40:39 yeah, i've read that in the forum Feb 19 16:40:57 and actually I dont know how often he does it... Feb 19 16:41:23 why does the community manager have to police the reviews? seems like something else could do just as well .. unless chuq has too much time :) Feb 19 16:41:53 how can i add help data into the app menu upper left? Feb 19 16:42:13 He talked about it once, that for now he likes to know what is going on. Feb 19 16:42:49 noaXess: you add some code into the stage-assistant.js Feb 19 16:42:53 shall i post it? Feb 19 16:43:34 wait.. Feb 19 16:47:41 swisstomcat: ok.. post it :) pastbin it everywhere Feb 19 16:48:26 http://pastie.org/832937 Feb 19 16:48:34 also includes the 'preferences' scene Feb 19 16:49:34 Mornin', all Feb 19 16:49:48 morning Feb 19 16:49:55 morning Feb 19 16:51:45 swisstomcat: so.. any guide for this? Feb 19 16:51:59 what do you need to know? Feb 19 16:52:12 this code goes into stage-assistant.js Feb 19 16:52:15 that should be it Feb 19 16:52:31 swisstomcat: the test.. or is it just another scene? Feb 19 16:52:35 if your preferences scene is called different, change it Feb 19 16:52:49 the help-scene is auto-generated from the info in appinfo.json Feb 19 16:53:26 swisstomcat: how looks the info from appinfo.json? Feb 19 16:54:23 http://pastie.org/832943 Feb 19 16:54:25 swisstomcat: have you learned that from your eBook? Feb 19 16:54:46 this example also includes a seperate help-scene Feb 19 16:55:07 no, from the palm developer site Feb 19 16:55:29 swisstomcat: can you give me a link.. Feb 19 16:56:19 http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1872&Itemid=55#.pushAppSupportInfoScene Feb 19 16:57:31 swisstomcat: aha i see now.. the sceneName topics will then show the help informaiton.. so it's a normal scene.. Feb 19 16:57:58 the topics scene can be called from the autogenerated help scene Feb 19 16:58:24 for more text, because the autogenerated scene doesn't have that much space for that Feb 19 16:58:26 yes i see.. or any other scene.. Feb 19 16:58:30 yes Feb 19 16:58:39 you can also call a website from there Feb 19 16:58:49 instead a further help scene Feb 19 16:59:35 you could just make your own help-scene Feb 19 17:00:06 That's what I did with my app. I figured it'd be worthwhile to actually have a proper help file as opposed to just links to the support URL/email Feb 19 17:00:32 the auto-generated is pretty good Feb 19 17:00:37 and then link from there Feb 19 17:01:00 well the benefit of having it in-app is that you don't have to: A. load a website and B. Assume they have net Feb 19 17:01:47 hello everyone Feb 19 17:01:53 hello person Feb 19 17:01:56 my first app was published today =) Feb 19 17:02:21 congrats Feb 19 17:02:22 great pacemkr Feb 19 17:02:24 which? :p Feb 19 17:02:27 thank you +) Feb 19 17:02:29 congratulations! Feb 19 17:02:39 its called Phone Favorites Feb 19 17:02:41 another deflowering Feb 19 17:02:51 haha yes yes Feb 19 17:02:58 congrats Feb 19 17:03:07 thank you =) Feb 19 17:03:10 i've updated 3 of my apps today :) Feb 19 17:03:31 I'm doing boring backend cloud stuff and playing db schema designer Feb 19 17:03:36 too bad ive submitted 5 screenshot and only the first three are show in the store =( Feb 19 17:04:03 anyway I can at least change those thee? they dont do it justice Feb 19 17:04:12 DoGood, pacemkr? Feb 19 17:04:13 three* Feb 19 17:04:14 yes Feb 19 17:04:39 pacemkr: i think those images will appear with 1.4 release Feb 19 17:04:42 you should be able to edit your metadata Feb 19 17:05:34 how do i update the metadata? Feb 19 17:05:51 go to "my apps" in the dev portal Feb 19 17:06:00 LoneStar99: thats good, also ALL screenshots look like crap on my pixi Feb 19 17:06:01 and then select "update" Feb 19 17:06:20 LoneStar99: they're all cut off Feb 19 17:06:44 swisstomcat: thanks, i thought that was for submitting an updated ipk only Feb 19 17:07:03 discovered it by accident Feb 19 17:10:36 i hope i dont have to go through the review process again to update the metadata Feb 19 17:11:05 hope not Feb 19 17:17:32 most of my metadata updates took longer than initial app submission....but that was back in October/November Feb 19 17:19:40 well that sucks Feb 19 17:19:45 i guess we'll see Feb 19 17:19:55 i just submitted the metadata update Feb 19 17:20:43 pacemkr: it's probably better now Feb 19 17:20:55 i hope so Feb 19 17:21:08 the review itself took from the 16 to today Feb 19 17:21:10 so thats reasonable Feb 19 17:21:52 oh nice...mine were on the order of weeks Feb 19 17:22:25 its a simple app, i just really payed attention to polish and detail Feb 19 17:24:04 i have a personal vendetta against "good enough" software so even if its something simple i either do it well and stick with it, or don't do it at all Feb 19 17:24:39 i guess i'll see if that translates to downloads =P Feb 19 17:24:42 only time will tell Feb 19 17:29:22 speaking of downloads, is the "Downloads/Reviews" bit under "My Apps" real time or is that monthly or something else? Feb 19 17:29:32 it's realtime, but it's not the amount of reviews, it's the # of stars. Feb 19 17:29:39 that threw me off at first too :) Feb 19 17:29:41 aah Feb 19 17:29:49 there's actually no way to see what your reviews were without going into the App Catalog, unfortunately. Feb 19 17:30:52 pacemkr: I haven't downloaded it yet, just looking at the screenshots on http://www.cyrket.com/p/palm/com.dogood.phonefavs/, but two bits of feedback from what I can see: 1) I first thought "Tap the menu button to add a contact" meant to pull down the app menu, rather than the little person with a plus. Perhaps if you said "Tap the 'add' button below"? Feb 19 17:31:32 Kuraiou: you can go to http://www.cyrket.com/m/palm/ Feb 19 17:31:36 and see reviews Feb 19 17:32:07 oh :O Feb 19 17:32:07 dang Feb 19 17:32:19 lyht: thank you for the feedback, i actually thought of that and put it in the pull down menu as well ;-) the intention was to match how the contacts handles an empty list, the menu item was my addition because i thought it made sense Feb 19 17:33:11 ... the list of downloads on this site is far less than what it says on the developer.palm.com site Feb 19 17:33:31 er, far more* Feb 19 17:34:03 Kuraiou: it is total downloads, not by unique device (i.e. includes updates) i think Feb 19 17:34:13 lyht: how the contacts... being the Contacts app that came with the phone Feb 19 17:35:05 ahhhhhh Feb 19 17:35:07 that makes sense Feb 19 17:35:13 that's weird Feb 19 17:35:22 that means about 20 people haven't even bothered updating their app :( Feb 19 17:36:21 pacemkr: I do like that it looks like the contacts app. However, I wonder if people may also want the pictures in there. Feb 19 17:36:30 Maybe list the contact app does it on the right? Feb 19 17:36:43 but then where does the phone type go... Feb 19 17:37:01 lyht: good catch, let me check... Feb 19 17:37:31 lyht: didnt catch that since I dont have a photo for most of my contacts Feb 19 17:37:52 I have a photo for most of the ones that would be my favs... Feb 19 17:38:54 but I like how it integrates the phone dialer. I hate how the other apps dont do that. Feb 19 17:39:57 yes i figured if im aiming for an app that people will use more than their phone app to initial a call, they'd want easy access to phone features Feb 19 17:41:17 i'll put your feedback about the picture into the tracker, i see what you mean, but how to execute it well, id have to think of that, i was aiming more for the "contact details" look, hence the number type on right Feb 19 17:41:50 right. Downloading now. Will watch for updates. Feb 19 17:42:02 thank you =) Feb 19 17:42:16 i hope you enjoy using it and feel free to send in any feedback Feb 19 17:46:30 pace, buyin' your app too Feb 19 17:46:31 FYI, I like that you created a variation of the phone icon for your icon. It bugs me to have some dumb looking icon that doesn't even remind me of placing a call down in my quick launch bar. Feb 19 17:46:32 let's give it a shot! Feb 19 17:47:37 thank you =) Feb 19 17:47:45 lyht: yes it was suprisingly hard to match Feb 19 17:48:03 with the slightly transparent circle in the background Feb 19 17:49:37 interesting. I'll take a closer look at it later. Feb 19 17:49:59 it's a good idea for sure Feb 19 17:50:02 this will probably save you some trouble: https://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1726&p=6202&hilit=transparent+circle#p6202 Feb 19 17:50:08 i came across this accidently Feb 19 17:50:22 right after i finished doing it myself =P Feb 19 17:50:54 hah Feb 19 17:51:09 I like my icon, but I handed the project off to my brother -- it doesn't have the transparent circle Feb 19 17:51:18 but the d20 takes up a ton of space, so I don't think it would've worked anyways :O Feb 19 17:53:49 Palm's UI guidelines say that either you do a "photo realistic", similar to GoogleMaps, Web, YouTube icons, or the circle in background =) Feb 19 17:53:59 so either one would work on the device Feb 19 17:54:20 * Kuraiou shrugs. Feb 19 17:54:27 they accepted my app, didn't they? so I'm not too worried :D Feb 19 17:54:37 I just wish there were more nerds who owned this danged phone Feb 19 17:55:59 haha Feb 19 17:58:34 why Kuraiou? What is your app? Is it a nerdy app? Feb 19 18:04:01 Dice Roller. Feb 19 18:04:11 for D&D/World of Darkness/GURPS/etc. Feb 19 18:10:10 anyone play word ace poker Feb 19 18:13:21 wtf? "error: Error: Caught exception in Button widget 'minus_5' setup(): TypeError: Cannot call method 'setAttribute' of null" Feb 19 18:19:33 fixed. Feb 19 18:19:38 apparently it doesn't like single-closed divs. hahaha whoops Feb 19 18:19:41 such a stupid error. Feb 19 18:28:09 pacemkr: nice. i'd add profile pic on the right of list. would also be nice to have option to sms rather than dial. Feb 19 18:29:34 what's the cmd to soft restart the emu via novaterm? Feb 19 18:32:54 pkill LunaSysMgr might do it Feb 19 18:33:00 Does anyone know of a robust, reliable (preferably free) backup solution for Windows that doesn't actually suck smeggy wang? Feb 19 18:33:24 <_lance_> Afraid not. I'm trialing acronis trueimage though. Feb 19 18:33:33 trueimage is pretty good Feb 19 18:33:39 for imaging Feb 19 18:33:45 SqyArc: windows has a backup solution on board Feb 19 18:33:52 Chais_z3r0: Unfortunately it sucks :( Feb 19 18:34:01 which version of windows? Feb 19 18:34:11 <_lance_> It did a good job of migrating my windows install when my linux recovery disc was having issues with my new drive Feb 19 18:34:26 I need a differential backup system like rsync provides - Windows doesn't actually let me browse through my backups, to access it I have to restore *everything* and overwrite Feb 19 18:34:31 i guess you may choose between sucking and paying Feb 19 18:34:31 Kuraiou: Win 7 Ultimate Feb 19 18:34:38 <_lance_> Once I'm sure my new drive isn't going to flake out I'll set up the old drive as my backup drive Feb 19 18:34:55 swisstomcat: I'll have a look at that, thanks Feb 19 18:35:06 <_lance_> it's $50 but alright so far Feb 19 18:35:44 _lance_: I dunno if I can stomach $50 - I've come from an Ubuntu box which has incredibly powerful free backup utils Feb 19 18:35:53 thanks for the tip though Feb 19 18:36:16 <_lance_> Well.. you could use those same tools via cygwin Feb 19 18:36:22 <_lance_> They're generally based off rsync Feb 19 18:36:47 <_lance_> and yes you can rsync locally Feb 19 18:37:18 SqyArc: you left the flexibilty of the open source community for the expensive comfort of M$? Feb 19 18:37:45 <_lance_> So did I, when they introduced a bug in kernel 2.6.17 that broke my motherboard support and then marked it wontfix Feb 19 18:38:18 <_lance_> I'm sticking to windows on the desktop for the remainder of my msdnaa sub.. Feb 19 18:38:30 <_lance_> Still run linux on my 3 servers Feb 19 18:38:54 Chais_z3r0: Yeah, the latest versions of Ubuntu broke my sound & network cards & Win7 was going cheap Feb 19 18:39:18 _lance_: that sounds like a better solution - I'm quite happy to play with command line. I'll have a look at that Feb 19 18:39:25 cheap, like how many hundreds of dollars? Feb 19 18:39:33 <_lance_> i got mine for $20 Feb 19 18:39:39 <_lance_> for win7 pro Feb 19 18:39:48 £40 as a student offer Feb 19 18:39:50 oO Feb 19 18:40:06 k i got win7 for free via msdnaa ;) Feb 19 18:40:14 <_lance_> Chais_z3r0: I wanted the official disc Feb 19 18:43:32 so now what's the cmd for soft restarting the emu via novaterm? Feb 19 18:47:47 eek Feb 19 18:48:02 error: Media> YAMS watchdog triggered due to load Feb 19 18:48:10 whatever that means :) Feb 19 18:49:05 In Ares, how can I put two pictures side by side and also put a label next to them? Feb 19 18:51:19 member:haeffb_pre: sorry I was away, I planned the sms option for an update, my initial idea is to add an arrow next to the number type label, when you click the arrow, you get the full contact card where you can tap to sms or tap any other numbers for the contact. I am also considering ways to add the picture, but im not sure how to execute that well without adding clutter, i'm still thinking about that Feb 19 18:51:41 haeffb_pre: ^^^ that was for you, sry for the formatting Feb 19 18:55:54 Nevermind, figured it out Feb 19 19:01:03 Would I be able to use the icon for the launcher in one of my apps or is that against copyright laws? Feb 19 19:08:06 morning all Feb 19 19:16:29 is there anyone here that can help me figure out why my emulator has no internet connection? Feb 19 19:17:43 cryptk: which OS? Feb 19 19:17:55 Linux Mint, it is based on Ubuntu Feb 19 19:17:56 64 bit Feb 19 19:18:06 for all intents and purposes it is Ubuntu Feb 19 19:18:35 just comes with a different theme and things like flash and java pre-installed Feb 19 19:19:08 have you linked a network adapter to vbox? Feb 19 19:19:23 I thought vbox handled that on it's own? Feb 19 19:19:29 it did last time i used the emulator Feb 19 19:20:11 i think it normally does, at least it does on osx Feb 19 19:20:43 but making sure can't be too bad Feb 19 19:23:07 it has a vboxnet0 adapter set up Feb 19 19:24:04 and linked to which real network adapter? Feb 19 19:24:19 what do you mean linked? Feb 19 19:25:01 well you have a virtual and a real network adapter Feb 19 19:25:13 yes Feb 19 19:25:41 and the virtual one has to be configured in way that it sends it's outgoing data to the real one Feb 19 19:26:56 how can I check that Feb 19 19:26:57 Hmm, can you setup the network interface as bridged to make it work? Feb 19 19:27:09 I don't use vBox much... well, not at all really until now Feb 19 19:27:39 but it's the one that comes with the emu Feb 19 19:28:19 well now my firefox stopped having a network conenction... Feb 19 19:28:29 I think there may be some other problem causing it... let me look into it a bit Feb 19 19:30:25 really odd... Feb 19 19:30:36 seems my XChat still has a connection, but nothign else does... Feb 19 19:31:46 seems my computer got confused and was trying to sue the vboxnet0 adapter to conenct to the internet,,, Feb 19 19:33:46 cryptk: the network connection should normally "just work" for the emulator via virtualbox's NAT Feb 19 19:36:59 I know Feb 19 19:38:29 how can i 'download' the files of an app from the emu? Feb 19 19:40:36 In Ares, how can I add a dropdown menu in a header similar to the messaging app where you choose text/email from the header? Feb 19 19:41:06 or the other way around, how can i make a frameless list, which's entries don't expand to double height when tapped? Feb 19 19:41:36 twbbas: i don't know how many paying developers are in here Feb 19 19:42:18 Huh? Feb 19 19:42:45 isn't ares only available for paying developers? Feb 19 19:42:52 no Feb 19 19:43:05 cool, what do i have to do? ^^ Feb 19 19:43:58 Well right now the developer account is free Feb 19 19:44:02 but you need a credit card Feb 19 19:44:14 but what I did was I made a community account Feb 19 19:44:14 meh... Feb 19 19:44:19 that's this than Feb 19 19:44:20 and it still let me use ares just I can't submit Feb 19 19:44:29 I plan to get a developer account soon Feb 19 19:44:32 Here's the link Feb 19 19:44:40 http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=page&id=1875 Feb 19 19:47:13 I figured out my problem... Feb 19 19:47:14 and a community account won't let me use ards, right? Feb 19 19:47:20 I forgot to add myself to the vboxusers group... lol Feb 19 19:47:53 DOH! /facepalm Feb 19 19:48:34 ^^ good ol' linux rights management Feb 19 19:49:55 heyo Feb 19 19:50:10 hi Feb 19 19:51:39 I have a community account and I can use ares Feb 19 19:51:46 So yes, you can use ares with a community account Feb 19 19:52:27 I just can't submit any apps until I get a developer account Feb 19 19:53:10 looking into replicating missing canvas functionality in C with the pdk... Feb 19 19:53:22 not going to be easy Feb 19 19:53:33 but not that hard eitehr Feb 19 19:53:40 just freakin annoying Feb 19 20:07:45 how can i make a list like in preware? Feb 19 20:08:33 listselector widgets? Feb 19 20:09:39 ist listselector these popup lists? Feb 19 20:09:55 hmm.. idea though... Feb 19 20:10:11 not sure what you mean by popup Feb 19 20:10:21 do you mean the searchable ones? those are filterlists Feb 19 20:11:24 right now i'm using a list. the one with the frame and title Feb 19 20:11:44 problem is, the entries grow to double height when tapped Feb 19 20:22:17 Chais_z3r0: hmm, I have that problem too Feb 19 20:23:25 hey codeslaw Feb 19 20:24:04 tell me, when you've found a solution ^^ Feb 19 20:27:11 hah Feb 19 20:33:07 is there a prototype to remove content of a div?> Feb 19 20:33:16 not hide Feb 19 20:33:19 remove Feb 19 20:38:11 $('foo').update(''); ? Feb 19 20:45:14 i meant a tag sorry Feb 19 20:45:51 tried update for and =( Feb 19 20:51:05 what are you trying to do? Feb 19 20:54:53 Woohoo! Palm supplied a couple of Pre's and Pixi's for us to demo WebOS Internals stuff and then give away at SCALE :-) Feb 19 20:55:04 whoo Feb 19 20:55:07 wohoo Feb 19 20:55:17 time to catch a flight Feb 19 20:55:49 i could use a development pre :) Feb 19 20:56:15 <_lance_> rwhitby: that is awesome :) Feb 19 20:56:40 _lance_: we have about 100 webOS books to give away too Feb 19 20:57:44 rwhitby that's awesome. who's working the booth? Feb 19 20:57:56 swisstomcat: just remove a square from canvas Feb 19 20:58:04 JenP: jacques, Mousey, ka6sox. Feb 19 20:58:18 cool Feb 19 20:59:57 free books are awesome! Feb 19 21:01:07 LoneStar99: 66Kg of them :-) Feb 19 21:05:30 ugh not being able to respond to reviews really sucks Feb 19 21:06:30 damn awesome! sucks i can't make it this year =( Feb 19 21:06:57 especially if the reviews say "can't install .. please help" Feb 19 21:07:44 anyone know how to clear a canvas? Feb 19 21:08:28 clearRect? Feb 19 21:08:40 swisstomcat: well, at least they eventually get deleted at some point in time but chuq Feb 19 21:09:16 mine didn't get cleared Feb 19 21:09:25 halo:reach is gonna be badass Feb 19 21:09:25 how long have they been there Feb 19 21:09:33 jan 28th Feb 19 21:09:33 he says he cleans them up once a week Feb 19 21:09:36 oh nice Feb 19 21:09:48 oh well Feb 19 21:10:28 swisstomcat: was just lookint that that "clearRect" Feb 19 21:10:30 let me try Feb 19 21:10:48 not sure if it's supported on webos Feb 19 21:10:58 hey chuq, we were just talking about you Feb 19 21:13:17 uh oh. Feb 19 21:13:21 what'd I do this time? Feb 19 21:13:47 about the app reviews that should get policed once a week Feb 19 21:14:18 (sigh) Feb 19 21:14:52 i know, beating a dead horse Feb 19 21:15:18 How do I kill a beta app? I hit the Suspend Request button 4 days ago and nothing yet. Feb 19 21:15:31 actually, I brought this stuff up at a meeting today again. encouraged my management to make a better system here more of a priority. Feb 19 21:15:38 jim462: i ended up sending an email to chuq :) Feb 19 21:15:40 jim462 send me an email, I'll escalate it to the team. Feb 19 21:15:44 pdc@palm.com Feb 19 21:15:58 make sure you include the app name and info. Feb 19 21:16:02 chuqui: thanks! Feb 19 21:16:17 chuqui: is it true that I can increase my apps rating by continually updating my review? Feb 19 21:16:32 (a suprising number of devs forget, and assume I have all of this memorized. they don't know me well...) Feb 19 21:16:56 haeffb -- um. well... um... NO! (sort of). Feb 19 21:17:07 until we notice and have you shot. but that's going to be fixed, so don't bother. Feb 19 21:17:11 lol Feb 19 21:17:18 lol Feb 19 21:17:49 to put it nicely, the way we're doing the average rating -- well, it is seriously broken. Feb 19 21:17:49 so we can keep pumping our reviews until it's fixed .. hint .. hint :) Feb 19 21:17:54 the shooting of devs will be fixed? good to know! Feb 19 21:18:08 but it's scheduled to be fixed soon. Feb 19 21:18:09 yeah, before they run out of developers Feb 19 21:18:21 or maybe broken in new and interesting ways. you neer know Feb 19 21:18:49 depending how creative the engineers feel Feb 19 21:19:25 anything positive that you can tell us, chuqui? :) Feb 19 21:20:08 yeah. my badge worked when I got here this morning. That's always a positive thing. Feb 19 21:20:17 ;) Feb 19 21:20:34 chuqui: should we email you to get the 0-stars deleted and rating average updated? Feb 19 21:21:24 chuqui: your my hero but i dont want anything from you at the moment Feb 19 21:22:05 you can, but it doesn't really mean much. I do that as part of a standard process. but some developers feel better telling me, and who am I to argue? Feb 19 21:23:01 chuqui: well, how often is your standard process? i thought it was supposed to be once a week, but I see 0-star "loading problem" reviews that date back 2 weeks or more Feb 19 21:23:19 same here Feb 19 21:23:24 chuqui: and swisstomcat says he has them going back to january Feb 19 21:23:32 I try for weekly. I rarely actually succeed. Feb 19 21:24:48 chuqui: thx for the assistance with SCALE. Feb 19 21:25:03 I'll do it next week before vacation, and then again when I get back. and hopefully after that, get it into a weekly setup. Feb 19 21:25:16 alright Feb 19 21:25:19 I'm still working ot automate more of that process. some days I want to poke my eyes out while working on it... Feb 19 21:25:39 chuqui: i can imagine it truly does suck to have to do Feb 19 21:26:28 chuqui: and i appreciate your role & work & help... it is just frustrating Feb 19 21:26:32 just grinding detail work.... it's easy to get it wrong, hard to not push too fast and get sloppy Feb 19 21:27:14 it should get easier when the fixes are in place, right? Feb 19 21:27:38 yeah. Feb 19 21:28:05 Im' going to try to get @palmnewapps going before my trip. hoping... Feb 19 21:30:45 it's great to have official palm people here Feb 19 21:31:07 feeling the pulse of the developers Feb 19 21:36:52 pulse. pulse. pulse Feb 19 21:45:56 hrm Feb 19 21:47:40 nevermind ;p Feb 19 21:47:50 chuqui: wow, is the cryptofs migration + homebrew still creating that much of a problem (re: the zero star thing) Feb 19 21:51:02 not related to that, actually. Feb 19 21:51:36 chuqui: if there is still anything homebrew related, be sure to email me so we can fix it asap. Feb 19 21:52:14 will do. Feb 19 21:52:26 sometimes it's the developers fault e.g in my case using the same appid's in homebrew and app catalog .. lesson learned tho Feb 19 21:52:28 hey, rod, we need to talk. and I'm headed into a meeting. can I catch you later? Feb 19 21:52:54 chuqui: yep, I'm out for 2 hours but back all day after that Feb 19 22:04:29 swisstomcat: did this to clear canvas, need to be converted to mojo http://www.pastebin.com/d6bd1752d Feb 19 22:05:02 looks funky, lonestar Feb 19 22:05:24 yeah, but it works perfect Feb 19 22:05:39 are you working on a game? Feb 19 22:05:46 but not in mojo syntax Feb 19 22:06:00 no game =( Feb 19 22:06:32 it is a weird app, will release it maybe tommorrow or sunday Feb 19 22:19:48 dammit, stpuid Template Feb 19 22:21:29 I need to be more careful with my quotes >:| Feb 19 22:50:29 I just have a generic security question. Are applications sandboxed? In other words, is it possible for any application (even something like a game) to access my contacts, emails, etc? Feb 19 22:51:44 jlund: yes/no Feb 19 22:52:11 most of the apis that access your data are undocumented, and unofficial. Which means your app will get rejected if you use them Feb 19 22:53:01 only applications with com.palm.* namespace can access accounts (email, contacts, calendar) that the application didn't create Feb 19 22:53:01 https://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1651&Itemid=240 Feb 19 22:53:43 which is a double-edged sword. Feb 19 22:55:37 g'night all Feb 19 22:55:46 later swisstomcat Feb 19 22:56:18 gn swisstomcat Feb 19 22:56:34 Thanks for the answer. That seems like the right way to do it Feb 19 22:56:54 Yeah, it probably is. It just sucks for those trying to make "productive" apps. Feb 19 22:57:09 they can't access the calendars...and so on Feb 19 22:57:25 homebrew apps can call themselves com.palm.* and access that data. So, it pays to know what the homebrew apps you're installing do. Feb 19 23:05:48 gonna go. gn8 Feb 19 23:06:21 haeffb: seems silly not to be able to access google and yahoo accounts so that apps can use G and Y APIs without asking the user for account info again and storing it less securely than they are by the core system Feb 19 23:07:16 yes, agreed. Apps should, at minimum, be able to read the data. With appropriate user permission. Feb 19 23:08:17 Just like the people picker, they could give an account picker. Require human approval before the app can access the accounts/data. Feb 19 23:09:41 haeffb: yeah. The framework could function as a middleman, never exposing account data to the app, just exchanging the appropriate tokens with the standardized APIs Feb 19 23:10:03 jfelectron, maybe we should go write our own mobile OS. Feb 19 23:10:23 er. you should. I'll give you advice. Feb 19 23:10:37 haeffb: lol....yeah, cuz I don't consume quite enough of my time doing things I'm not paid for :) Feb 19 23:10:44 I'll be like "Don't screw it up like Apple did." Feb 19 23:10:53 "Don't screw it up like Palm did." Feb 19 23:11:27 but you'd be making the world a better place. And isn't that what we really all want? Feb 19 23:11:52 haeffb: I just want world domination..but my domination WOULD be better so yeah :) Feb 19 23:12:12 haeffb: have you followed the GVoice debacle? Feb 19 23:12:51 I've run into similar problems with lack of header management. The web is setup to prevent XSS and what is WebOS well a giant XSS! Feb 19 23:14:04 need HTTP only cookies or headers...sorry you're not a Ajax.request ain't a browser so good luck prying those the grips of the interwebs Feb 19 23:15:43 woo Feb 19 23:15:54 currently my program is probably leaking memory like a mofo, but the basic functionality is working /o/ Feb 19 23:15:59 no I haven't. Feb 19 23:16:13 Kuraiou: palm-worm ? Feb 19 23:16:57 * haeffb needs to set up a basic testing protocol before releasing a new version. Feb 19 23:17:30 what's palm-worm? Feb 19 23:17:34 Kuraiou: clean up thy listeners Feb 19 23:17:38 of course, I will. Feb 19 23:17:56 palm-worm allows you to see the heap size and the number of dom nodes Feb 19 23:17:56 I've just been working on getting it working first before getting it working well. Feb 19 23:18:25 anyways, I noticed that when I add a child node to a div, the listeners on the siblings of the child I added seem to disappear Feb 19 23:18:30 weird o_O Feb 19 23:18:49 http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1689&Itemid=64 Feb 19 23:19:12 Kuraiou: using element.insert or element.append? Feb 19 23:19:22 or something else?? Feb 19 23:19:31 off to watch HS bball. bbl Feb 19 23:20:03 oh man that's cool. Feb 19 23:20:16 looks like nothing is leaking anyways, according to the emulator at least. Feb 19 23:20:23 jf: innerHTML += :P Feb 19 23:20:26 I was going to switch it up Feb 19 23:20:30 this has been a loooong day Feb 19 23:21:26 egh, back to laundry Feb 19 23:25:28 did 1.4 come out as yet or flash Feb 19 23:25:41 anybody using the MyWebosApps app? Feb 19 23:26:54 I have Feb 19 23:26:58 I've got it Feb 19 23:26:59 haven't done much Feb 19 23:27:04 me Feb 19 23:27:07 http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/231338-my-webos-apps-great-new-tool-webos-developers.html Feb 19 23:27:17 f...ing nickserv Feb 19 23:27:27 oh wait nvm Feb 19 23:27:30 it has some flaws Feb 19 23:28:35 rolsworth: Not yet. Hopefully soon. Feb 19 23:30:28 me Feb 19 23:30:56 I dl'd it, but was just a bit leery of typing my userid & pass. I hate being paranoid. Feb 19 23:31:23 gah Feb 19 23:31:23 rolsworth: not yet. Feb 19 23:31:27 now you got me paranoid! Feb 19 23:31:30 right after I already entered it in! Feb 19 23:31:31 >_< Feb 19 23:31:48 haeffb_pre: hopefully they're hashed....dev seems with it, so probably Feb 19 23:33:35 bbl Feb 19 23:34:48 it's only a couple of lines of to send all those credentials to the mothership... Feb 19 23:35:48 of code Feb 19 23:36:31 Just wanted to ask a quick question: I'm building a simple app with Ares, & was able to get links working in webView, but noticed the context menu won't come up. Is there a way i can get this working? Feb 19 23:42:42 I doubt they are hashed... He has to send it through ajax to the portal, and it doesn't take them hashed. But he said he only stores them on the phone and sends them only to the palm portal... and really what's he gonna do, delete my app? Feb 19 23:50:00 or change your paypal account info. Feb 19 23:51:26 oooh. that would be just rude. Feb 19 23:52:53 ungentlemanly, even Feb 19 23:55:11 almost as bad as stealing my code to make an app just like mine so people download and pay for it rather than mine. Feb 20 00:02:32 How can I make a list in the header of an app similar to the header in the text messaging app Feb 20 00:12:39 hi all Feb 20 00:12:52 hi JenP Feb 20 00:13:03 hiya lyht Feb 20 00:21:54 weeeeeeeeeeeeeee its friday Feb 20 00:22:18 woo hoo pandora.... Feb 20 00:24:21 palm needs to send me more checks Feb 20 00:24:26 i like it when they do that Feb 20 00:26:24 Hehehe, webOS update to LOLcats :) Feb 20 00:27:32 I still haven't gotten my first check, but it's been less than a month since my first app went out Feb 20 00:27:33 so that's okay :O Feb 20 00:37:35 Kuraiou: yeah it took me a few months to get a check Feb 20 00:37:57 BoomerET: just a lolcats viewer? Feb 20 00:39:49 is the $50 fee waived only for free open source apps or all open source apps? Feb 20 00:40:09 that is commercial but open source Feb 20 00:41:00 pandora--, yes, I believe so, and it's hard to read the text most of the time. Feb 20 00:41:45 me Feb 20 00:41:47 if they charge you $50 to put something up that you won't get a cent back in... that'd be......... bad. Feb 20 00:41:49 meh Feb 20 00:42:00 i'd just use the browser and bookmark it Feb 20 00:42:04 AH my monitor is too low, but if I raise the platform it's up on the keyboard will be too high. Feb 20 00:42:20 Kuraiou: i was up with two apps before they put that $50 in place, so I got lucky :) Feb 20 00:43:24 * Kuraiou shakes fist in jealousy Feb 20 00:50:55 leonardo: ciao! Feb 20 00:51:14 ciao kerwood Feb 20 00:58:00 jfelectron: all open source, free and paid Feb 20 00:59:28 haeffb_pre: cool...that's the route you went with myles right? Feb 20 00:59:46 way to go palm, encouraging open source ftw Feb 20 00:59:52 yes. Feb 20 01:00:00 haeffb_pre: do they verify you have a repo or something? Feb 20 01:00:25 I'll just use github probably...just curious whether they vet the whole open source aspect Feb 20 01:02:01 jfelectron: your app is gonna be open-source? Feb 20 01:02:05 destinal-work: yup..its cool Feb 20 01:02:55 LoneStar99: leaning heavily toward that....this is a hobby for me and I'll be lucky if I sell 100 copies or so...so might as well give back to the community all my toys :) Feb 20 01:04:30 yeah, true that, but you will make it free or paid? Feb 20 01:04:46 paid....but open source Feb 20 01:05:59 mine is not available anywhere yet... Feb 20 01:06:26 I'm totally in support for paid open source apps -- one nice thing about phone app catalogs is it should make it really easy to go that route. the author can make money, and you still get the freedom that f/oss provides Feb 20 01:06:50 unless you consider the app catalog as a repository... Feb 20 01:07:12 was thinking, of making my app cat app open source, but then the xml feed that feeds the information, would have to be revealed... Feb 20 01:08:40 haeffb_pre: well the app is mojo, right, so basically it IS the source code, you're just providing anyone who buys it with a license to copy it, make modified versions, etc? via which open source license, GPL? Feb 20 01:09:04 mit Feb 20 01:09:13 cool Feb 20 01:09:53 so now i have an app that has reviews that range form 1 -5 Feb 20 01:10:13 but if you copy it and put it in the app catalog, I'll give you bad reviews. :) Feb 20 01:10:17 obviously they could then distribute it to anyone but again the convenience of the app store means that most people who just want to run it will still buy it from the catalog. but the freedom is still there for others Feb 20 01:10:28 haeffb_pre: lol Feb 20 01:11:41 'this app sucks. buy the other one just like it' Feb 20 01:11:46 the whole free software thing started because people realized that buying proprietary software was kind of like buying a car with the hood welded shut, you have a thing, but you can't fix it Feb 20 01:12:15 the free was never about $0 Feb 20 01:14:39 bbl Feb 20 01:16:14 even if the app is free, you will get negative reviews Feb 20 01:16:39 destinal: that's an almost good analogy. certainly, most people have no clue how to work on a car engine, and a lot of people think they could figure it out but will likely end up breaking it. Feb 20 01:16:48 The difference is that you can't copy a car engine so easily. Feb 20 01:17:24 sure, from the seller's perspective the model is different but that was the buyer's point of view I think Feb 20 01:18:47 if you release your code, you have no right to complain if you get screwed by biters ripping off of your stuff; likewise, if you keep your code closed, don't be surprised if your program never gets any better because you don't have anyone else working on the problems that program has. Feb 20 01:19:31 It's narrow-sighted to say that only open or only closed are the "true" and "correct" way to do things. Feb 20 01:25:17 kuraiou: I figure there's nothing magic about my code anyhow. a real programmer could duplicate my app in a day. Feb 20 01:26:05 probably. Jeff Atwood has a great article about that -- he stated "You could make Stack Overflow in a weekend". Feb 20 01:26:20 there's more to a program/app/whatever than just the code itself, it's the community around it, the support it gets, all that. Feb 20 01:26:37 which are organic and can't be forced, but which open-source is typically a bit better at building. Feb 20 01:27:04 of course, that DOES tie into stuff like natural human interfaces and what people use, and the open source community does tend to be a bit blind to what the average user (not a power user) would actually want Feb 20 01:36:38 destinal: yeah free is about free access to the code to encourage shared development and progress Feb 20 01:37:12 ok, I need someone to review and proof the flyer for SCALE for a handout for webos-Internals. Feb 20 01:37:44 who's up for it??? Quick read through??? Feb 20 01:38:25 rboatright: I'm up for it jonefoley at gmail Feb 20 01:40:01 https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B_3bWHwPABcnNzBkMzVlMGYtYzUxZi00NTcyLTgxN2QtZWQ5NWYyNDI0YTc4&hl=en Feb 20 01:40:07 simpler for you to just click to it. Feb 20 01:41:10 rboatright: ahhh OK....looking at it now Feb 20 01:42:33 the word doc (if you download it) does NOT have the headlines behind the graphic. That's a limitation of the google docs interface. Hit download if you want to see what it really looks like Feb 20 01:42:51 rboatright: OK Feb 20 01:43:14 rboatright: hasn't there been some discussion about whether its even appropriate to use the term rooted? Feb 20 01:43:33 yep Feb 20 01:43:52 lots of discussion. I _think_ this way says what I want --- "pre-rooted." :-) Feb 20 01:44:02 i.e. you don't have to root it, it comes to you that way. Feb 20 01:44:27 but if you have alternate language, I'll take it. Feb 20 01:45:00 note how I cleverly avoided the use of the term "homebrew" :-) Feb 20 01:45:56 I think its fine....it does the job of tooting Palm's horn to the effect that out of the box the thing is tinker friendly Feb 20 01:46:26 WIPK paragraph Webos should be WebOS Feb 20 01:46:32 WIPDK rather Feb 20 01:46:50 and I think is OpenGL-ES right? Feb 20 01:47:35 is SDL an achronym the SCALE audience will be immediately familiar with? Feb 20 01:48:03 should be, that's the linux wonk's meeting. Feb 20 01:48:10 opengles fixed. Feb 20 01:49:03 other than that paragraph it looks great...well done! Feb 20 01:49:29 thanks. all your changes now in it. Feb 20 01:49:32 Thanks a bunch. Feb 20 01:50:03 the Palm's pre-rooted is a little funny because you think of Palm Pre (or at least I did) Feb 20 01:50:41 Palm's WebOS comes pre-rooted on all devices .... or something Feb 20 01:52:39 the makes you think of the pre is a play on words I did intentionally. Feb 20 01:53:32 Ok fair enough :) Feb 20 02:41:27 nice there's a assassin's creed demo in the catalog Feb 20 02:44:50 oooh I need to check that, I have yet to check any of the action/adventure games because of control gripes Feb 20 02:46:56 yeah me too Feb 20 02:47:00 im dling it now Feb 20 02:49:13 how are the controls? I've been pretty luke warm on mobile 3D games....I have a PS3 already :) Feb 20 02:49:32 still dling... I'll let you know Feb 20 02:50:03 NFS is tolerable because of the accel based controls Feb 20 02:50:13 the only one ive bought is monopoly Feb 20 02:50:38 I'll def buy NOVA when/if it comes. Feb 20 02:51:53 I have Asphalt5 and Glyder2 Feb 20 02:52:15 is glyder2 good? Feb 20 02:53:55 looks kinda cool....tempted by Avatar game too Feb 20 02:54:00 it's not bad, you fly around a big world with different themed islands looking for items and doing some trials Feb 20 02:54:48 it hit the catalog at $2.99 couldn't pass it up at that price. Feb 20 02:56:34 ah Feb 20 02:56:42 yeah, I should have gone for it then Feb 20 02:57:04 I got the brain challenge game for $.99 also, forgot about that one Feb 20 02:57:26 Most content in a .99 app **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Feb 20 02:59:57 2010