**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Mar 17 02:59:57 2010 Mar 17 03:00:51 rwhitby: Yes, I was able to create a profile. Mar 17 03:01:33 chandler: so profile creation did not depend upon activation of the phone. good. Mar 17 03:02:50 Odd; it's trying to teach me how to use gestures. It wants me to try the up gesture, but that just puts me into card view and the demo is unsatisfied. I guess it really depends on running the activation before the launcher is active, so it can receive that gesture. Mar 17 03:03:14 No matter; at this point I think I can just dispense with the first run tool. Mar 17 03:04:30 yep, once the profile is logged in, just throw away that card Mar 17 03:05:02 And the catalog works, so everything must be fine with the profile. Mar 17 03:05:28 Wow. Installing applications is a lot faster than on iPhone OS or Android. Mar 17 03:07:43 chandler: we know Mar 17 03:08:41 (Sorry.) Mar 17 03:11:06 did that flash beta ever come out? Mar 17 03:11:30 chandler: have you intalled Preware yet? Mar 17 03:12:00 (if you have novaterm connecting, then the easiest way is with the preware-bootstrap script) Mar 17 03:12:47 No, I haven't. I'll look at it - for now I'm still kicking the tires on this thing, and then will be spending some time with the SDK. Mar 17 03:12:57 chandler: then you get to see the other 1000+ packages that the app catalog doesn't have, including the optware command line installer which then gives access to yet another 1600+ linux command line packages Mar 17 03:13:15 <_azdak> Has anybody gotten a single app to play more than one audio object at once? Mar 17 03:13:24 chandler: (and the 300 patches you can apply to webOS) Mar 17 03:21:46 _azdak: i believe it's not possible, given the current official APIs available in the SDK all use the same backend method Mar 17 03:22:06 chandler: also, i'm not sure if there's room for more than 1 Preware-pusher in here, but you should really install it. Mar 17 03:23:26 <_azdak> zsoc- Yeah, that's what it sure looks like on this end. I saw the performance warning about playing multiple audio files simultaneously in the SDK audio section and got all excited :( Mar 17 03:25:19 _azdak: I'm literally not so sure it's possible. I'm not familiar with the APIs being used, but one could probably catch them in action with some pulseaudio magic Mar 17 03:25:51 It's definitely possible to integrate. If I had to guess, Palm is probably trying to figure out a way to do it without completely destroying performance. Mar 17 03:32:57 <_azdak> zsoc: Yeah, I don't really doubt the hardware could somehow handle it, but it looks to be just a limitation of the current API- no matter how I try it, it seems to only allow a single channel Mar 17 03:33:40 <_azdak> which is lousy, because the 1.4 audio upgrades are significant enough to make one get ambitious haha Mar 17 03:35:06 _azdak: well they are all being handled by the same PA module (pdefaultapp) if I had to guess Mar 17 03:43:43 <_azdak> zsoc: I guess no ambient audio for me :P Mar 17 03:44:03 _azdak: tons of ambient audio... just not in the app-cat ;) Mar 17 03:44:20 _azdak: what api's are used for audio? i'll take a look at them Mar 17 03:46:04 <_azdak> zsoc: http://bit.ly/aEgML7 Mar 17 03:47:20 ugh, brain needs to be in a different mode to read that page, i love abstraction lol Mar 17 03:48:43 interesting Mar 17 03:48:51 ok, bookmarked, i'll let you know Mar 17 04:53:26 ladies Mar 17 04:54:19 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss? Mar 17 04:54:23 wait a second.... Mar 17 04:55:03 anyone know how to get the direction of a drag event? Mar 17 04:55:28 other than like, taking two points and comparing them Mar 17 04:55:35 nope Mar 17 04:57:23 there is no such thing as a direction Mar 17 04:57:31 as far as the drag goes Mar 17 04:57:48 theres coords of cursor as you drag Mar 17 04:57:54 up to you to decide where the cursor is going Mar 17 04:59:35 anyone know if I can simulate a... have to perform some special action to exit an app Mar 17 04:59:58 eg, override the swipe left at root scene Mar 17 05:01:00 I know Mar 17 05:01:19 not a fantastic for fitting within UIGuidelines Mar 17 05:01:26 but there is a legit reason Mar 17 05:09:43 top of the evening Mar 17 05:23:26 is there anything I can do to make the app less likely to be left Mar 17 05:23:33 nto to try an dforce people to use it Mar 17 05:23:48 but so people could give their phone to a kid and not get all sorts of phone numbers dialed Mar 17 05:26:01 not quite sure Mar 17 05:32:56 How many touches can webOS handle at once? Mar 17 05:33:20 .5 Mar 17 05:33:33 Excellent! Thanks. :D Mar 17 05:33:58 thats what it seems like anyway Mar 17 05:47:27 uhh did palm change sdk stuff in portal Mar 17 05:47:33 lots of new shit Mar 17 05:50:48 ron_frown: we do what we must, because we can Mar 17 05:53:29 how is everything going in the palm world? Mar 17 05:53:49 been away for 5 about a week Mar 17 05:54:14 wha? Mar 17 05:55:23 yeah webos Mar 17 05:58:22 geist: are you a palm guy? Mar 17 06:00:44 yeah Mar 17 06:01:25 mostly was just trying to do a good aperture science joke there Mar 17 06:01:45 ok Mar 17 06:02:19 nice Mar 17 06:05:07 whats the concept of createing a new oo class and instantiating it Mar 17 06:05:16 just create new prototype in a seperate .js file? Mar 17 06:05:24 then new MyObj()? Mar 17 06:16:07 question: how do i add a class to an element? Mar 17 06:16:16 er, in javascript Mar 17 06:35:36 or, alternately: can someone help me use mojo.animate.animatestyle? Mar 17 06:39:49 last I looked there was only 2 options or something Mar 17 06:42:51 i don't know what to pass it for "element" Mar 17 06:53:22 uhh Mar 17 06:53:45 what does a button tap send... the button element itself right? Mar 17 07:16:18 anyone know what would cause RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded? Mar 17 07:16:25 I dont have a infinite loop or anything Mar 17 07:16:35 infact I dont think I have any loops Mar 17 08:09:13 success Mar 17 08:09:21 I think I figured out the gd sound stuff Mar 17 10:22:08 Hi. Is there any framework for the web that provide webOS look 'n feel, like the iUI? Mar 17 10:23:21 I suppose you could take the CSS files for webos and use them in a webpage =) Mar 17 11:14:19 you'd need all their img borders too... I suspsect it's a lot easier to get going than it would be for "iUI" (not that I've heard of it); since the webos gui is very much html... Mar 17 11:20:26 Tried copied webOS's html. It doesn't work well. eg. the button have only one state Mar 17 11:22:16 right. The webos gui is html+css+images+javascript. You'll need the whole thing to get it going. Caveat: that code is probably not open source and it's probably not OK to put on the web Mar 17 11:22:25 however, it's all right there in cleartext for you to use Mar 17 11:22:59 it's not going to be a straight forward file copy either, but I'm confident all the peices are there for you to get it going, if you're so inclined Mar 17 11:29:04 Well I'd assume it's a straight copy if you can access the directory where the files are located on the device Mar 17 11:29:55 I copied that out, and modified it. Now it going to load the main scene Mar 17 11:41:45 jettero: what is abouth the mojo-widgets? Mar 17 11:42:02 are they plain html+javascript? or are plugins involved there? Mar 17 11:59:39 OK. I got Mojo running on the web, but seems that Palm SDK won't load the page Mar 17 12:31:19 Anyone know when the Adult Filter will be up and running? Mar 17 12:49:14 any smatto user out there? Mar 17 12:58:25 Anyone know when the Adult Filter will be up and running? Mar 17 12:58:51 or when the European paid apps will eventually kick-off? Mar 17 12:59:42 TheBounder: 31.3 is said to be kick-off date for paid apps Mar 17 13:20:31 marnin Mar 17 13:43:18 does anyone know how to associate a specific filetype to a webos application? so if I create XYZ reader, if I recieve an email with filename.xyz it will launch my app when opening the file. Mar 17 16:03:55 question: can anyone help me out with animating styles using Mojo.Animation.animateStyle? Mar 17 16:09:56 or... not... Mar 17 16:09:59 it's so quiet in here -_- Mar 17 16:10:37 *yawn* Mar 17 16:11:09 * Tibfib yawns Mar 17 16:11:12 * dthought drops a pin Mar 17 16:12:20 what are you up to, everyone?! :) Mar 17 16:13:01 * dthought is at work Mar 17 16:13:23 * Tibfib is sitting in bed, with a box of tissues by his side Mar 17 16:13:26 comparing documents, checking for changes in the documents and incorporating them... Mar 17 16:13:35 * dthought wishes Tibfib to get well Mar 17 16:14:12 hah, thanks Mar 17 16:14:59 think you'll still have some break left by the time you're better? Mar 17 16:15:15 We'll see... :/ Mar 17 16:16:04 Tibfib: you're from usa? Mar 17 16:16:08 yep Mar 17 16:16:46 i got no clue how it is handled there... how does illness and job interact over there? Mar 17 16:17:00 hah, I'm 15. It's spring break Mar 17 16:17:02 * dthought is from germany. Mar 17 16:17:04 ah. Lol Mar 17 16:17:08 well ,-) Mar 17 16:17:44 dthought: we get a certain number of sick days, usually, i think? Mar 17 16:18:32 jlazaroff: like holiday days, but days you only may take if you prove that you are ill. How many depends on your boss/employer? Mar 17 16:19:08 dthought: think so, yeah Mar 17 16:20:00 i'm still in college, though, so i've only really worked like minimum-wage jobs Mar 17 16:20:15 where the sick day policy is "you can only take off if you find someone to cover your shift" xD Mar 17 16:20:28 lol Mar 17 16:20:41 my sick day policy... is I dont have one Mar 17 16:20:51 I just don't show up Mar 17 16:21:35 when i'm sick, i'll get a sick certificate from the doctor. My employee MUST continue to pay my wage... (it changes after 6 weeks of continuous illness, then i'd only get a reduced "sick-wage") Mar 17 16:21:45 halfhalo_T400: what do you do? Mar 17 16:21:48 halfhalo_T400: will you get paid when you don't show up? Mar 17 16:22:30 employer of course. sorry ; Mar 17 16:22:42 No, I don't get paid if I don't show up, and I'm a Student Assistant Web Dev for CSUN Mar 17 16:23:23 aaaah, workstudy? Mar 17 16:23:29 nope Mar 17 16:23:53 Work Study is limited to 10 bucks an hour and 10 hours a week Mar 17 16:24:13 oh, really? Mar 17 16:24:23 for me it's just $1500 per academic year Mar 17 16:24:24 Student Assistants are limited to 20 a week, plus 40 on weeks with no class, and 15+ an hour Mar 17 16:24:35 lol Mar 17 16:24:40 oh, wow Mar 17 16:24:43 sounds like a good gig Mar 17 16:25:00 Considering I just cashed my last paycheck yesterday for 800 bucks, thats really sad you only get 1500 a yeae Mar 17 16:25:03 year* Mar 17 16:25:15 yeah -_- Mar 17 16:25:24 well i supplement it with freelance web design Mar 17 16:25:26 that's $20/hr Mar 17 16:25:33 lol Mar 17 16:25:35 made 600 for the last job :) Mar 17 16:25:56 I do freelance work sometimes as well, but meh Mar 17 16:25:59 not for a while Mar 17 16:26:33 it's so nice though Mar 17 16:26:48 everything's so flexible Mar 17 16:26:49 yeah Mar 17 16:26:53 but im lazy Mar 17 16:27:23 fair enough Mar 17 16:31:09 well, I feel retarted Mar 17 16:31:23 I was checking the wrong cookie for avatars Mar 17 16:34:07 those are the worst kind of errors Mar 17 16:35:57 hmmmmm Mar 17 16:36:03 steamFriends is failing Mar 17 16:38:52 argh Mar 17 16:39:05 ? Mar 17 16:39:08 anyone know why this isn't animating? Mar 17 16:39:28 Mojo.Animation.animateStyle (this.refreshIndicator, "margin-top", -100, -100, 0); Mar 17 16:40:20 nope Mar 17 16:40:39 this.refreshIndicator.bind(this) ? Mar 17 16:41:26 oh thats not a function sorry :P Mar 17 16:45:32 oh, whoops, the function that was inside of wasn't calling Mar 17 16:46:06 the first -100 is the fromValue but the second -100 is the toValue. should be: element, css-attribute, -100, 0, seconds Mar 17 16:48:35 aaah, okay Mar 17 16:52:18 um. weird error now Mar 17 16:52:31 Mojo.Animation.animateStyle (this.refreshIndicator, "margin-top", -100, 0, 1); Mar 17 16:52:37 TypeError: Cannot call method 'toUpperCase' of undefined Mar 17 17:06:17 dammit dammit dammit Mar 17 17:08:13 Monroe: whats up? Mar 17 17:08:26 hello all... Mar 17 17:09:07 I'm writing a class to abstract the sql lite database methods ... I've got it working ... but only for one query ... Subsequent queries fail Mar 17 17:13:07 Can someone tell is you can call modelchanged on a command menu item that has an eventListener attached to it? Mar 17 17:13:40 What happens to the eventLister after calling modelchanged? Mar 17 17:13:56 hmm .. I've never attached an eventListener to a command menu? Mar 17 17:14:05 Monroe, is the db locking up? Mar 17 17:14:17 not sure ... I'm trying to debug now Mar 17 17:14:44 my sql query is failing ... trying to figure out why Mar 17 17:15:21 Monroe, I need it for a mousedown, and hold event. Mar 17 17:15:55 Everything works fine until I call modelchange. Mar 17 17:16:33 ah Mar 17 17:17:02 maybe when you change the model you have to dispose of the listener and recreate it? Mar 17 17:17:11 I'm really not sure on that Mar 17 17:17:15 the code is here, if anyone would be kind enough to look at it: http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5916 Mar 17 17:17:26 well ... progress Mar 17 17:17:35 ? Mar 17 17:18:21 My first query creates "table1" ... upon success it runs another query to insert a couple values in to table1 ... that query fails with "no such table: table1" Mar 17 17:18:23 gah! Mar 17 17:18:28 Monroe, tried that. It still doesn't work. Mar 17 17:18:42 I JUST created table1!! Mar 17 17:20:50 question: how do i set a style with javascript? Mar 17 17:21:03 mah laptop is really slow right now Mar 17 17:21:33 you mean a class or just a css prop? Mar 17 17:21:42 halfhalo_T400: css property Mar 17 17:22:06 this.controller.get().style.display="none" Mar 17 17:22:19 replace display and none with the style you want Mar 17 17:22:28 ooh Mar 17 17:22:34 I think I figured out my problem Mar 17 17:22:35 sweet Mar 17 17:22:58 jlazaroff or $('el').style.left =yadayada Mar 17 17:23:29 where el is the element id, and left would be the property your styling Mar 17 17:23:33 I think I'm gotta re-write one of my scenes to use data pulled from the scene before it Mar 17 17:24:02 data reuse .. a novell idea! :) Mar 17 17:24:31 well, I originally had it repulling since I was using a different datasource, but now... Mar 17 17:26:10 so anyway, anyone have any ideas regarding using modelchanged on an element that has an eventListener attached, namely the command menu? Mar 17 17:28:21 midtown: wish I could be of more assistance ... Mar 17 17:42:24 is there any way to force a set of functions to be executed sequentially? Mar 17 17:42:47 Myfunc() { Mar 17 17:42:49 err Mar 17 17:42:58 call them sequentially? Mar 17 17:45:02 or, rather Mar 17 17:45:10 to make sure that each one finishes before the next begins Mar 17 17:45:15 without having a whole bunch of callbacks Mar 17 17:46:00 hmm ... let's make sure we're on the same page ... are these regular functions, or asynchronus functions? Mar 17 17:46:30 regular functions don't run asynchronusly, so you can just call each one and it'll run before the next ... Mar 17 17:48:38 okay, silly question Mar 17 17:48:41 sorry -_- Mar 17 17:48:46 :) Mar 17 17:49:35 now if one of them is an asynchronus function, or their is an asynchronus call inside one of the functions ... then it's a whole different story Mar 17 17:49:54 And yeah, then you are probably stuck with callbacks Mar 17 17:50:27 You might be able to use the notification chain, but I'm not certain Mar 17 17:50:51 if u have 2 or 3 async calls dependent on eachother that could be offloaded into a class that will chain them and keep it organized Mar 17 17:52:09 if its a database thing people have written batching code Mar 17 17:54:03 I'm writing a database abstraction class right now that allows for single or batched queries :) Mar 17 17:54:31 question Mar 17 17:54:34 I have 2 vars: var var1 = "name"; var var2 = "Monroe"; Mar 17 17:54:43 Is it possible to use the above to create a json object that would look like: Mar 17 17:54:50 myObj = {name: "Monroe"}; Mar 17 17:55:17 var obj = new Object; obj[var1] = var2 Mar 17 17:55:50 I would just go: var myObj=[]; myObj['name']=Monroe; myObj.toJSON(); Mar 17 17:56:42 then it would also have a { length: 0 }. wouldn't use an array indexer to create an object. Mar 17 17:57:53 meh, its just the way I do it Mar 17 17:58:28 Monroe: are you going to release it publicly? Mar 17 17:58:49 jlazaroff: sure Mar 17 17:59:39 i tried writing a class like that, but failed miserably -_- Mar 17 18:04:18 anyone know whether the animation methods are asynchronous? Mar 17 18:06:41 the methods are not async per say, but you can specify a callback to be notified when the animation has completed. Mar 17 18:07:40 dylanmei: what i'm trying to get working is animate an element to slide down, make an ajax request/add elements to a list, then animate the element sliding up Mar 17 18:07:52 in that order, with each step completing before the next begins Mar 17 18:08:01 ah okay then you want the callback Mar 17 18:09:23 but if its only a second we are talking about why not start the animation. start the request at the same time on the next line. Mar 17 18:09:41 DYNOMITE! Mar 17 18:10:10 when you've added the elements then roll back the animation. the request doesn't have to be dependent on the animation completing if we're only talking about a 1 second animation. Mar 17 18:11:18 my opinion unless i don't understand. get it working simply and if you're unsatisfied then make it more complex. Mar 17 18:13:05 lol ... now I can't generate an error even when I try :) Mar 17 18:56:37 hi there Mar 17 19:05:51 Hello Mar 17 19:12:24 hallo Mar 17 19:17:06 FOR ZE MOTHERLAND! Mar 17 19:19:52 My laptop died so I can't mess with steamfriends Mar 17 19:19:58 * halfhalo_T400 *sadpandaface* Mar 17 19:22:02 lo siento Mar 17 19:30:57 day 3 of waiting for a metadata update to go through (changed support email address) Mar 17 19:34:24 woo Mar 17 19:34:32 1.0.0 of Dice Roller released today. Mar 17 19:35:07 Dangit, stupid people Mar 17 19:35:26 Got another 0* review... "I don't get it" Mar 17 19:36:11 Kuraiou: congrats Mar 17 19:36:39 tibfib: it's annoying, and honestly they shouldn't be reviewing something they don't understand Mar 17 19:36:49 buuuut Mar 17 19:36:53 this is for Countdown, right? Mar 17 19:36:56 yep Mar 17 19:37:00 It may do to have a puzzle or tutorial mode Mar 17 19:37:06 something to guide the dumb people Mar 17 19:37:12 I'm making one... Mar 17 19:37:20 cool^^ Mar 17 19:37:38 But stillll... I need to put a warning in my app description: Requires intelligence to play! Mar 17 19:37:44 haha Mar 17 19:37:46 DO IT Mar 17 19:37:56 Make people feel bad... hah Mar 17 19:38:08 I think i just might. Mar 17 19:38:16 I would Mar 17 19:38:21 but then again, I'm a bastard Mar 17 19:41:35 hah, I'm just tired of bad reviews from people that aren't smart enough to open up the how-to Mar 17 19:43:24 (which i recommend to them on the very first page) Mar 17 19:44:21 jlazaroff: you still around? Mar 17 19:45:56 oh well. I finished by Database abstraction class ... guess he doesn't want it :) Mar 17 19:46:03 s/by/my Mar 17 19:48:53 hate all that db.transaction(function(transaction) ( executeSql( ..... Mar 17 19:49:17 lol Mar 17 19:49:18 same Mar 17 19:49:22 now I can just do this.db.runQuery(sql, successcallback, failcallback); Mar 17 19:49:23 but not using a db right now Mar 17 19:50:03 there he is Mar 17 19:50:11 sup slazaroff Mar 17 19:50:14 err Mar 17 19:50:19 jlazaroff Mar 17 19:50:21 lol Mar 17 19:50:51 I think my fingers were trying to type "slacker off", which is what I"m doing at work today :) Mar 17 19:56:07 Monroe: did you post it somewhere? Mar 17 20:00:16 kmudrick ... I can if you'd like Mar 17 20:00:45 * Monroe prepares zip file Mar 17 20:02:15 Monroe: I'd be interested as well Mar 17 20:02:28 I'm using lots of db crap for my chat app Mar 17 20:02:49 what chat app Mar 17 20:03:05 http://tibfib.com/ Mar 17 20:03:08 theres a vid there Mar 17 20:03:16 bbm style chat app Mar 17 20:04:04 shiny Mar 17 20:04:10 using mojo messaging? Mar 17 20:04:21 the service? Mar 17 20:04:28 yeah Mar 17 20:04:31 not yet Mar 17 20:04:36 ... Mar 17 20:04:41 For notifications I will Mar 17 20:04:50 http://www.bradball.net/files/webos/SQL%20Abstraction%20Demo.zip Mar 17 20:04:53 I haven't completely decided how it's going to work Mar 17 20:04:54 get it while it's hot Mar 17 20:07:10 got it thanks Mar 17 20:07:39 me too Mar 17 20:07:39 thanks Mar 17 20:07:59 very nice, gonna have to implement this! Mar 17 20:08:13 no prob Mar 17 20:08:25 Monroe: should get a github account and post on there too :() Mar 17 20:08:42 I probably should you're right Mar 17 20:14:48 Monroe: ah, sorry. what's up? Mar 17 20:15:14 He just had a proposition for you Mar 17 20:15:23 but he decided to pay me instead Mar 17 20:15:57 D': Mar 17 20:16:19 would it happen to regard the .zip file i just downloaded? :P Mar 17 20:16:37 ...dang, you figured it out.... Mar 17 20:19:09 Didn't think it be that fast >.< Mar 17 20:19:23 muahahahahaha Mar 17 20:20:17 installing now Mar 17 20:20:47 hmm... has anyone had problems with virtual box lately? Mar 17 20:20:50 github is nice, but bitbucket is free :) Mar 17 20:21:00 or rather, you get one private repository for free with bitbucket. Mar 17 20:21:08 and it doesn't have any BS collaborator limit. Mar 17 20:22:17 man, i need to start learning sql i guess -_- Mar 17 20:22:22 guess that's a no. Mar 17 20:22:31 wee Mar 17 20:22:40 Monroe: thanks for the class :) Mar 17 20:22:44 no prob Mar 17 20:22:45 Tibfib: what do you man? Mar 17 20:23:02 ...O.o Mar 17 20:23:23 It just freezes and quits when I try and launch apps installed Mar 17 20:23:39 ...oh. hm. Mar 17 20:23:52 weak Mar 17 20:23:54 but only some of them Mar 17 20:23:56 reisntall? Mar 17 20:24:09 i mean, there have been times that i've had to restart/reinstall the emulator for my app to work Mar 17 20:24:25 Yeah, I've restarted it several times Mar 17 20:24:31 as well as restarted my laptop Mar 17 20:24:43 no i mean delete and reinstall the emulator in virtualbox Mar 17 20:24:54 Monroe: I'll try that Mar 17 20:25:05 It's probably time to install the new sdk anyway Mar 17 20:25:30 (been running the beta) Mar 17 20:48:27 goddamn unit testing is annoying sometimes Mar 17 20:48:40 just skip it Mar 17 20:48:45 ;) Mar 17 20:51:30 Monroe: Blasphemy! Mar 17 20:56:24 morning Mar 17 21:04:15 my coworker yells at me and gets pissy if I don't write tests. Mar 17 21:04:27 and, really, he's right, tests are a good thing. Mar 17 21:04:33 it's just it takes me a long time to write them sometimes. Mar 17 21:04:35 yes :) Mar 17 21:04:37 morning rwhitby. Mar 17 21:04:49 like, I could've spent this hour fixing 3 outstanding bugs Mar 17 21:05:03 instead of step-through debugging why something I already know works (I tested it) didn't work in the test case Mar 17 21:15:04 hah, I bored everyone to death. Mar 17 21:15:08 * Kuraiou stands on their corpses and cackles.. Mar 17 21:15:25 so it looks like I'm gonna port my app over to Android Mar 17 21:15:26 hrmmm Mar 17 21:17:38 Kuraiou: what app? Mar 17 21:17:50 dangit, didn't we go over this yesterday? Mar 17 21:17:59 not with me.... Mar 17 21:18:02 hrm Mar 17 21:18:04 Dice Roller Mar 17 21:18:06 Or i wasn't paying attention Mar 17 21:18:16 my friend has a droid and programs, and is willing to help me port stuff over. Mar 17 21:18:17 Oh yeah, you said that earlier, today Mar 17 21:18:44 nice Mar 17 21:26:39 good evening Mar 17 21:30:16 evenin' Mar 17 21:31:00 Eurpeans :) Mar 17 21:31:03 +o Mar 17 21:45:38 okay, time to take my c++ final Mar 17 21:45:40 see you later, everyone! Mar 17 21:45:43 ha Mar 17 21:45:58 thats better than my ASM class at least Mar 17 22:09:02 Anyone happen to know if there's an NNTP client for WebOS? Mar 17 22:09:23 Besides the obvious CLI ones you could probably get via the terminal Mar 17 22:10:30 there is Mar 17 22:10:35 in homebrew Mar 17 22:10:45 and there is some http-based time server Mar 17 22:10:50 time client Mar 17 22:11:19 hey Mar 17 22:11:55 MetaView: well I have preware and all that jazz. Do you happen to remember any specifics about the NNTP client? Mar 17 22:12:29 and NNTP != NTP Mar 17 22:12:35 network news (usenet) vs network time Mar 17 22:13:18 oh, network news... hm Mar 17 22:13:34 then I don't know Mar 17 22:14:39 hehe. thanks anyways :) Mar 17 22:14:57 might finally get me off my bum and learn how to code for this thing. Mar 17 22:15:25 you might port a qt-based opensource NNTP app for WIDK Mar 17 22:16:00 Hmm... the only QT ones that come to mind are either bad, or tightly integrated with KDE's libraries Mar 17 22:16:45 and i don't have the chops to port someone else's work. I'd be lucky to understand most of the code as-is Mar 17 22:17:22 swisstomcat: aha :) Mar 17 22:17:38 gut heimgekommen in diesem fall :) Mar 17 22:19:24 noaXess: i'll send you the poster to check Mar 17 22:19:46 swisstomcat: jep.. :).. thats fine. Mar 17 22:19:55 skype? Mar 17 22:20:01 yeah Mar 17 22:20:09 or email.. Mar 17 22:27:04 g'night Mar 17 22:43:17 so it seems that webos applications are written in javascript. can you use more 'proper' languages and still have webos-like behavior? Mar 17 22:43:59 draeath: what is a proper language? Mar 17 22:44:37 something like C, or python. (not a web scripting language) Mar 17 22:44:51 draeath: WebOS... Mar 17 22:45:21 draeath: But yes, in beta form, you can create a plugin in C (or CPP, or even python with the right magic) and connect it to a mojo frontend so you still have the fancy widgets Mar 17 22:45:28 draeath: or just use SDL and completely ditch the webos look Mar 17 22:45:52 If you use SDL, does it still get put into a 'card' ? Mar 17 22:45:57 draeath: yes Mar 17 22:46:09 hi all Mar 17 22:46:27 draeath: The hooks have been around since 1.3, the 'PDK' which lets you test it out in a palm official way was just released on the 9th of this month in beta Mar 17 22:46:47 g'night Mar 17 22:47:04 So two real options: draw directly with SDL, or talk to a 'backend' coded as you like? Mar 17 22:48:04 draeath: Yes. webos-internals has been implemented both of those methods for quite some time. Until recently however, there has been no Palm 'official' methods (and in some respects, there still aren't) Mar 17 22:48:24 draeath: wIRC, for instance (the webos IRC client) uses a C service backend, with a mojo front end Mar 17 22:48:25 hooooooly crap Mar 17 22:48:34 fixed my bug Mar 17 22:48:48 and just found out that I dont have to call toJSON on my object Mar 17 22:48:56 draeath: while something like Quake, is all C/CPP and uses SDL and OpenGL ES for display Mar 17 22:49:46 I think doing it via the mojo frontend 'connection' might be best in my case, it will get me to learn things that apply to web applications more than going the SDL route Mar 17 22:49:56 (this will be a learning experience in more ways than one) Mar 17 22:50:11 the simulator still wants an old vbox version right? Mar 17 22:50:38 draeath: depending on your ultimate goals (ie: app catalog) you may want to stick with palm official methods to guarantee compliance when they begin accepting plugin based application submissions Mar 17 22:51:28 If it ever gets to that point, preware would be my target (i couldn't care less about getting it into the official catalog) Mar 17 22:51:33 Thanks zsoc :) Mar 17 22:52:32 Thinking about /attempting/ to make a usenet/NNTP client (text only of course). Good ways to get me learning all sorts of neat things. (and I can set up an NNTP server so I control both sides of the test) Mar 17 22:53:12 draeath: #webos-internals is probably the proper channel then, don't want to spam them in here with non-official stuff :) Mar 17 22:53:23 yeah! Mar 17 22:53:30 although I spam official stuff over there.... Mar 17 22:53:34 :p Mar 17 22:53:53 ah I thought this channel seemed a bit 'naked' :P Mar 17 22:55:14 thanks again zsoc Mar 17 23:27:04 How's everyone? Mar 17 23:29:17 s'ok Mar 17 23:35:13 meh Mar 17 23:35:30 Roy-Pre101: awesome! Mar 17 23:35:43 rwhitby: That good? Mar 17 23:35:55 Roy-Pre101: no, just wanted to counter all the other apathy ;) Mar 17 23:36:05 OK. :) Mar 17 23:36:22 Roy-Pre101: nice job on making the contest a global contest. Mar 17 23:36:32 We're doing our best. Mar 17 23:37:10 It took a lot of wrangling. Mar 17 23:37:20 theres a contest? Mar 17 23:37:22 And there may still be issues depending on where people are. Mar 17 23:37:40 dawm: A contest? yes. Mar 17 23:37:53 http://www.webosroundup.com/2010/03/webosroundup-presents-the-palmspot-video-contest/ Mar 17 23:38:15 rwhitby: Any news other than the recent Qt thing? Mar 17 23:39:44 Roy-Pre101: no, that's about it. I'm working on a C version of ipkgservice, to be integrated into the Preware package, but that's still in early testing. Mar 17 23:41:02 Very good. Mar 17 23:45:37 Roy-Pre101: oh, aupt-4, with support for patching of binary files in a secure, open and transparent manner. Mar 17 23:45:45 (currently in alpha testing) Mar 17 23:48:11 Cool. Got a link to info on AUPT-4? Mar 17 23:49:55 Roy-Pre101: unfortunately, the only one is http://git.webos-internals.org/?p=preware/build.git;a=commitdiff;h=223c9adbe9f20e39aadb66de6e85f7f1419138e7;hp=1f8ca43caf3086cdc82411359b8056e772b78387 Mar 17 23:51:53 I'll get something into the Roundup. Mar 17 23:52:16 Roy-Pre101: An example of use would be the user agent patch Mar 17 23:52:20 But first, dinner! Mar 17 23:52:39 (as opposed to: dinner, butt first!) Mar 18 00:32:59 Hi folks Mar 18 00:34:40 hola Mar 18 00:35:09 ohayo gozaimasu Mar 18 00:37:22 anyone here have an ad based revenue app? Mar 18 00:37:29 admob or the like? Mar 18 00:37:36 many do Mar 18 00:37:36 not for long! Mar 18 00:38:05 i was checking out admob and the fill rates are kinda low Mar 18 00:38:16 yep Mar 18 00:38:27 what do you use? Mar 18 00:44:02 Anybody have RadioTime installed on their device? Mar 18 00:45:53 If you do, can you please search for Jason Lewis and try to see if the podcast links work Mar 18 00:49:11 it seem to be available from a number of sources Mar 18 00:49:21 The podcast links below the stations. Mar 18 00:49:28 Should have the radiotime logo by them Mar 18 00:49:35 ah Mar 18 00:50:01 unable to play stream Mar 18 00:50:05 Damn Mar 18 00:50:17 I wonder what's up with that... Mar 18 00:50:34 i have ver 1.0.6 tho Mar 18 00:50:47 Man...upgrade to 1.0.8 Mar 18 00:51:05 i know... too busy fix'n my own bugs to play Mar 18 00:51:29 I don't even have an activated Palm anymore. Mar 18 00:51:30 still using smaato? Mar 18 00:51:37 I got Sprint to give me a free HTC Hero. Mar 18 00:51:50 Yes, Smaato is supplying CPM but only in 1.0.8 Mar 18 00:58:34 rwhitby: This page is out of datE: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Portal:Patches_to_webOS Mar 18 00:58:40 oh, it says so already. Mar 18 00:58:49 I'm trying to find a link to the spoof user agent patch. Mar 18 00:58:53 that describes it. Mar 18 00:59:31 Roy-Pre101: PreCentral thread Mar 18 01:00:13 Roy-Pre101: http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/200656-how-make-all-mobile-websites-display-perfectly.html Mar 18 01:11:32 Thanks Rod. Mar 18 01:11:53 Are there any other binary patches? Mar 18 01:16:23 Roy-Pre101: i have a few fileindexer bspatches to include more filetypes in the music/video player, but they aren't released publically Mar 18 01:16:44 cool. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Mar 18 02:59:56 2010