**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 12 02:59:56 2010 May 12 03:11:55 So I have a scroller in my scene. If I do a this.controller.setupWidget('tasks_scroller', {mode: 'vertical'}); May 12 03:12:23 and then later: this.controller.get('tasks_scroller').mojo.revealTop(); May 12 03:12:43 I get null for this.controller.get('tasks_scroller') May 12 03:12:50 If I don't do the setupWidget, it works perfectly. May 12 03:14:36 which baffles me. May 12 03:15:51 hi haeffb! May 12 03:16:46 hey JenP May 12 03:17:04 I'm so happy I got my list working...SMILES May 12 03:17:26 Yay! May 12 03:17:42 I didn't know you were working on lists... May 12 03:17:44 Now I just need to figure out how to get my dB stuff into it May 12 03:18:13 well i was doing the dB stuff but couldn't come up with a good way to display output...you suggest using a list... May 12 03:18:15 so i did May 12 03:18:37 I am brilliant! May 12 03:18:46 LOL yes you are! May 12 03:20:40 you are using sqlite DB? May 12 03:20:49 yes May 12 03:21:05 you know any SQL? May 12 03:21:17 i'm learning it May 12 03:21:30 slowly...learning it... May 12 03:21:36 but i'm getting there May 12 03:21:48 slowly is the best way. May 12 03:21:54 except for quickly. May 12 03:22:08 smiles... May 12 03:24:51 good evening everyone May 12 03:25:00 hola LoneStar99 May 12 03:25:11 howdy May 12 03:26:40 anyone messed with dragging elements in webos? May 12 03:27:35 No, I'm waiting for you to get it all figured out first. May 12 03:27:46 me too...hop to it May 12 03:28:11 have it working, but but have a minor glitch May 12 03:30:09 ok haeffb how do i get my stuff from the db into the list? May 12 03:30:31 problem elements are larger than the screen, so need to figure how to have element surpass borders of screen May 12 03:31:28 http://pastebin.com/xEMDWbAQ May 12 03:31:28 SELECT * FROM mytable May 12 03:31:54 in that pastie it shows how i was getting the data to output into a html table May 12 03:32:45 so i would think it would be around line 27 May 12 03:33:13 results contains your db data May 12 03:33:37 results.row.length? May 12 03:33:41 results.rows.items(i).card_name May 12 03:33:46 JenP: your sql data is it local or from the cloud? May 12 03:33:51 local May 12 03:33:53 it be local May 12 03:33:59 k May 12 03:34:25 results.rows.length is how many rows of results you have (how many cc's) May 12 03:34:33 each row is one cc May 12 03:34:39 kk May 12 03:35:36 you just need to be able to take each results.rows.items(xxx) and put each one into your listModel. May 12 03:35:40 ah so is it in my listModel my dB stuff goes? May 12 03:35:51 listModel.items May 12 03:35:53 i was close! May 12 03:36:28 listModel.items is an array of objects May 12 03:36:38 in your case, each object represents one cc. May 12 03:36:51 nodnod May 12 03:36:53 card_name, interest, etc. May 12 03:37:01 yes May 12 03:37:30 so how do i put values into the listModel.items May 12 03:38:58 in the for loop... May 12 03:39:31 do something like myListModel.items.push(Object.clone(results.rows.items(i)); May 12 03:39:47 what's object.clone? May 12 03:40:25 I discovered thru much error & error & trial (not trial & error, that's too easy) that the results returned from a SQLite DB query are immutable. May 12 03:40:52 so you can't just push(results.rows.items(i)) May 12 03:41:03 well that sucks May 12 03:41:04 Object.clone creates a copy of resuls.rows.items(i) May 12 03:41:12 which can then be changed. May 12 03:41:36 if you don't need to change card_name or whatever later, then the Object.clone isn't necessary. May 12 03:41:53 but usually you do want to May 12 03:41:56 i'd like to anticipate the ability to change... May 12 03:42:00 but change is hard... May 12 03:42:05 giggles May 12 03:42:13 :) May 12 03:42:21 (fl) May 12 03:42:56 so, anyway, that's the overview. The devil is in the details, but I gotta jet. May 12 03:43:09 kk byes! May 12 03:43:10 thanks May 12 03:43:22 take each row, make a copy, push it into your items array. simple, right? May 12 03:43:34 yeah....simple.... May 12 03:43:51 remember me "celebrating list creation 5 mins ago" May 12 03:44:27 lol. later... May 12 03:44:32 ciao May 12 03:45:59 has anyone worked with an image larger than the phone screen, how do you go about centering an image which is for example: width:500px;height:800px ?? May 12 03:50:07 JenP: myListModel.items.push(Object.clone(results.rows.item(i)); May 12 03:50:18 Make sure the second item is not items May 12 03:53:23 is jfelectron still around have not seen him in months... May 12 03:54:15 Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'items', app/assistants/ccStorage-assistant.js:82 May 12 03:54:24 any idea why i'd get this? May 12 03:54:54 look up May 12 03:55:01 could mean that your object doesn't have any contents May 12 03:55:25 it means that it has an item method. May 12 03:55:30 not items May 12 03:55:37 oh heh May 12 03:55:50 wait.. items isn't a method May 12 03:55:52 oh ...thanks haeffb May 12 03:56:33 what I was trying to warn about... May 12 03:56:55 but i did the Object.clone May 12 03:59:20 Oh! I got something to come in! May 12 03:59:28 * JenP does happy dance May 12 06:27:43 morning May 12 07:37:44 morning May 12 07:38:34 morning May 12 08:34:09 Hello May 12 08:34:23 Can someone tell me if you have to pay the $50 fee when you update an already approved app? May 12 08:39:13 hello May 12 08:39:26 you only have to pay the $50 once May 12 08:39:37 for every app May 12 08:40:20 Awesome, thanks for the help May 12 09:55:55 bbl May 12 13:03:42 rehi May 12 13:14:00 swisstomcat: Howdy. May 12 13:14:16 howdy roy-pre101 May 12 14:47:57 *crickets* May 12 14:48:35 hi haeffb May 12 14:57:26 bbl May 12 15:16:20 hello May 12 15:16:33 how can I install an ipk easily without going to the store ? May 12 15:17:03 palm-install, WOSQI, Preware. May 12 15:17:19 Why do you ask? May 12 15:18:42 because I want to test something ? :) May 12 15:20:18 I downloaded webos quickinstall May 12 15:20:24 but it asks me for a provider May 12 15:20:27 and it's not in the list May 12 15:23:52 seems like i have to turn my phone into dev mode, right ? May 12 15:31:31 is webos doctor stuff needed ? May 12 15:31:39 it seems I can't run the program without it May 12 15:34:41 ok.. can't even test my apps... great ;) May 12 15:35:13 it's not needed May 12 15:36:54 ok, so I don't care if I download sprint webosdoctor and it's not my carrier ? May 12 15:38:34 about the developer mode.. "upupdown...": does it mean I need to press "u", "p" keys,... ? May 12 15:38:46 or does it mean "up" gesture,... ? May 12 15:50:07 it means type in 'upup... May 12 15:51:24 warpdesign: do you have the SDK installed? May 12 15:59:45 warpdesign_: you can use 'ar' to unpack an ipk, then you can install it with palm-package or whatever the command line is (I'm lazy) May 12 16:11:08 haeffb: yes, I have the sdk May 12 16:11:10 I'm using it now May 12 16:11:21 but I didn't know I had to activate developer mode for transfer to work May 12 16:11:33 it's ok now, thanks May 12 16:11:39 and it's looking really good May 12 16:34:30 my app is in top 221 now1 May 12 16:34:31 yay! May 12 16:35:18 no its still at 285 =-| May 12 16:36:48 hi ... i have a question ... about the webos and palm pre, can i export or save somewhere the wifi key stored on my palm pre ??? May 12 17:39:56 Darkmagister: Yes, it's possible. Ask over in #webos-internals. I think someone there will know May 12 17:40:23 referenceerror: Audio is not defined May 12 17:40:39 Nyceane: Emulator? May 12 17:46:56 are multiple backgrounds supported in webos/webkit ? May 12 18:09:47 warpdesign: Yep, they are May 12 18:10:34 evening May 12 18:10:40 evening May 12 18:11:03 right, ok May 12 18:11:05 good news May 12 18:13:49 swisstomcat...wut up? May 12 18:16:37 hi haeffb May 12 18:16:44 putting the last finishing touches to my new app May 12 18:19:19 emailed chuq for rejection May 12 18:19:58 jeez May 12 18:20:08 sweet. May 12 18:20:17 hey, can file coaster install .ipk file itself? May 12 18:20:26 if i download the .ipk file somewhere May 12 18:20:38 nyceane: I get my rejection at home...dont need chuqui May 12 18:20:59 phht May 12 18:21:04 last time i requested for rejection, it still went through May 12 18:21:14 oh chuqui, i just emailed you for an app rejection May 12 18:21:20 can you do it? =) May 12 18:21:22 got it. passed it on to the team. May 12 18:21:26 thanks May 12 18:21:35 hi chuqui May 12 18:21:51 also, chuq, can you remove some of the reviews that use vulgar langauge on one of my app? May 12 18:22:01 such as the f word May 12 18:22:30 frank? further? famous? May 12 18:22:57 i'm about to submit an app May 12 18:23:06 (someone has commandeered my office_ so I'm bored & taking it out on #webos) May 12 18:23:28 swisstomcat: don't do it! May 12 18:23:36 I sent in about 900 reviews for deletion last night. updates due any time May 12 18:23:46 thanks a lot =) May 12 18:23:49 you are the best May 12 18:25:54 hey gang, new meetup scheduled for southern california webos devs. it's in irvine, may 30th at 2p, http://bit.ly/dBHq7N May 12 18:25:55 chuqui: You're a one-man review wrecking machine! May 12 18:26:05 I try May 12 18:26:42 dpivs, are there gona be any girls there? May 12 18:27:24 Who knows, maybe? There weren't any at the last one though, haha, sorry. May 12 18:27:36 Roy-Pre101, are you here? May 12 18:27:50 I'll bring my girlfriend, she'll be the only girl there May 12 18:27:51 Nyceane: I am May 12 18:28:01 Roy-Pre101, referenceerror: Audio is not defined May 12 18:28:08 does that only happen on emulator? May 12 18:29:29 Nyceane: Yes, but you can fix it. May 12 18:29:33 On the emulator. May 12 18:29:41 May 12 18:29:43 I know May 12 18:29:56 http://pre101.com/blog/2009/10/31/enabling-sounds-in-the-webos-emulator/ May 12 18:29:58 but there are still no sound coming from emulator May 12 18:30:06 wow May 12 18:30:07 thanks May 12 18:30:46 However, .mp3 files would not play. May 12 18:31:32 that doesn't really work in windows =-| May 12 18:31:35 hello all May 12 18:31:40 hey lonestar May 12 18:32:26 hallo swisstomcat May 12 18:33:06 hi LoneStar99 May 12 18:33:19 Roy-Pre101, are you here? May 12 18:33:37 Nyceane: mp3 files won't play on the emulator May 12 18:33:50 Nyceane: you can only play uncompressed wave files May 12 18:33:52 ok, i can make it .wav May 12 18:33:58 at least from what I know/my experience May 12 18:33:59 thats fine, but how do i do this on windows? May 12 18:34:10 nyceane: audio.js is not used anymore on webos 1.4.x May 12 18:34:13 you can use wavepad May 12 18:34:24 or audacity May 12 18:35:26 Nyceane: btw you will notice a .5->1sec lag in sound play if you use the Audio object May 12 18:35:39 this will happen on a real device as well and there's nothing you can do about it May 12 18:36:04 thats fine, i just want to make sure my app is working May 12 18:36:05 anyone ever messed with images larger than 320px width by 480px height May 12 18:36:13 and i'll switch out the file May 12 18:36:20 on the palm pre May 12 18:37:15 hello Nyceane May 12 18:37:30 Roy-Pre101, how do i follow your guide on windows? May 12 18:38:27 Nyceane: get putty May 12 18:38:37 run it with localhost 5522 May 12 18:38:45 the loging as root, no pass (just press enter) May 12 18:38:58 i'm trying to submit an app ... "This application title already exists" :( May 12 18:39:00 and you'll be able to run the command line you see on the website May 12 18:39:06 too bad ! May 12 18:39:51 well, my beta was called "AnimalMemory Beta" .. but now i'm trying to submit as "AnimalMemory" May 12 18:39:59 chuqui? May 12 18:40:05 yeah? May 12 18:40:14 i'm trying to submit an app ... "This application title already exists" May 12 18:40:20 my beta was called "AnimalMemory Beta" .. but now i'm trying to submit as "AnimalMemory" May 12 18:40:28 any ideas? May 12 18:40:41 swisstomcat: it is the app.info name May 12 18:40:59 hmm? May 12 18:41:18 "id": "com.buildasearch.coloroo.app", May 12 18:41:35 that needs to be unique May 12 18:41:52 it is May 12 18:43:06 EXAMPLE: appinfo.json file "id": "com.buildasearch.coloroo.app" change to "id": "com.coloroo.plus.app" or something similar May 12 18:43:22 the error message appears when i edit the Application title May 12 18:43:40 e.g AnimalMemoory works May 12 18:43:44 but not AnimalMemory May 12 18:45:37 humm... May 12 18:45:59 the id is unique already May 12 18:46:28 and both titles are different? May 12 18:46:52 hey guys May 12 18:47:01 if i only have the .ipk file May 12 18:47:11 would i be able to install it on the pre? May 12 18:47:24 I am saying this so I can go test it on the phone at verizon May 12 18:48:48 Nyceane: I believe you can use a similar command on Windows to access the shell. May 12 18:49:17 the old title was "animalmemory beta" .. the new one is "animalmemory" May 12 18:49:46 dpivs, are you still here? May 12 18:49:54 swisstomcat: is animalmemory in the app catalog? May 12 18:50:07 Roy-Pre101, i dont have /etc/event.dis May 12 18:50:09 no, i'm trying to submit it May 12 18:50:20 animalmemory beta was in the beta feed May 12 18:50:29 oh ok May 12 18:50:30 Nyceane: You do. May 12 18:50:45 you have to use putty to shell into the emulator. May 12 18:51:05 swisstomcat: let me thin what else, cuss i have had a similar problem with the naming May 12 18:51:15 thin = think May 12 18:52:07 Roy-Pre101, any idea where it would be? May 12 18:52:10 * swisstomcat prods chuqui with a stick May 12 18:52:15 i m in shell under drive May 12 18:52:17 ow! May 12 18:52:27 sorry. I'm on a conference call... May 12 18:52:30 Nyceane: Included with the install, I think May 12 18:52:43 sorry, i'll bug you later then, chuqui May 12 18:52:51 chuqui: Ah, the HP webOS tablet conference call, right? May 12 18:52:56 :) May 12 18:53:00 hehe May 12 18:53:31 no, no idea. but once someone uses a name, it can't be reused. but since that's a superset, that should be okay. May 12 18:53:37 at least in theory. May 12 18:54:11 Roy-Pre101, i searched for event.dis May 12 18:54:17 and it comes up as no items match your search May 12 18:54:24 oops. gotta run. back later. May 12 18:55:12 Palm-SDK- May 12 18:55:17 everything is reside in that May 12 18:55:48 Nyceane: How did you search for it? May 12 18:55:54 yah May 12 18:57:00 Use putty, it should be included with the SDK. Connect to the emulator. May 12 18:57:08 Then cd /etc/event.dis May 12 18:57:24 Or, you can copy and paste my commands. May 12 18:57:24 whats putty? May 12 18:57:32 It's an SSH client for windows. May 12 18:57:57 ok, let me download that May 12 18:58:02 i m using windows powershell right now May 12 19:00:43 I don't have putty May 12 19:01:24 do you have the SDK installed already? May 12 19:01:31 yah May 12 19:01:34 i have palm inspector May 12 19:01:54 swisstomcat: i have two of the same apps "coloroo" in web distro and "coloroo plus" in app catalog, with no issue May 12 19:02:29 weird May 12 19:02:33 Roy-Pre101, i downloaded putty from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html May 12 19:02:48 I am not sure what am i suppose to put May 12 19:02:55 nyceane: you could try novacom from the commandline May 12 19:02:57 released "coloroo" first - so maybe it is a bug with the palm DB May 12 19:03:09 \program files\palm\novacom i think May 12 19:03:28 lonestar: i've submitted "animalmemory beta" first May 12 19:04:54 i got that May 12 19:04:57 i can run novacom May 12 19:05:12 swisstomcat: thinking it might be a bug since "animalmemory beta" was submitted first and not "animalmemory" May 12 19:05:23 nyceane: novacom -t open tty:// May 12 19:05:41 lonestar: i'm surprise a bug like this would exist May 12 19:05:47 surprised May 12 19:05:58 oh got it May 12 19:06:00 =) May 12 19:06:02 swisstomcat: so the DB logic sees the name "animalmemory" as taken... May 12 19:07:15 swisstomcat, thanks a lot, i just ran those command May 12 19:07:37 Updating my post with that command May 12 19:07:45 (08:53:31 PM) chuqui: no, no idea. but once someone uses a name, it can't be reused. but since that's a superset, that should be okay. May 12 19:07:45 (08:53:37 PM) chuqui: at least in theory. May 12 19:10:02 swisstomcat: what about "animal memory" does that work May 12 19:10:16 lonestar: yeah, i ended up using that May 12 19:10:25 but i have to submit a bug anyway May 12 19:10:38 bug to palm? May 12 19:10:58 yup May 12 19:11:05 yeah forsure, May 12 19:11:13 i am 99.5% sure it is one May 12 19:11:22 it looks like one May 12 19:11:53 if it looks like a bug it probably is :) May 12 19:12:00 lol May 12 19:12:35 if it looks like "sh-t" and "smells like "sh-t" - well it is "shit May 12 19:13:13 if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - well, then it's a duck May 12 19:13:48 yeah May 12 19:16:56 yay, read to submit May 12 19:17:30 hey Roy-Pre101, the event.ds does not have audiod May 12 19:17:36 right on] May 12 19:17:46 or mediaserver, pulseaudio or systemsoundloader May 12 19:18:15 event.dis May 12 19:18:16 eventdis, i mean May 12 19:18:32 it has bluetooth, memchute, novacomw, rdxd, swaphack, ttyS2, uploadd May 12 19:18:57 Then you've already moved them. Did you cut and paste my commands? May 12 19:19:11 i already moved it May 12 19:19:12 yah May 12 19:19:17 sorry lol May 12 19:19:20 Reboot the emulator and you'll be in business. May 12 19:19:35 how do i reboot the emulator? just turn off and on? May 12 19:19:50 same error May 12 19:19:56 yay, app has been submitted! May 12 19:20:08 reference error, audio not defined May 12 19:20:33 swisstomcat, gratz =) May 12 19:20:53 i hope they will accept it :) May 12 19:31:58 Nyceane: Choose the 'reset' option May 12 19:32:09 My guess is you just suspended it and restarted it, which does -nothing. May 12 19:58:50 Want to use audio in your webOS apps? Or still using media.js? Learn how to use the new method: http://bit.ly/jdf-sample-audio May 12 20:28:59 Roy-Pre101, i just did reset, still same thing May 12 20:29:51 Is there a way to add a listener before a controller is created? e.g. right after the stage is created, but before any scenes have been pushed I want to add a listener to the document (which is a property of the StageController) May 12 20:32:21 So I've got a weird db question... I've built a database, I'm trying to query a single row from it. I'm able to query a row, results.rows.length == 1. May 12 20:32:32 But when I try to access results.rows[0], it comes back undefined. May 12 20:32:34 Any ideas? May 12 20:34:32 the guide does not apply to either windows or mac =_= May 12 20:36:51 Aha, figured out my problem, was using old documentation. May 12 20:37:00 Need to use results.rows.item(0), not results.rows[0] May 12 20:40:55 haeffb_pre: yo May 12 20:41:58 can anybody test an app for me? =_= May 12 20:42:00 ya May 12 20:42:08 since I dont have a palm pre =-/ May 12 20:42:12 hey hows it going May 12 20:42:34 goodish May 12 20:42:39 :) May 12 20:42:41 you? May 12 20:42:42 ish May 12 20:42:46 okish... May 12 20:43:04 nyceane: sure May 12 20:43:16 myles is still on the leaderboard. i fell off May 12 20:43:31 slowly falling as well... May 12 20:43:57 I'm saving swistomcat's translation to get a bump soon.. :) May 12 20:44:05 i may make it back on with free app May 12 20:44:17 swisstomcat, you just need the ipk, right? May 12 20:44:24 yup May 12 20:44:35 let me upload it, one sec May 12 20:44:40 does anyone have any pointers or places to look on how to make a screen with a header div and then a scrollable div that doesn't appear under the top div? May 12 20:45:16 haeffb_pre: remember what the opposite of setupwidget was? May 12 20:45:39 soulsurfer: use a palm-header-spacer... ? May 12 20:45:58 nukeWidgetFromSpace May 12 20:46:01 i'm looking at the palm calendar week view which is perfect but there are so many moving parts and different poorly named divs May 12 20:46:09 er...uh...no May 12 20:46:17 i did use the palm header spacer May 12 20:46:26 there was some way to undo a widget so u could remake it in the same scene May 12 20:46:50 it works well for initial display, but once the div below starts scrolling, you can see it under the palm-header May 12 20:47:08 i got a list i update and sometimes if the list is shorter the second time i get white space where the list was longer May 12 20:47:16 ah. you need your own scroller. May 12 20:47:49 can you point me out to any good documentation on building my own scroller? May 12 20:48:00 palm calendars week view is perfect May 12 20:48:28 full card (besides the header) scrolls left to right and then below the header scrolls up and down May 12 20:48:40 swisstomcat, are you here? May 12 20:48:44 yeah May 12 20:49:24 they may be using two scrollers... May 12 20:49:53 oh yeah they are May 12 20:49:55 i see now May 12 20:50:01 in the scene html May 12 20:50:02 is the following DOM for width correct? "elem.style.width = newWidth;" ?? May 12 20:50:53 I can give an example of implementing a scroller...but not until later this evening... May 12 20:51:14 width = "
May 12 20:51:26 i tok May 12 20:51:30 ok May 12 20:51:32 that would be awesome May 12 20:53:50 shouldn't elements use " " and not ' ' ? May 12 20:54:14 to start, pushScene({name: 'myScene', disableSceneScroller: true}); May 12 20:54:48 Bmyers: you shouldn't have to recreate the widget. May 12 20:54:52 disableSceneScroller to prevent the overall scene from scrolling instead of the inside divs? May 12 20:55:08 right May 12 20:55:26 add a div or two for the header. May 12 20:55:38 then a div to contain the scroller. May 12 20:55:43 i need to do something. i get white space if i replace the list with a shorter one May 12 20:55:57 then the scroller div inside that May 12 20:56:10 then content inside that May 12 20:56:27 that's the general process May 12 20:57:05 ok, thanks! I'm trying it now May 12 20:57:08 Bmyers_: look at invalidateItems &/or other listWidget methods May 12 20:58:07 * haeffb_pre likes nukeWidgetFromSpace, though May 12 20:58:21 i'll try nuke and see what happens May 12 21:00:41 haeffb_pre, do you know off hand how to do 'screen height - palm header spacer height'? May 12 21:01:22 i'd kind of like to keep my columns a little dynamic in case HP does come out with the tablet later this year :) May 12 21:01:35 columns and everything i mean May 12 21:03:53 nope May 12 21:04:04 ok May 12 21:04:19 g'night everyone May 12 21:25:51 still waiting for rejection pending =_= May 12 21:25:52 that sucks May 12 21:27:01 * sugardave rejects Nyceane. May 12 21:27:05 better? May 12 21:27:54 completely channel-OT: does anybody know much about openOffice Base, forms, and date data types? May 12 21:28:01 msg me May 12 21:30:13 OK, my efforts have coalesced into SOMETHING: http://millenomi.posterous.com/presenting-labs-platform-core May 12 21:31:16 question, how do i save something to a file May 12 21:31:18 .? May 12 21:32:10 pacemkr: not sure, but I think you can use DownloadManager to save files May 12 21:32:42 download manager fetches from a remote location though May 12 21:32:53 meh, it fetches from Ajax May 12 21:32:54 say i want to save something to a text file... May 12 21:33:15 if you could somehow make your text into an data url or something like that May 12 21:34:42 sugardave: have you seen jfelectron online recently? May 12 21:35:13 LoneStar99: nah, but I haven't been looking at this window for days May 12 21:36:09 ok thanks, have not seen him online, but have not been online as much myself May 12 21:36:58 I'm looking forward to getting back to webOS in a couple of weeks. Real life is a PITA May 12 21:37:47 have been getting back to webos slowly but surely May 12 21:38:07 LoneStar99: how are your apps doing? May 12 21:39:43 so so, never really got the rating issue resolved on one app, so sales went down like 99% May 12 21:40:21 but revamping all apps May 12 21:40:59 was hoping to get on app in the top 200 but looking slim... May 12 21:41:00 yeah, I think that will be my first order of business....app updates and into the international catalogs May 12 21:41:16 yeah same here May 12 21:41:24 on = one May 12 21:43:26 heh, I'm not going to try for the top 200....if it happens, that's awesome, but I'm not going to bust my ass on time I don't have :D May 12 21:43:37 just glad that palm got bailed out by HP, was starting to worry for all developers some weeks ago May 12 21:43:37 Rejection Pending =( May 12 21:43:40 lol May 12 21:43:41 yeah May 12 21:43:49 should've just left it there and then post update May 12 21:43:50 lol May 12 21:44:26 rejection pending why? May 12 21:44:50 cuz i just had another update May 12 21:45:05 oh ok May 12 21:45:08 and i thought of pushing it together May 12 21:47:57 that sucks May 12 21:49:17 well, mainly reason for my update is that the previous admob account was giving 35% fill rate May 12 21:49:22 so i opened up another admob account for the same app May 12 21:49:32 which gives me close to 100% fill rate May 12 21:50:03 i have 13706 downloads, think I can make it to top 221? May 12 21:51:11 Nyceane: paid or free? May 12 22:08:59 free May 12 22:09:05 LoneStar99, free May 12 22:09:12 i have average 500 to 600 downloads a day May 12 22:09:18 wana check it out? May 12 22:12:11 yeah what is your link? May 12 22:14:33 one sec May 12 22:14:41 Ping, who was looking for me? May 12 22:15:31 http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.pascharllc.fantasychat May 12 22:15:33 Did no one point soulsurfer to webos101.com? Sheesh. May 12 22:16:15 i need to win this so i can buy myself a palm =P May 12 22:47:41 Roy-Pre101: couldn't remember if you had any scrollers there... May 12 23:25:14 Is there a reliable way to scroll all the way to the bottom? Try ing to use the revealItem function of a listWidget does not work reliably at all :S Often jumps only halfway down with long lists (> renderLimit) May 12 23:25:45 revealBottom ? May 12 23:26:46 hmmm...that's not a List method...it's a scroller method. May 12 23:28:09 are u using fixed height list items? "Attempts to scroll the scene to reveal the item with the given index. May behave poorly when working with variable height list items which are not currently loaded, since we can't accurately predict the height of the final rendered content." May 12 23:28:49 No I'm not using fixed height items. I tried revealBottom and same problem. May 12 23:29:37 I figured it would have a problem with revealItem, but I don't see any way to workaround it...at least not yet :S May 12 23:51:08 Figured out a way to do it in case anyone was wondering. Got the number of items in the list, divided it by the renderLimit for the list, then called revealBottom on the scroller that many times. Works ok so far :S May 13 00:02:32 sounds like something that should be documented on http://www.webos101.com May 13 00:16:24 sugardave: ping? May 13 00:31:16 Bmyers_: ping? May 13 00:48:22 haeffb: I'll add it now May 13 00:56:20 i duno if swisscat is here May 13 00:56:53 haeffb pong May 13 00:58:22 can anybody else test my .ipk? =-| May 13 00:59:07 swisstomcat is asleep for the evening May 13 00:59:15 beer pong? May 13 00:59:31 fire beer pong? May 13 01:00:21 can you download an app on catalog and tell me if it works? May 13 01:00:41 Nope, not right now! May 13 01:00:51 Both routers are offline and phone has no sprint service May 13 01:01:17 lies May 13 01:01:21 i really need to know =_= May 13 01:01:26 haeffb, can yo do it? May 13 01:01:32 app? May 13 01:01:35 http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.pascharllc.audioblaster May 13 01:01:47 i called for rejection, but it went through anyway May 13 01:01:58 i just want to make sure it actually runs =_= May 13 01:02:59 what's the app name so I can search in catalog? May 13 01:03:05 audio blaster May 13 01:04:15 runs May 13 01:04:20 it gives the sound, right? May 13 01:04:29 yep May 13 01:04:30 phew -_- May 13 01:04:33 thanks so much May 13 01:04:33 annoys the wife May 13 01:04:36 i love you =) May 13 01:04:42 she doesn't anymore. May 13 01:09:49 ping May 13 01:18:14 Woot May 13 01:19:30 haeffb still messing with this list thing May 13 01:22:17 i tried list.invalidateItems(0); May 13 01:22:42 still get white space if i changed the list model to something short in length than it was b4 May 13 01:27:11 hey, i have 13855 on this app May 13 01:27:23 you guys think I can make it to the hot app board? May 13 01:27:31 what app? May 13 01:30:06 Fantasy Chat May 13 01:32:21 is it like fantasy baseball? May 13 01:42:27 I need to get my app in there then I can knock you out. :) May 13 01:44:14 hi all May 13 01:46:35 hi JenP May 13 01:46:46 Hi Bmyers_! May 13 01:46:50 long time no see May 13 01:47:00 yeah. how u been? May 13 01:47:12 good. you? Sailing alot? May 13 01:47:28 boat not in the river just yet May 13 01:47:36 painting it now. May 13 01:47:42 oh...oh that's cool May 13 01:47:44 cept it rains every other day May 13 01:47:53 better then snow though... May 13 01:48:18 for sure. dont have to run the snowblower for rain i guess May 13 01:48:36 soon tho. i'll be wirc'n from my boat May 13 01:48:47 smiles...that will be cool May 13 01:48:53 kids all ready? May 13 01:49:12 yeah. they've been asking when it's going in. May 13 01:49:30 what have u been up to? no good? May 13 01:51:22 lol i'm always up to good... May 13 01:51:28 but been working with sql May 13 01:51:38 and i need a lesson in data extraction from sql...you up for it? May 13 01:52:16 right now part of my data shows up May 13 01:52:31 depends on what u need May 13 01:52:41 i'm trying to get an update out for an app May 13 01:52:49 i just don't know how to pull parts out of the db May 13 01:52:53 oh cool! May 13 01:53:01 gr May 13 01:53:06 awesome May 13 01:53:22 this.listModel.items.push(Object.clone(results.rows.item(i).card_name)); May 13 01:53:26 shouldn't that work? May 13 01:54:36 not sure. i do it a different way May 13 01:54:45 how do you do it? May 13 01:55:37 i use a seperate array, point the list model items to that list array May 13 01:55:52 then change the array as need May 13 01:55:57 do a modelchanged May 13 01:56:01 how do i do that? May 13 01:57:44 post up you code u have now. May 13 01:57:55 kk one sec May 13 02:00:36 http://pastebin.com/YxZFEJNx May 13 02:01:19 so it's weird it shows up in the log but not on the card May 13 02:01:59 I originally had this.listModel.items.push(Object.clone(results.rows.item(i).card_name)); on line 83 May 13 02:02:05 Haeffb suggested using it May 13 02:02:57 JenP: Why are you only putting the card name in? Does card_name have the full set of fields? May 13 02:03:08 You have to have the fields in the new item you push onto the list. May 13 02:03:30 yes it does....how/what do you mean? May 13 02:03:40 Also, if you set up your database with the same field names you use in your list item you can probably just push the results of the query. May 13 02:03:49 my db fields are card_name, balance, int May 13 02:03:59 or really? May 13 02:04:54 what roy said May 13 02:05:59 ok...at the top in my this.listModel = items...those are the same names as what's in my db May 13 02:06:00 then u do a this.listItem[i]= sqlRow[i]; May 13 02:06:52 kk trying it May 13 02:08:05 i get this... Error: item is not defined, line undefined, file undefined May 13 02:09:46 var targetModel = this.ccModel; should it be var targetModel = this.listModel ? May 13 02:10:46 and it said sqlRow is not defined May 13 02:12:42 well May 13 02:12:54 first. if i read your code correctly. May 13 02:13:04 are you calling modelchanged for every row? May 13 02:13:38 no i thought i was calling it outside of the for function May 13 02:13:43 should it be inside? May 13 02:14:37 no, not inside. i think u got have it right. i just read it wrong May 13 02:15:17 well i wasn't sure...like i said this is my first reall attempt at getting stuff to show up in a list from dB May 13 02:15:34 whats targetmodel used for in the code you posted. it's only listed once? May 13 02:16:32 oh it's not used...it used to be when I was outputting a html table May 13 02:16:43 targetModel.choices.push({'label': results.rows.item(i).card_name, 'value': results.rows.item(i).card_id}); May 13 02:18:09 as roy said, if your sql data names and html names are the same, your just push the whole row, or the whole query in your case May 13 02:18:22 but it will be immutable i think.. May 13 02:18:33 that's what haeffb said... May 13 02:18:47 why would it be immutable? May 13 02:19:13 so it can't be muted... May 13 02:19:16 cause it aint mutable i guess.. May 13 02:19:29 that's why the Object.clone May 13 02:19:38 you plan on changing it? May 13 02:19:50 yeah i knew the Object.clone...but i'm still confused on why....yes want the ability to change it May 13 02:19:52 or just displaying it May 13 02:20:23 so by doing object.clone i'm placine data into an object so i can later manipulate it? May 13 02:20:35 Object.clone creates a copy May 13 02:20:41 right May 13 02:20:44 of the object that you get from the sql query May 13 02:20:59 the object from sql query is immutable (can't be edited) May 13 02:21:03 the copy can be edited. May 13 02:21:24 ah ok May 13 02:21:47 oh sure, now he shows up May 13 02:21:54 giggles... May 13 02:22:08 ok so...why does this...this.listModel.items.push(Object.clone(results.rows.item(i).card_name)); give me nothing...yet May 13 02:22:23 this...Mojo.Log.error("---------------> card_name from dB <----------------" + results.rows.item(i).card_name);....gives me the names in the log? May 13 02:22:50 you are calling this.loadListFromDb(); twice May 13 02:22:58 once in setup and once in activate. May 13 02:23:03 yes May 13 02:23:07 why? May 13 02:23:35 because i wasn't sure it was loaded in setup and wanted to make sure in activate May 13 02:26:00 because card_name is not an object. May 13 02:26:24 item(i) is the object May 13 02:26:27 ok...i'm sorry i'm confused.. May 13 02:26:42 if in a dB row i have card_name, balance, interest, monthly_payment May 13 02:27:12 does .... this.listModel.items.push(Object.clone(results.rows.item(i)));...give me a whole row from the dB? May 13 02:27:19 yes May 13 02:27:45 so then how do i pull out the individual fields from the object.clone? May 13 02:28:53 this.listModel.items is an array of objects. May 13 02:29:20 this.listModel.items[0].card_name is the card_name for the first object in the array May 13 02:29:37 items[0].balance May 13 02:29:45 ohhh!!! ok now that makes a little more sense May 13 02:30:29 & you ARE calling modelChanged for each row in the DB. move that outside the for loop. May 13 02:30:50 i thought it was outside of it May 13 02:32:10 doesn't my for function stop on line 85? May 13 02:32:11 oops, I did the same thing Bmyers did... :) May 13 02:32:40 (your indentation confuses me once again) May 13 02:32:41 :-| May 13 02:32:55 i will work on that May 13 02:33:02 :p May 13 02:33:32 who is emo? May 13 02:33:44 no one in particular... May 13 02:34:04 just a var i thought i'd need to be different then 'i' May 13 02:34:07 list.push({ May 13 02:34:07 card_name: this.listModel.items[i].card_name, May 13 02:34:07 balance: this.listModel.items[i].balance, May 13 02:34:07 interest: this.listModel.items[i].interest May 13 02:34:07 }); May 13 02:34:14 does that make more sense? May 13 02:36:45 looks like it might work May 13 02:42:57 haeffb: straightened me out...it was stupid mistake on my part May 13 02:43:04 didn't use the right name in my templates May 13 02:43:49 yes that was my "see if it works data" **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 13 02:59:56 2010