**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 26 02:59:56 2010 Dec 26 03:17:30 merry christmas everyone Dec 26 03:29:23 merry christmas JenP Dec 26 03:29:33 Merry Christmas Rod Dec 26 03:33:22 woops time to get back to family...just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. Dec 26 03:33:27 ciao! Dec 26 03:43:16 Is precentral apps portal broken? Dec 26 07:33:37 oh my didn't realize i left this logged in.. ;^) Dec 26 07:34:18 haeffb: I saw some twitter post about them taking it down, but pretty sure i saw that days ago Dec 26 07:43:20 dawm: checkin out that 'steal a computer' post now.. ;^) Dec 26 07:57:26 damn my pre's gui was locked up (tho still playin audio). I went to hit a restart Luna cmd, and its just been flippin btwn boot imgs.. arg.. Dec 26 10:02:38 alright gonna actually remember to signoff today.. ;^) Dec 26 10:28:31 haeffb: yes, PreCentral homebrew feeds are broken Dec 26 14:12:59 really seems that whole review-team is in holidays Dec 26 14:13:07 :( Dec 26 19:24:25 hmm Dec 26 19:24:41 how do I publish our app to preware catalog? Dec 26 19:24:55 can't, easily, find any info on precentral Dec 26 19:26:27 i wonder what Palm has for CES Dec 26 19:26:41 nothing Dec 26 19:26:52 mobile world congress will be the next big thing for palm (imho) Dec 26 19:27:20 palm has been moving too slow with everything Dec 26 19:27:26 note the events: http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2106 Dec 26 19:27:37 did any US providers pick up the Pre 2 Dec 26 19:29:41 no idea - i bought mine unlocked Dec 26 19:39:40 verizon apparently wants to Dec 26 19:39:44 well Dec 26 19:39:46 probably not "wants" Dec 26 19:40:02 palm should do the keynote model Dec 26 19:40:45 that way they can choose whether to own everybody in the face before or after CES Dec 26 19:40:45 trade shows are crowded Dec 26 19:40:45 yup Dec 26 19:40:45 but un Dec 26 20:06:46 b0bben_: a) submit a homebrew app @ precentral (needs a special account request) b) submit official, beta or web-distro at palm and include it in the public feeds c) you can submit to preware directly maybe at http://www.webos-internals.org/ Dec 26 20:07:52 leiru: thx Dec 26 20:07:58 have the app in official catalog Dec 26 20:08:04 didn't see it in preware Dec 26 20:08:09 maybe just missed it Dec 26 20:09:34 to c): http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Portal:webOS_Applications (right box) Dec 26 20:10:16 b0bben_: @ second page, when submitting you must select [x] include in official feeds, i think this can changed afterwards in metadata Dec 26 20:10:40 b0bben_: is it a beta? Dec 26 20:10:59 leiru : it's not beta Dec 26 20:11:03 will check it eagain Dec 26 20:11:05 again* Dec 26 20:11:07 thx Dec 26 20:11:12 is it paid? Dec 26 20:11:16 free Dec 26 20:11:31 you can select in preware, which feeds you want toinclude Dec 26 20:13:59 ok Dec 26 20:45:59 b0bben_: got it working? Dec 26 20:56:22 i just selected a app, pressed update, then "metadata only", then in basics: Dec 26 20:56:24 http://www.abload.de/img/b0bbennhqb.png Dec 26 20:57:09 time for some beer. Dec 26 21:49:42 Is it possible to do something after a scene is popped off the stack? As an exemple, I set something in a Preferences scene and I would like to do something after it is popped off the scene. Dec 26 21:59:12 Spanska: scene assistant's use the deactivate function? Dec 26 21:59:29 * use the scene assistant's deactivate function? Dec 26 23:35:18 So apparently there's a thing called group sms Dec 26 23:35:54 And iphones have it :/ Dec 27 00:02:26 dohtem: I think I would need to use the activate function instead Dec 27 01:24:51 hi guys, I'm playing with Ares and trying to display a list inside a group Dec 27 01:25:13 I created a model with items containing labels Dec 27 01:25:36 what's the problem? Dec 27 01:25:37 but when running the sample the list contains the default items zero, one, two, three Dec 27 01:25:41 not my model contents Dec 27 01:25:51 oh, do you call modelChanged() ? Dec 27 01:26:14 yes I do Dec 27 01:26:32 with the original model? Dec 27 01:26:45 or shouldn't I use setup() for creating the model and call modelchanged Dec 27 01:27:15 so you should do setup() once with the model that you will later change and call modelChanged() on Dec 27 01:27:44 I'll pastebin the sample Dec 27 01:29:40 hmm, is pastebin.com down? Dec 27 01:33:38 http://pastebin.ca/2030222 Dec 27 01:35:51 yeah, you're calling modelChanged on a new model Dec 27 01:36:32 you have to do (something like) "this.controller.get("#list_id").model" Dec 27 01:36:57 and change that, though i'd look up how to actually get the model, i'm a little rusty on the syntax there Dec 27 01:37:47 or should I move the model above Ares.setupScenAssistant? Dec 27 01:38:03 or more to the top in function MainAssistant() { } Dec 27 01:38:17 you have to use the model that was used when setting up the list Dec 27 01:38:29 you can't just make a model, you have to use the original one Dec 27 01:39:50 in main-chrome.js I used as modelName "gpsInfoModel", but where to create that model in code? Dec 27 01:40:14 oh, moving the model creation in the top function MainAssistant worked Dec 27 01:40:25 oh okay Dec 27 01:41:12 ok, thanks for pointing me in that direction Dec 27 01:41:30 np Dec 27 01:41:43 now i know how to use models in Ares Dec 27 01:41:44 now on to putting something useful in the model :) Dec 27 01:41:48 you can you pastebin the result? Dec 27 01:41:53 sure Dec 27 01:43:26 hit reload on the same url Dec 27 01:43:53 you can update a pastbin, interesting Dec 27 02:26:17 howdy folks! Dec 27 02:26:58 ajay Dec 27 02:27:09 did you ever find a note app? Dec 27 02:27:14 curious if anyone has used Opera, Audible, or other apps on Classic ? Dec 27 02:27:27 haeffb: good memory! I kinda gave up, but installed EverNote. Dec 27 02:27:51 I was trying to let you know about my Noted app that syncs with Simplenote Dec 27 02:27:54 It's pretty impressive-looking. the funny thing though is i'm familiar with it bc of the PreCentral folks complaining how it "finally" got updated :) Dec 27 02:29:00 http://www.simplenoteapp.com Dec 27 02:29:12 oh sorry! don't know how i missed your letting me know Dec 27 02:29:23 haha i'm already there.. :) don't see a linux app.. Dec 27 02:29:48 extensions for FF/Chrome tho.. oh! A perl script!! hot damn that makes my life compelte! Dec 27 02:29:50 complete even :) Dec 27 02:33:36 haeffb: oo that's tough.. evernote has some cool features and is free, but yours+simplenote would 'just work,' and also work well with how i keep notes now :) Dec 27 02:33:46 (with earlier mentioned perl script) Dec 27 02:34:19 you can get the Noted beta free thru preware Dec 27 02:34:29 hot Dec 27 02:36:32 how long do you plan to keep the beta in preware? How have sales gone for you out of curiosity? Dec 27 02:37:50 I bit the bullet :x Dec 27 02:37:57 * SineOt now has a Boxee Box Dec 27 02:38:31 wait I thought you were the boxee guy? was that someone else? Dec 27 02:39:12 sales of noted are pretty slow. I always keep betas in precentral's feeds. Dec 27 02:39:41 hm? I wrote a Boxee Remote yeah Dec 27 02:40:07 no offense but $2.23 does sound a little high.. awesome that you keep betas in PC tho! Dec 27 02:40:29 SineOt: heh, i assumed that meant you already had a box.. :) Dec 27 02:40:49 Nah, been using my Mac Mini Dec 27 02:41:03 this is much more... Less hassle to hook up to the TV Dec 27 02:42:52 anyone here with a Pre2? Is it really a different form factor? was hoping to use those cheap best buy cases if/when it drops on Vz Dec 27 02:43:26 the front is flat so cases that cover the front are going to be different Dec 27 02:43:32 but i don't actually own one Dec 27 02:44:04 never tried to put my case on a pre2 Dec 27 02:44:28 but the one I had had problems with the ts back Dec 27 02:44:36 didn't fit Dec 27 02:44:37 yeah i've gotten the impression its differently shaped.. Dec 27 02:44:45 all pre2s have ts back Dec 27 02:45:00 it's basically the exact same except for the front Dec 27 02:46:52 oh burn, using the google chrome simplenote extension 'sign-up' == 404 Dec 27 02:46:54 k Dec 27 02:46:54 Man you know I was like, "I have some totally huge Mojo question" and now that I'm here it's like... What in the hell was it Dec 27 02:47:10 i don't want to hear about your huge mojo Dec 27 02:47:16 :C Dec 27 02:47:33 aww, i'm j/k.. :) Dec 27 02:47:52 this.controller.get("#SineOt").mojo = undefined Dec 27 02:48:06 (funny dont think i've seen that smiley before. heh.) Dec 27 02:48:09 burn! Dec 27 02:48:27 i mean, hey that's not very nice. :) Dec 27 02:48:31 ok this rocks - http://www.speedtest.net/android/24545680.png Dec 27 02:51:22 hmm.. that makes me curious.. Dec 27 02:53:38 wonder why it doesn't say what carrier.. i got 1.70 down, 0.40 up on Vz, so impressive on you! Dec 27 02:56:15 holy smokes Dec 27 02:56:26 NodeJS Apricot Dec 27 02:56:28 is amazing Dec 27 02:57:04 ajay: $2.23 is less than a cup of coffee at starbucks Dec 27 02:58:03 haeffb: I said 'no offense' tho didn't I? ;^) I never buy coffee at starbucks (tho i occassionally use their restrooms :) Dec 27 02:58:37 not offended, just don't understand how one can rationalize that "$2.23 is awfully expensive" for damn near anything. Dec 27 02:58:45 App markets pretty much anywhere are stuck in this 'race to 99 cents' that screws with the perceived values Dec 27 02:59:07 SineOt: that's a better way of saying what i was going to say.. :) Dec 27 02:59:16 (and maybe than what i did say too!) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 27 02:59:57 2010