**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Feb 28 02:59:57 2011 Feb 28 03:12:49 well.. I did a full reset on my phone... and it turns out I was signed into the wrong profile :o Feb 28 03:14:11 good thing I didn't call sprint and yell at 'em :p Feb 28 03:15:14 Can I ask someone to help me with some help on updating a button based upon a variable? Feb 28 03:15:34 Oy, my question doesn't even make sense :/ Feb 28 03:15:38 what are you trying to do? I can help with simple stuff Feb 28 03:16:21 anyone else have a super touchy ringer switch? Feb 28 03:16:35 i think i am getting confused between when I need to use this. vs var ... I am convinced that somehow that is what is causing my this.controller.modelChanged not to work. Feb 28 03:16:50 have a look at http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/277007-i-dont-understand-how-use-controller-modelchanged-any-help.html if you need a visual. Feb 28 03:17:05 well, that is over my head :p Feb 28 03:17:10 sugardave: ping! Feb 28 03:17:16 SineOt: ping! Feb 28 03:17:34 haeffb: ping! Feb 28 03:18:50 oh man. sorry to cause a ruckus. BTW my ringer switch did get really sensitive for a while but it went away somehow. Feb 28 03:18:51 tibfib! ping! Feb 28 03:19:05 na its fine :) Feb 28 03:19:22 and mine is *really* touchy... Feb 28 03:19:46 like, barely touch it, and it toggles Feb 28 03:20:31 I always cause a ruckus... lol Feb 28 03:20:37 just ask sugardave :p Feb 28 03:20:54 ok. will do Feb 28 03:21:24 I ment ask him about me causing a ruckus :) Feb 28 03:22:12 Oh...haha. still, it's been a while since i've been online so I am gonna have to relearn all the commands to see who's online. at least you reminded me how to ping people :D Feb 28 03:23:16 yea. pinging is fun :p Feb 28 03:23:27 I wish we had infobot in here :D Feb 28 03:23:43 funkatron: ping! Feb 28 03:23:52 yes? Feb 28 03:24:07 rcube has a question that I can't answer :p Feb 28 03:24:19 this. vs var I think Feb 28 03:24:23 rcube? Feb 28 03:24:55 i think i am getting confused between when I need to use this. vs var ... I am convinced that somehow that is what is causing my this.controller.modelChanged not to work. Feb 28 03:25:14 that's not a lot to go on 8) Feb 28 03:25:25 and then he said this Feb 28 03:25:35 have a look at http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/277007-i-dont-understand-how-use-controller-modelchanged-any-help.html if you need a visual. Feb 28 03:26:01 does that make more since? Feb 28 03:26:06 uh Feb 28 03:26:08 it made none to me :p Feb 28 03:26:23 rcube? help has arrived :) Feb 28 03:26:51 sorry i was away for a moment Feb 28 03:27:00 that's fine Feb 28 03:27:11 funkatron is Da man Feb 28 03:27:15 am I Feb 28 03:27:16 well Feb 28 03:27:16 and he is here to help :) Feb 28 03:27:25 okay so Feb 28 03:27:32 and humble too :p Feb 28 03:27:41 LOL i like the "uh" "am I" Feb 28 03:28:00 well I think I'd want to hear what the specific question is Feb 28 03:28:11 ok, rcube? Feb 28 03:28:15 i see you guys both posting on PC quite a bit. ok. I'll repeat the q here Feb 28 03:28:42 I don't know that I've posted to precentral in the past 12 months Feb 28 03:28:44 basically I set up a forward and a back button using a command menu Feb 28 03:28:49 but continue Feb 28 03:28:50 okay Feb 28 03:29:12 I haven't posted on PC in a while Feb 28 03:29:40 the back button goes to the previous word of the day. the next button should only be enabled if we are currently viewing an old word of the day Feb 28 03:29:41 but I used to post all the time.. on the Palm dev forums I have well over 250 posts (I think :p) Feb 28 03:29:49 okay Feb 28 03:30:02 btw I've been on PC since the Pre- so that must be what I was thinking of Feb 28 03:30:20 let's whittle this down to exactly what the prob is Feb 28 03:30:22 however it does not get enabled Feb 28 03:30:58 okay Feb 28 03:31:13 seeing your code in a formatted way might help Feb 28 03:31:24 I'd suggest gist.github.com personally Feb 28 03:31:27 ok. let's see, i guess the problem is in my check for difference between dates. Should I post the pieces of code here? Feb 28 03:31:36 no, do not post code in the channel Feb 28 03:32:17 webos.pastebin.com Feb 28 03:32:19 ok, never used gist Feb 28 03:32:30 yeah just don't paste it in here Feb 28 03:32:47 webos.pastebin.com is the best/fastest way on here Feb 28 03:33:09 not sure what makes it best of fastest, but sure Feb 28 03:33:10 of/or Feb 28 03:33:14 ok. just a moment. Feb 28 03:33:36 its quicker then github for me, as I don't know how to use github :p Feb 28 03:34:00 gist.github.com is "paste code into box, then copy link" Feb 28 03:34:18 oh ok then :p Feb 28 03:34:20 I was not suggesting he put his code into a repository on github. Feb 28 03:34:23 didn't know that.... Feb 28 03:34:25 lol Feb 28 03:34:29 that's why I pointed to gist.github.com Feb 28 03:34:43 wow, there is a lot I still need to learn Feb 28 03:34:56 always is. Feb 28 03:35:07 yep Feb 28 03:35:30 funkatron, do you use metrix? Feb 28 03:35:33 no Feb 28 03:35:37 ok Feb 28 03:38:26 can you access this link? http://webos.pastebin.com/WVGhJa5z Feb 28 03:38:45 yep Feb 28 03:39:15 this has a dump of the code from the assistant. an abridged and easier to read version is on the P|C link. Feb 28 03:39:28 can you please point me at a line number to look at? Feb 28 03:39:37 and what exactly should be happening there? Feb 28 03:40:08 there is a lot of repetition, i am going with what I was given when I picked this proj up so don't hang me :{ let's see line numbers... Feb 28 03:40:46 61 and 62 set the comparison variables i am using in line 135 Feb 28 03:40:50 what's the app do? Feb 28 03:41:35 how would this. this.displayDateNum < this.todaysDateNum even be true? Feb 28 03:41:37 it is the Habla! app. i updated it to use just type and also am cleaning up the code. it was kind of spaghetti Feb 28 03:41:59 ok. here's how... look at lines... Feb 28 03:42:14 time travel, that's how Feb 28 03:42:30 people need to be very careful when time traveling in javascript Feb 28 03:42:35 indeed Feb 28 03:42:36 why does xchat think that chrome is my default browser, when firefox clearly is ? Feb 28 03:42:37 239 - 249 Feb 28 03:42:55 haeffb: xchat thins firefox sucks ass Feb 28 03:42:58 cause chrome rocks Feb 28 03:43:30 rcube: I htink this would be solved easily by just using a step debugger to go through yoru code. Probably something is not happening that you think should be happening Feb 28 03:43:34 here what is supposed to happen is i hit the prev button and then it tell the controller that the model changed and should update the command menu to enable the button but obviously i am not on the ball here Feb 28 03:43:43 now the coding team is here. rcube, you are in good hands :) Feb 28 03:43:45 and that's why the button is not being enabled. Feb 28 03:44:02 I agree with funkatron Feb 28 03:44:06 http://ares.palm.com/AresDebug/ Feb 28 03:44:21 the AresDebug tool will let you set breakpoints and step through your code Feb 28 03:44:33 oof, that debugger is a PITA. I still haven't figured it out but I suppose I have to do it eventually. Feb 28 03:44:51 and it's exactly how I'd solve this problem. The code is not particularly clean and therefore it's not obvious where things are going wrong Feb 28 03:45:00 i am only working in the emulator, the debugger is compatible wit the emulator, correct? Feb 28 03:45:04 yep Feb 28 03:45:35 i've just been spitting the variables out to the screen instead. Feb 28 03:45:41 just set a break point at your comparison point first. see what the values really are Feb 28 03:45:48 you could do that, but it'll take far longer Feb 28 03:46:00 the code seems like a lot of duplication Feb 28 03:46:19 if they values aren't what you think they should be, set a break point where they get set. Feb 28 03:46:22 ok. yes it is. like I said, it came like this. I need to modularize the code Feb 28 03:46:25 ok Feb 28 03:46:26 yep Feb 28 03:46:34 so, yeah, use a step debugger. best tool for the job Feb 28 03:46:52 ok. one last question. Feb 28 03:46:58 sure Feb 28 03:48:24 sugardave: so far, this ubuntu rocks Feb 28 03:48:38 yes, I like it very much Feb 28 03:48:47 I'm thinking of installing on the wife's laptop. mostly because she likes to play mahjongg Feb 28 03:49:21 make sure you've got her using openoffice/gmail and not-IE browser before you do and there should be no issues :D Feb 28 03:49:43 openoffice is nice, but I prefer office Feb 28 03:49:44 is this.controller.modelChanged(this.storyMenuModel, this); supposed to be used with some sort of variable being passed, because right now i just type this and I think "how is the storyMenuModel supposed to have access to the changed variable this.displayDateNum if I change that variable in another function Feb 28 03:49:48 rcube: you may find this video I made a while back useful http://screencast.com/t/Nkm0lz08tpu Feb 28 03:49:52 oops. sorry to interrupt Feb 28 03:50:02 ok. i'll have a look Feb 28 03:50:19 rcube: there is no such thing as "interrupt" in irc Feb 28 03:50:29 rcube: you fire that after a Mojo widget's model changes Feb 28 03:50:37 haeffb: don't interrupt me when I'm not talking Feb 28 03:50:51 I tried to talk her real estate office into using openoffice when they started up Feb 28 03:51:06 rwhitby: sorry. I'll let it not happen again. Feb 28 03:51:13 rcube: lots of times "this" is the scene controller, so no matter what function you set this.someProperty in, it is available through all of the scene assistant's functions Feb 28 03:51:23 rcube: see https://github.com/funkatron/spaz-webos/blob/master/app/assistants/favorites-assistant.js#L309 Feb 28 03:51:50 but they're still stuck on Office Feb 28 03:51:59 LOL rwhitby, you can do anything you want, given the number of tools I use of yours\ Feb 28 03:51:59 haeffb: yes, it is sad Feb 28 03:52:22 @sugardave: ok, that makes much sense Feb 28 03:53:41 btw re that ares.palm.com link. i am not working in ares but I assume it is still useful. Is there anything better than eclipse, I find myself working in notepad++ and then pasting in eclipse :/ Feb 28 03:54:02 I use textmate. I've never run Eclipse to develop on webOS Feb 28 03:54:11 :O oh Feb 28 03:54:31 I code in textmate and use the command line tools to package and install applications Feb 28 03:54:31 rcube: eclipse and the palm plugins are alright, I started with Komodo Edit and Templarian's webOS plugin...now I'm using this thing called Geany for my not-Mojo development Feb 28 03:54:38 ahh. i see Feb 28 03:55:16 rcube: yes, the AresDebug tool is just the debugger. It will work with any app, not just one written in the Ares tool Feb 28 03:57:08 ohhhhh. nice Feb 28 03:58:05 ok well, i'll have a look at those videos and then do some debugging. thanks Feb 28 03:58:17 errr...links Feb 28 03:58:34 hope you get it working Feb 28 04:01:21 does anybody know if the metadoctor scripts will be updated to enable the installation of flash and carrier apps automatically? Feb 28 04:02:35 jmarlow, #webos-internals can tell you better Feb 28 04:02:45 aight, thanks Feb 28 04:02:54 no prob Feb 28 04:22:53 * DougReeder waves hello Feb 28 04:40:47 hay doug Feb 28 04:45:03 * PatrickC_Pre waves hwllo Feb 28 04:45:17 s/hwllo/hello back/ Feb 28 04:45:27 Hi, PatrickC_Pre. was on another card. Feb 28 04:45:36 2.1? Feb 28 04:45:47 :) New favorite line for the night, "Was on another card." Feb 28 04:46:03 * DougReeder smiles Feb 28 04:46:07 2.1 rox! Feb 28 04:46:17 hay dkirker Feb 28 04:46:24 hi PatrickC_Pre! Feb 28 04:46:31 how's it goin? Feb 28 04:46:32 Nah, Pre classic still my personal device. Feb 28 04:46:39 anyone in here use Metrix? Feb 28 04:46:48 PatrickC_Pre: Not bad. Just doing work. Feb 28 04:47:23 Damn carriers make it tough to switch - or, rather If I could use the Pre2 on Sprint, I would. Feb 28 04:47:28 you use metrix? Feb 28 04:47:52 dougreeder, check #webos-internals, like everyone is doing it :p Feb 28 04:48:29 I know I could, but I need to retain a device for testing. Feb 28 04:48:42 lol Feb 28 04:48:56 dev pre2? Feb 28 04:49:04 ... that's as close to end users as possible. Feb 28 04:49:12 we need a bot Feb 28 04:49:17 * DougReeder nods "from Dev Day" Feb 28 04:49:26 I want one :'( Feb 28 04:49:44 I can test stuff on 2.1 for you ;) Feb 28 04:50:04 I try to keep an array of development devices around so that I can flash different firmwares on them. Feb 28 04:50:31 sounds fun dkirker Feb 28 04:50:35 lol Feb 28 04:50:40 I wish I could do that Feb 28 04:50:55 but don't have a linux environment /yet/ Feb 28 04:51:49 eBay is a great place to pick up devices. Feb 28 04:51:56 well... Feb 28 04:52:05 I don't exactly have the money :p Feb 28 04:52:25 yeah, I am in the same boat right now Feb 28 04:52:34 though I was able to snag a crappy Sprint Pre with a bad ESN for like $13. Feb 28 04:52:42 and being 15 doesn't help... lol Feb 28 04:52:47 wow Feb 28 04:52:51 wanna share :) Feb 28 04:53:37 Did you need to meta-doctor to activate? Feb 28 04:53:53 what? Feb 28 04:53:57 * halfhalo has been flashing devices to 2.1 all day Feb 28 04:54:42 wanna do my Pixi? Feb 28 04:54:49 Is 2.1 working well on dev Pre Plusses? Feb 28 04:55:20 i did not notice a difference between the minus and plus, but i did not really pay much attention Feb 28 04:57:00 I got an impression that plusses ran 2.x well, but classics ran it poorly. Feb 28 04:57:24 what about pixi? Feb 28 04:57:29 :) Feb 28 04:58:13 presumably poorly indeed Feb 28 04:58:22 we didnt have a pixi Feb 28 04:58:23 “@bbergher: Things real people don't say about your app http://t.co/LxwWkPl” Feb 28 04:58:26 well, have we tried Feb 28 04:58:27 pixi box tho! Feb 28 04:58:31 I have one Feb 28 05:01:09 doug, that's awesome! lol Feb 28 05:01:17 take a look at this review on my site... Feb 28 05:01:30 * halfhalo is chewing through his email from the last 4 days Feb 28 05:01:56 1 sec :p Feb 28 05:02:31 getting enough fiber, halfhalo? Feb 28 05:02:42 Hi. I like your website but i can tell it probably isn’t getting much traffic? If you want to help imrpove that check this website out, he has a short video that i really suggest you watch. Commission Crusher P.S this isn’t my website and i’m not spamming Feb 28 05:02:42 your blog, i don’t care if you delete this comment. I am only trying to help you improve your site. Feb 28 05:02:44 yes Feb 28 05:02:52 wow... lol Feb 28 05:03:37 106¤F Feb 28 05:04:18 sheesh Feb 28 05:04:31 what? Feb 28 05:04:45 once I ran it at 64¤C Feb 28 05:05:02 :p Feb 28 05:07:49 http://www.tipb.com/2011/02/24/apple-releases-mac-os-lion-developer-preview/ Feb 28 05:08:11 can it be installed on a PC? I think not :/ Feb 28 05:09:02 probably not yet; but that's not really appropriate for this channel... Feb 28 05:09:39 what about a webos JRE? Feb 28 05:11:46 when will webOS get Java? homebrew? Feb 28 05:12:10 Not in the forseeable future. Feb 28 05:12:26 java would be awesome though Feb 28 05:12:30 flash is nice enough Feb 28 05:12:50 Java support dropped with the move to 2.0 Feb 28 05:13:20 what? Feb 28 05:13:23 * phil_bw sighs Feb 28 05:13:31 any opengl coders in here tonight? Feb 28 05:13:41 we were *suppose to* get Java? but 2.0 killed it? Feb 28 05:13:52 no? Feb 28 05:14:02 wasn't java originally the intention for services? Feb 28 05:14:12 I don't know... Feb 28 05:14:17 I want java though Feb 28 05:14:28 I thought so, I thought that got changed to C and node.js Feb 28 05:14:41 imo, yay Feb 28 05:15:16 I don't want java to code in (even more work for me :p) I want it for web use Feb 28 05:15:29 oh god no save me now Feb 28 05:15:36 what? Feb 28 05:15:37 Java existed on 1.x for backend stuff Feb 28 05:15:37 as in, java applets? Feb 28 05:15:38 gross Feb 28 05:15:41 it's gone no in 2.x Feb 28 05:15:50 now Feb 28 05:15:54 flash is gross, but not anything like java applets Feb 28 05:15:54 as in http://runescape.com Feb 28 05:15:57 LOL Feb 28 05:16:01 lol Feb 28 05:17:34 flash is nice though Feb 28 05:17:53 nice in the "tear our your eyeballs in frustration" sense? Feb 28 05:18:26 * djwhitey is back from conf call Feb 28 05:18:32 nice in "some online games use Flash, and I can now play them if I'm bored" Feb 28 05:18:41 have fun? Feb 28 05:25:05 is Classic available for 2.0? Feb 28 05:31:29 Some internal webOS 1.x stuff was Java-based, because it was carried over from a never-released Java-based OS. Feb 28 05:32:05 ... Feb 28 05:51:40 I'm updating my kernel, see you all later! Feb 28 05:51:58 have fun Feb 28 05:52:40 night Feb 28 06:40:47 PatrickC_Pre: I am going to signoff but you should have a look at that post if you want to see how I figured it out. it's a bit funny actually. TTFN Feb 28 07:18:43 * djwhitey is back from conf call Feb 28 13:03:49 test Feb 28 13:04:24 return "test"; Feb 28 13:46:49 any1 know how I can export my contact from a 2.0.1 pre2? Feb 28 13:47:31 sync with google or windows live Feb 28 13:48:19 it will put my contacts up to a google account, I didnt think it worked that way Feb 28 13:49:20 wish email all contacts patch worked on 2.x Feb 28 14:00:34 hmmm..my email app is seriously faster since moving 2000 emails from my gmail inbox Feb 28 14:52:31 reddit already made my day: http://i.imgur.com/BkzJF.png Feb 28 15:00:22 meow Feb 28 15:15:56 morning all Feb 28 15:39:28 oops. threw away the wrong card! Feb 28 15:40:21 morning HattCzech_work Feb 28 15:41:04 i enabled developer tools on palm pre 2 Feb 28 15:41:17 however I'm being told by nova term that Feb 28 15:41:21 unable to find device Feb 28 15:42:03 any idea how to troubleshoot that? Feb 28 15:43:07 looks like novaterm attempts to connect to Feb 28 15:44:08 you should be able to list the devices .. something like novacom -l or something ? Feb 28 15:44:26 empty list :-( Feb 28 15:44:30 who broke what Feb 28 15:44:40 i'm running this on Ubuntu Feb 28 15:44:58 what device Feb 28 15:45:05 pre 2 Feb 28 15:45:30 novacom does not support it atm Feb 28 15:45:38 ah Feb 28 15:45:52 bummer Feb 28 15:45:57 found that out at scale as well Feb 28 15:47:17 yeah, hopefully a fix is on its way Feb 28 15:50:45 you need the drivers from a 2.0 doctor Feb 28 15:51:03 i was just reading about it :-) Feb 28 15:52:09 but webos doctors don't include linux drivers Feb 28 15:52:09 unfortunately it assumes I know what 2.0 doctor is :) Feb 28 15:54:28 i wrote something a super long time ago that talks over usb without requiring the drivers .. but i don't know the current state or if it works with a pre2 Feb 28 16:01:48 bpadalino: it should be fixed soon. took the palm people by suprise as well Feb 28 16:16:13 re Feb 28 16:16:30 g'damn.. Feb 28 16:16:32 http://www.bigprize.com/fans/ Feb 28 16:16:32 re from tooth extraction @ dentist. *brr* Feb 28 16:16:41 watch that prize entries list just scrollllllll Feb 28 16:17:36 wow. Feb 28 16:22:05 NICE Feb 28 16:22:13 i got quoted in a wired article Feb 28 16:22:15 :D Feb 28 16:22:25 http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2011/02/webos-hp-palm-developers/2/ Feb 28 16:24:21 I believe Roy got quoted too Feb 28 16:24:59 And Nycene (sp?) Feb 28 16:25:14 and SineOt Feb 28 16:25:40 hi Feb 28 16:30:15 If I want to support Just Type in my app and want to upload it to Palm, to whom need I write for the permission? Feb 28 16:30:58 chuq Feb 28 16:31:20 no one? Feb 28 16:31:27 i think you just flag the app as 2.0 only Feb 28 16:32:52 lol Feb 28 16:32:58 it gave me the answer to one Feb 28 16:33:13 the clue image was the answer image Feb 28 16:34:27 er oops Feb 28 16:36:32 dawm_: supporting Just Type doesn't mean the app is 2.0 only Feb 28 16:36:45 oh yah dur Feb 28 16:37:04 that's something which breaks nothing in 1.4.5, it even adds stuff which other apps could use also in 1.4.5 Feb 28 16:37:28 mwahaha Feb 28 16:37:34 8:30am and already squashed a bug Feb 28 16:38:03 5:30pm and already fall asleep Feb 28 16:38:17 heh Feb 28 16:44:48 ARGH... http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/5910/Jing/2011-02-28_1743.png what does that even mean? Rejection pending.. Feb 28 16:45:39 that means that a real person needs to reject your app Feb 28 16:47:07 yah Feb 28 16:47:14 might have caught something in the sniffer Feb 28 16:47:27 which has to be humanly looked at Feb 28 16:48:10 never Feb 28 16:48:12 EVER Feb 28 16:48:16 request an app reject Feb 28 16:48:21 just don't do it Feb 28 16:48:21 right Feb 28 16:48:29 lol Feb 28 16:49:38 I uploaded 1.0.1 on friday and had 1.1.0 with new features ready on sunday.. so I wanted to upload that one instead don't understand why I can't do that Feb 28 16:49:48 yeah it happens Feb 28 16:49:53 let one push then push the other Feb 28 16:50:00 or push and dont work on your app until its published Feb 28 16:50:03 :P Feb 28 16:50:20 na.. to much fun : Feb 28 16:50:22 :) Feb 28 16:50:22 er let one publish then push the newer Feb 28 16:50:47 you'd think requesting a reject would be a simple and fast process.. but its not Feb 28 16:50:55 no Feb 28 16:50:55 not even close Feb 28 16:51:04 hell beta/web isnt even quick anymore Feb 28 16:51:12 It takes longer than a usual update and I don't understand why.. Feb 28 16:52:08 let me ask in the forums :) Feb 28 16:52:53 beta is still fast Feb 28 16:53:04 updates come in one or two hours Feb 28 16:56:46 I really hate the rating system on palm :( I can't have a conversation with a customer if he is complaining.. and they just give 0 stars if they "can't install" Feb 28 16:56:58 or "won't download" Feb 28 16:57:00 yeh Feb 28 16:57:01 haeffb_pre: did you ever determine which controller showAlertDialog, et al is attached to, if one didn't want to use Mojo.Controller? Feb 28 16:57:40 shuld be scene Feb 28 16:57:51 dawm_: thanks Feb 28 17:02:12 http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=11650 if you want to tell them that app rejection is stupid comment Feb 28 17:04:10 I love the feeling of creating a new application *click* Feb 28 17:04:13 it#s an old topic which was discussed for some time before Feb 28 17:04:34 your post will not change it, they know how much we hate it... Feb 28 17:05:16 this time, I blame Adora Feb 28 17:05:17 :P Feb 28 17:06:14 what was the reason behind it? I simply don't understand it.. what are they thinking? *hmm.. this guy does not want his app to be submitted.. we better try it out on every device we have and the pre3 and veer as well.. then we take a really long time to click the "approve button" Feb 28 17:07:03 what is the best way to check if a program name has been taken? Feb 28 17:07:20 what do you mean Feb 28 17:07:33 app name? Feb 28 17:07:55 say I want to name my app "Browser" could I do that? since there is already an app with the title "browser"? Feb 28 17:08:19 yeah Feb 28 17:08:28 look at angry birds and angry birds seasons Feb 28 17:08:31 I use google for it Feb 28 17:08:36 in the lanuch theyre both angry birds Feb 28 17:08:45 its the app name that cant be duplicated Feb 28 17:08:55 such at com.myname.browser Feb 28 17:08:59 can only have 1 of those Feb 28 17:09:11 okay good.. Feb 28 17:09:30 the displayed name is in appinfo.json Feb 28 17:09:35 this is called app-id Feb 28 17:09:37 yep Feb 28 17:09:44 and it is unique, right Feb 28 17:09:53 I know but int he online process I once wanted to register "Love" Feb 28 17:10:02 and it said another application was already called "Love" Feb 28 17:10:21 oh, really? do they check this.. hm Feb 28 17:10:43 I just wanted to hawk the word to be honest.. but then again I have games such as <3 notes and <3 dice Feb 28 17:10:44 you can go to the app redirect url(s) and start plugging in app IDs Feb 28 17:10:52 or the very well loved "Pi Master" Feb 28 17:13:53 can I switch an app from web to fullscreen? Feb 28 17:14:47 I guess it does work :) Feb 28 17:14:52 this.controller.enableFullScreenMode(true); Feb 28 17:19:34 hi chuqui Feb 28 17:19:47 heyo Feb 28 17:20:41 * phil_bw wanders by Feb 28 17:20:45 chuqui: hey! we were chatting about the request rejection process.. why is it in place? Why can't I upload a newer version right away? Feb 28 17:22:44 hey chuqui :) Feb 28 17:24:06 howdy, happy morning. Feb 28 17:24:28 thomaschaaf: because we haven't had the cycles to fix it. Feb 28 17:24:34 we want to. Feb 28 17:25:07 chuqui: okay good I thought it was by design :) thanks for clearing that at least. Is someone from HP at CeBIT in Hannover I could meet up with? Feb 28 17:25:37 I'm sure someone from HP will be there.. (we're huge). but someone tied to HP/Palm and webOS? Not that I've heard. Feb 28 17:26:06 okay :( Feb 28 17:50:18 * sugardave is impressed with new collapsible drawer thingies. Feb 28 17:59:45 shh Feb 28 18:02:00 hotdp: enyo's existence and videos of what it looks like are public. :) Feb 28 18:03:21 funkatron: any plans to add Exhibition Mode support for Spaz timeline? that'd be a cool feature i think Feb 28 18:03:36 djwhitey: yes, you should add it Feb 28 18:04:08 maybe I'm talking about some super-awesome collapsible drawer thingies I made with Mojo Feb 28 18:04:22 (I doubt it) Feb 28 18:04:24 lol. i'm still on webos101 =[ Feb 28 18:05:26 chuqui: you guys getting ready to relase the 2.x SDK soon? Feb 28 18:05:39 sounds like a good first project, djwhitey Feb 28 18:05:46 sugardave: that's a sekrit Feb 28 18:05:50 dammit Feb 28 18:06:02 kernel even? Feb 28 18:06:06 =) Feb 28 18:06:06 sugardave: if I told you, I'd hvae to kill you. and I like you. Feb 28 18:06:18 well, most of the time. Feb 28 18:06:30 chuqui: awww, that's sweet...okay, I will take continued existence Feb 28 18:07:14 basically I could spend time doing stuff like exhibition mode, but to put a bunch of time into a Mojo app feature that's available to < 1% of my audience, as opposed to spending time on rewriting the app for Enyo, seems like a bad idea. Feb 28 18:07:36 but the magic of open source is that anyone who actually cares enough to do it, can. Feb 28 18:08:32 the other magic is that I can say this: http://spaz.spreadshirt.com/pull-request-or-stfu-black-A6928817 Feb 28 18:08:41 ;) Feb 28 18:09:13 haha Feb 28 18:09:16 nice! Feb 28 18:09:28 buying swag supports spaz! Feb 28 18:09:51 and what you're saying is completely understandable re: Mojo vs Enyo effort Feb 28 18:09:54 yeah Feb 28 18:10:01 I just don't have the bandwidth Feb 28 18:10:08 someone else wants to do it, be my guest! Feb 28 18:10:10 gotta run Feb 28 18:10:47 oh man...HP webOS SWAT team Feb 28 18:10:50 that is a coveted position Feb 28 18:10:58 * sugardave covets. Feb 28 18:11:13 though shalt not Feb 28 18:24:05 can't find much doc on Exhibition Mode... is it still in NDA or something? Feb 28 18:26:53 You don't need that much to know about exhibition mode.. http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_136142783103927&view=revision&id=168017253249813 Feb 28 18:27:15 nice ty Feb 28 18:28:01 Has anyone noticed that the camera works fine everytime on 2.1? :D Feb 28 18:28:12 At least in my case Feb 28 18:30:02 nice dilbert today.. Feb 28 18:32:28 what's the last wosqi Feb 28 18:32:35 s//? Feb 28 18:34:34 4.04 i believe Feb 28 18:34:46 just out a couple days ago Feb 28 18:35:08 mine is 3.14 Feb 28 18:35:15 mine is pee, hm Feb 28 18:35:20 http://forums.precentral.net/canuck-coding/274461-webos-quick-install-v4-04-a.html Feb 28 18:35:37 thank you Feb 28 18:42:26 my goodness... Feb 28 18:42:41 I don't know what is messier... this OpenGL code or my 2 year old... it's a tough one Feb 28 18:53:36 funkatron- ping Feb 28 18:53:43 yessir Feb 28 18:53:46 yo Feb 28 18:54:02 evening Feb 28 18:54:20 funkatron- im trying to install spaz on my new linux box (Fedora) :D i have spazAIR.air .. do i open it and install it or should it install manually Feb 28 18:54:31 i've asked on forums, but no reply...how to delete forum account? Feb 28 18:54:46 joeb_: you know this is a channel about webos, yes? Feb 28 18:54:56 funkatron- can i pm or notice you ? Feb 28 18:55:05 you can ask me in #spaz Feb 28 18:55:13 laf Feb 28 19:01:06 what's goin on? Feb 28 19:14:10 anyone need a beta/alpha tester :p Feb 28 19:20:32 hay dothem Feb 28 19:20:52 woohoo, made a functioning texture atlas :) ogl coordinates are headache causing... Feb 28 19:21:45 what app are you trying to build? Feb 28 19:22:07 hi PatrickC_Pre Feb 28 19:22:12 me? Feb 28 19:22:24 yea Feb 28 19:22:32 how's it goin dothem? Feb 28 19:22:40 nothing exciting at the moment... just a 2D game engine in opengl Feb 28 19:22:56 sounds fun :) Feb 28 19:23:53 well I came from writing chat apps for PalmOS to writing OpenGL apps for webOS... to know how that feels stab yourself in the eye with a fork... Feb 28 19:24:17 lol Feb 28 19:24:40 I came from basic HTML (like really basic) to full js SDK apps Feb 28 19:25:03 hey JS can be pretty complicated too, so good job Feb 28 19:25:59 I know Feb 28 19:26:00 it is *very* complicated for me :p Feb 28 19:26:12 I worked on a couple of Mojo apps for a while Feb 28 19:26:18 eventually gave up and went to C++ Feb 28 19:26:49 is C++ not even harder? Feb 28 19:27:00 it's all relative... Feb 28 19:27:08 every language you don't know is harder... Feb 28 19:27:25 I *feared* C++ for years, then I finally made myself learn it Feb 28 19:27:38 how hard? Feb 28 19:27:43 no worse than php Feb 28 19:27:43 windows/mac? Feb 28 19:27:51 I work on windows Feb 28 19:27:56 I don't know php :p Feb 28 19:28:03 how did you learn C++ then?? Feb 28 19:28:12 googled it... Feb 28 19:28:21 hmm... Feb 28 19:28:28 use it for iphone dev? Feb 28 19:28:29 lol Feb 28 19:28:38 I will eventually Feb 28 19:28:43 right now I'm focusing on webOS Feb 28 19:28:53 my original game engine used SDL Feb 28 19:28:57 really? "googled it"? Feb 28 19:29:06 yes, seriously Feb 28 19:29:25 i had to take data structures w/ C++ twice Feb 28 19:29:33 I've learned 100% of my programming on the internet Feb 28 19:29:37 it's a wonderful tool :) Feb 28 19:29:39 ww Feb 28 19:29:43 nice! Feb 28 19:29:45 s/ww/wow/ Feb 28 19:29:54 wish i had more time to Feb 28 19:30:09 I have learned all my programming from the internet/sugardave Feb 28 19:30:10 C++/SDL is actually pretty easy Feb 28 19:30:16 ????????? Feb 28 19:30:18 this internet.. can I has? Feb 28 19:30:18 C++/OpenGL is not so much... Feb 28 19:30:26 I thought it was hard? Feb 28 19:30:41 hay halfhalo-pre Feb 28 19:31:00 this is like... weird as all getout Feb 28 19:31:10 i had to repeat my graphics course (c++/opengl) too... haha. mostly from disinterest i guess Feb 28 19:31:28 I've found that it's easier to learn if you're writing something you want Feb 28 19:31:32 yea Feb 28 19:31:52 and its easy to learn if sugardave does the work for you :p Feb 28 19:31:58 just kidding :) Feb 28 19:32:15 haha Feb 28 19:32:19 well... some of the code :) Feb 28 19:32:39 and tibfib/sineot/halfhalo/haefb ect :) Feb 28 19:32:46 honestly I think it's a good idea to use a lot of other people's code when you're learning so you learn how to do things *right* Feb 28 19:33:00 well unless they did it wrong to begin with... Feb 28 19:33:15 * halfhalo-pre doesn't code, he fakes it all Feb 28 19:33:27 phil_bw: i think that's just right. I start with snippets of code I find somewhere else :-) Feb 28 19:34:04 most beginner apps are really just a concoction of everyone elses code modified to do what they want Feb 28 19:34:04 free devices to qualified developers , what they mean by qualified developers Feb 28 19:34:10 I ask, and then take code Feb 28 19:34:18 then make app :p Feb 28 19:34:29 yeah never steal someone's code Feb 28 19:34:36 not me is what they mean by qualified devs Feb 28 19:34:47 hey PatrickC_Pre .. any news on the device program? Feb 28 19:34:57 vaibhav__ it has been a long time since I emailed and I haven't heard back Feb 28 19:34:59 vaibhav__: you apply and see what they say Feb 28 19:35:23 ^^joetweeply Feb 28 19:35:32 yeah just read Feb 28 19:35:38 sadly Feb 28 19:35:44 @vvuksan, they say nothing, 3 mails from 19th till today , no reply in any one of them, Feb 28 19:36:05 might be because I am frm India and they have zero presence here Feb 28 19:36:12 I'd imagine they're slammed with requests Feb 28 19:36:16 vaibav__ I emailed originally on the 15th when the promo STARTED Feb 28 19:36:18 lotta paperwork to push around Feb 28 19:36:43 it took about a week to hear back from them which they requested more info and I haven't heard back from that yet Feb 28 19:36:45 and haven't heard back Feb 28 19:41:47 so I just have to wait, good to know, Feb 28 19:41:53 yep Feb 28 19:42:44 I'd say "free" and "patience" go pretty hand in hand Feb 28 19:42:52 yea... Feb 28 19:42:58 I don't like to be patient :) Feb 28 19:43:09 me neither Feb 28 19:43:59 lol Feb 28 19:44:15 I wish webOS coding was plane English.... Feb 28 19:44:26 that would be the ultimate coding tool :D Feb 28 19:44:41 I think there are some languages out there that are pretty close Feb 28 19:44:43 never used one though Feb 28 19:45:01 ruby has it kind of Feb 28 19:45:12 I mean like Feb 28 19:45:18 like you can put the if statement at the beginning or the end Feb 28 19:45:23 or you use the unless ^^ Feb 28 19:45:37 unless( this.done() ) do.nothing() Feb 28 19:45:55 "put button here and when clicked open such.com" Feb 28 19:46:07 do what is in my head right now Feb 28 19:46:13 more fancy plz Feb 28 19:46:15 thanks Feb 28 19:46:16 yea Feb 28 19:46:22 that's exactly it! Feb 28 19:46:23 lol Feb 28 19:46:27 hehe Feb 28 19:46:27 mind read! Feb 28 19:47:36 python is somewhat similar Feb 28 19:47:46 for i in range Feb 28 19:47:57 it is wonderful first language Feb 28 19:47:58 but its not *exactly* what we want lol Feb 28 19:48:08 we want pure English :p Feb 28 19:48:24 and mind-reading capabilities :) Feb 28 19:49:03 software managers have that, they just say and minions make program for them, sorta what you want, although no mind read Feb 28 19:49:27 also works in plain whatever language you want Feb 28 19:49:39 but that cost money lol Feb 28 19:49:54 I want free :p Feb 28 19:52:51 we all want that, Feb 28 19:53:12 lol Feb 28 19:57:02 anyone in here use Metrix? Feb 28 20:10:13 hi Feb 28 20:10:54 hay Feb 28 20:16:47 anyone here use Metrix? Feb 28 20:17:17 never heard of it Feb 28 20:17:19 i took a look at it, but didn't end up using it Feb 28 20:17:46 joetweeply: http://metrix.webosroundup.com Feb 28 20:17:51 take a look ;) Feb 28 20:19:02 this doesn't sound like it could be legal for german privacy laws Feb 28 20:19:09 i got a response yesterday. Feb 28 20:19:29 that's why you provide a way to turn it off Feb 28 20:19:36 heyho Feb 28 20:19:38 my "why i want a pre2" are lying now @ the management, they told... Feb 28 20:19:53 then they decide if they want it to collect data Feb 28 20:20:37 im not going to use it till I figure out how to turn on/off metrix cause I'm a law-abiding citizen :) Feb 28 20:20:54 maybe i am dumb but it does not interrest me too much what ppl do with my app as soon as they by it Feb 28 20:21:21 metrix? Feb 28 20:21:41 joetweeply: meh, i like having data, its fun to look at :) Feb 28 20:21:55 yep ice8lue Feb 28 20:22:02 yeah but does it actually help you with your job? like making a better app or getting more money out of it? Feb 28 20:22:18 it is a way to put out a bulletin and see who's using your app Feb 28 20:22:19 joetweeply: nope, but to be fair my app doesn't make me any money anyway Feb 28 20:22:20 heh Feb 28 20:22:40 maybe that's the difference then Feb 28 20:22:40 like, it tells some people that a Pre3 and Veer are running their apps Feb 28 20:22:50 i'm just in for the money Feb 28 20:22:57 lol Feb 28 20:23:10 so am I, but I like user support too :) Feb 28 20:23:28 but I havent made much money yet :/ Feb 28 20:23:39 PatrickC_Pre: heh, i've got like... 7 bucks! Feb 28 20:23:40 lol Feb 28 20:23:55 I have like 30-40 I think Feb 28 20:24:07 (like 40-50 downloads) Feb 28 20:24:09 i had around 150 Feb 28 20:24:11 over 2 apps Feb 28 20:24:16 wanna share? lol Feb 28 20:24:35 PatrickC_Pre: whats your app? Feb 28 20:24:41 i want to be able to pay for my next devices with the money Feb 28 20:24:51 Fog Horn/Just a Flashlight Plus Feb 28 20:25:31 nice Feb 28 20:25:42 well... they are *beginner* apps Feb 28 20:25:55 I'm trying to get into the big leagues Feb 28 20:26:18 and make more then $40 over 4/5 months... Feb 28 20:26:30 whatre you workin on? Feb 28 20:26:54 some Apps for my old church and maybe a 2.0 app Feb 28 20:27:06 I will need beta testers Feb 28 20:27:22 id be happy to help you out Feb 28 20:27:35 got a 2.0 device? Feb 28 20:27:52 * halfhalo-pre yawns Feb 28 20:28:24 tired halfhalo-pre? Feb 28 20:28:36 PatrickC_Pre: getting a pre2 soon :) Feb 28 20:28:40 yes Feb 28 20:28:56 are you running 2.1? Feb 28 20:29:03 up late last night? Feb 28 20:29:31 the metrix forums are not very active.... Feb 28 20:31:46 I could use help on my 2.0 app Feb 28 20:31:51 PM me if interested Feb 28 20:32:33 how muchh 2.0 devices are there Feb 28 20:32:50 is there a number or something, like a percentage Feb 28 20:32:58 Pre2 and O2 and a ton of Pre+/- Feb 28 20:33:17 phil_bw presumes that any code I write is "the right way" Feb 28 20:33:19 that's dangerous Feb 28 20:33:28 that means a lot, I think Feb 28 20:33:30 haha Feb 28 20:34:07 sugardave is *always* right :) Feb 28 20:34:48 is there any game developers here, I am developing a simple game, might be released in 3-4 days, is there money in it. Feb 28 20:35:07 money for me? Feb 28 20:35:23 vaibhav__: there is money...just not a lot (for most of us) Feb 28 20:35:32 Rovio made a ton Feb 28 20:35:42 well. they are Rovio Feb 28 20:36:19 PatrickC_Pre: they are rovio, and so can you. Feb 28 20:36:23 :P Feb 28 20:36:24 they have an awesome game, my bathroom time was increased due to it so I just dropped it outside before going in ... lol Feb 28 20:36:29 well, I can't :p Feb 28 20:36:36 ask sugardave :) Feb 28 20:36:46 you can get there Feb 28 20:36:48 it is possiblwe Feb 28 20:36:50 possible Feb 28 20:37:05 maybe Feb 28 20:37:17 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001AQJ31K/ref=dm_att_alb1 Feb 28 20:37:18 LOL Feb 28 20:37:36 vaibhav__: I have a game on the catalog. There is money to be made, I didn't see much of it though. :) Feb 28 20:38:18 i am a game developer Feb 28 20:38:22 "GET TO THE CHOPPAH!" Feb 28 20:38:42 well I am from India, it's really cheap here, in my last job I earned $1000 a month before goingfull time for app-dev Feb 28 20:38:50 vaibhav__: with the metadoctor to get 2.1.0 on all the legacy devices, I think that number is rising, though still relatively small Feb 28 20:39:49 my most money i did at the 50%off summer, that was awesome Feb 28 20:40:10 joetweeply: Which game did you make? Feb 28 20:40:19 my very simple app got 60 downloads in a month, so I am guessing a good app or 1 dozen average apps will do for me. Feb 28 20:40:24 it's called twoxy... my very first attempt at game development Feb 28 20:40:41 exactly my thought vaibhav__ Feb 28 20:41:29 joetweeply: Cool, I'll give it a try after work. Feb 28 20:41:58 I might give it a try. Feb 28 20:42:10 i am planning to release it for free though... as soon as i find the time, so if you don't wanna buy it ;) Feb 28 20:42:26 but the timeline is "in the coming months" ^^ Feb 28 20:42:27 any 2.0 people wanna jump on board for a 2.0 app I'm making? just small contributions needed :) Feb 28 20:42:48 joetweeply: so, could be a few years? lol Feb 28 20:42:51 joetweeply: I'll wait then. :) Feb 28 20:42:55 hehe maybe Feb 28 20:43:03 there are more important things on my agenda at this moment Feb 28 20:43:19 I know whatcha mean Feb 28 20:44:25 my current game is DOM based , cause I don't know how to do it in opengl/sdl/c++, no helpful tutorial anywhere Feb 28 20:44:33 or game engine Feb 28 20:44:44 really vaibhav__? Feb 28 20:45:04 http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php this here opened my world of c++ game development vaibhav__ Feb 28 20:45:05 WHERE IS MATT MCNULTY?! Feb 28 20:45:19 vaibhav__: I'm working on an engine right now. It won't be ready for a few months though. Feb 28 20:45:21 who is your daddy, and what does he DO? Feb 28 20:47:13 vaibhav__: phil_bw might be able to point you at a opengl/c++/sdl tutorial Feb 28 20:47:24 can I game engine be used with WebOS , in javascript I am using GMP, it makes beginning easier Feb 28 20:47:51 I tried AirplaySDK , it's too daunting to begine with. Feb 28 20:48:20 oh sorry, I was away Feb 28 20:48:21 like pygame or something. Feb 28 20:48:23 i wrote twoxy in a week of evenings Feb 28 20:48:27 it's not too hard Feb 28 20:48:41 is it all SDL Feb 28 20:49:00 So here's how it goes... Feb 28 20:49:06 well I am going full time webos so I have a ton of time to learn Feb 28 20:49:08 twoxy1 and 2 were html5 canvas... my upcoming game is in sdl Feb 28 20:49:20 The easier it is for you to write the game, the less portable it will be (except for web apps) Feb 28 20:49:26 vaibhav__: getting pygame working should be pretty easy Feb 28 20:49:35 So if it's written in Mojo it won't go easy to iPhone, Android etc. Feb 28 20:49:58 i managed to make a lua build for webos and using it successfully on webos Feb 28 20:50:00 move a step down to SDL, it becomes a little more portable but still not much since SDL is kinda iffy on the iPhone as well as the Pixi actually Feb 28 20:50:09 if an activity button is tapped and is spinning, then gets tapped again, will it go through its associated action again? Feb 28 20:50:23 i'm guessing yes, but don't want to have to worry about it if not Feb 28 20:50:26 SDL isn't terribly difficult to learn since there are mountains of tutorials on it and it's pretty standard across windows, mac, linux, etc (just not mobile) Feb 28 20:50:26 I am not worried about portability, just simplicity. Feb 28 20:50:32 maik: unless you remove the tap listener after the first tap Feb 28 20:50:42 sugardave: thanks Feb 28 20:51:46 then there's OpenGL which can be mind numbingly difficult to learn and there isn't a whole lot of C++ based tutorials for OpenGL ES (the mobile implimentation) Feb 28 20:52:02 huh Feb 28 20:52:06 sugardave: is there no way to check if it's active? Feb 28 20:52:11 er, spinning Feb 28 20:53:08 wasn't there an active flag or something maik? Feb 28 20:53:10 okay so SDL it is, Feb 28 20:53:25 maik: hmmm, I think you can check it Feb 28 20:53:26 vaibhav__: i would totally recommend learning sdl yeah Feb 28 20:53:40 you can develop whereever you like and then port it easily to webos Feb 28 20:53:43 that's how i do it Feb 28 20:53:43 if not, just make a "global" activity state flag Feb 28 20:53:59 vaibhav__: I recommend it too, but be wary of doing transformations in SDL. They can be slow. Feb 28 20:54:03 and best way to have a first prototype is to participate in ludum dare ;) Feb 28 20:54:13 I found this site a few days back but was put of by ugly design and weird choice of fonts, guess I was too judgemental Feb 28 20:54:29 the site is plain awesome Feb 28 20:54:29 sugardave: i think i'll likely just disable it when the button is tapped and return it to enabled when the routine returns Feb 28 20:54:33 maik: docs don't call out a way to do it Feb 28 20:54:49 should add some emphasis to the "no, it's really doing something, don't tap again" feel Feb 28 20:55:01 sugardave: ya, that's what i'm mulling over. not a huge deal i guess, thanks. Feb 28 20:55:10 maik: I'd remove the tap listener on tap, then re-do at the end of the activity Feb 28 20:55:34 but disabling works :) Feb 28 20:55:35 but it would still give the tap feel when someone taps it, making them think they could tap it again for funsies Feb 28 20:55:36 vaibhav__: i see what you mean. that site is an example of why programmers shouldn't do UI Feb 28 20:55:40 =) Feb 28 20:55:45 seems more stable if i could give it a disabled feel so that it won't respond to taps Feb 28 20:55:50 more stable feeling* Feb 28 20:56:03 I like to make my users wonder what the hell is going on Feb 28 20:56:05 is there a good dropbox client for webos? preferably free? Feb 28 20:56:10 "Did it work?!" Feb 28 20:56:28 djwhitey: oh boy, link that site! I'm dying to see it Feb 28 20:56:47 sugardave: lol Feb 28 20:56:51 vaibhav__, I started with SDL for my game engine and it was working well then I realized how I'd be stuck with the Pre and not really be able to branch out to other platforms (apart from desktop) so I dove in head first and learned OpenGL. If it's a route you'd be interested in going at some point let me know and I'll help you out. Feb 28 20:56:55 tangentally: http://www.nakedpassword.com/ Feb 28 20:57:34 SineOt: joetweeply linked it above http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php Feb 28 20:57:52 there's probably awesome content, just delivered in a shoebox Feb 28 20:57:54 maik: that is awesome Feb 28 20:57:55 the lazyfoo SDL tutorial is the best I found for SDL Feb 28 20:58:19 heh, my password results in full frontal nudity Feb 28 20:58:21 oh yeah Feb 28 20:58:21 takes very little adapting to make it work on the Pre Feb 28 20:58:26 yeah phil_bw... opengl will be the way to go after some easy games Feb 28 20:58:58 little? my first attempts did not need any adaption at all... though i code on linux Feb 28 20:59:13 maik: that IS awesome "Our beautiful model Sally tastefully removes items of clothing as the password grows stronger." Feb 28 20:59:22 totally Feb 28 20:59:25 joetweeply, the nice thing is that a lot of the C++ can go unchanged, just handle all of your graphics stuff in it's own file that way you can just modify your functions to use OpenGL calls later Feb 28 20:59:58 PatrickC_Pre: there is one, but paid Feb 28 21:00:05 ok Feb 28 21:00:10 thanks Feb 28 21:00:12 yeah my current game has an architecture that would make it easy to switch to opengl Feb 28 21:00:15 I'm thinking of making one Feb 28 21:00:18 maybe... Feb 28 21:00:42 I'd say more "straight forward" than "easy" Feb 28 21:00:53 * SineOt prod prods Adora! Feb 28 21:01:00 OpenGL requires a crap load of code just to draw a triangle.... Feb 28 21:01:13 yeah i saw the tutorials Feb 28 21:01:23 nehe is the best here Feb 28 21:01:30 yeah, I liked nehe Feb 28 21:01:39 but anybody should know him when starting opengl i guess Feb 28 21:01:49 problem is very little is focused at OpenGL ES (other than iPhone, which is generally in Objective C) Feb 28 21:02:39 yeah... but there are good books on that out there i heard Feb 28 21:02:44 iphone has some great tutorials, even a head first book , webos is fairly limited in that respect, maybe that's a good thing Feb 28 21:03:34 eh I'd be very hesitant to say that's a good thing given that it does make it a good dealer harder for new/first time devs to pick up webOS stuff Feb 28 21:03:36 vaibhav__: what should make the deal is the fact that rovio sold their app on iphone and the palm store... but on android it was free because nobody buys anything there Feb 28 21:04:16 joetweeply: and they spent the time to port to the N900 and webOS outsold that in a matter of hours after launch Feb 28 21:04:22 does not matter to me , I cannot sell on android , Feb 28 21:04:23 I think one thing that Palm WebOS has going for it that is good is that the devices are standardized. As an android developer, it's extremely frustrating not knowing the size of device you're developing for Feb 28 21:04:28 (just a thought) Feb 28 21:04:36 oh god, the sizing stuff on android is a nightmare Feb 28 21:05:06 for gamers wp7 seems promising... i mean same code for xbox360 and the phone? plain awesome Feb 28 21:05:09 the nice thing about OpenGL is that it ports quite nicely to other platforms Feb 28 21:05:10 after SML i think webos will have that same problem, although minor, 5 sizes is manageable Feb 28 21:05:11 funkatron: Objective C is too complex as well.. so if webos gets better hardward behind it, I'm a happy camper Feb 28 21:05:23 oh, it will have the hardware Feb 28 21:05:33 you can write in JS on iOS and android if you like, tho Feb 28 21:05:52 you can use js on ios? also html5 stuff? Feb 28 21:05:56 true Feb 28 21:06:00 well for "web apps" Feb 28 21:06:02 JS on android is plain ugly unless you are using titanium Feb 28 21:06:07 nothing native though... Feb 28 21:06:10 oh okay Feb 28 21:06:16 unless things have changed Feb 28 21:06:20 webos is just sexy for a developer Feb 28 21:06:33 titanium FTW Feb 28 21:06:33 I disagree. Sencha Touch looks pretty awesome on Android. Feb 28 21:06:36 I love webos but it seems very very slow compared to native apps Feb 28 21:06:39 on android or ios Feb 28 21:06:41 i mean pdk is totally easy to port... and mojo was cool... enyo looks promising Feb 28 21:07:10 yeah, kind of sucks that it looks like hybrid apps won't be coming to 1.4.5 at all... Feb 28 21:07:26 yeah but to be honest, that doesn't bother me too much Feb 28 21:07:30 got some plans for a hybrid cross platform app, sucks that it won't run on my own Pre- Feb 28 21:07:41 what saddened me whas that there won't be any new services Feb 28 21:08:03 lot of developers of current apps on other platforms are pretty much stuck waiting until hybrid functionality are more webos 2.X devices come out Feb 28 21:08:05 cavneb: iOS: word. android: bucking apps even @ 1ghz Feb 28 21:08:09 SineOt: http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?sid=2b24ade0abbafce331f6ed3aba64d11a&lastaction=login&f=96&t=11657 Feb 28 21:08:27 infinite login loop Feb 28 21:09:12 yeah, kills the page with infinite login loop detected Feb 28 21:09:18 KILL Feb 28 21:09:21 bogus Feb 28 21:09:23 yep Feb 28 21:09:30 http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=11657 Feb 28 21:09:43 you don't have my cookies :P Feb 28 21:09:52 was it wrong to call a user "cock-gobbler?" Feb 28 21:10:05 not authorized to view that forum Feb 28 21:10:25 funkatron: it depends...do they eat a lot of chicken? Feb 28 21:10:30 sugardave: hope that gets sorted out Feb 28 21:10:42 sugardave: I believe the turkey is the gobbler Feb 28 21:10:43 blah... need to clean some stuff Feb 28 21:10:46 * phil_bw wanders off Feb 28 21:12:37 funkatron: the good part is the collapsible thing is awesome Feb 28 21:12:51 way better than the old technology Feb 28 21:13:03 I've been so behind that I haven't had a chance to test out stuff like this Feb 28 21:13:28 but at first blush I agree Feb 28 21:13:32 I haven't had much of a chance to play with that stuff yet, sugardave :p Feb 28 21:13:42 I'm beating you! Feb 28 21:13:43 I'm beating you! Feb 28 21:13:46 someone asked me if I could write a blackberry messenger client for webos.. doesn't something like that exist already? Feb 28 21:13:47 a lot of the widgets in mojo were just way too much work to set up Feb 28 21:13:57 cavneb: yeah, tibfib wrote it Feb 28 21:14:02 definitely looks a hell of a lot easier than Mojo though Feb 28 21:14:04 is there a grid control in webos, showing list in grid or something like that Feb 28 21:14:13 funkatron: omg, yeah...you should see the collapsible divider crap I did in iHaveSpirit beta Feb 28 21:14:17 funkatron thanks Feb 28 21:14:28 cavneb: I think it's called Mojo Messenger Feb 28 21:14:37 vaibhav__: don't know if there's one included by default but I know it's possible Feb 28 21:14:41 funkatron: Isn't Tibfib just a BBM Lookalike? Feb 28 21:14:44 Mojo Messenger doesn't interact with BBM though Feb 28 21:14:52 exactly Feb 28 21:14:55 funkatron: that doesn't tie into bbm Feb 28 21:14:57 ya Feb 28 21:15:07 oh, you want to interact with BBM? Good luck on that 8) Feb 28 21:15:12 hahaha Feb 28 21:15:22 hehehe Feb 28 21:16:00 that's why I'm kind of pissed that RIM is going after Kik messenger or whatever Feb 28 21:16:22 which was basically BBM but mutliplatform... but now isn't available on blackberry Feb 28 21:16:36 because they're cock-gobblers? Feb 28 21:16:48 it's not cocks they gobble Feb 28 21:16:58 it's http://rim.jobs Feb 28 21:17:17 what with all the cock gobbling Feb 28 21:17:32 boo, RIM finally killed off that site apparently Feb 28 21:18:55 nova-browser FTW Feb 28 21:18:57 maybe I can buy it off them Feb 28 21:22:33 anyone want to help me with some code? Feb 28 21:22:43 depends on what the code is Feb 28 21:22:46 *private* code? Feb 28 21:22:49 lol Feb 28 21:22:53 * sugardave nominates SineOt. Feb 28 21:23:11 I didn't make the code, it was given to me to use Feb 28 21:23:20 could be a virus! Feb 28 21:23:26 I want to make sure I am using it/where to put it Feb 28 21:23:29 * SineOt drowns sugardave in a bathtub Feb 28 21:23:33 from Arthur Thorton? lol Feb 28 21:23:40 yeah why not I'm feeling generous Feb 28 21:23:46 ok Feb 28 21:24:13 can't pastebin... as it is still stupidly under NDA.... Feb 28 21:24:15 dude who drank my beer? Feb 28 21:24:22 sineot did Feb 28 21:24:30 how could he Feb 28 21:24:31 I drank all the beers Feb 28 21:24:40 now i have to actually get up and get a new one Feb 28 21:24:44 all by myself Feb 28 21:24:44 no one ever expects the otters Feb 28 21:24:51 PatrickC_Pre: then copy paste it to me in PM Feb 28 21:25:10 * sugardave laughs and laughs. Feb 28 21:25:11 ok Feb 28 21:26:29 hey... an empty bottle of beer is nothing to laugh about Feb 28 21:27:12 yes it it :p Feb 28 21:27:19 PMed Feb 28 21:27:46 Anyone here knowledgeable on Java? Feb 28 21:28:02 * halfhalo-pre steps back slowly Feb 28 21:28:18 it's an island right? Feb 28 21:28:36 no, coffee is what I heard Feb 28 21:28:40 and a good thing to use to knock someone out Feb 28 21:30:36 how do you knock someone out with an island? Feb 28 21:30:57 pick it up Feb 28 21:31:05 throw it Feb 28 21:31:13 sleeping sugardave Feb 28 21:31:32 we just successfully knocked out sugardave Feb 28 21:31:39 just ask your question , if someone knew , he/she will answer Feb 28 21:32:00 (and now sugardave's phone/computer is dinging) Feb 28 21:33:28 sugardave, I'm just going to not use metrix till I figure out cookies more Feb 28 21:34:10 roy-pre101 , I know java , well some of it Feb 28 21:35:20 sugardave: private SDK question Feb 28 21:35:23 can I PM? Feb 28 21:35:50 what is code 0, my first program exited with code 0, hope that's ok. Feb 28 21:36:07 never heard of code0 Feb 28 21:36:08 it's what you return in your main Feb 28 21:36:18 vaibhav__: I created a thread and I want to call a method on that running thread. (It's more complicated than that, I have an NDK app on Android that runs full-time in that thread that I'm trying to call a native function on). I'm getting a thread exception when I try to call it from the main thread. Feb 28 21:38:36 so it is fine, ran my first SDL program , rovio here I come, perhaps with angry birds : revenge 2 of the pigs Feb 28 21:39:01 no vaibhav__ Feb 28 21:39:08 angry *pigs* Feb 28 21:39:41 @ roy-pre101 it's really hard to tell without watching code , threads are tricky stuff, and depends on platform support. Feb 28 21:41:31 vaibhav__: Hmm, yeah. I'll see what I can figure out! Feb 28 21:41:58 good luck vaibhav__ Feb 28 21:42:12 Hi, I'm trying to install openssh server on my Palm Pre Plus. I now have WebOS 2.1 and the normal tutorials don't seem to apply (I don't have /opt to start with) How do I generate the keys and start the server (I have installed openssh with Preware) Feb 28 21:44:04 Openssh doesn't seem to be started (netstat -ln does list any listening ports on port 22 or 222) Feb 28 21:46:43 2.1 is all QNX Feb 28 21:46:45 fbnts: can you access ssh-keygen ? Feb 28 21:47:46 funkatron: qnx the OS ? Feb 28 21:47:51 where is that located? I am used to using 'locate ' on other nix systems but thats not available. Feb 28 21:48:00 funkatron: you may mean Qt Feb 28 21:48:06 type ssh-keygen Feb 28 21:48:10 which ssh-keygen doesn't return any result Feb 28 21:48:14 no, I read it on precentral Feb 28 21:48:14 hmm Feb 28 21:48:16 all qnx Feb 28 21:48:19 (or you may be being sarcastic :) Feb 28 21:48:30 hah Feb 28 21:48:32 srsly Feb 28 21:49:00 funkatron: linky Feb 28 21:49:07 pygame is using SDL, can I use it to develop apps for webos. Feb 28 21:49:18 fbnts: type find / | grep ssh Feb 28 21:49:23 python is more fun then c++ Feb 28 21:49:24 see what that yields you Feb 28 21:49:33 http://lmgtfy.com/?q=qnx Feb 28 21:49:50 there is no official compiler for webos vaibhav__ Feb 28 21:49:52 isn't Qnx that shitty arcade game with the lines and where you are trying to block out portions of the screen before the lines touch you? Feb 28 21:49:58 funkatron: in 2.1 ? Feb 28 21:50:07 so unless you want to go homebrew you have to stick to c++ Feb 28 21:50:08 sugardave: That's Qix. Feb 28 21:50:09 you are thinking of Qix, sugardave, and I will kick your ass Feb 28 21:50:12 come on, it's not that hard Feb 28 21:50:19 I suck at that game :D Feb 28 21:50:46 vvuksan: I'm just trolling Feb 28 21:50:48 vvuksan: no results, only references to mobi.optware.openssh Feb 28 21:51:00 funkatron: i figured :-) Feb 28 21:51:13 so won't work, any SDL game engines which may work like this, http://freshmeat.net/projects/sge2d Feb 28 21:51:18 fbnts: ipkg list | grep ssh Feb 28 21:51:41 vvuksan: nope - no results Feb 28 21:51:57 fbnts: ipkg list | grep dropbear Feb 28 21:52:21 vvuksan: same no result Feb 28 21:52:44 fbnts: can you pastebin your ipkg list output Feb 28 21:52:56 vaibhav__: you didn't even try it raw Feb 28 21:53:23 i made my current game in 30 hours Feb 28 21:53:45 I am doing that, you will see a game from me by Holi, just being optimistic Feb 28 21:54:00 bbl Feb 28 21:54:05 gotta get school done Feb 28 21:54:21 have fun PatrickC_Pre Feb 28 21:54:28 vvuksan: yep will do - just need to pipe it to a file on the USBDrive Feb 28 21:54:28 I'll try ;) Feb 28 21:54:37 and consider joining the next ludum dare in april vaibhav__ Feb 28 21:55:45 vvuksan: is there a way to enable tab completion? Feb 28 21:56:16 not quite sure what SHELL it uses Feb 28 21:56:19 echo $SHELL Feb 28 21:56:39 vvuksan: ipkg list output: http://pastebin.com/zGf2SWW1 Feb 28 21:56:55 vvuksan: /bin/sh Feb 28 21:57:06 see if there is something like bash Feb 28 21:57:08 ie type bash Feb 28 21:57:33 vvuksan: /bin/sh: bash: not found Feb 28 21:58:11 hmm Feb 28 21:58:16 do ipkg install busybox Feb 28 21:58:32 that should have bash Feb 28 21:58:47 is there a way to get app catalog in emulator, Feb 28 21:58:52 Package busybox (1.17.3-11) installed in root is up to date. Feb 28 21:58:53 Nothing to be done Feb 28 21:58:58 hmm Feb 28 21:59:11 don't think so vaibhav__ Feb 28 21:59:14 According to http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Setup_Bash bash should be available Feb 28 21:59:16 because app catalog needs a profile Feb 28 21:59:20 and profile is one device only Feb 28 21:59:29 let me check with preware Feb 28 21:59:45 ah yeah you can install preware maybe vaibhav__ Feb 28 22:00:05 vvuksan, busybox is a replacement for bash and a bunch of other utilities Feb 28 22:00:16 bash would be installed separately Feb 28 22:00:16 vvuksan: preware search doesn't find bash Feb 28 22:00:31 bash is in preware under linux applications Feb 28 22:00:42 RagingMind: even on webos 2.1 Feb 28 22:00:52 yes, I see it on mine Feb 28 22:02:16 Available Packages > Optware > Utilities > Bourne Again Shell Feb 28 22:02:26 just gone to Available Packages > Linux Applications > All and theres QT Framework, Emergency *, EOM and Locale support Feb 28 22:02:28 oops, I misspoke... was in optware instead of linux apps Feb 28 22:02:47 ah yes found it Feb 28 22:02:47 sorry about that Feb 28 22:02:57 np Feb 28 22:03:01 just installing it now Feb 28 22:03:31 All this just 'cos I want to keep a shell open to monitor load on my pre Feb 28 22:04:10 (battery usage on WebOS 2.1 is horrendous!) Feb 28 22:04:13 fbnts: that's one of the things I want to add :-) Feb 28 22:04:19 fbnts: metric gathering Feb 28 22:04:42 shouldn't be too hard as long as I can get Python installed :-) Feb 28 22:04:53 nothing that advanced - I;m not that experienced Feb 28 22:04:57 dammit, a Pre 2-sized box just came from UPS...it's a stupid battery for my wife's laptop Feb 28 22:05:10 can work well with debian etc but thats what im used to Feb 28 22:05:42 now that Bourne Again is installed, how do I set it as my default shell? Feb 28 22:06:09 do I just edit /etc/passwd Feb 28 22:06:43 fbnts, that'd be dangerous Feb 28 22:07:03 depending on the scripts that webOS uses, it might break things Feb 28 22:07:13 you can always try though :) Feb 28 22:07:14 ah right Feb 28 22:07:21 well its already put an entry in /etc/shells Feb 28 22:07:51 the tutorial at http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Setup_Bash says to do that but I guess thats for WebOS 1.x Feb 28 22:08:14 joetweeply preware can be installed, thanks Feb 28 22:08:48 looks like the beta is in the feeds: http://j.mp/spazwebosbeta Feb 28 22:09:14 someone else may have tried and determined it's a safe replacement, but I do'nt know personally Feb 28 22:09:56 hmm, what text editors are available? I'm always used to using ne (nice editor) Feb 28 22:10:38 ipkg install nano Feb 28 22:10:56 oops, wrong window! Feb 28 22:18:18 is ipkg-opt available for webos 2.1? Feb 28 22:18:31 or is it the same as ipkg Feb 28 22:18:39 i would think it's the same Feb 28 22:20:16 hmm, trying ipkg install dropbear returns cannot find package dropbear Feb 28 22:20:23 yet in preware its found it Feb 28 22:20:37 do ipkg update Feb 28 22:20:52 just to make sure dbs are uptodate Feb 28 22:21:36 ipkg update returns very quckly should it show some output? Feb 28 22:22:11 it shouldn't Feb 28 22:22:21 it doesn't show output IIRC Feb 28 22:22:21 oh ok, so its up to date Feb 28 22:23:29 the ipkg list doesn't list dropbear Feb 28 22:23:40 than it's not there Feb 28 22:23:49 is ipkg using different source lists to preware? Feb 28 22:25:27 type ipkg -h Feb 28 22:25:41 it will tell you what the options are Feb 28 22:25:49 this is not a pre Feb 28 22:25:55 but for me it tells me Feb 28 22:25:57 -conf Default configuration file location Feb 28 22:25:57 is /opt/etc/ipkg.conf Feb 28 22:26:05 check the .conf file wherever it is Feb 28 22:27:01 yep, default is /etc/ipkg.conf but that doesn't exist Feb 28 22:28:20 hewo Feb 28 22:28:39 hmm, I may just give up and re-flash to WebOS 1.4.5 Feb 28 22:29:21 why? Feb 28 22:29:57 Well the main problem is the battery usage and the lack of patches at the moment Feb 28 22:30:19 who would but a flickr search app that uses Just Type and Exhibition in here? Feb 28 22:30:22 The same battery on 1.4.5 lasted about 14 hours, on 2.1 it lasts about 2.5 - 3 hours Feb 28 22:30:30 wow Feb 28 22:31:26 which was the reason I was wanting to connect to SSH over WiFi so I can have a terminal open constantly monitoring top to see what is actually using all my power Feb 28 22:32:06 Obviously I can leave it plugged into my PC with the USB cable and use the crappy novacom but I hate using windoze command prompt Feb 28 22:32:18 and its obviously charging the phone all the time Feb 28 22:33:07 Its a shame cos I'm like a few of the new features (the voice dialing) and just type Feb 28 22:33:49 would you buy a flickr search app that used just type and exhibition? Feb 28 22:50:28 * phil_bw wanders by Feb 28 22:50:47 hay phil_bw Feb 28 22:50:53 howdy Feb 28 22:51:27 hows it goin? Feb 28 22:51:38 going alright, just trying to come up with a decent work space Feb 28 22:51:51 for what? Feb 28 22:52:02 oh work space in the literal sense Feb 28 22:52:19 phil_bw: lighting, lighting, and did I mention lighting Feb 28 22:52:21 kinda got rid of too much stuff when I moved Feb 28 22:52:29 don't even have an office chair anymore :/ Feb 28 22:52:43 if you could only see my make due setup right now... Feb 28 22:52:44 I think a trip to Ikea is high in demand right now then :p Feb 28 22:52:59 haha, I have a piece of ikea furniture in my lap actually Feb 28 22:53:04 a door from an ikea book shelf Feb 28 22:53:13 it' Feb 28 22:53:18 it's holding the keyboard and mouse Feb 28 22:53:28 laptop is on the desk, tv is plugged in to the laptop Feb 28 22:53:51 (also sold the other computer which had a monitor I used as my secondary Feb 28 22:54:46 so I get to use 47" of 1920x1080 goodness as my second monitor.... Feb 28 22:54:47 ahaha Feb 28 22:55:14 can I have one? Feb 28 22:55:29 sineot: check PM Feb 28 22:55:32 phil_bw: the uh, I think it's Expedit or something series from Ikea, awesome workstation desks Feb 28 22:55:49 I think they're canning them this 'model year' so I think you can get the whole desk set for like 99$ Feb 28 22:55:56 I need something very narrow Feb 28 22:56:01 right now I've got my old desk turned sideways Feb 28 22:56:11 how narrow we talking? Feb 28 22:56:17 this is maybe 3 feet deep? Feb 28 22:56:23 don't have a measuring tape handy but it looks to be about 3 feet (wide) Feb 28 22:56:27 depth doesn't matter so much Feb 28 22:56:50 has to fit between the wall and the tv stand (which is a big ol' beast) Feb 28 22:56:52 we have Expedit bookcases...they're shelving that line? ararar Feb 28 22:57:05 they're shelving the workstation addon for it Feb 28 22:57:12 hmm Feb 28 22:57:13 http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S59861342 < here we go Feb 28 22:57:30 I love the workstation addon for it though because it takes a pretty damn awesome bookshelf and doubles it into a desk Feb 28 22:57:55 looking at it it's basically 60x31 Feb 28 22:58:14 which is what I was guessing it would be, it's about 5 feet by 2 and a half Feb 28 22:58:29 but with a ton of storage space Feb 28 22:58:34 hm... Feb 28 22:58:55 don't think it'd fit... Feb 28 22:59:15 oh well, this works for now Feb 28 23:00:23 and this bookshelf door has a texture that's comfortable to have my arms on yet abrasive enough that my mouse doesn't roll away at an angle Feb 28 23:06:34 whoa, wth Feb 28 23:07:03 hay sugarsav1 :) Feb 28 23:07:36 how do you all do the now know as ..."? Feb 28 23:07:43 I haven't figured that out yet... Feb 28 23:07:46 /nick newNick Feb 28 23:07:55 oh... Feb 28 23:07:56 lol Feb 28 23:08:14 bbl Feb 28 23:08:19 * phil_bw spent 4 years writing an IRC client... I know commands I wish I didn't... Feb 28 23:08:26 dindin time Feb 28 23:08:48 net split... Feb 28 23:08:54 duck for cover Feb 28 23:16:17 one step closer to webOS SWAT team member, palm is following me now Feb 28 23:16:35 chuqui: let's make this happen! Feb 28 23:26:32 heh Feb 28 23:26:40 http://cl.ly/4ufy Feb 28 23:26:52 friend of mine spotted that so i snapped a pic Feb 28 23:27:00 hahaha Feb 28 23:27:03 that's awesome Feb 28 23:27:18 "CATO: Go or no go?" *shake shake shake shake shake* "CATO is go." Feb 28 23:44:36 chuqui: Hey, any updates on my submitting update? Feb 28 23:44:44 submitting* problem Feb 28 23:45:11 Tibfib: nothing i've heard... but Ive been hidnig. Feb 28 23:45:13 hiding Feb 28 23:45:27 chuqui: I'd like to submit an update... and get my lite version out htere Feb 28 23:45:52 having done a ton of pixel art before this EightBit.me thing bugs me :p Feb 28 23:45:54 Is it possible to set the SMS notification message on WebOS 2.1? On 1.4.5 the patch worked however the patch isn't available in 2.1? Feb 28 23:45:58 hey chuqui, how is? Feb 28 23:48:48 hey hey, is fine. you? Feb 28 23:49:18 Mmm, been better ;P Feb 28 23:49:35 doing some pixel art just to do some pixel art, since this Eightbit.me thing is apparently all the rage on Twitter right now Feb 28 23:59:54 what's goin on? Mar 01 00:00:11 chuqui: I have a friend who requested to be included in early access on February 9 but he hasn't received a reply yet. should he sit tight or send another email? Mar 01 00:00:31 hay chuqui! Mar 01 00:00:44 destinal: send another email. Mar 01 00:00:50 PatrickC_Pre: hayo! Mar 01 00:00:52 chuqui: cool, thx Mar 01 00:01:23 and how long *should* it take to hear back from devmarketing@palm.com? Mar 01 00:03:35 between now and cold death of the universe. They're pretty badly overloaded right now. Mar 01 00:04:53 chuqui: devmarketing still throwing things at you then, I take it? :] Mar 01 00:05:02 ok. I originally emailed on the 15th (I think the day it started) and didn't know if I should mail again. Mar 01 00:05:50 chuqui: that is now going to be my standard response when someone asks when they'll get something. brilliant Mar 01 00:07:51 I finally have a fully functional SDK app!!!!!! Mar 01 00:08:30 yay me :) Mar 01 00:08:37 lol Mar 01 00:10:07 heh Mar 01 00:10:34 yep Mar 01 00:10:37 well, my inbox has gone from > 400 to < 80. for now. Mar 01 00:10:44 yay Mar 01 00:10:51 the joke's on you all, because the death of the universe is so much not going to be cold Mar 01 00:11:03 chuqui: sorry, one of those is from me :p Mar 01 00:11:07 I think. Mar 01 00:11:42 none are from me (yet) Mar 01 00:11:55 lets clutter chuqui's inbox :) Mar 01 00:12:17 :; Mar 01 00:12:20 :( Mar 01 00:16:32 it got quiet.... Mar 01 00:19:19 I have new reading materials... Mar 01 00:19:24 shh Mar 01 00:20:37 lol Mar 01 00:21:46 wow Mar 01 00:21:53 what is it? Mar 01 00:21:58 would it interest me? Mar 01 00:23:23 probably something about gardening Mar 01 00:24:52 or wrestling alligators... Mar 01 00:25:01 he is, afterall, from the South Mar 01 00:25:34 could be Mar 01 00:26:23 I'm from the south too :p Mar 01 00:27:32 I'm sorry Mar 01 00:27:42 heh Mar 01 00:28:09 * RagingMind is about as far north as you can get in the lower 48 Mar 01 00:28:24 Canada? Mar 01 00:28:27 :P Mar 01 00:28:28 ... Mar 01 00:28:32 lol Mar 01 00:28:34 * halfhalo-pre was typing that as well Mar 01 00:28:35 canada joined the lower 48? :p Mar 01 00:28:39 well, I'm far*ther* north now Mar 01 00:28:39 I"m further north than many canadians Mar 01 00:28:47 RagingMind: maine? Mar 01 00:28:58 Mexico? Mar 01 00:28:58 Newfie! Mar 01 00:29:12 Michigan Mar 01 00:29:13 florida! Mar 01 00:29:37 California! Mar 01 00:29:55 Geography FAIL! Mar 01 00:30:07 The answer is Zimbabwe Mar 01 00:30:11 some people dont have maps Mar 01 00:30:14 Antarctica! Mar 01 00:30:16 Tibfib, I am further north than most of Maine ;) Mar 01 00:30:16 and such as Mar 01 00:30:16 such as, like and, the iraq. Mar 01 00:30:34 cwayne1: I feel you, man Mar 01 00:30:38 http://blog.riverofnewsapp.com/2010/10/how-much-money-can-you-make-on-app.html -- one day, we'll all be rich! Mar 01 00:30:43 * halfhalo-pre goes by the xkcd map of the internet Mar 01 00:30:54 sugardave: hah, excellent Mar 01 00:31:10 derp Mar 01 00:31:30 kernels out, not working yet... :/ Mar 01 00:32:09 oh, a 2.1 overclock kernel is out? Mar 01 00:33:15 Tibfib: you notice that myappbox hasn't updated stats in a while? Mar 01 00:33:24 download stats Mar 01 00:33:28 I haven't tbh, don't check it much Mar 01 00:34:14 well, placeholders Mar 01 00:34:56 :( Mar 01 00:35:08 I know :'( Mar 01 00:35:48 sugardave: I'm considering having my app check for alternate album art on startup and making an array there. Then when "getAlbumArt()" is called I can look thru the array and "return" it Mar 01 00:36:06 I don't fancy most users having a TON of album art Mar 01 00:36:23 where does it get the art, local media? Mar 01 00:36:35 when you "set it" it download it to the usb drive Mar 01 00:37:01 downloads* Mar 01 00:37:08 oh and you will just read the current ones on app startup Mar 01 00:37:32 that works :) Mar 01 00:38:57 sugardave: is there a nice prototype function to search an array? Mar 01 00:39:45 or should I loop thru it? Mar 01 00:42:09 sugardave: I want to be a SWAT member too :) Mar 01 00:47:36 I need help with multi-stage :) Mar 01 00:48:10 and my log shows nothing.... Mar 01 00:48:12 hey people, will you buy the Spaz special edition with 3 more themes for $1.99? Mar 01 00:48:30 I don't have a twitter, so sadly, no :'( Mar 01 00:49:18 doesn't mean you don't have to buy it Mar 01 00:49:28 lol Mar 01 00:49:29 good point Mar 01 00:49:33 I have no use for it Mar 01 00:49:36 also, we support all statusnet systems Mar 01 00:49:48 funkatron: yes here Mar 01 00:50:08 50% of the profits will go to webos internals Mar 01 00:50:24 ooh. I still need to set up the "tweet koto via spaz" stuff Mar 01 00:50:30 funkatron: I'd buy one with a Preware theme ;) Mar 01 00:50:31 boom Mar 01 00:50:38 rwhitby: no Mar 01 00:50:42 lol Mar 01 00:50:47 what's a "preware" theme anyway? Mar 01 00:50:53 "palm-default" Mar 01 00:50:59 yeah, basically. Mar 01 00:51:08 a good looking palm-default Mar 01 00:51:42 beauty is in the eye of the beholder Mar 01 00:52:35 indeed. let me rephrase. one that looks indistinguishable from the default Palm apps and Preware's palm-default theme. Mar 01 00:52:53 latest Palm App Catalog abomination excluded Mar 01 00:53:03 dangit. anyone used a "certain database system" with != ? can you use undefined? Mar 01 00:53:22 ping me if you know.. por favor Mar 01 00:54:11 * halfhalo-pre dunnos bout that but if(var) should work Mar 01 00:54:15 yeah. latest catalog + show apps is kinda fail. Can't get to catalog page of apps from "Installed" apps Mar 01 00:54:44 halfhalo-pre: kinda database# specific Mar 01 00:54:50 multistage help anyone? Mar 01 00:55:29 Tibfib: if its one of them fancy ones based off couch then its pretty much pure js in it Mar 01 00:56:13 Tibfib: prototype .each is pretty nice, I use it to loop through and set flags when I find values, etc. Mar 01 00:56:24 but there are some other ones like .detect Mar 01 00:57:05 I am using a multistage app, and it isn't pushing my main scene.. Mar 01 00:59:31 any help? Mar 01 00:59:55 Tibfib: http://api.prototypejs.org/language/Enumerable/ scroll down and look at the instance methods (some are just aliases of others) but you can do a lot of stuff with Enumerables Mar 01 01:00:11 nice Mar 01 01:00:33 bbiab Mar 01 01:01:57 anyone at all? Mar 01 01:03:06 I have refrained from multistage apps Mar 01 01:03:17 * halfhalo-pre has as well Mar 01 01:03:21 well, apps in general Mar 01 01:03:35 come on, halfhalo-pre, everyone is doing it Mar 01 01:03:38 we know halfhalo-pre :) Mar 01 01:05:44 it gets stuck on the index.html but the log shows nothing! Mar 01 01:09:08 man, I really want to get this thing working.... Mar 01 01:09:15 :'( Mar 01 01:23:58 anyone at all on the multistage??? Mar 01 01:26:06 man... its really quiet.. Mar 01 01:27:19 dashboard is multistage? right? Mar 01 01:28:18 yup Mar 01 01:28:24 a dashboard is part of a multistage app Mar 01 01:29:26 ok, so I can now have a dashboard in my other app. Mar 01 01:29:36 if I can figure out how to code it :/ Mar 01 01:30:03 tibfib: ping! Mar 01 01:30:22 pong Mar 01 01:30:40 do you have a dashboard in Koto? Mar 01 01:30:45 I do Mar 01 01:31:30 wanna help me with a multistage app? Mar 01 01:32:25 If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to. But I don't really feel like walking you thru it since that can be easily learned by checking out other app's source Mar 01 01:33:34 tibfib check: PM Mar 01 01:33:46 post it here so others can help too Mar 01 01:33:55 NDA :'( Mar 01 01:34:02 multi-stage is not nda. Mar 01 01:34:15 mine is... Mar 01 01:34:40 are you actually pushing the scene? Mar 01 01:34:50 yes Mar 01 01:34:57 no Mar 01 01:35:19 yeah. You aren't. My guess is you're thinking "StageAssistant" still applies in multi-stage, right? Mar 01 01:35:26 * SineOt puts a cookie on Adora's head Mar 01 01:35:34 * Tibfib eats cookie Mar 01 01:35:39 stageController.pushScene("main") Mar 01 01:35:46 PatrickC: answer my question! Mar 01 01:35:46 I deleted the stageAssistant Mar 01 01:35:53 alrighty Mar 01 01:35:56 so where is that code? Mar 01 01:36:24 GONE Mar 01 01:36:26 pastebinning that snippet of launching the stage is in no way a violation of nda, so please do Mar 01 01:36:36 * Tibfib meant the "pushScene" code Mar 01 01:36:56 or just PM you the entire code? Mar 01 01:36:59 or both? lol Mar 01 01:37:09 noo.. pastebin the relevant stuff Mar 01 01:37:12 * sugardave laughs and laughs. Mar 01 01:37:18 sugardave: ping! Mar 01 01:37:28 haahaha Mar 01 01:37:28 POPCORN Mar 01 01:38:39 got snippet, pasting now Mar 01 01:39:23 http://webos.pastebin.com/vS0mVPCB Mar 01 01:39:47 hmm. you should go look at another multi stage app and see how it does it Mar 01 01:40:05 OR you need to paste MORE stuff.. not just _that_ line Mar 01 01:42:18 won't let me copy it... Mar 01 01:42:22 phone acting up Mar 01 01:42:32 I have the entire thing ready though... Mar 01 01:42:39 lol, 3 lines Mar 01 01:42:54 phone being stupid..... Mar 01 01:42:56 lol Mar 01 01:43:59 so sugardave: .each is array.each(function(item){ }) ? Mar 01 01:44:08 but it doesn't look like any code is in the setup: fuction() {} Mar 01 01:44:39 what setup? Mar 01 01:45:04 all in the handleLaunch: function(params) {} Mar 01 01:45:08 in the app-assistant Mar 01 01:45:29 what do other mult-stage apps look like? Mar 01 01:45:40 idk, can't download any... Mar 01 01:46:04 what are you developing on? Mar 01 01:46:16 computer with no internet and Pre Mar 01 01:46:41 Tibfib: yeah, and you can pass an optional second arg after the function which is what "this" will be in the function Mar 01 01:46:53 sugardave: sweet thanks Mar 01 01:47:06 PatrickC: look at the included apps in the sdk. there are multi-stage apps there Mar 01 01:47:09 also, the function will pass 2 args, item and index Mar 01 01:47:15 ok will do Mar 01 01:47:36 PatrickC: did you look at webos101.com? Mar 01 01:47:44 DAYS AGO Mar 01 01:47:48 because there's some decent info on multi-stage apps there Mar 01 01:47:57 yes I did Mar 01 01:48:13 gosh Mar 01 01:48:13 try it again, and this time do what it says to do? Mar 01 01:48:19 I can't believe I forgot about webos101.com Mar 01 01:48:22 PatrickC: http://webos101.com/Multi-Stage_Applications Mar 01 01:48:30 that has ALL of the instructions. Mar 01 01:48:31 boom Mar 01 01:48:33 action time Mar 01 01:48:44 looked at it already, will look again... Mar 01 01:48:53 sugardave: I think oil has (tm) that phrase...! Mar 01 01:49:12 haeffb: do I have to pay every time I use just type now then? Mar 01 01:49:15 :O Mar 01 01:49:21 well, like I said, just looking won't do it. you also have to pay attention and follow what it says Mar 01 01:49:22 only if you have the patch :D Mar 01 01:49:23 * Tibfib might have to remove that patch Mar 01 01:49:54 it's ok if you're using the patch. just can't use it outside the patch w/o royalties Mar 01 01:50:00 phew Mar 01 01:50:03 * PatrickC is looking at Govnah now Mar 01 01:50:13 *boggle* Mar 01 01:50:27 PatrickC: look at webos101. That is EXACTLY what you need Mar 01 01:50:44 besides, oil is terrible Mar 01 01:50:56 responsible for so many atrocities Mar 01 01:51:07 poor gulf Mar 01 01:52:16 is that still relevant in 2.0? Mar 01 01:52:18 ruined my vacation last summer Mar 01 01:52:30 we're not allowed to say. Mar 01 01:52:32 uff, that would be a crappy vacation for sure Mar 01 01:52:42 but, yes. Mar 01 01:52:48 then PM me please.. lol Mar 01 01:52:49 it's just Mojo Mar 01 01:52:59 PatrickC: there is no need for pm Mar 01 01:53:09 just follow webOS101 and your multi-stage app should work Mar 01 01:53:19 I'm not doing a dashboard app Mar 01 01:53:30 PatrickC: how do I know you're not a Palm spy, trying to trick me into revealing that I know about 2.0? Mar 01 01:53:33 ask on the forums Mar 01 01:53:45 dashboard/exhibition/crosslaunched, it's all the same Mar 01 01:53:46 haeffb: what's a 2.0? Mar 01 01:53:50 cause you trust me :p Mar 01 01:53:53 only thing that changes is the launch param Mar 01 01:53:54 this whole last two month's could have all been an elaborate ruse Mar 01 01:54:04 sure... Mar 01 01:54:08 lol Mar 01 01:54:22 playing the long con, are we? Mar 01 01:54:25 that's a stabbin' Mar 01 01:54:33 a 15 yr old could *really* be that smart when knowing nothing about coding :p Mar 01 01:54:44 could, yes Mar 01 01:54:54 but I could be a multibillionare with a pet giraffe Mar 01 01:55:13 * Tibfib likes his pet giraffe Mar 01 01:55:17 his name is jeffrey. Mar 01 01:55:22 that tiny giraffe? Mar 01 01:55:28 lol Mar 01 01:55:29 (you know that isn't true because I wouldn't have a giraffe to begin with..!) Mar 01 01:55:32 giraffery? Mar 01 01:55:35 my giraffe could be up your giraffe Mar 01 01:55:41 tmi Mar 01 01:55:42 hmm Mar 01 01:55:49 beat* Mar 01 01:55:55 that is probably not legal in many areas Mar 01 01:55:57 oh. right. Mar 01 01:56:07 you can get waivers for most anything though Mar 01 01:56:10 lemurs? SURE WHY NOT Mar 01 01:56:30 when you're a multibillionaire, sure Mar 01 01:56:52 * Tibfib is going to buy two giraffes one day and name them haeffb and sugardave Mar 01 01:57:08 one will be a boy, and one will be a girl. Mar 01 01:57:18 ... Mar 01 01:57:21 ... Mar 01 01:57:22 ... Mar 01 01:57:22 I think I don't like how this is going... Mar 01 01:57:27 ...wait for it... Mar 01 01:57:28 lol. Mar 01 01:57:29 ... Mar 01 01:57:30 * Tibfib back to koto Mar 01 01:57:31 ... Mar 01 01:57:47 * haeffb was sure there was a punchline coming there somewhere. Mar 01 01:57:47 .... Mar 01 01:57:52 haha Mar 01 01:57:59 I don't roll like that Mar 01 01:58:03 dots are suppose to keep going Mar 01 01:58:30 s/don't roll like that/forgot where I was going with that/ Mar 01 01:59:00 sugardave: UT vs KSU on in a few minutes Mar 01 01:59:33 wearing my UT hoodie Mar 01 01:59:36 PatrickC: seriously, the 101 link should tell you all you need to know Mar 01 01:59:54 wearing my KSU hoody Mar 01 02:00:11 I'm going to make an app using only he code on 101 Mar 01 02:00:18 s/he/the/ Mar 01 02:00:45 you'll get a very boring app Mar 01 02:00:47 the ultimate franken-app Mar 01 02:00:50 of SUCK Mar 01 02:00:55 lol Mar 01 02:01:26 well, I can compare and see where I went wrong Mar 01 02:02:20 do I need to worry about stages? Mar 01 02:02:27 ... Mar 01 02:02:31 what are you trying to do? Mar 01 02:03:08 the 101 thing Mar 01 02:03:21 he's working on getting an app that also has a dock mode/Exhibition mode to it :p Mar 01 02:03:23 you need to follow all of it Mar 01 02:03:53 except the dashboard stuff if you don't want a dasbhoard right now Mar 01 02:04:46 ok Mar 01 02:05:43 * haeffb is thinking about making a feedreader app. Mar 01 02:06:05 greader? Mar 01 02:06:05 but later. Mar 01 02:06:10 haeffb: google reader support or bust Mar 01 02:06:20 newsroom + google reader = WIN Mar 01 02:06:25 I looooooovvvveee newsroom Mar 01 02:07:42 I'd love to see something similar to Reeder Mar 01 02:08:17 sugardave: does .each run, then the sequential code? or does it run callbacks and such? Mar 01 02:08:58 I'm guessing it is sequential Mar 01 02:09:00 like a loop Mar 01 02:11:50 yep Mar 01 02:16:01 time to troubleshoot Mar 01 02:17:34 did EXACTLY as 101 said an no worky appy... Mar 01 02:18:15 bbl dinner time Mar 01 02:19:46 sugardave: have you used .find() or .detect? Mar 01 02:22:07 yeah, I'm just not as comfortable with them Mar 01 02:22:36 Tibfib: I think .detect is .ind Mar 01 02:22:39 .find Mar 01 02:22:39 it is Mar 01 02:22:53 just incase you had used one and not the other. Mar 01 02:29:31 * haeffb going to quit using prototype Mar 01 02:29:58 Prototype Mar 01 02:30:39 me, too Mar 01 02:30:43 but not in Mojo Mar 01 02:30:47 too easy Mar 01 02:42:49 sleepy Mar 01 02:44:51 sugardave: it's ok in scene assistant's and such. but not in external .js files like utils, etc. Mar 01 02:45:04 that you may want to use in an non-Mojo app later Mar 01 02:45:09 oh sure Mar 01 02:45:31 which I hadn't differentiated before Mar 01 02:46:01 I probably have some code to change for that, more likely I will end up re-writing large pieces **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Mar 01 02:59:57 2011