**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Mar 18 02:59:57 2011 Mar 18 03:06:17 One could hope that's why Mar 18 03:40:10 anyone installed sdk on kde ? Mar 18 03:40:18 Kde? Mar 18 03:41:29 ubuntu / kde Mar 18 03:41:32 err Mar 18 03:41:33 oops Mar 18 03:41:46 i have unbuntu installed and using the kde desktop manager Mar 18 03:41:54 hold up let me look in gnome to see if it is there Mar 18 03:48:04 http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/195043-setting-up-novacom-windows-7-easier-method.html Mar 18 03:48:26 PatrickC_Pre2- you get that ? Mar 18 03:48:43 I'll check it out Mar 18 03:48:45 Thx Mar 18 03:49:24 sprint pre- and att pre+ both off contract dev devices, on 1.4.5 ... both having problems accessing the app catalog the last week ... just get a spinning circle for "what's new" and "hottest apps" ... anyone else? Mar 18 03:52:04 joeb: it is very very outdated Mar 18 03:53:50 (and spinning circle eventually goes to "this action cannot be completed" yellow triangle) Mar 18 03:54:19 Re-log into your palm profile Mar 18 03:54:23 That *might* fix it Mar 18 03:56:27 just install sdk so you can have everything Mar 18 04:00:09 I installed the SDK and it didn't fix it Mar 18 04:00:15 dam that sucks Mar 18 04:00:22 whats going on PatrickC_Pre2 novacomd jsut won't install ? Mar 18 04:00:25 I know Mar 18 04:00:30 Idk about that Mar 18 04:00:34 It just won't work Mar 18 04:00:36 install WOSQI Mar 18 04:00:39 3.0 or something Mar 18 04:00:45 Palm-install -l doesn't work Mar 18 04:00:50 I'll try Mar 18 04:00:50 then click file i think and prefs and there is a thing thta says reinstall novaocmd Mar 18 04:01:40 PatrickC_Pre2: are u on win7? Mar 18 04:01:48 Yep Mar 18 04:01:49 install the quick install before 4.0 i think its 3.5 or something Mar 18 04:02:13 can you check what novacom version do u have installed? Mar 18 04:02:20 forgot how to sign back into palm profile Mar 18 04:02:24 How? Mar 18 04:02:29 control panel->program features Mar 18 04:02:43 Bartholemew: first use/gesture tutorial Mar 18 04:02:45 you should something with palm novacomd Mar 18 04:02:48 Take I out of AP mode Mar 18 04:03:15 S/i/it/ Mar 18 04:03:35 Novacom is there Mar 18 04:03:46 Version 5.8.7 Mar 18 04:04:02 5.8.7? Mar 18 04:04:12 Yep Mar 18 04:04:21 Wait no Mar 18 04:04:26 Mar 18 04:04:43 hmmm, this is better Mar 18 04:04:54 now, open device manager Mar 18 04:04:54 I was looking at NotePad++ version :p Mar 18 04:05:10 Ok Mar 18 04:05:14 Opening Mar 18 04:05:22 Opened Mar 18 04:05:30 go to usb Mar 18 04:05:39 There Mar 18 04:05:42 USB Mass Storage Device Mar 18 04:05:55 how many mass storage devices u see Mar 18 04:06:07 3 Mar 18 04:06:34 one of them belongs to pre Mar 18 04:07:12 How do I find out which one? Mar 18 04:07:14 i need vid/pid Mar 18 04:07:20 vid pid ? Mar 18 04:07:32 Vendor ID, Product ID Mar 18 04:07:54 What? Mar 18 04:08:00 ok in steps Mar 18 04:08:12 right click on first usb mass storage device Mar 18 04:08:15 click properties Mar 18 04:08:24 click "details" tab Mar 18 04:08:24 Ok Mar 18 04:08:33 Ok Mar 18 04:08:37 select "Hardware Ids" property Mar 18 04:08:47 Ok Mar 18 04:09:20 and you will see USB\VID_0830&PID_xxxx Mar 18 04:09:49 VID is unique per vendor Mar 18 04:09:51 I see something *similar* Mar 18 04:09:58 Oh ok Mar 18 04:10:22 And I do see something like that Mar 18 04:11:10 right, we need to find mass storage device which has 0830 for vid Mar 18 04:11:17 tell me the pid Mar 18 04:11:36 8004 Mar 18 04:12:10 give me one sec Mar 18 04:12:16 Ok Mar 18 04:14:02 have you activated developer mode? Mar 18 04:14:17 No Mar 18 04:14:18 :'( Mar 18 04:14:23 Forgot about that :o Mar 18 04:14:46 it might be not all. Mar 18 04:14:51 but let's do it Mar 18 04:14:54 first Mar 18 04:15:07 Ok Mar 18 04:15:13 i mean, lets activate dev mode first Mar 18 04:15:25 Restarting now Mar 18 04:15:33 k Mar 18 04:16:38 * sugardave makes popcorn. Mar 18 04:16:44 I can't believe I forgot to enable dev mode :o Mar 18 04:16:55 Sugardave is probably laughing right now :p Mar 18 04:17:50 are we there yet? Mar 18 04:18:01 Still booting Mar 18 04:18:26 novacom should be active already(by this time) Mar 18 04:19:40 It found it :) Mar 18 04:19:47 Using palm-install -l Mar 18 04:19:51 boo! Mar 18 04:19:59 Oh whatever :p Mar 18 04:20:01 that is boring Mar 18 04:20:05 Lol Mar 18 04:20:18 I'm bout to doctor it to 2.1 though Mar 18 04:22:51 PatrickC_Pre2: joeb gave you a good link, but it describes manipulation with very old rom. i think it has old novacom installer Mar 18 04:23:07 but, in any case, i like Orca Mar 18 04:23:07 It worked Mar 18 04:23:45 cool. i am just warning you to avoid using old novacom versions :) Mar 18 04:24:13 Lol ok Mar 18 04:25:11 enjoy. i am out shopping. Mar 18 04:25:31 Have fun Mar 18 04:25:37 And thanks for all the help Mar 18 04:26:07 np, uw. about fun: it is grossery shop. i need food :) Mar 18 04:26:19 Lol Mar 18 05:23:33 PatrickC_Pre2: your trouble shooting was simple. just take inf file for reference and check device manager next time. Mar 18 05:23:47 Well... Mar 18 05:23:54 And make sure dev mode is on :p Mar 18 05:24:26 quite simple on linux: lsusb -v -d 0830: Mar 18 05:25:03 and there is another interesting tool(part of wsdk): usbview.exe Mar 18 05:25:52 usbview eliminates use of device manager. Mar 18 05:26:52 Is that on windows? Mar 18 05:27:07 yep, i put .exe on purpose Mar 18 05:27:16 Lol Mar 18 05:27:25 Where? I haven't seen it Mar 18 05:27:29 wsdk - windows software development kit Mar 18 05:27:38 if recall correctly location Mar 18 05:28:07 just google usbview.exe Mar 18 05:28:49 I am Mar 18 05:28:50 Thanks Mar 18 05:29:40 Found it Mar 18 05:29:45 i am using one from ftdi Mar 18 05:29:47 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff560019%28v=vs.85%29.aspx Mar 18 05:30:07 microsoft provides source code; you have to compile it. Mar 18 05:30:08 Same one I found :) Mar 18 05:30:15 Ah ok Mar 18 05:30:28 Well, I'm off to dreamland :D Mar 18 05:30:31 Night all Mar 18 05:30:32 ftdi has binary Mar 18 05:30:39 nite Mar 18 05:31:01 Cya all later Mar 18 05:31:10 And thanks again wanderer_ Mar 18 12:38:48 I salute you people! Mar 18 12:40:24 yo! Mar 18 12:43:33 hotdp!!!!! \o/ Mar 18 12:47:07 haeffb: !! yes! Mar 18 12:49:01 * thomaschaaf wave funkatron Mar 18 12:49:07 hola Mar 18 12:50:27 anyone know what params can be used? https://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1590&Itemid=264 I really want to go streight to the review section of the findapps app Mar 18 12:53:54 anyone a native speaker in spanish or french an want to translate one of my apps? Can translate from german to english or other way around Mar 18 12:54:28 thomaschaaf: I don't know what the params may be. Can you grab the findapps source and take a look? Mar 18 12:54:43 well I looked at the swmanager Mar 18 12:54:49 and it calls add-comments Mar 18 12:54:55 thomaschaaf: google translate :P Mar 18 12:54:55 as the "stageType" Mar 18 12:56:22 hotdp: before I publish a badly translated app I will leave it in english Mar 18 12:58:46 gotta go mobile. laters. Mar 18 13:01:12 thomaschaaf good plan Mar 18 13:01:25 but i hoped you would understand that i was not serius Mar 18 13:01:29 but i was wrong Mar 18 13:01:31 sadly Mar 18 13:02:09 hotdp: I am in germany about 70% that are translated seem to be translated with google trans Mar 18 13:20:31 can someone explain the alarm thing for me? when I have "params": "{'id':'com.palm.news','params':{'action': 'fetch'}}" what does action fetch do? Mar 18 13:30:39 is the action a scene? Mar 18 13:30:50 or is it a method in the default scene? Mar 18 13:31:02 hello everyone Mar 18 13:31:12 hi Mar 18 13:47:33 why is there no documentation?! Mar 18 13:49:53 2 features I want to implement one not documented at all other documented like bull because it says just look at the documentation... Mar 18 14:12:31 want to cry I would never have thought that implementing a notification would be soo hard. *reading* Mar 18 14:20:50 thomaschaaf: whats the issue? Mar 18 14:31:13 cwayne1: I am going to work around it. Mar 18 14:31:36 cwayne1: just changed the specs to something I know how to do :) Mar 18 14:32:25 thomaschaaf: ahh that's the way to do it :) Mar 18 14:32:32 is there any way to make the alarm call come faster than in 5 minutes? Mar 18 14:33:37 no idea Mar 18 14:36:22 trigger the event UserPulledFireAlarm.Emergency() Mar 18 14:36:23 :-P Mar 18 14:37:29 lol Mar 18 14:39:15 actually found a way. Mar 18 14:39:41 if you want to triger one soner than 5 mins just calcuate the time in utc and set it for "at" Mar 18 14:40:53 use unix timestamp converter Mar 18 14:40:59 its in the app catalog :) Mar 18 14:41:18 no it hs to be utc and with mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss Mar 18 14:41:38 :( Mar 18 14:42:15 the day is coming where we will run out of 32bit int's Mar 18 14:42:24 * SiLeNt_NiNjA1 wonders how many apps will crash Mar 18 14:43:04 just got my santana tickets in the mail hope my dad likes his birthday present.. Mar 18 14:44:55 thomaschaaf, he didnt tell you? He bought a bunch of those last week!! Mar 18 14:45:38 hopefully not else 350EUR down the drain Mar 18 14:51:47 well, its santana, im sure hell enjoy it Mar 18 14:51:53 worst case is he brings an extra buddy!! Mar 18 14:52:12 thomaschaaf: if you use 'at' instead of 'in' you can do less than 5 min Mar 18 14:52:52 haeffb_pre, he got it while you were out Mar 18 15:05:46 i get confused with SDK version. In emulator it stated as 'Palm webOS 1.4.5 SDK'. Is v. 1.4.5 corresponds to webOS 1.4.5 version? Is SDK 2.0 available for Early Access developers? Mar 18 15:06:59 1.4.5 SDK is for webOS 1.4.5. 2.0 SDK is supposed to be out from under NDA "this week" Mar 18 15:07:17 and it is available in the early access program, otherwise Mar 18 15:08:37 Sadly Mar 18 15:09:05 thanks, it become clear :) Mar 18 15:10:08 there are some hours left to fulfill at least that promise...... Mar 18 15:10:45 *just noticed it is friday* Mar 18 15:12:59 It will probably be released 11:59 pm Sunday (central) Mar 18 15:19:51 anyone know how to best convert a Date to mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss ? Mar 18 15:21:59 thomaschaaf: there are a bazillion js date methods Mar 18 15:22:47 2.1 is getting worse by the day Mar 18 15:23:46 * sugardave risks pissing off the guy that might hire him with his last tweet. Mar 18 15:23:48 Abyssul: what problems are you having? for me sometimes the datepulldown top right stops working but after a restart everything works again Mar 18 15:24:21 I experience that, crawling to a halt which results in a restart Mar 18 15:24:29 and not restart luna, it crashes Mar 18 15:24:54 umm and some other minor things Mar 18 15:25:26 Works fine for the first 24hours Mar 18 15:26:02 Preware doesnt like it either Mar 18 15:26:33 This is why I need my pre 2 :) Mar 18 15:28:19 all the described things happen on my pre2 aswell Mar 18 15:29:32 Really? I figured that the crawling to a halt was a memory problem Mar 18 15:29:46 similar to the TMC error Mar 18 15:30:00 What kernel did you run on your Pre2? Mar 18 15:52:52 hey Palm, please make opensource.palm.com work again Mar 18 15:54:42 lol Mar 18 15:55:25 They are shipping pre2's still Mar 18 15:55:31 According to UPS Mar 18 15:57:55 nvm, i lied Mar 18 15:59:39 FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU wheres mine Mar 18 16:00:37 cwayne: waiting for your pre2? Mar 18 16:01:38 how long does it take the people at palm to respond to the second pre2 email you send them? Mar 18 16:01:59 madnificent: there is no telling Mar 18 16:02:02 herp Mar 18 16:02:06 madnificent: yeah :/ i got an email saying im qualified Mar 18 16:02:09 then never sent it Mar 18 16:02:26 sugardave: any estimations Mar 18 16:02:37 funkatron: you built the twitter app, right? Mar 18 16:02:51 "the twitter app?" Mar 18 16:02:59 I built an app that can be used with Twitter, yes Mar 18 16:03:02 spaz Mar 18 16:03:08 I did, yes. Mar 18 16:03:11 thanks! Mar 18 16:03:16 you're welcome 8) Mar 18 16:03:32 I really like it. It takes up much time to load, but from then on it really is a blast to use Mar 18 16:03:37 took them 3 months for me :D Mar 18 16:03:39 madnificent: I think my total time from sending the first email to getting my Pre 2 was about 3 - 3.5 weeks Mar 18 16:03:46 glad to hear it Mar 18 16:03:58 not weeks months Mar 18 16:04:00 sugardave: but you are legend ^_^ Mar 18 16:04:04 bahaha Mar 18 16:04:33 anyways, thanks Mar 18 16:05:12 Is anyone here on a geo-restricted catalog and feel like helping me out with some alpha testing? Mar 18 16:05:44 not I Mar 18 16:06:34 mgschu: I'm in belgium, is that georestricted? Mar 18 16:06:59 another thing, I have these checkboxes in tasks@hand, but the clickable area is fairly small. Are there nice ways to update that? Mar 18 16:08:03 madnificent: are they not the default tap targets for a checkbox? Mar 18 16:08:15 should be around 40x40 or 45x45 (I think) Mar 18 16:08:18 px Mar 18 16:08:47 madnificent: use bigger checkboxes... ? Mar 18 16:08:55 huge m-fers Mar 18 16:09:20 I stole the ones from tasks app myself. Mar 18 16:09:44 aren't they just widgets? Mar 18 16:10:01 stealer o.O Mar 18 16:10:02 sugardave: yes, they are. But clicking next to the target opens up a context in my case. All user testers so far (only 1 was accustomed to webos, so he found it sooner) had issues clicking the box Mar 18 16:10:12 ah Mar 18 16:10:28 s/stole/borrowed/ Mar 18 16:10:35 acquired? Mar 18 16:10:35 well, you could put a larger div around it, listen or tap on that, then call the taphandler for the checkbox Mar 18 16:10:49 s/or/for/ Mar 18 16:10:49 acquiror o.O Mar 18 16:11:47 import/export business Mar 18 16:12:06 it might be possible with the ones palm gives you though. I made them wider and that looks ok, but when I make them higher, the picture is all messed up. I don't know how to fix that (I also don't know if it's possible, but I think so) Mar 18 16:12:17 mgschu: I don't have spotify e.g. does that count? Mar 18 16:12:40 mgschu: germany here Mar 18 16:12:42 sugardave: yes, but that'd be ugly in the app, I think. I'd prefer to make the target larger and learn something from it while I'm at it :) Mar 18 16:13:28 madnificent: you can probably get the box outline to scale to whatever size, but not sure about the checkmark Mar 18 16:13:52 the box is probably drawn with -webkit-border-image, so it should "scale" Mar 18 16:13:54 sugardave: the outline doesn't even need to scale. People just think they pressed the box, but they clicked outside of it Mar 18 16:14:18 you are confusing me Mar 18 16:15:20 sugardave: I made the padding of the checkbox larger in the width Mar 18 16:15:31 sugardave: that effectively icreases the clickable area in the width Mar 18 16:15:55 The whole style seems to be handled by using a background-image. That image is shifted when the button is clicked Mar 18 16:16:24 The image shifts vertically. So the image palm supplies is the non-clicked version on top and the clicked version is below Mar 18 16:16:42 yes, they do that 3 or 4 images stacked thing Mar 18 16:17:35 madnificent: I will say this once again... the task app has bigger boxes and bigger checks Mar 18 16:17:45 That means that if I add a vertical padding, the vertically visible area increases and thus it shows part of enabled background when the disabled one should be shown Mar 18 16:17:48 so, I would still go with the "put another div around it" method, keeps the checkbox the same size and gives you the ability to set an arbitrary tap size Mar 18 16:18:02 or steal haeffb's Mar 18 16:18:10 haeffb: yeah, I'd like to learn something whilst I'm at it, but I may use them... thanks! Mar 18 16:18:37 study/compare the differences...easy way to learn Mar 18 16:19:05 madnificent: you COULD cut up the check box graphics and make single versions of the checked/unchecked ones, and then messing with the padding won't matter Mar 18 16:19:12 but that seems lame Mar 18 16:19:14 haeffb: they're just different background images which take up more space. That's the easy way of doing that. I'm wondering if it is the only way Mar 18 16:19:43 obviously there are harder ways of doing anything... :) Mar 18 16:19:50 hell yeah! Mar 18 16:20:05 haeffb: it would've been a step towards updating my CSS skills :) Mar 18 16:20:10 madnificent: are these in a list? Mar 18 16:20:22 yup Mar 18 16:21:09 right, so you COULD make your item template be a horizontal flex box, right? and then your various item elements would flex in their own space, and then the whole "box" around the checkbox could be the tap target Mar 18 16:21:33 * haeffb needs to work with flex box in Done! and Noted! Mar 18 16:21:37 and Myles Mar 18 16:21:41 they are awesome Mar 18 16:21:53 but are they hard enough to be a challenge? Mar 18 16:22:03 ;) Mar 18 16:22:10 * madnificent doesn't know flex boxes Mar 18 16:22:52 haeffb/madnificent: http://www.the-haystack.com/2010/01/23/css3-flexbox-part-1/ Mar 18 16:29:23 sugardave: second frankenPre2 is up and running. Mar 18 16:29:35 highly recommended Mar 18 16:31:11 haeffb: hmmm, tempting... Mar 18 16:31:32 sugardave: interestingread :) Mar 18 16:31:43 madnificent: flex boxes are the future Mar 18 16:32:04 at least for easy resizing web apps to different displays :) Mar 18 16:32:07 yeah, they're one of those things that should've been there for a long long time Mar 18 16:32:21 sugardave: *couch*touchpad*cough* Mar 18 16:32:26 right Mar 18 16:32:33 and it works in 1.4.5 :) Mar 18 16:34:02 okay, naplunch time! Mar 18 16:34:29 mgschu: installed it, but can't find any icon and it doesn't appear when searching for dummy or pacifier Mar 18 16:36:20 enjoy sugardave Mar 18 16:53:08 great now I have to wait 3 days again or am I in time if I update now? Mar 18 17:10:08 yey webos is getting 2 updates :) Mar 18 17:10:23 webos app cataloge Mar 18 17:10:40 feels great to submit the changes Mar 18 17:12:20 thomaschaaf: you're devving on the app catalogue? Mar 18 17:12:36 no Mar 18 17:12:43 sorry just two apps Mar 18 17:12:56 I would have to kill myself if I created that piece of crap Mar 18 17:14:17 I don't mind the app catalog... I don't think I liked the android market more... Mar 18 17:14:26 the market certainly wasn't worse though Mar 18 17:19:12 one of the things I don't understand is: why don't the palm apps get OTA updates like every other app? Mar 18 17:20:08 the on-device apps? Mar 18 17:20:49 they are stored on a different place, maybe that's the reason (a technical), or maybe they don#t want to update them Mar 18 17:26:15 I finally want a good calendar.. is there any third party that created a good alternative? Mar 18 17:27:16 Big problem with the ipk I gave out. If you have installed it, please delete /media/cryptofs/apps/palm. I was lazy and forgot the usr part of the path Mar 18 17:28:03 thomaschaaf: what's wrong with the calendar? Mar 18 17:28:29 thomaschaaf: to be fair with you, the calendar is the one app I really envied when not having a pre Mar 18 17:28:33 biggest problem I need a list view Mar 18 17:28:50 thomaschaaf: your next appointment? Mar 18 17:29:01 s/appointment/appointments/ Mar 18 17:29:25 say I want to know when my next denist appointment is when I remember the week Mar 18 17:29:46 * madnificent uses a collapsed view of his day calendar for those, but that wouldn't work if he didn't have many of them. Mar 18 17:30:33 thomaschaaf: I've never had a calendar that could do that. But it would be nice to have type to search in the calendar :) That could then give you the list vieuw you're asking for now. Mar 18 17:31:10 magnificent.. I come from the iphone.. Mar 18 17:31:20 s/magnificent/madnificent/ Mar 18 17:31:33 http://www.google.de/images?hl=de&xhr=t&q=iphone+calendar&cp=0&safe=off&nord=1&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&sa=X&ei=QZaDTfeQA87ssgbH9MmeAw&sqi=2&ved=0CDkQsAQ Mar 18 17:32:07 http://www.myownposting.com/articles/images/i00003/iphone-review-calendar.jpg much more useful view imo Mar 18 17:32:08 thomaschaaf: oh that's a handy site! Mar 18 17:32:12 I've never seen google before! Mar 18 17:32:14 sorry Mar 18 17:32:42 thomaschaaf: if you click your calendar and collapse the free time, you'll have a view that's arguably better Mar 18 17:32:49 that's the way I do it Mar 18 17:33:02 in month view? Mar 18 17:33:09 what you're asking for is searching in your calendar, I haven't seen any other calendar do that yet Mar 18 17:33:37 tap the day, that's what you do on the iphone as well... Mar 18 17:33:39 UberCalendar Mar 18 17:33:45 the back gesture doesn't work though Mar 18 17:33:58 try it out Mar 18 17:34:05 MetaView: that's a homebrew edit, correct? Mar 18 17:34:12 you can even have icons in month view Mar 18 17:34:15 MetaView: can't find it in app cat Mar 18 17:34:19 that's a patch, right Mar 18 17:34:37 then I probably have that... the patches are mostly needed for the stock apps imho Mar 18 17:34:50 Agenda could to search Mar 18 17:34:51 thomaschaaf: install Preware Mar 18 17:34:55 before it was broken Mar 18 17:34:56 I#m fine with the email app in 2.1 Mar 18 17:35:03 MetaView is fixing it, though Mar 18 17:35:17 haeffb: broken? Mar 18 17:35:20 yeah, that#s what I told :) Mar 18 17:35:27 it broke in 2.x Mar 18 17:35:36 madnificent: uses an undocumented API call that Palm "fixed" in 2.x Mar 18 17:35:39 * madnificent doesn't have 2.x yet (hint palm :)) Mar 18 17:35:46 haeffb: :P Mar 18 17:36:21 I needs now to be included in UC Mar 18 17:36:37 I/it Mar 18 17:36:40 heck of a patch to add a whole new scene. Mar 18 17:36:49 yes Mar 18 17:36:57 and the search connected with just Type Mar 18 17:38:31 ruby on Engadget Show? Dont get your hopes up... lol Mar 18 17:46:17 hi, is there a simple way to show a text with its original \r\n markup maintained ? Mar 18 17:50:54 SimpsonCH:
 in normal html, that should work
Mar 18 17:52:52  kinda sorta; 
 will also monospace it and not wrap text as needed
Mar 18 17:55:54  okay
Mar 18 17:56:28  is there a htmlentities alike function in webos ?
Mar 18 18:01:23  ah created one my self
Mar 18 18:06:55  SimpsonCH: no, but I wrote up a lot of that stuff in the spazcore string helpers
Mar 18 18:07:28  https://github.com/funkatron/spazcore/blob/master/helpers/string.js
Mar 18 18:07:34  like nl2br, etc
Mar 18 18:07:56  a lot of those were taken from php libs or from the phpjs project (which is overkill, but there's some good bits in there)
Mar 18 18:09:08  so, i just came up with an awesome inside project name for our latest project, it's witty and deep on multiple levels, we're all overworked, and they've given us yet another project, and we're going to implement this one using camel, which is a jms system, so we're naming the project "straw"
Mar 18 18:21:18  fine, no one laugh :(
Mar 18 18:21:56  better?
Mar 18 18:23:37  yes
Mar 18 18:23:42  thank you
Mar 18 18:33:06  he stayed 10 minutes waiting for someone to laugh
Mar 18 18:34:04  I didn't even understand the joke...
Mar 18 18:34:59  jokes nobody understands are my specialty
Mar 18 18:35:38  ex : what should you do when someone hands you a 3.1415? a : grab a fork and dig in!
Mar 18 18:36:27  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: lolololol
Mar 18 18:36:29  mmmmmmmmmmmmmm pi
Mar 18 18:36:40  my specialty is antijokes
Mar 18 18:37:08  ah, so youre the infamous blocker of punch lines?
Mar 18 18:37:23  lol
Mar 18 18:37:31  like that guy from the old spice deoderant commercials : block blcok block bloblock block!!
Mar 18 18:37:38  hahahahahaha
Mar 18 18:37:42  for example:
Mar 18 18:37:50  what's worse than finding a worm in your apple?
Mar 18 18:38:07  finding an apple in your pocket?
Mar 18 18:38:15  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: Terry Tate Office Linebacker?
Mar 18 18:38:23  (ie, iphone)
Mar 18 18:38:37  the holocaust
Mar 18 18:38:44  lol
Mar 18 18:38:57  that's the obvious answer I guess...
Mar 18 18:39:18  dont bring german stuff into the mix, i have to much trouble w/ that right now already!
Mar 18 18:39:24  lol
Mar 18 18:39:36  rsanchez1: the obvious answer is half a worm in your apple
Mar 18 18:40:24  half a worm in your half-eaten apple
Mar 18 18:40:31  you know where the other half is
Mar 18 18:40:39  what is red and smells like blue paint
Mar 18 18:42:07  red paint?
Mar 18 18:42:18  lol
Mar 18 18:42:24  you guys have terrible jokes :)
Mar 18 18:42:35  http://anti-joke.com/
Mar 18 18:42:44  theyre supposed to be bad
Mar 18 18:42:49  some of them are hilariously bad
Mar 18 18:44:05  Hello, does anyone know how to show pictures.. "iconPath, in the form {"iconPath: "/full/path/to/icon/name.ext:0:0:"}"?
Mar 18 18:45:06  E.g. if the iconPath is [...]media/internal/DCIM/CM009.mp4:6546:3462:75:64:3 - how to show the icon?
Mar 18 18:45:38  Or where to find infomation about this?
Mar 18 18:47:14  ghaaahhh stupid siemens step 7 - crashed again!
Mar 18 18:47:50  your looking to show the thumbnails (keyframes) from a video file?
Mar 18 18:48:02  for me a mp3 file
Mar 18 18:48:11  that was just an example
Mar 18 18:50:57  What I exactly got is "/media/internal/Audio/ICED EARTH/Framing Armageddon/06 - A charge to keep.mp3:658:69866" - that's the tumbnail path. Lol. How to use it? :-D Where can I find information..?
Mar 18 18:52:26  are you working in the sdk w/  js/mojo, or pdk w/ c/c++?
Mar 18 18:52:42  SDK webOS2
Mar 18 18:52:47  Mojo..
Mar 18 18:53:51  did they release the NDA yet?
Mar 18 18:53:59  no
Mar 18 18:54:04  early access...
Mar 18 18:54:40  thats what i thought - they said soon though
Mar 18 18:54:44  they have a few hours still
Mar 18 18:54:51  until they do, 2.0sdk q's should be asked on the forums
Mar 18 18:55:23  if you have access to the folder its in, a normal img tag should work to display it, just like any other image though
Mar 18 18:55:26  yes but my question is webOS1 "compatible". No changes for the file picker
Mar 18 18:55:29  yeah, we've pushed for an NDA safe IRC channel, but it hasn't happened yet
Mar 18 18:56:08  @SiLeNt_NiNjA1: if you know more- private chat?
Mar 18 18:56:09  that hasnt changed from 1.4.5
Mar 18 18:56:44  right. No changes. So I see no prob discuss it.
Mar 18 18:57:47  unfortanitly, i have to run, im sitting in a customers plant
Mar 18 18:58:21  IS IT A VENUS FLY TRAP
Mar 18 19:12:32  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: the problem with discussing something that hasn't changed in WebOS 2.x here is that you imply that it hasn't changed.  Thereby you are actually leaking information about WebOS 2
Mar 18 19:12:46 * madnificent didn't get access yet, so he hasn't seen the actual NDA
Mar 18 19:13:50  well, its straight js
Mar 18 19:13:55  not a mojo call or anything
Mar 18 19:16:04  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: thing is: if it's the same, you can pose the question, but you shouldn't mention that you're talking about WebOS 2
Mar 18 19:16:09  anyway, before i shove a foot completly down my throat into my stomach, im gettin outta here :-P
Mar 18 19:16:41  at that point, there's no reason why it wouldn't be allowed, as you're talking about WebOS 1.4.5
Mar 18 19:16:48  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: sorry
Mar 18 19:17:20  welcome #armchair-lawyers
Mar 18 19:17:37  lol
Mar 18 19:17:38  sp/welcome/welcome to/
Mar 18 19:17:41  Loudergood: hey, reasoning can't be bad, right :)
Mar 18 19:17:49  no not at all
Mar 18 19:18:01  yeah, 60 hr weeks tend to make one slip up a little :-P
Mar 18 19:18:15  I'm just making a joke to make me feel better about the situation and what it's turning us into
Mar 18 19:18:20  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: where do you work?
Mar 18 19:18:26  Loudergood: LoL
Mar 18 19:18:32  jbautotech.com
Mar 18 19:18:43  i program automation controls
Mar 18 19:19:07  conveyors, robots, leak testers, gages, weld cells, all kinds of stuff
Mar 18 19:19:30  SiLeNt_NiNjA1: cool, you're an engineer?
Mar 18 19:19:59  im bored, i need to start a new app
Mar 18 19:20:01  any ideas
Mar 18 19:20:01  controls programmer
Mar 18 19:20:35  cwayne1, make a siemens S7 plc monitoring tool, complete w/ a bletooth device to hook into the mpi port :)
Mar 18 19:21:11  cwayne1: yeah! everyone wants that!
Mar 18 19:22:01  Ponisch: what are you trying to do?
Mar 18 19:22:16  cwayne1: an app idea generator app
Mar 18 19:22:35  or maybe a profibus packet sniffer?
Mar 18 19:22:58  pull diagnostic messages direct from a pg port, rather than connecting to the bus master
Mar 18 19:23:07  Here's my problem: I got a thumbnail path "/media/internal/Audio/ICED EARTH/Framing Armageddon/06 - A charge to keep.mp3:658:69866" but don't know how to show that img.
Mar 18 19:23:09  anyway, gotta go
Mar 18 19:23:12  enjoy
Mar 18 19:23:19  Ponisch: show it where?
Mar 18 19:24:07  wait a second
Mar 18 19:24:14  .mp3?
Mar 18 19:24:35  sugardave: that's what I was thinking
Mar 18 19:24:42  I have no clue about the .mp3:xxx:xxxx thing :s
Mar 18 19:24:52  yes mp3
Mar 18 19:24:52  maybe it's a frame/size marking?
Mar 18 19:24:57  a mp3 thumbnail
Mar 18 19:25:39  okay, so this is an image embedded somehow in the .mp3 file and you want to get at it somehow....
Mar 18 19:25:40  HTML-file:     and JS:  this.controller.get("albArt").src = path;
Mar 18 19:25:42  thinking....
Mar 18 19:25:49  path is the thumbnail I got
Mar 18 19:26:33  Ponisch: so if you put that /media/internal/... path in that src, nothing is showing up?  But if you put the path to a regular .png or .jpg there it will work?
Mar 18 19:27:02  Did you mean path + ".png"??
Mar 18 19:27:14  path/to/a.png
Mar 18 19:27:37 * sugardave is wondering if you can do what you're trying.
Mar 18 19:27:38  Ah yes a normal png file works fine
Mar 18 19:28:48  Ponisch: I'm not sure, but I think Koto player might be getting "album art" from the mp3s it plays...might download the lite version and check it out
Mar 18 19:28:52  I use the media indexer to get the title, thumbnail, artist etc. of a mp3. Works fine. And the thumbnail path I got is "/media/internal/Audio/ICED EARTH/Framing Armageddon/06 - A charge to keep.mp3:658:69866" ..now how to show that "picture"? :-D
Mar 18 19:30:57  Ponisch: yeah, check out Koto or ask Tibfib for more info
Mar 18 19:31:34  But to check out that apps does not bring me the solution or the code to do it :-D
Mar 18 19:31:47  sure, I'm pretty sure he uses it in there
Mar 18 19:31:52  _pretty sure_
Mar 18 19:32:21  Tibfib: Are you online?
Mar 18 19:32:35  Ponisch: it does if they're open source ;)
Mar 18 19:32:47  if... :-D
Mar 18 19:33:06  if it's closed source, there's nothing stopping you from looking at it
Mar 18 19:33:13  but Koto is open source
Mar 18 19:34:12  I'm wondering why it's not documented how to show that thumbnails. With a "picture" path like <..."/06 - A charge to keep.mp3:658:69866"> ... not easy.
Mar 18 19:35:14  Ponisch: I think media indexer is 2.0?  there is NO documentation on that so far
Mar 18 19:35:29  but there might be later today :)
Mar 18 19:35:33  I think it was discussed on the forum before
Mar 18 19:35:54  In regard of the people picker
Mar 18 19:35:56  well...there's the source to the music player as well
Mar 18 19:36:09  and you had to add .png to it or somthing like this
Mar 18 19:36:19  I've tried this
Mar 18 19:36:26  .jpg too?
Mar 18 19:36:44  Not yet. Wait..
Mar 18 19:37:03  no
Mar 18 19:37:26  Or what do you mean with "add" .png/.jpg ... behind the path?
Mar 18 19:37:44  yes, just like a strcat in c
Mar 18 19:38:11  Yes es.. that's wath I've done without success
Mar 18 19:40:03  Well, I got the path and I think the path is proper. (Here he is again: "/media/internal/Audio/ICED EARTH/Framing Armageddon/06 - A charge to keep.mp3:658:69866") - but just use the path as src of  tag.. does not work. Also with +".png"/".jpg"
Mar 18 19:44:43  *no ideas any more* :-D
Mar 18 19:55:43  what was the correct way to search the hp dev forum?
Mar 18 19:56:00  roll the dice and punch in random thread IDs?
Mar 18 19:56:24  ah well, this might work
Mar 18 19:56:31  thread roulette
Mar 18 19:57:06  ha, I found the correct place even without your help! take this!
Mar 18 19:57:39  :-)
Mar 18 19:57:41  ughhhh, I hate UPS sometimes
Mar 18 19:57:47  +1
Mar 18 19:57:58  "Delivery by 3PM (End of day for residences)"
Mar 18 19:58:11  By residence is my business :C :C :C
Mar 18 19:59:49  wow..that's BS
Mar 18 20:00:00  half the time I don't even see them until 6PM
Mar 18 20:00:31  Yeah
Mar 18 20:00:38  I've seen them, at latest, at like 7:45
Mar 18 20:00:52  they came at 11PM once and left my Rock Band 2 full box thing on my driveway 2 nights before Christmas
Mar 18 20:01:08  I was pissed
Mar 18 20:01:23  lol
Mar 18 20:01:36  I had DHL once, leave a 300$ monitor out front... And not at like, the door step
Mar 18 20:01:40  they left it on the fucking CURB
Mar 18 20:01:43  sugardave: you made a nice present for your neighborß
Mar 18 20:01:46  yeah I worked until 10PM once when I worked for USPS...that sucked
Mar 18 20:01:56  lol CRT?
Mar 18 20:01:59  MetaView: luckily I went outside one more time
Mar 18 20:02:06  big nice Viewsonic LCD
Mar 18 20:02:19  lazy
Mar 18 20:02:23  yeah
Mar 18 20:02:26  weak
Mar 18 20:02:37  and it wasn't in like, a shipping box, it was in the big bright colorful "I'm an LCD box"
Mar 18 20:03:05  yeah, this came from Amazon, so giant ROck Band 2 labeling, etc.
Mar 18 20:03:17  they didn't even ring the doorbell
Mar 18 20:03:19  :s
Mar 18 20:24:41  Well my launch day pre finally died, and I just got a replacement today... the new ones screen is all messed up now have to take it back now for a third...
Mar 18 20:41:09  Looking at OSX Lion 10.7 stuff, it's a pretty awesome update.
Mar 18 20:50:44  Looking on windows, awesome stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGvHNNOLnCk&feature=related
Mar 18 20:55:43  does anyone here use a migration-like system to keep their database up to date in their apps?
Mar 18 20:55:57 * haeffb does a half-assed one
Mar 18 20:56:17  me too, I do an alter table whenever I add new stuff
Mar 18 20:56:20 * sugardave flies without a net.
Mar 18 20:56:46 * madnificent is thinking of porting his Common Lisp database migrations systems to javascript.  Wouldn't take that much time to do, but if there's some standard, I'll take it.
Mar 18 20:57:12  why would you reorganize your database on each updateß
Mar 18 20:57:24  MetaView: because you add features :)
Mar 18 20:57:28  for the record: s/ß/?
Mar 18 20:57:43  then you can do a alter table and an update
Mar 18 20:58:21  well, it's not always that simple imho.  You need to figure out what state the database is in and what needs to be updated according to that state
Mar 18 20:58:38  and at that time, you actually have built a migrations system
Mar 18 20:58:48  minus the tearing down of the database
Mar 18 20:59:10  nonen of my apps did need it so far
Mar 18 20:59:17  fwiw: a migrations system will use an alter table command as well, depending on the level of abstraction you want
Mar 18 20:59:36  actually, I don't care if you need it, if you like it, or if you'd like for it to burn in hell
Mar 18 20:59:48  I care to know whether or not someone has such a system
Mar 18 20:59:59  right, right
Mar 18 21:00:02 * madnificent is done convincing people of good and evil :)
Mar 18 21:00:13  the presentation mode eats all orientation event... hm
Mar 18 21:00:43  yeah, Exhibition goes out of its way to disable the accelerometers :/ it's way lame
Mar 18 21:00:54  madnificent: as far as I know, nobody has made a Mojo DB migration library
Mar 18 21:01:08  seems a bit of overkill...and coming from me, that's pretty bad
Mar 18 21:02:51  sugardave: not necessarily.  I'm planning on doing it with simple database queries.
Mar 18 21:03:43  sugardave: so it'll probably amount to what you have now for most of it.  But it'll help you during the beta-testing of your app.
Mar 18 21:05:22  hmmm, Pre 2s running out? https://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?p=60715#p60715
Mar 18 21:05:46  wonder how many devs qualify
Mar 18 21:07:04  I've heard talk that they were out but at least that's the first time someone has publicly and officially confirmed it.
Mar 18 21:08:17  :(
Mar 18 21:08:28  sugardave: that sucks
Mar 18 21:09:26  of course this just makes the fact that PatrickC got one all the more insulting :p
Mar 18 21:09:52  2 emails and I never heard back :(
Mar 18 21:11:41  i'm  so frustrated....
Mar 18 21:13:07  sup thing1465?
Mar 18 21:13:15  has anyone gotten a replacement Pre only to fin that that replacemnt needs a replacement?
Mar 18 21:13:25  sugardave: I replied to that thread... Everyone should quote it and drum it up
Mar 18 21:13:36  because if they're running out and possibly stopping the program devs need to know
Mar 18 21:15:31  I now have no working phone and a long trip comming up...
Mar 18 21:16:20  thing1465: yeah, I've had problems with that before... But with every phone manufacturer I've had to deal with
Mar 18 21:16:29  LG so far holds the record for being the worst
Mar 18 21:16:32  any average on how many Pre (-)'s a person will go through
Mar 18 21:16:40  took 5 replacements before I got a working one back
Mar 18 21:17:06  I still have my first one (launch week because I didn't get back from London until June 15th)
Mar 18 21:17:09  this was supposedly a new one
Mar 18 21:17:38  it was to replace my lauch day pre that had finally died
Mar 18 21:18:19  backlight on it's not working and the screen looks internally damaged
Mar 18 21:18:27 * SineOt punches Safari 5.1 on 10.7 in the throat so freaking hard.
Mar 18 21:18:33  other than that it looks brand new
Mar 18 21:19:29  I'm quite surprised and I kind-of assume that they do expect to receive Pre2's again.  I've gotten a first response from them on March 17.
Mar 18 21:19:53  SineOt: +1.  Also, there are too many subforums to check daily.
Mar 18 21:20:13  I'd assume that if they knew nothing would come of it, that they wouldn't send that response to me
Mar 18 21:20:40  Out of curiosity ho is the build quality of the Pre 2
Mar 18 21:21:29  thing1465: as I've heard so far: those that received one are thorouglhy convinced of the pre again.  They all seem really really happy with the device (is in, the device itself, not just the receiving of it)
Mar 18 21:21:46  No idea, I'll find out later today when UPS decides to show up
Mar 18 21:22:45  if only my Pre could have lasted a few more months....
Mar 18 21:23:06 * madnificent is a bit demotivated by this news, his pre- is slowly deteriorating
Mar 18 21:23:51  the power button on mine died and was non reparable
Mar 18 21:24:02  maybe my app will make me money and I'll live happily ever after
Mar 18 21:24:06  thing1465: ouch
Mar 18 21:24:10  it's replacements screen is screwed up...
Mar 18 21:25:01  Sprint store employess seemed suprised it lasted me so long (the first one)
Mar 18 21:25:19  Thankfully the phone is insurred
Mar 18 21:32:03  I wonder when this week we can expect to see the 2.x sdk...
Mar 18 21:32:55  http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/03/htc-thunderbolt-review-2-14-sm.jpg  -- that VZW LTE network is something...
Mar 18 21:33:19  dang...
Mar 18 21:33:48  hi
Mar 18 21:33:54  something seems a little borked there XD
Mar 18 21:33:59  I have a eclipse problem
Mar 18 21:34:01  wonder ho much power that needs
Mar 18 21:34:25  wheneven I run a app in the emulator, and kill the emulator, eclipse get high processor load
Mar 18 21:34:39  probably to connect to the emulator
Mar 18 21:35:34  bah! a little further down in the review, it says the speedtest results are erroneous.  :(
Mar 18 21:35:52  hahaha
Mar 18 21:43:19  haha
Mar 18 21:43:53  will visit a making-track @ easterhegg "all your bytecode belongs to us - reverse engineering android..."
Mar 18 21:45:16  any php devs in here?
Mar 18 21:45:42  you know what I'd love to see roll into webOS?
Mar 18 21:45:58  that new iOS 4.3 Safari bytecode compilation stuff
Mar 18 21:46:00  funkatron, ack
Mar 18 21:46:03  SineOt: true launch dates?
Mar 18 21:46:22  you dudes should go to PHPComCon: http://phpcon.org/
Mar 18 21:46:46  anyone know if their is source code available for an Ares app that can pull and view files from a server and display them? aka make an app that shows a web comic or something?
Mar 18 21:46:52  funkatron, in relation to webos ?
Mar 18 21:47:21  I don't think that's an entire question, SimpsonCH
Mar 18 21:47:50  funkatron, I need to go to a php conference, but I'm in a webos channel
Mar 18 21:47:57  I would like to attempt to learn more on Java script programming, but am new and need code to analyze as it makes little since to me...
Mar 18 21:48:16  also not a question, but I asked "any php devs in here?"
Mar 18 21:48:30  did some php
Mar 18 21:48:44  thing1465: the SDK has some JS examples for you
Mar 18 21:49:58  Ok thanks
Mar 18 21:57:58  funkatron: I've done PHP a rather long time ago...  but I'm not well-versed anymore
Mar 18 21:58:04  sure
Mar 18 21:58:22 * madnificent sees a book PHP5 & MySQL standing in the library
Mar 18 21:58:37 * madnificent hopes he will never have to use PHP again
Mar 18 22:18:47  added css compressing at my compress, build & package script: http://bit.ly/ebUxzK
Mar 18 22:19:54  leiru: does that have effects in terms of speed?
Mar 18 22:20:21  smo. has made a benchmark mom
Mar 18 22:20:30  smo ? mom ?
Mar 18 22:20:48  http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/233737-minifying-webos-javascript-apps.html
Mar 18 22:20:53  someone = smo
Mar 18 22:20:59  mom = moment
Mar 18 22:23:11  hi
Mar 18 22:23:35  razor 99!
Mar 18 22:23:37  :D
Mar 18 22:23:50  is a pre suitable for a hardcore linux geek using shell scripts etc ?
Mar 18 22:24:21  because i fell very frustrated by nokia devices ...
Mar 18 22:24:53  rzr: you have a shell at your disposal
Mar 18 22:24:59  rzr: and root access
Mar 18 22:25:14  this is the least i need :)
Mar 18 22:25:35  could you explain what you'd like to have? and what you'd like to use it for?
Mar 18 22:25:46  have other graphics toolkits been ported too ?
Mar 18 22:25:54  sdl, gtk, qt etc ?
Mar 18 22:25:57  not that I know of
Mar 18 22:26:08  or wait, I think QT was ported, I might be wrong though
Mar 18 22:26:22  rzr: you have C at your disposal and you have OpenGL as well, so there are some roads to go
Mar 18 22:26:33  gtk is less trivial, as the phone isn't running an X window system
Mar 18 22:26:35  actually i would be happy w/ maemo
Mar 18 22:26:38  or meego
Mar 18 22:26:47  but you know the future of it
Mar 18 22:27:04  (note: I'm not a WebOS expert, just followed the thing and started devving a few weeks ago)
Mar 18 22:27:18  actually i need the GNU in GNU/Linux :)
Mar 18 22:27:28  again, what do you need exactly
Mar 18 22:27:28  more than linux
Mar 18 22:27:36  could you give some examples of what you'd like to do?
Mar 18 22:27:52  i want to be able to port command line tools or scripts i can use on desktop
Mar 18 22:27:56  also: it isn't that hard to setup an emulator and see if you can get it working the way you want it to :)
Mar 18 22:28:18  i did test it before it was released
Mar 18 22:29:04  rzr: on WebOS there's a difference between what can get into the official app catalog and what you can do with your device.  You have a shell at your disposal, you can get to any file in the filesystem (DUH!) and if you recompile the things you need (like bash, I don't think bash is in there by default), then you can use them through a terminal app.
Mar 18 22:29:22  rzr: However, I don't think you can send sms messages etc through the CLI
Mar 18 22:29:32  which is kind-of a bummer if that's what you're after
Mar 18 22:29:51  I can imagine that it'd be possible in WebOS2, but I haven't seen the code yet
Mar 18 22:30:04  i want to be able to use it as a phone
Mar 18 22:30:24  you will be able to use it as a phone, but do you want to call those phone-things from a script?
Mar 18 22:30:28  and to use as a unix box :)
Mar 18 22:30:34  2 different usages
Mar 18 22:30:54  there is a terminal app in preware, I use that one regularly
Mar 18 22:31:19  but it doesn't have all unix commands I'm accustomed to
Mar 18 22:31:25  busybox ?
Mar 18 22:32:12  actually i plan to get a n900
Mar 18 22:32:15  seems to be there
Mar 18 22:32:19  when why are you here?
Mar 18 22:32:24  s/when/then/
Mar 18 22:32:29  because this is the only one i could use
Mar 18 22:32:43  the n900, or the per?
Mar 18 22:32:44  pre
Mar 18 22:32:53  sheesh, type hands, type!
Mar 18 22:32:57  i hoped there were more hardcore linux maniacs in webos than in android ?
Mar 18 22:33:43  s/linux/unix/ please, there's a world outside of gnu
Mar 18 22:34:18  I don't know, I never tried to get in touch with android devs
Mar 18 22:34:39  android is a decent platform
Mar 18 22:34:56  but too tied to googleapps imho
Mar 18 22:35:18  I'd beg to differ, but prefer not to discuss any of that
Mar 18 22:35:31  are there any debian chroot hacks for webos ?
Mar 18 22:36:54  rzr: if you have root, and you have an arm cpu... then why do you still ask that?
Mar 18 22:37:05  rzr: if you're serious, you can either find it, or go ahead and rebuild it
Mar 18 22:37:34  that's what i am reading now
Mar 18 22:37:36  http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Debian
Mar 18 22:38:39  fyi, sdl seems available
Mar 18 22:51:05  bash is too @ http://ipkg.preware.org/feeds/optware/armv7/
Mar 18 22:54:21  there are all kinds of things available from the webos-internals guys
Mar 18 22:55:13  that's what i was looking for
Mar 18 22:55:24  i think i gonna like this community
Mar 18 22:55:38  we're all crazy ;)
Mar 18 22:56:29  last stuff needed, can it boot custom roms ? :)
Mar 18 22:57:58  you should look into meta doctor
Mar 18 23:07:51  custom roms are in my opinion not devleoped (even if you could) cause there are alot of kernel patches and you need no MOD - just install that patches you like that enchances your system
Mar 18 23:08:26  modding in android is, in my opinion a child of the weird system itself.
Mar 18 23:08:54  with custom interfaces by hardware manufactors and no updates for some devices
Mar 18 23:09:01  or even many devices
Mar 18 23:09:03  http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=68882
Mar 18 23:09:44  rzr: what shall this link tell me?
Mar 18 23:11:13  rzr: why not test a n900 and a pre2 each for 2 weeks long? isn't that possible at your site?
Mar 18 23:12:08  <- one of those who have a safe with x smartphones and tablets at work.
Mar 18 23:12:43  and low level devices OMG
Mar 18 23:17:05  rzr: but, you could.
Mar 18 23:17:17  but it's unnecessary
Mar 18 23:18:29  I find the webos way of doing things much more elegent
Mar 18 23:19:16  Loudergood: agreed. i need no custom mod that even brick my device, or customizes everything. if i want a feature, i install a patch.
Mar 18 23:20:49  if i miss a patch, i'll hack a patch
Mar 18 23:21:26  it's nicer to add each feature if wanted, instead of bricking devices or customizing all in a complete other way
Mar 18 23:23:15  and we got a firendly UI - no need for htc/motorola UIs to get it usable - and then if a android update is out, this companies doesnt roll out their customized ui version
Mar 18 23:23:36  and i get nothing with my xy-manufactor-device
Mar 18 23:23:56  at the end
Mar 18 23:24:28  or weeks/months later
Mar 18 23:25:44  the only downside is still with the carriers holding back updates
Mar 18 23:32:50  RT @webOSdev: 2.1 sdk is now out of NDA and available on http://bit.ly/fCvMaD
Mar 18 23:32:51  tada
Mar 18 23:32:52  http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12066&view=unread#unread
Mar 18 23:32:55  heh
Mar 18 23:33:31  (phew!)
Mar 18 23:34:03  yay!
Mar 18 23:34:15  now we can talk about stuff and things!
Mar 18 23:35:52  not the stuff and things we want to talk about...
Mar 18 23:36:33  sure, there are things
Mar 18 23:36:36  node.js things
Mar 18 23:36:40  but will be a good topic in the meantime...
Mar 18 23:37:01  and you guys aren't even working late today ;)
Mar 18 23:37:10  I'm sure there was no pressure at all
Mar 18 23:37:37  omg, i definetly not asked and talked about it for weeks
Mar 18 23:37:48  and now i shall talk about it freely
Mar 18 23:37:49  ?
Mar 18 23:37:53  ..
Mar 18 23:38:21  yes
Mar 18 23:38:55  ok - we will see what evolves.
Mar 18 23:39:45  happy no-more-NDA everyone :)
Mar 18 23:39:53  except for enyo
Mar 18 23:40:00  i had so much questions - but in the meanwhile i resignated and just think to code my first paid 1.4.5 to finish and make a "holiday" at "big" web development for "big borwsers" since enyo is ready
Mar 18 23:40:56  during this months, i think making it back to original web-dev for a while wouldnt be wrong
Mar 18 23:42:19  Loudergood: the bad thing, in the meanwhile i have so many questions abot enyo. we are definetly back in the timeline
Mar 18 23:46:04  uh-oh, the full webOS 3.0 SDK is coming "very soon" instead of the usual "soon"
Mar 18 23:46:19  I'm frightened and confused
Mar 18 23:46:53  seems like they're following the firefox model
Mar 18 23:56:37  see ya tomorrow, it's late her
Mar 18 23:56:41  e
Mar 19 00:01:54  2.1 SDK released!!! :)
Mar 19 00:03:55  I guess none is as excited as me? lol
Mar 19 00:04:28  we were all excited 20 minutes ago...  :-)
Mar 19 00:04:34  I'm heading out to celebrate.  Later!
Mar 19 00:21:47  well, I'm excited
Mar 19 00:22:40  I'm excited that halfhalo is going to be writing all kinds of cool shit on 101 about node.js and services
Mar 19 00:22:51 * oil hits f5 a bunch
Mar 19 00:23:02  heh
Mar 19 00:23:22  but I've already done all the 2.x shit I'm planning to do.
Mar 19 00:23:41  WHOAWHERE
Mar 19 00:24:59 * haeffb watching NCAA tourney
Mar 19 00:25:14  I think TX won earlier today
Mar 19 00:25:55  yep
Mar 19 00:26:13  MU lost yesterday. Bad end of season.
Mar 19 00:26:18  lame
Mar 19 00:26:34  totally
Mar 19 00:31:49  aww shucks was lookin for an otter
Mar 19 00:31:54  no dice
Mar 19 00:39:36  oh and there goes our fearless meetup leader
Mar 19 01:22:02  Hello
Mar 19 01:22:18  Is there a reason why webos is so slow?
Mar 19 01:24:13  had a mysterious UPS tag on my front door today.. signature required.. im not expecting any packages..
Mar 19 01:26:52  you didn't get the email saying you were getting 3 more devices?
Mar 19 01:27:51  lol no, just a pre2
Mar 19 01:27:55  but that was like the day before
Mar 19 01:30:59  Everyone knows that those who frequent the IRC channel are getting the Veer shipped to their houses, free of charge.
Mar 19 01:31:01  Duh.
Mar 19 01:37:33  it'll only cost like 5 cents to ship
Mar 19 01:37:54  evening people
Mar 19 01:38:02  what we talkin bout?
Mar 19 01:38:05  PatrickC_Pre, your pre2 come via ups?
Mar 19 01:38:17  yep
Mar 19 01:38:21  Loudergood: lol!
Mar 19 01:38:24  signature required?
Mar 19 01:38:25  in a big box
Mar 19 01:38:34  nope
Mar 19 01:38:55  hrm.. im only expecting my pre2, but i had a note from UPS on my door when i got home saying i had a package that required a signature
Mar 19 01:38:55  yes
Mar 19 01:39:04  nevermind yes we did
Mar 19 01:39:05  lol
Mar 19 01:39:06  wont redeliver until monday (which is my off day so ill be home)
Mar 19 01:39:47  i did buy some LEDs on ebay today but i dont think the 'Free Expedite Shipping' would get here that fast
Mar 19 01:39:52  my mom signed for it and forgot :p
Mar 19 01:39:59  lol
Mar 19 01:40:13  lol
Mar 19 01:40:14  then its prolly my pre2 ;D
Mar 19 01:40:33  dawm_: why not pick it up from the depot tomorrow?
Mar 19 01:40:35  yep
Mar 19 01:40:55  aint open on saturday
Mar 19 01:43:22  can you migrate stuff from a Palm Pilot to a webOS phone?
Mar 19 01:43:41  they usually are open, to handle stuff that's saturday delivery
Mar 19 01:44:02  wth is this rebecca black - friday crap..
Mar 19 01:44:06  seriously is this music now?
Mar 19 01:45:09  is she the white female version of 50 tyson?
Mar 19 01:46:21  YEAH, WE WE WE SO EXCITED.
Mar 19 01:46:36  oh what?
Mar 19 01:46:42  comment needs approval?
Mar 19 01:46:49  lame
Mar 19 01:46:50  'um um um um, is this that state state state state of the music music music industry?'
Mar 19 01:47:01  I don't event know what you are talking about
Mar 19 01:47:07  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
Mar 19 01:47:14  I'm not clicking that
Mar 19 01:47:29  you need to to be on top of the internet news
Mar 19 01:47:35  haha
Mar 19 01:47:37  even tho its a video thats a month old
Mar 19 01:48:05  im glad mtv doesnt play videos anymore
Mar 19 01:48:37  wow
Mar 19 01:48:50  heres a completely different music artist.. but pretty much the same crap
Mar 19 01:48:50  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xHfRUW99aI
Mar 19 01:49:31  and a 3rd
Mar 19 01:49:32  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fivcyoJv_kc
Mar 19 01:49:36  i hate youtube
Mar 19 01:50:37  i found a 4th.. but this is ridiculous
Mar 19 01:51:23  find a teenage girl, add a hiphop beat, and make her repeat the same lyrics, while 'telling' a story
Mar 19 01:52:05  No no no.
Mar 19 01:52:09  That's not how it goes.
Mar 19 01:52:14  Tibfib: ?
Mar 19 01:53:38  The teenage girl's parents go, and pay $2000 to a group that calls themselves a "music factory", who then have her sing a song they wrote, and then they autotune her, make a cheap video, and then by some fluke it goes viral.
Mar 19 01:53:54  is that what ark is?
Mar 19 01:54:12  Yep/
Mar 19 01:59:35  ctbeiser, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiww4OTA194
Mar 19 02:00:20  weehoo!
Mar 19 02:01:41  dawm_ : Internet history repeats itself.
Mar 19 02:02:02  Luckily this girl looks generic enough that she'll be able to get a haircut and nobody will recognize her.
Mar 19 02:02:08  Vs Numa Numa kid.
Mar 19 02:02:13  lol
Mar 19 02:02:16  im assuming 2.0 is not NDA anymore ?
Mar 19 02:02:18  well shes prolly homeschooled so..
Mar 19 02:02:21  joeb_, yes
Mar 19 02:02:27  but 2.1 is public
Mar 19 02:02:27  dawm_- yes what ?
Mar 19 02:02:45  2.0 is still nda but 2.1 is public
Mar 19 02:02:50  what the
Mar 19 02:02:58  i didnt hear anything official about 2.0, just 2.1 :P
Mar 19 02:03:29  lol
Mar 19 02:09:07  dawm_: I applaud your logic
Mar 19 02:09:42  :)
Mar 19 02:10:50  wow
Mar 19 02:10:59  that weehoo girl closed her youtube account
Mar 19 02:12:59  dawm_ : What I find fascinating about her is that she's got a kind of outsider-music feel to her; she doesn't know what she's doing really, but she's still doing it, which results in a kind of sound that's relatively atypical, but artistically fairly original.
Mar 19 02:13:59  That said, going into philisophical auditory analysis of the latest viral videos is probably not especially suitable for #webos.
Mar 19 02:14:24  yeah
Mar 19 02:14:37  That said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO5tsBUukkA&feature=related
Mar 19 02:14:38  but imagine if one of those idiots was using a pre during their video
Mar 19 02:16:36  They wouldn't be; nobody owns a pre. :P
Mar 19 02:26:18  http://twitter.com/#!/abraham/status/48918070638551041 -- more twitter API restrictions :(
Mar 19 02:26:46  Twitter really seems to be shooting itself in the foot with these API restrictions.
Mar 19 02:26:59  So, if the twitterapi fails to respond, am I not allowed to say that it failed to respond?
Mar 19 02:27:13  I don't understand why there is no official webos twitter app
Mar 19 02:27:13  I think they were right in saying that Twitter wants to provide the ONLY clients so that they can shove it full of ads.
Mar 19 02:27:43  Never saw ads in official twitter app
Mar 19 02:27:53  Not yet.
Mar 19 02:28:15  I'm find until I see Spaz or Twitteriffic Mac limited by the,.
Mar 19 02:28:18  But they're pushing pretty hard to consolidate into official clients by telling devs to not make clients.
Mar 19 02:28:29  *fine *them
Mar 19 02:28:44  the new version of the iOS app introduced the "dickbar"
Mar 19 02:29:11  Basically, I think that as long as devs *can* make good clients, I have no objections. That said, the Twitter for Mac app is really awful, interface-wise.
Mar 19 02:29:14  dickbar? haha
Mar 19 02:29:26  hay all
Mar 19 02:29:32  SineOt: that's what the community called it.
Mar 19 02:29:34  Twitter for Mac gets going out of the norm right, unlike a lot of other apps
Mar 19 02:29:41  Palm needs to optimize webos. Not nearly as smooth as ios n android
Mar 19 02:30:30  I love this pic - http://www.flickr.com/photos/scriptingnews/5502555362/
Mar 19 02:30:42  it's improved a lot from the start
Mar 19 02:31:14  oh, wow
Mar 19 02:31:15  i think they docked it in an update
Mar 19 02:31:31  AND SO IT BEGINS
Mar 19 02:32:00  Yeah I've read some people conjecturing that the reason Twitter wants people to stop making simple clients is that Twitter can more easily control the methods folks use to access it
Mar 19 02:32:02  sineOt: The issue I have with it is it has these dumb animations that just make no sense.
Mar 19 02:32:11  for purposes of trying to force in animation
Mar 19 02:32:35  ctbeiser: they're all iOS like, and if you look for stuff on 10.7, pretty much -everything- is getting more iOS like
Mar 19 02:32:46  I'm just going to keep using spaz..it's funky
Mar 19 02:32:51  (personally I think that's a good thing, since OSX hasn't really changed much since like 10.2)
Mar 19 02:33:39  you have things stacking on top of eachother, and it feels like you've got a zillion things on top of eachother.
Mar 19 02:34:05  The mental model it constructs with those animations does not map to the way it acts.
Mar 19 02:34:19  it clones the iPad app
Mar 19 02:35:44  sineOT: It kinda really bothers me, I mean, I've played around with it a bit, and there's some really neat stuff, but the ridiculous way in which the HI guidlines are basically not taken to mean anything at all anymore is really offensive to me.
Mar 19 02:36:20  the HIG has been dead for a long time
Mar 19 02:36:37  but Twitter for Mac at least pisses on the HIG's grave tastefully
Mar 19 02:37:12  I mean, I've read through the HI guidelines, and what they say is really reasonable and makes sense, and the thing is that they develop a norm for what you expect from an OS X app, and you can definitely make HIG violating apps, but the changes you make have to make sense.
Mar 19 02:38:56  http://readthefuckinghig.tumblr.com/ < some pretty bad examples from the App Store
Mar 19 02:39:44  I've seen it all. My 0.02 is that if you don't use a mac, you shouldn't develop for one.
Mar 19 02:40:09  Like seriously, WTF are these? http://cl.ly/5Kkr
Mar 19 02:40:43  close buttons P:
Mar 19 02:40:43  (I apologize to everyone who is not SineOT or dawm_ for taking over this channel and talking about a whole lot of stuff that is not webos at all)
Mar 19 02:40:56  the funny thing is that like… those buttons look EXACTLY like the 10.7 stop lights
Mar 19 02:41:02  sans color, of course
Mar 19 02:41:25  I personally use these: http://cl.ly/5KdG
Mar 19 02:43:50  Other things that piss me off is that in their new lower-chrome windows, like the Mac App store, they center them on the line, instead of sticking them at the very top, which results in them being farther from the top of the screen and thereby less easy to click, due to Fitt's law.
Mar 19 02:44:43  That is all.
Mar 19 02:44:45  Goodbye.
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Mar 19 02:59:56 2011