**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue May 03 02:59:58 2011 May 03 03:00:15 probably is May 03 03:00:32 * PatrickC_Pre2 is hoping this fixed Android :D May 03 03:01:40 Android is booting May 03 03:02:19 it's definitely a P______C_____ problem May 03 03:02:30 ... May 03 03:02:37 lol May 03 03:02:46 * SineOt gives sugardave a high five. Or two. May 03 03:02:55 heh May 03 03:03:20 it was a good joke lol May 03 03:05:03 * Tibfib knuckle bumps sugardave May 03 03:05:15 Awwwman this is killer. :B http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/122/b/4/back_2_back_by_don_komandorr-d3ff7iq.jpg May 03 03:15:33 anyone here familiar with making a Sprint Pixi Plus? May 03 03:16:37 oops. wrong place. haha May 03 03:26:39 * PatrickC_Pre2 starts Android dev soon May 03 03:27:08 man, if we could get WinMo, and iOS booted on the pre, it would be the best developer phone out there! May 03 03:29:00 haha May 03 03:29:38 then you could test apps on webOS, Android, iOS, and WinMo :D May 03 03:30:21 you sir are a dreamer May 03 03:30:27 which is ok. The world needs them May 03 03:30:54 plus he's 15, that's the perfect age for it May 03 03:31:12 exactly May 03 03:31:19 lol May 03 03:31:23 reality hasn't kicked you in your keester yet May 03 03:31:44 well, Android runs *kinda/sorta* ok May 03 03:32:11 and is iOS/WinMo open source at all? May 03 03:32:48 the kernel of iOS _might_ be May 03 03:33:01 or some low-level subsystem stuff May 03 03:33:02 then what are we waiting for? lol May 03 03:35:07 anything that would make it boot-able? May 03 03:35:16 man, PatrickC_Pre2 :I May 03 03:35:29 even if you could boot you'd have no GUI or libraries May 03 03:35:36 you couldn't even run an iOS app May 03 03:35:43 man.. May 03 03:35:48 I'll look up WinMo May 03 03:36:45 very likely similar May 03 03:36:54 if anything is open sourced it'll be very very low level stuff May 03 03:38:03 not much comes up in a google search May 03 03:39:03 yeh, I'm not seeing anything about iOS kernel source May 03 03:39:29 I'm certain winMo doesn't open source anything May 03 03:39:50 winmo is def not opn source at all. its based on wince, which is like holycarpclosed May 03 03:40:29 if anything the iOS kernel is probably based loosely on Darwin May 03 03:43:14 SineOt: yeh, I couldn't find any source for the iOS version of Darwin May 03 03:43:31 it's probably just a subset of Darwin built for ARM or something May 03 03:43:34 or entirely home brewed May 03 03:44:00 wouldn't surprise me if Apple maintained a separate, closed version of darwin for ARM May 03 03:46:06 yeah May 03 03:46:13 not much point in providing it open source May 03 03:52:24 night all May 03 03:52:41 unless.... applesauce! May 03 03:53:18 Java/XML is confusing May 03 03:53:21 night May 03 03:54:15 java and xml are not the same... May 03 03:54:43 I know May 03 03:54:47 i tend to like strong typed languages over loose ones :( May 03 03:55:35 well, I'm just getting used to JS/HTML/CSS and the person I'm making this app for wants it on Android May 03 03:55:52 and iOS, BBerry, WinMo, everything May 03 03:56:41 hahahahaha May 03 03:56:44 hahahahaha May 03 03:56:48 phonegap ? May 03 03:56:49 hahahahahahahaha May 03 03:57:09 http://www.phonegap.com/ - never used it myself .. don't know much about it in all honesty May 03 03:57:22 I might do phonegap, but I want it to be a native app.. not a webview May 03 03:57:48 then you need to learn a craptop of java an c for those platforms May 03 03:58:01 I know :/ May 03 03:58:03 or get really really good at html/css May 03 03:58:22 I will probably do phonegap to start, and make it native later May 03 03:58:40 what would getting really really good at html/css do me? May 03 03:58:43 * halfhalo does titanium May 03 03:58:55 is titanium any good? May 03 03:59:07 for multi-platform May 03 03:59:17 if you really know your stuff, its pretty decent May 03 04:00:03 so, if I have my webOS app finished, with all its JS/HTML/CSS goodness, could I use that code in Titanium? May 03 04:00:19 not without modification May 03 04:00:34 oh, you would need to learn ruby and or php May 03 04:00:42 man... May 03 04:01:07 * halfhalo hearts web languages May 03 04:01:11 I might just built a mobile site with js/html to start May 03 04:01:16 and use webview May 03 04:01:45 sadly, that might have to happen.. it would take me way tooooooo long to learn enough Obj-C to make the app May 03 04:03:01 * halfhalo may not be able to write a language, but he sure as hell knows enough bout them in general to read it and maybe bs it May 03 04:03:43 anyone know if C#/C++ is at all like Obj-C? May 03 04:04:26 C# and C++ are two different animals .. May 03 04:04:32 there's commonality May 03 04:04:41 but all three are distinct May 03 04:04:46 C# and Java are more related to each other May 03 04:04:52 they both are annoying May 03 04:04:54 C# comes from a mash of Delphi and C May 03 04:05:01 C++ is born from bjarne May 03 04:05:04 ok.. man, I need to know like 6 languages lol May 03 04:05:04 C and Obj-C can be used together a lot .. there is Obj-C++ as well .. May 03 04:05:19 ObjC is C mashed with SmallTalk May 03 04:05:28 ObjC is a formal superset of C May 03 04:05:30 man, PatrickC_Sleepin, just deal with it being nonnative May 03 04:05:34 right May 03 04:05:43 I probably will to start May 03 04:05:53 when you get used to the []'s .. and verbosity .. May 03 04:05:57 but as time goes on, I will make them native May 03 04:06:02 * halfhalo just doesn't dev for c platforms, nor java May 03 04:06:17 halfhalo: then you have webos, and? May 03 04:06:36 hay dkirker! May 03 04:06:37 I'm all about the C and ObjC. No more Java or C++ for me. May 03 04:06:39 the part i never got with ObjC was when you retain and release May 03 04:06:44 hi PatrickC_Sleepin May 03 04:06:53 bpadalino: all the freakin time May 03 04:07:02 Codhisattva: but when is it your responsibility May 03 04:07:05 and when it is not May 03 04:07:08 html. titanium. air. women. wait, what were we talking about again? May 03 04:07:25 bpadalino: the static analyzer helps for learning. otherwise it's the memory management rules: May 03 04:08:01 halfhalo: we were talking about me going to bed. I always say I'm gonna go to bed, and stay on here longer May 03 04:08:04 bpadalino: whenever you get an object via alloc or copy, you are responsible for it May 03 04:08:14 Codhisattva: that seems to make sense May 03 04:08:37 * PatrickC_Sleepin is lost in this C-Variation talk May 03 04:08:40 goodnight May 03 04:08:41 bpadalino: it's logical. eventually. May 03 04:09:04 Codhisattva: how long have you been writing objc code ? May 03 04:09:14 2.5 years. just a baby May 03 04:09:32 interesting - done anything large/worth while ? May 03 04:09:49 bpadalino: got an ipad? May 03 04:10:11 i do not May 03 04:10:23 bpadalino: well you can't play it until I port it then :P May 03 04:10:35 so you developed a game? May 03 04:10:44 I'm the tech partner in http://www.trilobytegames.com/ May 03 04:11:06 oh neat - i played 7th guest years ago .. May 03 04:11:07 fun times May 03 04:11:36 secret: might be coming to TouchPad May 03 04:11:44 very cool May 03 04:12:05 the hard parts are all C and OpenGL May 03 04:12:11 very cool/ May 03 04:12:13 whoops May 03 04:12:17 with a bit of ObjC for the UI May 03 04:12:36 ah, so the V is ObjC .. and all the M and C are C/OpenGL ? May 03 04:12:59 less "architected" than that ;) May 03 04:13:01 heh May 03 04:13:02 old code base May 03 04:13:06 understandable May 03 04:13:39 how are you liking your webos development experience so far ? May 03 04:13:43 game engine in C. iOS layer in ObjC. and a fair amount of OpenGL. May 03 04:14:20 I've only been reading and signing up and installing so far. May 03 04:14:25 ah, gotcha May 03 04:14:26 so... so far so good! May 03 04:14:40 TouchPad is pretty exciting piece of hardware to me May 03 04:14:43 well cool that you're going for it .. why now? curiously May 03 04:14:48 moreso than the playbook ? May 03 04:14:54 *cough* May 03 04:15:24 :) May 03 04:15:33 I have much higher confidence in HP actually shipping a great device than I do that RIM will stay in business for another year May 03 04:15:34 have you done an android port ? May 03 04:15:44 no. that would be a headache. May 03 04:16:14 hmm not sure that confidence sentence parses to language. May 03 04:16:35 so you're anticipating a pretty painless port to linux/webos3 May 03 04:16:50 but you think the android/jni stuff is too much of a hassle to deal with May 03 04:16:59 with your current codebase May 03 04:17:53 the PDK w/ OpenGL should make things smooth May 03 04:18:00 i understand the RIM sentiment .. their first derivative is definitely very negative May 03 04:18:17 first derivative of webos seems to be flat or a little positive May 03 04:18:26 the JNI and the ridiculous state of hardware in the Android world is discouraging May 03 04:18:56 plus it seems like Amazon marketplace might actually have a "buy it" psychology May 03 04:19:03 Google == Free Stuff May 03 04:19:13 Amazon == Stuff Worth Money May 03 04:19:39 very interesting May 03 04:20:57 well, welcome aboard .. it may be a bumpy ride May 03 04:21:02 hehe May 03 04:21:07 but there are lots of friendly people at least :) May 03 04:21:17 that's always a help :) May 03 04:22:27 bed time for me .. good luck! May 03 04:22:34 later May 03 05:50:29 morning May 03 06:39:55 'morning swisstomcat May 03 07:08:03 lo' dkirker May 03 07:12:10 swisstomcat: are you "hooked up" now? May 03 07:15:54 working from home May 03 07:21:07 i see :) May 03 12:26:01 morning roy May 03 12:26:23 swisstomcat: my ipad app is nearly done :D May 03 12:32:05 cool May 03 13:50:21 http://apina.biz/40212.jpg May 03 13:50:23 sooo true May 03 13:50:44 lol May 03 13:57:21 a quiet day ... May 03 13:57:28 * NuttyBunny_Pre2 looks around May 03 13:58:17 hey swisstomcat, how's HP? May 03 13:59:22 pretty good, getting settled in :) May 03 14:02:00 Cool :) May 03 14:04:06 second day :) May 03 14:05:19 meh May 03 14:05:37 i hate it when i like a bunch of shit on facebook, and then my friends go and copy me.. cmon May 03 14:15:32 dawm: Posers, you should be proud that you have your stalkers ;) May 03 14:31:09 Am I still connected? May 03 14:33:14 NuttyBunny_Pre2, apparently May 03 14:34:03 heh, nice :) Let's see how much the connection can handle over a 19km trip :) Thanks May 03 14:45:08 Every popup submenu in my app has all the text on top of the first row. It was working before but stopped working now. What could be causing it? http://i54.tinypic.com/14kw01.jpg May 03 14:47:12 * halfhalo goes and sleeps in the corner May 03 14:47:48 * swisstomcat empties a bucket of ice-cold water in said corner May 03 14:49:05 * halfhalo glares then goes to get stuff frm his car for revenge making plans May 03 14:49:19 morning sugardave May 03 14:49:23 Hey sugardave: how is your asus? May 03 14:49:39 asus=crapsus! May 03 14:49:56 * halfhalo has one.... but its from a local company May 03 14:50:38 * halfhalo likes msi more, they had better food at ces May 03 14:51:57 halfhalo: you so burned them May 03 14:52:00 * halfhalo does totally rate tech companies by food May 03 14:52:42 ? May 03 14:52:55 nothin tops the magic stuff at scale tho May 03 14:53:53 * halfhalo is hungry now.... dammit May 03 14:54:02 morning guys May 03 14:54:10 the asus is in the shop, hopefully fixed today? May 03 14:54:23 heh, good luck with that May 03 14:54:29 yeah, no kidding May 03 14:54:46 :P May 03 14:54:54 * halfhalo got his asu from gentechpc, which is in ca May 03 14:55:09 * halfhalo also knows people May 03 14:55:39 I know people, too! May 03 14:55:51 real people? May 03 14:55:53 :p May 03 14:55:58 yes, really real May 03 14:56:07 i know dead people May 03 14:56:14 *spooky* May 03 14:56:41 and today if found out that the friends i know are voices in my head May 03 14:56:49 oh swisstomcat May 03 14:56:51 haha May 03 14:57:09 swisstomcat: https://github.com/funkatron/spaz-webos/tree/master/resources May 03 14:57:17 fork, pull, enjoy May 03 14:57:54 yay May 03 15:03:27 fufucold May 03 15:04:10 * halfhalo waits 5 minutes while work laptop starts up May 03 15:05:00 all due to mac mail.... May 03 15:06:21 mac mail? May 03 15:06:51 yup. as in, the mail app on mac May 03 15:07:19 ah ok May 03 15:07:35 what Mac do you have? MBP? May 03 15:07:55 this one is an oldish mbp May 03 15:08:20 oldish ones are nice because you can actually swap the battery May 03 15:08:36 but it has to download and index all the new mail since yesterday May 03 15:09:09 meh, I couldn't care less about the battery nowadays. gimme 6 hours after a year I'm happy May 03 15:12:23 * halfhalo goes to fake a timesheet May 03 15:17:13 * PatrickC_Pre2 is gonna call sprint today May 03 15:17:45 whatcha gonna call them about? May 03 15:17:58 you know mobile providers hate consumers, right? May 03 15:18:15 yeah, I know that May 03 15:18:26 my pre's kb stopped lighting up May 03 15:18:44 and when I did the "interactive" tests, it didn't light up then either May 03 15:20:18 oh yes, you should get that fixed May 03 15:21:01 yeah.. May 03 15:21:31 but then I have to download the nDrive maps again :'( May 03 15:21:33 hmm.. this is not coming out to the number I want May 03 15:44:05 time to call Sprint May 03 15:46:36 stupid automated thing May 03 15:49:50 PatrickC_Pre2: have you tested ndrive? May 03 15:50:44 yep May 03 15:50:53 and how is it? May 03 15:51:06 amazing May 03 15:51:25 and it works on my unactivated Pre2!! May 03 15:51:27 smooth ect? May 03 15:51:29 with no internet on it May 03 15:51:31 yep May 03 15:51:46 nice May 03 15:52:00 do you know when it will be released? May 03 15:53:49 it is released afaik May 03 15:54:46 hotdp: http://beta.ndrive.com May 03 15:55:12 * PatrickC_Pre2 got an appointment set up w/ sprint :) May 03 15:55:16 took like 10 min May 03 15:55:27 yer but only for USA right? May 03 15:56:05 they released for a ton of countries today May 03 15:56:12 hmm May 03 15:56:25 and sign up for the beta, its beta, so it has more features then the official :) May 03 15:56:38 and people in Italy are using the beta May 03 15:56:49 so, its a worldwide beta May 03 15:56:58 you just registered? May 03 15:57:11 I registered a few days ago May 03 15:57:21 but, just register, and wait for approval May 03 15:58:02 roger :) May 03 15:58:10 done May 03 15:58:33 your right May 03 15:58:38 but yesterday it was usa inly May 03 15:58:48 but where is denmark :( May 03 15:58:58 check Preware May 03 15:59:06 preware? May 03 15:59:08 there was like 10 new nDrive's May 03 15:59:25 preware isn't geo-restricted May 03 15:59:33 lemme check May 03 15:59:45 but where is the Denmark version ? May 03 16:00:02 what country is denmark in? or is it a country (still in world geog lol) May 03 16:00:13 it is the country :P May 03 16:00:14 faceHP May 03 16:00:19 its western europe May 03 16:00:37 it's the one that tries to tickle sweden May 03 16:00:39 well, there are western europe maps May 03 16:01:09 morning Chuqui! May 03 16:03:07 hotdp: 2.1 only May 03 16:06:00 got that PatrickC_Pre2 May 03 16:06:22 PatrickC_Pre2: can you tell me what version in the app catalog? May 03 16:06:39 for me? May 03 16:06:51 for Denmark :d May 03 16:07:06 I don't think there is a dedicated denmark version May 03 16:07:25 there is a UK&Ireland May 03 16:07:26 http://tinyurl.com/3tnlb5u FYI! May 03 16:07:47 wuhu i am a beta tester May 03 16:07:57 ok May 03 16:08:03 fast May 03 16:08:11 follow the first post in the "Installing ....." thread May 03 16:09:45 "How to install NDrive on WebOS device" ? May 03 16:09:54 Rovio Phone Support == Stupid!! May 03 16:09:55 yep May 03 16:19:45 So. May 03 16:20:03 so.. Rovio has terrible customer relations/support May 03 16:21:01 well it is a game May 03 16:21:36 their Chief Marketing Officer should at least have his voicemail set up May 03 16:21:56 and they should get back to an email before 30 days May 03 16:23:13 heh May 03 16:23:43 man that involves real work, why bother :p May 03 16:23:48 these are the guys that are banking millions from some fire hose of money, right? May 03 16:23:53 cause its Rovio :P May 03 16:24:12 these are the Angry Birds people May 03 16:24:33 what in the world are you contacting Rovio about May 03 16:24:34 why would I think that the CMO is officering on some fancy side of the Caspian Sea these days? May 03 16:25:18 CMO: "Well damn, my work is done. Back in 12 months to check out progress." May 03 16:25:45 SineOt: my "Pixi version not upgrading to me pre, and not warning me at all" May 03 16:26:03 why are you contacting the CMO for that, lol May 03 16:26:06 seriously? May 03 16:26:23 he has the only US phone number May 03 16:26:31 oh dear May 03 16:26:40 all the other numbers are international :/ May 03 16:27:06 dump 5$ on skype May 03 16:27:16 that's almost like calling Carly for a new printer cartridge May 03 16:27:46 send them a damn email and play Burn the Rope instead May 03 16:28:05 Codhisattva: it's more like spending more time and more money instead of just paying the 1.99$ to buy Angry Birds again May 03 16:28:06 I've sent 3 emails over 30 days May 03 16:28:19 SineOt: well if you want to be precise :) May 03 16:29:08 Just scrounging coins out of the couch could probably have netted the 1.99$ to buy Angry Birds again in less than 30 days! May 03 16:30:07 I mean hell I looked in the cupholder in the truck and there's like 6 bucks in dimes in there May 03 16:30:52 SineOt: skype has a minimum of 10 euros, I think May 03 16:30:56 PatrickC_Pre2: hey, morning. May 03 16:31:25 madnificent: I think it's 10$ here too, but I know that even if the minimum was 5 PatrickC_Pre2 still wouldn't do it XD May 03 16:31:32 morning chuqui May 03 16:31:53 and how would I use Skype to call? can I do it on-devce? May 03 16:32:02 you'd use a computer? :3 May 03 16:32:03 we don't have any decent PC mics May 03 16:32:29 SineOt: :P May 03 16:32:33 These new iMacs are down right awesome. 27" having dual thunderbolt? :B May 03 16:32:35 /me has 2 bucks in change on his _desk_ right now May 03 16:32:42 * halfhalo fails at /me May 03 16:32:56 hp apparantly placed a rather good stereo microphone in my hp 2710p :) May 03 16:33:04 * apparently May 03 16:33:06 chuqui: you failed to kick the finance people hard enough :/ May 03 16:33:20 PatrickC_Pre2: anyways, just, just just just just buy it again and save everyone the time and money May 03 16:33:46 I believe someone said the pixi version has a different app id, so that's why it doesn't work, and they can't fix that May 03 16:33:55 so, yeah May 03 16:33:58 if I was the CMO of Rovio I'd ignore your emails too because in the time it takes to read and respond, I could have done something else and made bank May 03 16:34:09 sugardave: yeah, but PatrickC_Pre2 is contacting the CMO of Rovio to try to get a refund May 03 16:34:20 CMO being chief marketing officer May 03 16:34:26 right, good luck with that May 03 16:34:44 because the CMO is the only one with a US number May 03 16:35:53 I emailed their regular support email, but tried calling the CMO May 03 16:36:10 sugardave: they saw me coming and got into the bunker. May 03 16:36:16 bastiges! May 03 16:36:19 SineOt: hey, morning! May 03 16:36:26 even at minimum, minimum wage, the time you've spent has probably cost more than just buying a new copy May 03 16:36:49 PatrickC_Pre2: but your Pre version is not suffering a technical issue May 03 16:36:49 chuqui: you know what that means? that you need some interns that won't be recognized to do your dirty work for you ;D May 03 16:36:50 I sneezed and $1.99 came out May 03 16:37:03 SineOt: I already tried that May 03 16:37:04 :p May 03 16:37:17 boo May 03 16:37:25 SineOt: they won't give me a new intern until the last one gets out of therapy and removes the restraining order. May 03 16:37:30 I'm just glad I'm not in Mexico. 10k pesos woulda hurt. May 03 16:37:37 ouch May 03 16:37:56 chuqui: isn't that what liability waivers were designed for? May 03 16:38:59 SineOt: they have limits. I didn't know that before... May 03 16:39:26 lol May 03 16:39:58 * halfhalo hasn't heard back about internship from hp since the 25, so he doubts he will get one now May 03 16:40:03 Interns Unlimited....hmmm.... May 03 16:40:11 chuqui: what about plausable deniability? give me an intern spot at an outside shell company funded through other shell companies funded through a swiss account with all payment being under the table in the form of Canadian 2 dollar coins May 03 16:40:37 SineOt: too complicated. May 03 16:41:20 the other option was just laundering through a paypal account or two but that's FAR less exciting May 03 16:44:13 SineOt: I like the sacks of money behind the toilet May 03 16:44:47 My opinion of parisians is quite low at the moment May 03 16:44:49 it's an HP/Palm internship, not a glory hole! :U May 03 16:45:42 glory hole? May 03 16:46:03 no.... May 03 16:46:52 The new dual Thunderbolt 27" iMac can drive a pair of 30" Cinema Displays :C May 03 16:47:30 * halfhalo grrs at palm. He wanted that internship May 03 16:48:14 so are any of you guys running VBox4? May 03 16:48:46 I believe I am May 03 16:48:56 lemme check May 03 16:49:51 I'm running 4.0.4 May 03 16:50:24 * madnificent grrrs at HP/Palm, he wants his monthly sales (and a gesture area on the touchpad) May 03 16:51:18 Yeah, pretty sure that the only thing that breaks with VB4 is the creation of new VMs from the SDK May 03 16:52:21 if you install the SDK with 3.x installed, then upgrade your fine May 03 16:53:07 funkatron: pssst, vb4 is unsupported May 03 16:53:19 oh for the love of god sugardave May 03 16:53:22 You're just boend when it comes to installing a new build of the emulator :p May 03 16:53:26 hahaha May 03 16:53:37 I will beat you May 03 16:54:05 get in line May 03 16:54:20 fucking parisians May 03 16:54:30 and just to be clear: May 03 16:54:43 * halfhalo gets camcorder out May 03 16:54:46 I understand that they haven't gotten around to getting VBox 4 image creation in there May 03 16:55:11 but it would be REALLY handy for those of us who MUST run VBox 4 to get some workaround details *from HP* May 03 16:55:15 hi guys May 03 16:55:39 there are more ways to work around this than support VirtualBox4 May 03 16:55:40 because this is what I've heard since VBox 4 was released in December: May 03 16:55:42 dual boot May 03 16:55:44 "not done." May 03 16:55:47 buy a second PC. May 03 16:55:55 lol May 03 16:56:13 buy an external drive and boot off that, partition your drive. May 03 16:56:24 well, at least "not done" is a little more specific than "soon" or "in the coming months" May 03 16:56:26 "must support VB4" is not the only option. May 03 16:56:36 ryanwatkins: did. I. say. it. was? May 03 16:56:45 I love it when people are full of ideas. May 03 16:56:57 Run VirtualBox 3 in a Virtualbox 4 box, create the emu box, remove the box, link it to the virtualbox 4 box May 03 16:57:05 hahaha May 03 16:57:05 * halfhalo keeps rolling [o*] May 03 16:57:14 NuttyBunny: well, I've basically attempted that, but in Parallels, and no go. May 03 16:57:28 shit, the emu won't even boot in Parallels May 03 16:57:32 love it when people just bitch because their bitchy May 03 16:57:38 NuttyBunny, that doesn't even work (vbox in vbox) :P May 03 16:57:42 ryanwatkins: how about you go fuck yourself May 03 16:57:51 waaaa May 03 16:57:59 bah, stupid emulators.. hehehe May 03 16:58:01 is the webos plugin for eclipse compatible with Eclipse Classic? May 03 16:58:15 brb, gotta update Ubuntu :) May 03 16:58:27 funkatron, get that: "my" emu doesn't work if there are other virtual machines May 03 16:58:28 a little punk fuck like you ryanwatkins doesn't know shit about what I do. you're too much of a sad little punk to do anything but talk shit May 03 16:58:37 you wanna say something? call me now May 03 16:58:40 765 532 4133 May 03 16:58:41 wow, how quickly he turns to 'fuck you' May 03 16:58:41 do it May 03 16:58:44 now May 03 16:58:45 funkatron, so I have two virtualbox directories which I rename when I need them :) May 03 16:58:47 you little shit. May 03 16:59:04 and your a big shit ... because? May 03 16:59:14 you tell me May 03 16:59:17 gimme a call May 03 16:59:20 i dont give a shit May 03 16:59:25 but in practice I don't use the emulator May 03 16:59:26 right May 03 16:59:43 so sit down and shut the fuck yo May 03 16:59:45 up May 03 16:59:50 I hardly ever use the emu May 03 16:59:53 I just hit the button in eclipse, wait two seconds et voila, there it is running on the phone May 03 17:00:06 your so cool May 03 17:00:11 c'mon boy May 03 17:00:11 but I don't have a touchpad.... May 03 17:00:12 call me May 03 17:00:13 me? i know May 03 17:00:22 let's hear your ballsy talk on the phone May 03 17:00:35 easy to hide behind IRC, I know May 03 17:00:47 why would I want to call an asshole like you? May 03 17:00:56 I know, always some little excuse May 03 17:01:03 funkatron, are you serious? for now I just thought you were making fun of something May 03 17:01:24 no, he's just annoyed and wants to be a dick. May 03 17:01:28 you just love to shoot your mouth off May 03 17:01:39 but you're too much of a little shit to actually put your neck out there May 03 17:01:39 just show some respect May 03 17:01:40 wow. pot. kettle. black. May 03 17:01:49 c'mon buddy May 03 17:01:51 we are all real human beings May 03 17:01:55 really May 03 17:02:07 just calm down :P May 03 17:02:10 get some downer drugs May 03 17:02:10 if you deserve respect, earn it May 03 17:02:19 if not, keep your goddamn mouth shut May 03 17:02:27 :P May 03 17:02:28 apparently ed doesnt think so May 03 17:02:36 * PatrickC_Pre2 should get to school... May 03 17:02:36 al May 03 17:02:39 :P May 03 17:03:05 clearly you dont deserve it. I make a couple suggestion and your immediately say "fuck you". classy. May 03 17:03:22 not normal, I agree May 03 17:03:35 actually you're right May 03 17:03:45 I'm having an awful day. I don't need to get so upset. May 03 17:03:52 I apologize. May 03 17:04:15 thanks. that respect you demand though is now out the window. May 03 17:05:21 I can understand that May 03 17:06:21 I know exactly who you are. I've done webOS dev since before 1.0. Used Spaz. Work with Ron Devera @ Mint. But what didnt know was quite how much of an ass you can be. May 03 17:06:31 hope your day gets better. May 03 17:07:27 so when can I buy the touchpad :P? May 03 17:07:31 Yeah, I deserve that. I apologize, to everyone here. May 03 17:07:42 avarus: Tomorrow!!! May 03 17:07:45 * PatrickC_Pre2 ducks May 03 17:07:47 really? May 03 17:07:49 come on :P May 03 17:07:52 asshole! :P May 03 17:08:09 * PatrickC_Pre2 goes into corner and hides May 03 17:08:43 I've seen some videos and the "card" concept there really looks so usable May 03 17:09:22 webbrowsing on the ipad e.g. is very disgusting May 03 17:09:30 bye ed May 03 17:09:42 whos ed? May 03 17:09:48 funkatron May 03 17:10:01 ah ok May 03 17:10:07 avarus: have you used Universe? May 03 17:10:35 http://tinyurl.com/3hqeefp May 03 17:10:37 a lot of stuff on the iPad is kind of disgusting May 03 17:10:39 no, I wrote them the mail the same day you gave it to me and they never replied, PatrickC_Pre2 May 03 17:10:49 I was very kind :) May 03 17:11:18 I've used my phone as a full on computer replacement before, and then tried using an iPad as the same May 03 17:11:22 boy it was a pain in the ass May 03 17:11:26 SineOt, there are some webbrowsers in the app store that try to imitate firefox but then you have the slow ipad :P May 03 17:11:44 you know something is wrong when the IM app you're using clones Safari so you can browse and not leave the app May 03 17:11:56 lame May 03 17:11:57 lol May 03 17:12:30 SineOt, hehe, the first version of linkinus (irc for ipad) was funny...when you "accidantally" clicked a link, the app closed :) May 03 17:12:39 and pseudo-safari opened May 03 17:12:41 avarus: "wrote them the mail"? May 03 17:12:54 ya, to ask for a beta test May 03 17:12:54 haha, wow... Yeah, that sucks May 03 17:13:00 ah ok May 03 17:13:06 you remember...or can I already buy it? May 03 17:13:15 did VZW get May 03 17:13:19 you can buy it now May 03 17:13:21 I will say though that iOS does some pretty awesome stuff though May 03 17:13:22 its public May 03 17:13:32 ah, that's the reason they never replied :) May 03 17:13:33 and it's pretty killer to see how it's blending back into Lion May 03 17:13:41 like, way killer May 03 17:13:56 I think power consumption is excellent with iOS May 03 17:14:14 like I'm sure someone would punch me in the face for gushing about how killer it is to see the best aspects of iOS are melding with the best aspects of OSX to create some super OS May 03 17:14:42 what do you mean? May 03 17:14:49 fullscreen apps? :) May 03 17:15:00 $5 says that's exactly what HP is trying to do with the webos on PCs thing May 03 17:15:36 webos on a normal pc could be incredibly fast I guess May 03 17:15:54 fullscreen apps, new scroll bars, spaces redesigned, and more changes to webkit than I could even mention May 03 17:16:48 oh, and mail.app not sucking any more May 03 17:16:59 I really deleted mail.app here :P May 03 17:17:27 mail.app? May 03 17:17:31 the stock email app? May 03 17:17:34 yup May 03 17:17:35 ya May 03 17:17:46 yeah Mail.app in 10.6 is just asstastic May 03 17:17:54 * halfhalo uses it and likes it May 03 17:17:59 unified inbox ftw May 03 17:18:04 meeh May 03 17:18:06 but Mail.app now copied a lot of the stuff that they did for Mail on the iPad May 03 17:18:14 ugh May 03 17:18:37 plus, once its opened it handles my some 75k emails just fine May 03 17:18:43 I just wanted to say how much I hate the mail app on the ipad May 03 17:18:59 it's soooo slooow May 03 17:19:10 it feels like a website :P May 03 17:19:35 lol May 03 17:19:39 http://www.9to5mac.com/53749/lion-includes-all-new-mail-app-looks-like-ipad-mail-has-new-conversations-feature/ May 03 17:19:48 * PatrickC_Pre2 only has webos devices, and 1 apple device May 03 17:19:55 Hah, well, thankfully any of the speed problems didn't come over with the change May 03 17:20:02 hey oh! May 03 17:20:08 and even if they had I don't think you'd run into them on a full blown Core2 device May 03 17:20:17 howdy all May 03 17:20:49 someone said a new imac is coming today May 03 17:20:53 did that happen? :P May 03 17:21:20 looks like it did May 03 17:21:26 increible May 03 17:21:51 yup May 03 17:21:56 dual Thunderbolt @_@ May 03 17:22:20 what's that :P? usb on cocaine? May 03 17:22:36 Displayport + 10gbps data transfer + daisychainable May 03 17:23:23 cool May 03 17:23:58 Interesting move: Apple made it so that if you receive an app via a promo code, you can't leave a review for it to prevent people from gaming the system May 03 17:25:17 the bigger 27inch imac is really a nice device May 03 17:25:29 yeah, if you have the money May 03 17:25:51 Yeah. It's too bad that Target Display Mode is now limited to other Thunderbolt devices though May 03 17:25:56 I would love *anything* running a recent version of OSX May 03 17:26:08 it's not too expensive if you have a closer look May 03 17:26:21 well, they are more then I want to spend May 03 17:26:29 same here May 03 17:26:34 I'm looking for around 300-500 Usd May 03 17:26:35 I'm fine with the mini :P May 03 17:26:47 Yeah, I read something where when new devices come out, they're pretty price competitive. It's just that they never get price drops until the new generation rolls around. May 03 17:26:51 how much are those? May 03 17:27:06 Depends. Last gen mini you could probably find for about 500. May 03 17:27:07 mine was at 759 eur May 03 17:27:10 those/mac mini/ May 03 17:27:13 Current gen start at like 700. May 03 17:27:24 500 doesn't sound *too* bad May 03 17:27:30 are they good for development? May 03 17:27:51 * halfhalo spent 600ish on his mini, then went and stuck another 3-400 in upgrades in it May 03 17:27:52 4GB ram, 320G hdd, core2 something with 2.54Ghz and it's sooo quiet May 03 17:27:56 holy... 759 eur? And to think I develop for webos in a $350 netbook ;) May 03 17:28:38 apples us prices are 1:1 in eur May 03 17:28:39 Yeah, s'what I do my dev work on. May 03 17:28:50 500 usd, 500 eur here :P May 03 17:28:50 And yeah, Apple's euro pricing is really stupid. May 03 17:29:08 is that good? May 03 17:29:20 * PatrickC_Pre2 doesn't know much about international currency May 03 17:29:28 No. May 03 17:29:37 ah ok May 03 17:29:42 The Euro is like, what, 1.50$ to 1 right now? May 03 17:29:42 I sometimes buy in the UK due to the low pound May 03 17:30:38 hey dkirker-pre! May 03 17:30:41 Yeah, at the current exchange rate, a 759$ Mini should cost closer to 511€ May 03 17:32:56 But I like my mini. It's the C2D square one, not the new UFO shaped one. May 03 17:33:09 Although I would have loved a 320M instead of the 9400M May 03 17:33:13 highfive SineOt May 03 17:33:38 Upgrading Ubuntu... "26 packages are going to be removed, 245 new packages are going to be installed, 1603 packages are going to be installed... You have to download a total of 1,121M"... bah May 03 17:34:02 did the upgrade at work yesterday May 03 17:34:23 the upgrade took 2 hours but I could work during the upgrade May 03 17:34:27 and unity is crap :P May 03 17:34:36 my ubuntu won't start :/ May 03 17:34:47 does Unity still have problems with the shitty menu proxy implimentation? May 03 17:34:47 hah May 03 17:34:53 unity is crap May 03 17:34:53 and the equally terrible dock clone? May 03 17:35:32 I didn't really mind it on my Netbook but the shitty dock clone and the crappy menu proxy thing drove me up the wall May 03 17:35:34 hi PatrickC_Pre2 May 03 17:35:45 I ... "like" unity, not love, but I think it can be helpful in the end May 03 17:35:47 an app is totally useless if your menus are all getting shunted into the void May 03 17:35:47 I had the problem that "zend studio" didn't work with it May 03 17:35:58 menus were missing May 03 17:36:01 yup May 03 17:36:05 important menus and submenus were gone May 03 17:36:06 it's annoying as hell May 03 17:36:10 and I don't know all the shortcuts May 03 17:36:14 ah, you had that, too? May 03 17:36:17 oh, I should totally fire up a win7 vm May 03 17:36:27 I thought I was alone on that May 03 17:37:21 even submenus were gone May 03 17:37:23 Nope, I've had that with a few apps May 03 17:37:26 it was pretty annoying May 03 17:37:28 submenus of main menus that were still there May 03 17:37:39 yeah May 03 17:37:43 they simply didn't open :P May 03 17:37:53 it's because it runs this Menu Proxy thing that's supposed to read the menus and move them or something May 03 17:37:57 but it's obviously pretty half baked May 03 17:38:01 ah ok May 03 17:38:13 there's work arounds for it if you google around for them May 03 17:38:45 I was at work; I had no time to experiment :) May 03 17:39:06 luckily you can switch at the login screen to old plain gnome May 03 17:40:15 plain old actually May 03 17:41:59 * PatrickC_Pre2 installed the extension pack, and now ubuntu looks like its booting :) May 03 17:43:10 what's an extension pack? May 03 17:43:15 for vbox May 03 17:44:26 An, the VirtualBox Extensions May 03 17:44:31 (ah) May 03 17:44:54 vbox extensions? sounds incompatible w/ webOS May 03 17:44:59 yep :) May 03 17:45:06 I'm doing it for Ubuntu May 03 17:45:21 * ajay everything i do, i do it for ubuntu May 03 17:45:57 well, I'm not dual-booting my PC with ubuntu yet :/ May 03 17:47:17 hey phantomskinz is having a 2-for-1 sale if anyone is lookin for somethin! May 03 17:48:31 what's that? lol May 03 17:49:04 oh looks like gVoice+Sprint is live.. /me jealous May 03 17:49:22 it is May 03 17:49:27 and, /me fail :) May 03 17:50:02 http://www.myfrikicaos.com/2011/05/03/ewok-dogs/ May 03 17:50:18 ajay: It doesn't seem to work with webOS May 03 17:50:41 http://twitter.com/webosworld/status/65466598777044992 May 03 17:51:14 fail May 03 17:52:06 lol May 03 17:53:14 * ajay doesn't understand the connection btwn sprint, google voice and ewok dogs May 03 17:53:30 money May 03 17:53:47 me neither May 03 17:53:58 ah money May 03 17:54:41 NuttyBunny: that's, umm.. bullshit. i thought that was a carrier, not phone feature. May 03 17:54:57 hopefully they just don't like him May 03 17:55:41 ajay: The dogs just popped in my twitter feed, the Sprint/webOS/gVoice is crap, as Verizon/Sprint May 03 17:56:03 NuttyBunny: who let the dogs out? May 03 17:56:47 ajay: nooo! ... too late, the image came back to my mind... playing Just Dance too much :S May 03 17:57:57 rehi May 03 17:58:46 hi swisstomcat May 03 17:59:45 hi hotdp May 03 18:00:30 hey swisstomcat May 03 18:04:55 huh it doesn't look like google allows comments on their blog posts anymore, heh.. (wanted to see if it worked on webOS for others.) If that's true i won't be jealous anymore, but then i'll be mad at dan hesse May 03 18:07:19 i just called someone and their voicemail said my name! someone told me that was youmail, so i wanted to try, but i really like free transcriptions (google and ribbit) May 03 18:11:53 * ajay thinks we need Palm Pres in space! May 03 18:13:08 man, promo codes are LONG! May 03 18:13:49 They have a direct link that will enter the code for you in the app catalog May 03 18:13:54 = no typing May 03 18:13:55 oh i forgot i can't use them cuz i didn't enter a credit card. sheesh May 03 18:14:05 Ajay: same here. I hate that... May 03 18:14:33 and no credit cards work when I enter them so I'm not even able to buy paid apps OR use promo codes May 03 18:14:49 where? apple? May 03 18:14:55 no credit cards work? May 03 18:16:14 it has to be a Visa/Mastercard iirc May 03 18:16:47 i think i used a discover May 03 18:16:56 what i need a phone number too? bogus May 03 18:17:31 where is this link you speak of? May 03 18:17:51 Each promo code has a direct link associated with it. The developer should know it. May 03 18:18:12 http://twitter.com/cesarneg/status/65479883744219136 May 03 18:18:21 Carrier payments... :S May 03 18:18:22 It's like the app redirect link but has the promo code tagged onto it. When you click it on the phone, it automatically goes to app catalog with that promo code May 03 18:18:44 damn promo codes go quick May 03 18:19:42 and they say there are no webOs users left... May 03 18:20:34 PatrickC_Pre2: I've tried a 2 different Visas, and a Mastercard. It doesn't work for either of those. I talked to Palm support a few months back and they couldn't figure it out so I just gave up. May 03 18:21:07 I had such a problem with some other service; I called my bank and they solved the problem May 03 18:21:17 what's wrong with carrier payments? higher cost to the recipient? May 03 18:21:27 seemed like my visa was not activated for some security mechanism May 03 18:21:32 i got a prepaid/reward visa card in the mail, just tried it and it worked May 03 18:21:52 Codhisattva: is something wrong with it? sounds more complicated to me.. May 03 18:22:24 avarus: The thing about it though is that one of the Visas that I tried works on my brother's Pre. Unless maybe Palm limits 1 account per credit card? I can't see them doing that... May 03 18:22:41 oh ok May 03 18:23:06 ajay: someone was just complaining about them. don't know if it's more expensive than Visa. seems like it's a good way to bury expenses. May 03 18:23:12 Hopefully when I get my Pre 3 this summer and make a new palm profile the app catalog will magically accept my credit cards May 03 18:23:21 :) May 03 18:23:24 probably works then May 03 18:23:40 Codhisattva: if i were carriers i would definitely try to make it cheaper than visa to promote use.. May 03 18:23:58 but then again, they have to pay visa at the end of the day, so maybe that doesn't work.. May 03 18:24:14 ajay: I'd make it more expensive and claim it was overly convenient ;) May 03 18:24:21 i'm not sure what you mean about burying expenses? May 03 18:24:30 Codhisattva: Well, it "may" be a good idea, but I like payments with a debit card, that way I know exactly how much I'm paying and I'm not giving the carrier a share (MORE MONEY) to them May 03 18:25:04 ajay: telephone bills are pretty much "office expense" and not necessarily scrutinized. regardless of what it is. May 03 18:25:17 NuttyBunny: those poor carriers are breaking even. they deserve all the support we can give them May 03 18:25:27 Codhisattva: haha.. yes this is true. good point! May 03 18:25:30 ajay: Not Telcel May 03 18:25:32 NuttyBunny: right. from a personal point of view it's a pain. I was thinking if there was a business cost. May 03 18:25:46 Codhisattva: now you can buy all those n0rp apps w/o the s.o. seeing :) May 03 18:25:51 NuttyBunny: i was kidding :) May 03 18:26:22 ajay: or my accountant May 03 18:26:28 In fact that's the reason Telcel didn't ever approve the 1.4.x update, because there was no way for them to get a cut from the app sales May 03 18:26:30 haha May 03 18:27:01 NuttyBunny: do they not have android, nokia, BB, iOS devices that they also don't get cuts from that are up-to-date? May 03 18:27:50 ajay: dunno and don't care, All I do care is webOS :D May 03 18:27:52 carriers are dumb. i tried to convince a few palm employees that they should push their bosses to make hp a carrier, they didn't the idea seriously at all! well i never :) May 03 18:28:14 NuttyBunny: clearly you do care if you're stating that was the reason they're not supporting you as a webOS user :) May 03 18:28:50 is it required to wipe your palm profile contacts before signing into a 2.x device? May 03 18:29:10 ajay: it's required if you go back May 03 18:30:28 so 1.4.5->2.1 like butter, 2.x->1.x is the problem? ok cool.. somebody was telling me that to frankenpre he had to wipe contacts first, i didn't think that was nec May 03 18:30:50 * PatrickC_Pre2 wants to run nDrive on his dual-booting pre with android :D May 03 18:31:07 PatrickC_Pre2: did you get the maps? May 03 18:31:14 yep May 03 18:31:20 then had to doctor the device :/ May 03 18:32:06 oh crap i just loaded it and it wants to d/l 1777 mb.. i guess it's working :) May 03 18:32:17 lol May 03 18:32:18 PatrickC_Pre2: you had to doctor it to get android back?? hahaha May 03 18:32:22 PatrickC_Pre2: you coulda backed up your data first if you wanted to May 03 18:32:38 wait, what's the connection between the android and the doctoring? May 03 18:32:45 i gotta look up these android directions before i proceed..! May 03 18:32:52 nuttybunny: had to doctor so I can take it to sprint :D May 03 18:33:03 do they care? May 03 18:33:09 PatrickC_Pre2: Ah, yes, you told me.. hehehe May 03 18:33:20 avarus: idk, but I wanna be safe :) May 03 18:33:40 I guess they just flash all devices w. software problems by default May 03 18:34:04 however, brb, need a beer May 03 18:34:05 its a hw problem May 03 18:34:14 but I think they'll find it suspicious to see a "boot screen" which says "Android" when you press the volume buttons :S May 03 18:34:21 hehe May 03 18:34:32 hehehea May 03 18:34:38 nd see Tux when booting May 03 18:34:59 or see the "Just Type" bar, or the new launcher, or the new dialer.. etc ;) May 03 18:36:52 oh no sound, sometimes wifi? that's not gonna work for me.. eh, if that's current May 03 18:37:06 for android? May 03 18:37:49 yeah.. May 03 18:38:08 ajay: Wifi, always, as long as you activate it via telnet May 03 18:38:22 i really can't be bothered to read 28 pages of posts, and it'd be nice if the first post had updated info May 03 18:38:25 yeah, and have novacom neayby :D May 03 18:38:36 go to post 100 May 03 18:38:40 yeah i'm there now :) May 03 18:38:55 but no sound is correct? May 03 18:39:23 my Pre has "issues" with sound, so, I wouldn't know May 03 18:39:30 doh! :) May 03 18:39:35 oh you're running it on your pre, not pre2.. May 03 18:39:39 no sound afaik May 03 18:39:50 on my injured Pre May 03 18:39:53 it doesn't run on the pre2 /yet/ May 03 18:40:01 shr? openmoko? that sounds hot! May 03 18:40:13 it doesn't make any sound, even in webOS, it doesn't talk to the modem.. poor thing May 03 18:40:16 I haven't done SHR yet May 03 18:40:20 me neither May 03 18:40:31 but I just might on the Plus... :D May 03 18:40:36 hehe May 03 18:40:38 same here May 03 18:40:44 I hardly use my plus May 03 18:40:54 oh.. that sucks.. i'd like to use it as a phone, but at least use it as a media device, if no sound or phone then its not so useful May 03 18:41:19 its useful for android development afaik :) May 03 18:41:24 ya May 03 18:41:35 I need it to break Whatsapp May 03 18:41:57 (my gf won't lend me her x10 mini) May 03 18:42:40 i'll lend you my mini9 May 03 18:42:51 :) May 03 18:42:58 mmm... isn't that a netbook? :P May 03 18:42:59 ajay: you can ship that to Mexico :) May 03 18:43:03 does it run android? ;) May 03 18:43:16 ah, typo.. sorry.. hahahaha May 03 18:43:18 oh wait what's a x10 mini? i thought that was a netbook.. May 03 18:43:35 PatrickC_Pre2: i'll sell it to mexico.. May 03 18:43:43 xperia x10 mini pro, the sh*t uses the same processor as the pixi May 03 18:43:55 that reminds me, wasn't there some international folks in here looking for an activated, unlocked pre2? I have, will sell! May 03 18:44:06 NuttyBunny: hot May 03 18:44:19 (us-activated so it has full appcat access, i mean) May 03 18:44:46 armv6 = No Flash, so, crap May 03 18:45:46 i think you meant, flash, so crap May 03 18:46:17 nah, I meant: x10 mini pro = crap because of no flash May 03 18:46:27 haha.. i still maintain my stmt :) May 03 18:46:33 armv6 = No Flash, so, it's crap May 03 18:47:19 lol May 03 18:47:32 be nice on me, english is not my native language, sometimes I have a hard time with punctuation in spanish.. I'm worse in english! :P hehehe May 03 18:48:05 hahaha May 03 18:48:08 NuttyBunny: I wasn't being mean, i just wanted to put the meme out there that flash is crap :) May 03 18:48:14 sorry about that! May 03 18:48:15 hahahaha May 03 18:48:28 ajay: yeah, but that crap sells devices :) May 03 18:48:45 crap-less devices also sell :) May 03 18:48:58 see? I don't even get sarcasm correctly in english ;) May 03 18:49:28 and I put words in funny order May 03 18:49:56 NuttyBunny: i got your words, they were funny don't worry! May 03 18:50:03 i was just counter-pointing :) May 03 18:50:32 weird there's only 1 device in my palm profile. odd. May 03 18:50:48 ok me go now! May 03 18:51:18 I stopped in to apologize to everyone in here for how I acted earlier. May 03 18:51:34 There's no excuse for it, and certainly no one deserved it. May 03 18:52:18 funkatron: Don't worry, there are certain places where people can just rant just about everything and it's fine :) May 03 18:52:39 funkatron: its ok :) May 03 18:52:44 eh, no, it wasn't a rant; I really lost it and it was inappropriate May 03 18:52:55 * NuttyBunny looks the backlog May 03 18:52:57 anyway. just wanted to say so. May 03 18:53:11 tty folks later May 03 18:55:40 I'm trying to get started with webOS development on OS X, but after installing VirtualBox and the SDK and then launching the Palm webOS Emulator, it hangs at "Starting Virtual Machine…". VirtualBox is running and has a window open that says the SDK version and resolution in the title, but the "screen" is just black. It's been that way for about 10 minutes now. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? May 03 18:56:55 eventualbuddha: I don't use OS X, but have you tried reinstalling it? On the offchance that something else went wrong May 03 18:57:12 madnificent: I tried it with 2.1 and 3.0, both have identical behavior May 03 18:57:25 eventualbuddha: if that doesn't seem to help you out, could you post a screenshot somewhere, as that's the best information we can get... I doubt I'm going to be the one fixing it though May 03 18:57:46 eventualbuddha: 3.0 is NDA May 03 18:57:48 whoa.. I missed the worst part of funkatron's rant... *sigh*... talk about an awful day :( May 03 18:57:59 what's 3.0? May 03 18:58:03 ;) May 03 18:58:10 eventualbuddha: odd, could be a rendering issue. Could you try the 1.4.5 release? That behaved a bit nicer on linux here... May 03 18:58:11 PatrickC_Pre2: true, but seeing as the behavior is identical modulo a version string, I didn't think it was a big deal May 03 18:58:18 eventualbuddha: just trying to figure it out May 03 18:58:44 PatrickC_Pre2: he hasn't leaked anything from the NDA yet, if he's careful with his wordings then it's all fine I guess :) May 03 18:59:15 PatrickC_Pre2: but it's good that you stress that :) May 03 18:59:19 46 minutes left for the stupid upgrade.. bbl, gotta grab a snack May 03 18:59:20 but he said he tried to install 3.0, therefore he broke NOS :) May 03 19:00:17 if the existence of 3.0's installer is a secret then I'm done here :P May 03 19:00:45 well, by saying you downloaded it, that said you are in the NDA, which breaks NDA :) May 03 19:01:03 what does? May 03 19:01:19 PatrickC_Pre2: no, sorry that's not true, but anyways May 03 19:01:28 saying that you are in the Early Access Program May 03 19:01:38 that doesn't make sense May 03 19:01:48 eventualbuddha: regardless, ignore all this... have you tried running the 1.4.5? May 03 19:01:49 being in the eap is NDA May 03 19:01:50 1st rule of fight club. Don't talk about fight club. May 03 19:01:57 ^^ yep May 03 19:02:01 *sigh* May 03 19:02:05 eventualbuddha: that had a different rendering background than 2.x it seemed May 03 19:02:08 fine. "what 3.0?" May 03 19:02:16 a number May 03 19:02:26 oh, interesting, a number May 03 19:02:33 webos 3 May 03 19:02:34 madnificent: 1.4.5… of what? May 03 19:02:46 eventualbuddha: webos emulator May 03 19:03:18 eventualbuddha: it may require some searching on palm's site, but it should still be there. That one seemed to use a different rendering system than the 2.x series May 03 19:04:25 so, I apologize for being completely ignorant here, but does the 1.4.5 emulator mean that it will use the 1.4.5. SDK? May 03 19:04:35 eventualbuddha: yeah May 03 19:04:41 eventualbuddha: however, that's not the point May 03 19:04:50 madnificent: you just want to see if it works May 03 19:04:55 eventualbuddha: I'm trying to figure out why it doesn't run :) May 03 19:04:56 yup May 03 19:04:56 ! May 03 19:05:00 ok May 03 19:05:19 again: I'm _not_ an OS X user, I only know some unix trickery May 03 19:06:04 hmm… https://cdn.downloads.palm.com/sdkdownloads/ is the url for 2.1 May 03 19:06:14 not sure whether url hacking is going to get me 1.4.5 ;) May 03 19:06:25 I was looking for the 1.4.5 emulator as well, never found it May 03 19:06:41 first suggestion - turn it off and turn it back on. restart the emulator again. thats actually worked for me before. May 03 19:06:43 but only because I thought I need that for developing apps for my pixi May 03 19:07:07 then double check the version of VirtualBox you are using. May 03 19:08:13 first three rules of tech support - #1 is it plugged in? #2 is it turned on? #3 did you try rebooting it? May 03 19:08:23 indeed May 03 19:08:46 Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.12, © 2007-2010 Oracle Corporation May 03 19:08:49 for OS X May 03 19:09:09 on os-x try renaming your "Virtualbox" directory in Library May 03 19:09:16 check the release notes and see if thats the specific recommended version. consider that vs the most up to date 3.x version. May 03 19:09:19 it will probably fix all your problems :) May 03 19:09:50 I'm using 3.2.12, too May 03 19:09:53 on os x May 03 19:10:17 avarus: so now it's doing the "Creating Virtual Machine…" thing again May 03 19:10:39 and now it's at "Starting Virtual Machine…" and hanging May 03 19:10:57 have you installed the latest 2 sdk? May 03 19:11:22 I'll install 2.1 again May 03 19:13:25 you sure it's not a virtualbox issue? May 03 19:13:36 Loudergood: I'm not sure of anything here May 03 19:13:43 all I know is what I reported above May 03 19:14:00 don't you have a webos device there? May 03 19:14:05 nope May 03 19:14:08 ah ok May 03 19:15:25 the idea was that I'd look into porting my company's iOS/Android app to webOS for the touchpad May 03 19:15:42 which obviously isn't available yet :) May 03 19:16:14 and what do you want with 2.x sdk? May 03 19:16:18 I read something about 3 May 03 19:16:32 well, I may or may not have 3 installed May 03 19:16:39 and I may or may not be uninstalling it May 03 19:18:25 avarus: okay, so I now have 2.1 installed May 03 19:18:38 I wiped ~/Library/VirtualBox May 03 19:18:58 should I just launch Palm Emulator.app? May 03 19:19:04 ya May 03 19:19:43 starting SDK (320x480) May 03 19:20:11 same behavior, hangs on "Starting Virtual Machine..." May 03 19:20:34 what os x version are you running? May 03 19:20:39 and by "hangs" I don't mean "becomes unresponsive". I just mean "shows an indeterminate progress bar without changing at all" May 03 19:21:24 like so: https://skitch.com/eventualbuddha/r7ch7/sdk- May 03 19:22:29 phew :) May 03 19:23:43 so, that means it's not working, right? May 03 19:23:56 apparently not :) May 03 19:24:08 normally you would see the webos "desktop" May 03 19:24:11 just like on the phone May 03 19:24:26 yeah, that's what I was expecting May 03 19:24:35 after doing some iOS dev :) May 03 19:25:55 *sigh* I'm so ready to reformat this computer May 03 19:26:31 the current OS X install has been upgraded from Leopard to SL and has spanned three physical computers May 03 19:26:35 I think it might be crufty May 03 19:27:35 wow :) May 03 19:27:39 man..bing is getting around May 03 19:28:57 ya, i like to upgrade and do a fresh install every ~12-18 months. an almost annual ritual that seems to fix all kinds of issues. May 03 19:29:58 eventualbuddha: still sad though, I'd 've liked it if you could've gotten started right away May 03 19:30:46 ryanwatkins: odd, my server reached 2years uptime (after which I accidentally pulled the power cord for longer than the ups could take) May 03 19:31:20 I guess I should have clarified .. desktop machines. May 03 19:31:52 madnificent: me too :\ May 03 19:32:12 my harddrives fail every x years so... ;) May 03 19:32:44 ha. not so much for me, though upgraded to an SSD last go around, and now the CodingHorror article scares me. May 03 19:33:08 I have an SSD and an HDD in my MBP. the SSD mirrors to an HDD partition every night May 03 19:33:13 best upgrade in 20+ yrs was just putting in an SSD, but failure rates .. ugh. May 03 19:33:14 and I do time machine and backblaze May 03 19:33:28 so my data is _not_ going to vanish ;) May 03 19:33:51 yeah May 03 19:34:02 I use crashplan now to backup to my desktop May 03 19:34:23 it's not the cleanest thing to install, but it's easy to setup to backup to other machines May 03 19:34:26 is timemachine really safe? never needed it...only have my mac mini for a year now May 03 19:34:43 avarus: what do you mean by "safe"? May 03 19:34:57 well, I don't trust apple stuff too much :) May 03 19:34:58 I save data on other drives, but my recovery plan of the system drive is ... reinstall. May 03 19:35:01 * halfhalo has never had an ssd fail on him. except ocz. but those suck May 03 19:35:21 avarus: it has saved me twice May 03 19:35:29 so I guess that's "safe" May 03 19:37:49 webOS connect berlin :) May 03 19:37:54 who's there? May 03 19:38:28 I hate berlin May 03 19:38:31 so I'm not :P May 03 19:38:43 and who says I like people who are using webos May 03 19:38:44 ?! May 03 19:38:45 :P May 03 19:41:49 * oil is sad he missed the earlier conversation xD May 03 19:42:05 hey, will a demoSIM work to use a dev pre2? or by some higher magic(internals), does meta-doctor perform a sim bypass check? thanks :) May 03 19:42:35 * halfhalo sends oil to the logs of doom May 03 19:42:39 * madnificent notes that the competition is looking at the features in his application May 03 19:42:55 not necessary May 03 19:43:00 i see it in my backlogs May 03 19:48:11 ok, what did I miss...? May 03 19:48:26 lots May 03 19:57:33 still no sales results . . . May 03 20:00:30 well, my highschool thinks I graduated when I was 8 instead of 18...I think we finally got that mess straightened out May 03 20:00:44 me: "No, I did not graduate in 1981" May 03 20:01:03 them: "OH! We found you on the microfiche!" May 03 20:01:08 microfiche, really? May 03 20:01:12 lol May 03 20:08:54 sugardave: congrats! Now you suddenly have the history of a wonder child! May 03 20:09:06 ubuntu updated... rebooting May 03 20:09:17 * madnificent doesn't dare to upgrade his ubuntu box May 03 20:09:56 madnificent: yeah, no doubt May 03 20:10:14 * haeffb_pre thinking about uphrading to 11.04 May 03 20:10:51 NuttyBunny: Pre in mail today May 03 20:11:27 Adora: even with access, that video is well worth watching :o May 03 20:11:40 I love baby goats May 03 20:11:48 seriously, they're the most adorable things on the planet May 03 20:11:56 they're delicious! May 03 20:11:58 omg May 03 20:12:27 Gonna have to disagree with you there, because otters exist May 03 20:12:35 ok I've never really eaten baby goats... May 03 20:13:25 Adora: LoL, it's funny how they jump around May 03 20:13:37 haeffb_pre: congrats! Hope to see mine some day May 03 20:14:17 ??? May 03 20:14:32 haeffb_pre: ... pre in mail today ... May 03 20:14:38 hahaha May 03 20:14:43 bad context May 03 20:14:54 haeffb_pre sent a Pre to NuttyBunny May 03 20:15:14 sugardave: ah, woops May 03 20:15:22 yeah, what he said May 03 20:15:54 http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200612/11/29/a0091329_23201943.jpg May 03 20:16:00 http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200612/11/29/a0091329_23194165.jpg May 03 20:16:04 mhh May 03 20:16:32 NuttyBunny: pre in mail today May 03 20:16:54 (lets do this whole conversation again...) May 03 20:17:22 * NuttyBunny checks the backlog, no worries :) May 03 20:17:48 Midori? Really?... argh... I'll reinstall my ubuntu at night :S May 03 20:18:39 Adora: currently we plan to submit mite. at the weekend. :) May 03 20:18:51 leiru: YES YES YES May 03 20:19:02 are you working on a touchpad version, too? May 03 20:19:12 it's really big, i never saw such an big app on webOS - i wrote 2.5 months on it. May 03 20:19:29 leiru: what is it? May 03 20:19:35 Adora: no, development/organizing started before feb' May 03 20:19:41 Adora: are hybrids ok as well? May 03 20:20:04 there was no early access. we want to deploy something small for enyo first. May 03 20:20:48 madnificent: it's mite. - sleek timetracking for freelancers and small teams on webOS - http://yfrog.com/z/hs2w6sp May 03 20:21:42 leiru: ah, ok, thanks :) May 03 20:21:52 Adora: if it is reliable, we will port it to enyo - but the current plan is to make smaller projects to learn the new environment. May 03 20:22:26 leiru: and why is that such a big application? May 03 20:23:31 madnificent: it has more than 20 views and controllers. and i must say, i use the catalogue not often, but i never saw such a big app before on webos May 03 20:23:47 and styled that hard May 03 20:24:34 the styling is awesome May 03 20:24:43 indeed May 03 20:25:00 I didn't expect it to have that many views... I have 15 active ones or so without the help (including that, it's 30 :D) May 03 20:25:34 SineOt: leiru's images look sleek indeed (congrats leiru) May 03 20:27:35 yeah that is seriously impressive May 03 20:35:05 had to teach and talk and meet alot my designer who wanted to learn webOS and designed an iphone app before next to his job. May 03 20:35:10 took alot of time. May 03 20:36:08 that we were two this time didn't half the time on the project it doubled it or three-timed it. May 03 20:37:27 * halfhalo wonders how node 0.2.3's vm module is... since he totally has an idea for an app with it May 03 20:39:12 repl app... hmmm May 03 20:39:27 strawberry repl? May 03 20:39:40 halfhalo: lisp-addict has a repl :) May 03 20:40:41 psh, node all the way May 03 20:41:26 or a web server app... May 03 20:41:48 oh, I like it... May 03 20:42:31 * ryanwatkins isnt planning to write much node until its updated to > 0.4 May 03 20:42:50 * halfhalo has played with node since the first dev days May 03 20:43:07 normal Mojo apps will still be allowed on the tablet, right? May 03 20:43:09 speaking of those, Adora whens the next devdays? May 03 20:43:16 iono May 03 20:43:35 we're doing the smaller workshops right now May 03 20:43:49 madnificent: yes May 03 20:44:22 psh. then you need to have some workshops down here May 03 20:44:32 Adora: I tried to give chuqui an important job, but he failed. Perhaps YOU can kick the finance people hard enough to make them release headcount May 03 20:44:48 * halfhalo can't justify spending all that monies for smaller workshops. devdays, most likely different story May 03 20:45:03 sugardave: headcount? May 03 20:45:17 yes, for jorbs May 03 20:45:53 headcount/funding for jorbs May 03 20:46:04 release it? May 03 20:46:14 my poor addled brain... May 03 20:46:31 Adora: will pm you :P May 03 20:48:24 wasn't the veer supposed to launch yesterday? May 03 20:48:50 will someone please check to see if the "find more" in exhibition shows more than just sports live apps now? =] May 03 20:49:04 in germany too? May 03 20:49:23 * halfhalo doesn't have any webos phone on him atm... sniff May 03 20:49:30 leiru, in june there May 03 20:49:44 avarus: aher. May 03 20:49:51 oh wait, I have a charged battery May 03 20:49:53 * Adora swaps May 03 20:50:43 well that doesn't look right May 03 20:51:21 and on second try it seems to be working Adora May 03 20:51:42 2nd try? what happened on the first try? May 03 20:51:46 if i type exhibition, i get some exhibition results. May 03 20:52:10   $0.2 May 03 20:52:21 bah, I hate that bug May 03 20:52:35 thats why you call it a feature! May 03 20:52:40 though now I'm not seeing the sports apps anymore, just about 5 paid ones May 03 20:52:54 halfhalo: the "all apps are 20 cents" bug? =] May 03 20:53:11 you mean the "all apps are 20 cents" feature May 03 20:53:12 how i can select all but just exhibition apps? May 03 20:53:35 it's not a bug, it's a feature (ms) May 03 20:53:37 ;) May 03 20:53:42 Loudergood: yeah, I'm seeing the same May 03 20:53:49 flip friggin..... May 03 20:53:51 sugardave: you're just upset that I noticed your bribe check bounced. May 03 20:54:09 adora don't listen to him. it's all his fault May 03 20:54:22 dammit, you were supposed to go quicker :/ May 03 20:55:35 bribe check? whatever happened to the good old bribe bag of money or bribe chocolate... May 03 20:55:49 bribe chocolate still works May 03 20:55:50 just sayin May 03 20:55:56 especially truffles May 03 20:56:00 >_> May 03 20:56:09 * sugardave makes notes. May 03 20:56:11 * halfhalo can't think of a reason to bribe... grrr May 03 20:56:36 pre-bribe May 03 20:57:03 preparatory bribing May 03 20:57:20 oh! May 03 20:57:25 oh man: http://www.boingboing.net/2011/05/02/who-is-osama-bin-lad.html May 03 20:57:27 * halfhalo prepares bribe for internship May 03 21:02:25 * halfhalo killed the channel.. Double points! May 03 21:02:26 tomorrow 9:30 webOS dev kickoff @ my company. i will sacrificy myself (atrting just 2 hours later each day). May 03 21:02:32 and so my holidays end May 03 21:03:03 stay tuned :D May 03 21:03:06 nite May 03 21:03:11 nn May 03 21:03:11 night leiru May 03 21:04:18 "Find more Exhibition" has the Palm icon, but the Marketplace now has the HP one. :) May 03 21:04:23 * halfhalo totally has plan for tablet app now involving clouds, servers, and domains... May 03 21:04:57 and shows only 5 apps, one of which I already have. :/ May 03 21:07:14 OR I can just continue to play with node... hmm, hard choice May 03 21:57:44 meh, stupid pixi...can't turn it on though it's connected to power May 03 22:34:35 you know what a 'fast food happy ending' is? May 03 22:36:14 !ud fast food happy ending May 03 22:36:28 nope. May 03 22:36:30 dawm: the satisfaction that comes from eating two sausage and egg mcmuffins? May 03 22:36:36 nope May 03 22:36:41 double fries May 03 22:36:44 close May 03 22:37:01 finding a handful of fries at the bottom of the bag after youve eaten everything May 03 22:37:10 haha May 03 22:38:43 i may regret this in the morning, but tonites plan is to empty the fridge of beer.. and i just bought 2 12packs ;P May 03 22:40:05 i (think) i have a weird problem, just received my dev Pre2, did the devmode thing, when plugged into USB, i get the Drive, can see it, but the WebOSDoctor wont.. any idea? downloading another copy at the moment, just in case .. but thought i would check in here. Thanks ... May 03 22:40:54 my other Pre+ shows up fine.. in the Doctor, so i am *guessing* its 'bad dl' of the doctor.. shrug May 03 22:41:26 if you want to doctor it then you can always use recovery mode May 03 22:41:55 holding up the volume.. powering on.. it wont recognise it either.. that what you mean? May 03 22:42:31 it wont recognize it when you get this icon http://www.palm.com/us/assets/images/support/articles/predualversion/USBDriveMode_RecoveryMode_CasS09.png May 03 22:42:43 correct May 03 22:42:47 fuck May 03 22:42:49 the USB dongle. :) May 03 22:42:52 novacom problem May 03 22:42:56 they seriously do not make dog toys for my dog.. May 03 22:43:06 ok, just downloaded Jasons new "installer" so willtry.. thanks May 03 22:43:09 just gave her a pretty damn hard chew toy and its already missing sections of it May 03 22:43:34 dawm: sounds like it's time to give in and just start giving her rocks May 03 22:43:47 you should see the stick she plays with outside May 03 22:43:50 its a branch.. May 03 22:44:12 i had gotten her a kong, and that lasted 3days tops May 03 22:44:27 bbl.. trying new doctor. thanks Loudergood. May 03 22:44:29 perhaps a log then May 03 22:44:35 same as my dog May 03 22:44:47 once i let her pick out her own toy at petsmart.. of course it was a $12 toy.. May 03 22:44:52 although I DID find a ball thingie that laster for a month or so May 03 22:44:53 got home, and within 10 minutes it had no legs May 03 22:45:06 man, I was reading that and thought you had kids dawm May 03 22:45:17 then found myself wondering why you were buying toys for a kid at Petsmart May 03 22:45:24 lol May 03 22:45:45 seriously.. May 03 22:45:55 longest lasting dog toy at my house? rope toy May 03 22:46:21 ugh, this second update to a uh… "preview" broke Twitter for Mac >:B May 03 22:46:51 she never plays with the rope toys May 03 22:47:12 ok, #webos has 107 users, #shr has 5 (including me)... where the **** will I get support for that thing? ... LOL May 03 22:48:02 by not using it? :I May 03 22:49:19 posting a vid of the new toy after 2 minutes of having it May 03 22:51:55 dothem: very funny :P hahahaha May 03 22:52:23 dawm: I'd post it, if the thing worked... it sees no wifi networks, and it doesn't talk to the modem... so... useless at most May 03 22:52:26 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkvHi091tXA May 03 22:52:32 at least Android works over wifi ;) May 03 22:52:37 post what? May 03 22:52:41 NuttyBunny: what's #shr for? May 03 22:53:36 dawm: sorry, I got mixed thoughts :) May 03 22:54:01 dohtem: shr is another linux based OS that "loads" on the Pre, but doesn't work properly ;) May 03 22:54:19 maybe they have their own irc server? May 03 22:54:26 or are one a different network May 03 22:55:51 nah, they're here, just on other channel, they told me to go to #openmono-cdevel ... May 03 22:57:32 thanks Loudergood, new drivers was the trick.. :) just sayin. :) May 03 22:58:03 of course, right? ;) hehe May 03 22:59:20 wow May 03 22:59:34 WTF May 03 22:59:38 why in the hell am i claire May 03 22:59:42 stupid fucking quiz May 03 22:59:53 lol May 03 23:00:06 it so fits though... May 03 23:00:24 * Loudergood has no idea whas dawm is talking about May 03 23:00:29 facebook quiz May 03 23:00:34 which lost character would i be May 03 23:00:43 What LOST character are YOU? May 03 23:00:43 Joshua got Claire. May 03 23:00:43 No matter how nice you are, bad things seem to happen to you. You're smart, funny, and totally gulible. May 03 23:00:55 <- not gulible at all May 03 23:01:24 that's what a gullible person would say... May 03 23:02:06 if anything im the opposite May 03 23:02:06 Opposite Word of gullible: May 03 23:02:07 "astute,discerning,knowledgeable,perceptive,suspicious, unbelieving, untrusting,wise" May 03 23:06:12 I think any LOST characters who were y'know, suspicious, unbelieving, etc, either died soon after they introduced or didn't exist at all. :I May 03 23:11:33 MOO HAHA! May 03 23:11:59 MOO May 03 23:16:59 moo who? May 03 23:18:46 whenever i use webview with twitter, i get some weird error somethign something about error loading base.js May 03 23:26:02 nevermind got it! May 03 23:37:30 ;D May 03 23:37:41 Canon Powershot A560 for $30 May 03 23:38:22 http://gizmodo.com/#!5798301/hp-exec-spills-huge-company-secret-on-linkedin <- ouch May 03 23:39:43 Here's hoping some of that works its way into webOS. May 03 23:39:59 Seemlessly extending your device storage space ~TO THE CLOUD~ May 03 23:41:26 that stupid Windows7 tune played in my head when I read that May 03 23:43:34 dawm: I'm in for the fridge-emptying adventure... May 03 23:47:51 why is katy perry so hot May 03 23:52:07 soo.. when is facebook getting a dislike button.. its obvious everyone wants one.. May 03 23:53:02 ..ugh bought cdrs instead of dvdrs May 03 23:53:11 ha May 03 23:53:18 facebook doesnt want to perpetuate negavitity May 03 23:53:39 which is why there is no hate button May 03 23:54:34 there should be a 'blame oil' button May 03 23:54:39 :) May 03 23:54:40 psh May 03 23:54:54 it would get worn out May 03 23:55:10 I thought it was going to be a spinner? May 03 23:55:25 "who to blame?" *spin* --> OIL! May 03 23:55:40 now sugardave is going to post that May 03 23:55:59 haha May 03 23:56:08 hey adora, you know tomorrow is 3 weeks later, right? :) May 03 23:56:42 :o May 03 23:57:27 at least, according to my irc log it was 4/20 when you said it would be 3 weeks :D May 03 23:57:29 oops. where'd I go? May 03 23:57:52 Adora: can I have a Touchpad? Pretty please? May 03 23:58:10 4/20? psh...... May 03 23:58:25 promises made on 4/20... really? May 03 23:58:32 that day _never_ happened May 03 23:58:44 it was a smokey blur May 03 23:58:56 * madnificent hears begging for a TouchPad and decides to join in May 03 23:59:37 * haeffb figures that asking nicely can't hurt...and I might catch her by surprise someday May 04 00:00:19 "A Touchpad? Sure, here you go... Hey, waitaminute!" May 04 00:00:32 LoL May 04 00:00:40 haeffb: wear a fake mustache when you ask May 04 00:00:47 throws people off May 04 00:00:47 * haeffb notes that Adora ignores such requests. May 04 00:01:17 Adora: do you have any idea when the sales results of april will be visible? I'm just being impatient, but the continuous refreshing is getting on my nerves. May 04 00:01:51 madnificent: I don't know anything about how you folks get paid, unfortunately May 04 00:02:40 Every popup submenu in my app has all the text on top of the first row. It was working before but stopped working now. What could be causing it? http://i54.tinypic.com/14kw01.jpg May 04 00:02:46 so, what's changed in the HP webOS Application Distribution Program Agreement ? May 04 00:03:16 Adora: ah no, it isn't when I could get payed, I was wondering when the results would appear. It's my first month. But I guess you don't know that either then. May 04 00:03:18 wow, twbbas, that's messed up May 04 00:03:27 Adora: thanks though May 04 00:03:28 madnificent: next day or two, probably May 04 00:03:37 thanks haeffb, refreshing it is May 04 00:03:56 haeffb: I know, right? It started happening out of the blue. The device menu works fine and all other apps work fine. Just not this one. May 04 00:04:08 twbbas: unclosed tag May 04 00:04:11 twbbas: my guess May 04 00:04:44 haeffb: don't read it, it says you should give all your moneyz to me May 04 00:05:05 madnificent: An unclosed tag in the spot where it pops up the submenu on the right? May 04 00:05:12 you want my bank account number? Or should I just send a check each month? May 04 00:06:07 * haeffb wonders what sugardave was MOOing about earlier May 04 00:06:08 haeffb: you should take the money from your account and bring it to me in person. May 04 00:06:30 ha. It would take all the money in my account just to get me there. Jokes on you! May 04 00:06:45 Yeeeeeah!! I ran SHR on My Pre+!!! :D May 04 00:06:48 twbbas: depends on where it occurs. If it's all text, then it could be in your main view as well. May 04 00:07:10 twbbas: you could open it up in chrome and look at the real source (not what chrome made of it) May 04 00:07:15 Yeeeeaaaah!! It doesn't do squat because I can't put the driver's firmware on it! May 04 00:07:30 There, I said it, sorry, carry on May 04 00:07:39 penis butter May 04 00:07:49 madnificent: It's not an Enyo app so that doesn't work, does it? And I found it works all throughout the app instead of just one scene like I thought. Could it be a CSS issue? May 04 00:09:07 twbbas: doesn't look like a css issue to me, but it could be so... If it's only in one scene then it must be in the html of that scene (or in some class that that scene uses and that's in the css (possible, though I'd search for a missed tag first)) May 04 00:09:34 madnificent: popupSubmenu HTML is generated by mojo May 04 00:09:35 * oil looks in #webos logs May 04 00:10:05 madnificent: It occurs in all scenes. Is there an easy way to search for missed tag in Eclipse? May 04 00:10:12 so how could it be an unclosed tag? May 04 00:10:27 twbbas: do you have Validation turned on? May 04 00:10:39 haeffb: What's that? :S May 04 00:10:44 in Eclipse? May 04 00:10:48 twbbas: have you gone through your logs? May 04 00:10:51 Yeah, I use Eclipse. May 04 00:10:56 Yes I have and nothing is showing up. May 04 00:10:56 Apr 20 01:46:56 for the lulz... May 04 00:10:56 Apr 20 01:47:01 [APPC-7479] Completely delete org.webosinternals.wirc, pretty pretty please May 04 00:10:57 Apr 20 01:47:15 that's the jira task I created for this May 04 00:11:05 :) May 04 00:11:11 Window/Show View/Validation May 04 00:11:29 haeffb: I was thinking of an error in a surrounding tag, but yeah... May 04 00:11:39 twbbas: haeffb has a good point May 04 00:12:02 haeffb: Cool tool but what does it do? And it's not showing anything down there. May 04 00:12:42 You can go to Window/Preferences, then the Aptana editors for each file type and choose what validator it uses. For instance, JSLint for javascript May 04 00:12:56 and the validator window shows any errors in your code May 04 00:13:53 at least for JS, HTML and CSS May 04 00:13:58 haeffb: I've been looking for something like that. Just figured Eclipse didn't have it. :D Thanks May 04 00:14:36 haeffb: Still not showing any problems after I turned JSLint on for Javascript. May 04 00:15:04 have you included anything in your local CSS that overrides menu styles? May 04 00:15:15 Apr 20 01:04:52 when is this going to happen? May 04 00:15:15 Apr 20 01:04:58 we've got a lot of stuff going on right now and can't get to it right away, but I made my nerd commit to doing it within the next 3 weeks May 04 00:15:25 can't you diff yout code with the previous version? May 04 00:15:29 your* May 04 00:15:50 oil: I know, I know.... =] May 04 00:16:01 haha :) May 04 00:16:26 * haeffb has a pound of hamburger to grill some burgers tonight. Should I eat two 1/2-pound burgers or three 1/3-pound burgers ? May 04 00:16:33 haeffb: I don't see anything in my CSS that would have to do with menus. All of it is stuff that I've created and doesn't have to do with any menus. May 04 00:16:52 does it happen on device and emu both? May 04 00:17:10 Good idea. Let me open up emulator and check. May 04 00:18:31 haeffb: Both. May 04 00:18:45 haeffb: Yes. May 04 00:19:06 (to the burgers) May 04 00:21:04 * oil commissions sugardave to create a "Adora Wheel o Blame" :) May 04 00:21:12 hahahaaha May 04 00:23:17 haeffb: I just cleared out my CSS and it fixed the problem. Now to figure out which item is causing the problem... May 04 00:24:06 * halfhalo still wants a webos toaster May 04 00:24:58 * NuttyBunny too! webos toaster ftw! May 04 00:25:37 I'd even start eating toast if I had a webOS toaster May 04 00:25:42 * halfhalo also wants dev events down here. grrr May 04 00:25:47 I'd put my burgers on toast May 04 00:26:01 I'd put my Pre on the toaster ;) May 04 00:26:03 haeffb: here being? May 04 00:26:25 halfhalo: ^^^^^^^ May 04 00:26:33 LA May 04 00:26:38 haeffb: I found the thing responsible for the submenu issue. I was using a generic style .title for an image. I guess we shouldn't use common words like that for style names. Thanks for you help! May 04 00:27:18 I want to be able to control toast with my Pre :D May 04 00:27:39 haeffb: then I don't want the same thing May 04 00:28:04 * haeffb loves my Weber gas grill. May 04 00:28:13 and it doesn't even have webOS May 04 00:28:21 but it can make toast May 04 00:28:25 and burgers May 04 00:28:28 at the same time May 04 00:28:32 multitasking May 04 00:28:45 oh! Adora if you hold an event down here I totally will try to find that magic waiter! how's _that_ for a brib May 04 00:29:10 I'm late and lazy, so just imagine the wheel o' blame with Adora instead of oil May 04 00:29:45 aww May 04 00:36:19 can you say 'Aerial Burial' 3 times fast without messing it up? May 04 00:39:19 do I want to? May 04 00:39:37 halfhalo: yes May 04 00:39:56 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_Coaster May 04 00:39:58 Killer Coaster May 04 00:40:12 ... May 04 00:41:04 * haeffb going with two 1/3-pound burgers. May 04 00:41:06 wow. insane coaster May 04 00:41:18 * bnceo is having stuff crabs May 04 00:41:45 and arteriosclerosis in a year May 04 00:42:25 i had wendy's w/ woodchuck hard cider May 04 00:42:55 now this is engineering redundancy! "Subsequent inversions would serve as insurance against unintentional survival of passengers." May 04 00:44:06 I likeit May 04 00:47:17 "After a sharp right-hand turn the train would enter a straight, where loading of passengers and unloading of the bodies could take place." May 04 00:47:20 lmao May 04 01:54:59 oil: you should learn more maths May 04 01:55:05 tomorrow is the culmination of two weeks May 04 01:55:17 (I thought that went by too fast, sheesh) May 04 01:55:17 lol May 04 01:55:27 never underestimate a geek May 04 01:56:17 but their _both_ geeks! May 04 01:56:44 halfhalo: one has proven to be superior. Burn oil! May 04 02:00:38 this Ted talk is worth watching... http://www.ted.com/talks/sam_richards_a_radical_experiment_in_empathy.html May 04 02:00:40 * oil_ learns how to read calendar May 04 02:04:17 my pre suddenly switched time-zones :( o_O May 04 02:04:37 this is terrible, it needs to wake me up and warn me about meetings and such May 04 02:05:02 wow May 04 02:05:03 insane May 04 02:05:17 are you using a femtocell/airrave? May 04 02:05:53 no, but I have an NTP server in the local network which has a correct time May 04 02:07:49 ok, turning network time and time zone on and off and waiting a bit fixed it May 04 02:07:53 * madnificent is still scared though May 04 02:08:26 this could explain how I missed one of my job interviews (the pre definately didn't warn me, I never catched on why) May 04 02:08:30 The network time has to come from satellites May 04 02:08:35 I mean from towers May 04 02:09:00 I would switch from airplane mode on/off May 04 02:09:03 it doesn't browse my local network for it? May 04 02:09:18 nope. even if you are on wifi, network time means time from the cell tower May 04 02:09:27 cell network timezone or manual May 04 02:09:30 that's it May 04 02:09:44 there's probably a patch for ntp? May 04 02:09:55 even if you don't have it activated (like my Sprint Pixi Plus), it will have access to time on cell phone towers May 04 02:14:26 bnceo: only if your cellular provider provides that service. Some GSM providers don't. May 04 02:14:43 really? interesting May 04 02:14:47 I use the Clock Sync app myself. Works anywhere a network connection is available. May 04 02:15:38 I know on CDMA, it works. But the time on my dev Pre2 which is SIM card less, the time doesn't get sync up May 04 02:16:40 * PatrickC_Pre2 runs in and hides May 04 02:16:57 PatrickC_Pre2: how's that May 2 rumour working out for you? May 04 02:17:06 awesome! lol May 04 02:17:39 I actually talked to a sprint rep today about a problem with my phone, and while she was writing the stuff up, I asked her about 2.x for us May 04 02:17:49 and she said "we are working on it" May 04 02:17:56 * halfhalo cries since he is in the only building with no vending maching May 04 02:18:12 halfhalo: got the internship? May 04 02:18:31 PatrickC_Pre2: I expect you'd get exactly the same answer if you asked about webOS version 5.6 May 04 02:18:36 PatrickC_Pre2: 2.x for Pre minus users? May 04 02:18:42 hahaha. rod is so right May 04 02:18:46 bnceo: yep May 04 02:18:47 it's a canned response. May 04 02:19:02 rwhitby: she said they've been talking about it for a while, so idk May 04 02:19:18 I don't know why people even care about CSR responses. Same people who will go to a mirage and drink from the water when thirsty May 04 02:19:24 * PatrickC_Pre2 should ask them when we are getting webOS 20.99 May 04 02:19:30 "Customer: When will update be available?" "Response: We're working on it, please check out website for updates." May 04 02:20:22 yeah May 04 02:20:39 rwhitby: did the US get promo codes for Preware HB Documentation? May 04 02:21:00 its like 4 bucks, just buy it May 04 02:21:17 * PatrickC_Pre2 was just wondering May 04 02:21:23 PatrickC_Pre2: sorry, the promo codes are geo-restricted May 04 02:21:31 lol May 04 02:21:40 halfhalo: 99c actually May 04 02:21:41 I'm puzzled that they are May 04 02:22:06 bnceo: its rod's choice what countries get them afaik May 04 02:22:09 that's less than a taco on taco Tuesday. just buy it. May 04 02:22:24 I thought the promo codes have to be geo -restricted May 04 02:22:36 PatrickC_Pre2: If I could have made global codes, then US would have been able to use them. May 04 02:22:49 ah ok May 04 02:23:15 unfortunately, I was forced by Palm to geo-restrict them, rather than allow anyone in the world to use them. May 04 02:23:33 sigh May 04 02:23:33 weird May 04 02:24:18 All I want (and I think Rod too) is an explanation for the geo-restrictions. Sell is to us on why it's used and good. This silence or pseudo silence is irritating May 04 02:25:05 yeah, I'm in the US and not hit by the restriction much, but its still annoying May 04 02:25:11 bnceo: I haven't found an app developer yet who wants geo-restrictions to be the only option. May 04 02:25:26 more access, more buyers May 04 02:25:40 ^^ yep, exactly May 04 02:26:07 there is no good reason for it. it is a shortcut May 04 02:26:14 so I'd love to know what market research Palm did to come up with the geo-restricted plan for promo codes May 04 02:26:33 tibfib: shortcut for what? May 04 02:26:44 cause their competitors have global codes, so they must have a good reason not to at least match what their competitors do May 04 02:26:52 * halfhalo cries for sodypop May 04 02:27:06 PatrickC_Pre2: a shortcut instead of getting paid apps in all countries? May 04 02:27:20 try to sell it to us as to why. cause if they can't, they have no arguement for it May 04 02:27:34 yeah May 04 02:27:34 their competitors also have codes that are instantly available. for Palm codes you have to wait 24h before you can use them, and the validity starts at midnight GMT. May 04 02:27:35 I mean, is it really that hard to make global codes? May 04 02:28:03 is it really hard to make global paid-app access? May 04 02:28:04 sigh. such a good idea withi promo codes and it's getting wasted with red tape. May 04 02:28:12 PatrickC_Pre2: apparently... May 04 02:28:24 sadly May 04 02:28:29 PatrickC_Pre2: global paid access can be explained by legal and financial constraints. global promo codes cannot. May 04 02:28:39 (the lack of ...) May 04 02:29:08 in other news. I completed my first hardware conversion. Proud of myself May 04 02:29:13 * bnceo pats himself on back May 04 02:29:19 franken-what? :) May 04 02:29:24 Sprint Pixi Plus May 04 02:29:28 cool May 04 02:29:43 Kinda nervous about doing the Sprint Pre2 May 04 02:29:46 I want to make a frankenpre2, but I don't want to void my warranty :/ May 04 02:30:20 as I just used it today May 04 02:30:22 my warranty for my pre1 is long gone. And I'll have a new webos phone by the time my dev pre2 is done May 04 02:30:47 my warranty is still goin (and I have Insurance too :) ) May 04 02:30:57 I got rid of the best buy insurance May 04 02:31:04 oooh...I need to drop the insurance on my frankenPre2 May 04 02:31:04 mine's thru sprint May 04 02:31:07 it did no good for me anymore when they stopped carrying Pres May 04 02:31:17 haeffb: lol May 04 02:31:28 bnceo: they give you referbs then :) May 04 02:31:33 They basically would have given me a cheap Hero or something to upset it May 04 02:31:42 they wouldn't. Sprint does. BB won't May 04 02:31:52 ah yeah, BB wont May 04 02:32:22 But my Pre is dying. Getting annoyed with it. Might be time to mail it off and pay for the conversion May 04 02:32:56 if I do the conversion, I will buy a pre off of ebay first May 04 02:33:08 so if I break one, I have another pre to fall back on :) May 04 02:34:07 what about the Pre2? May 04 02:34:22 I will just hope I don't break it May 04 02:34:34 we are on sprint May 04 02:34:40 but, the pre2 doesn't have a radio I use (except for wifi) May 04 02:34:46 then just hope you don't break the Pre as well May 04 02:35:17 Ya. Maybe I should practice on a spare Pre from craigslist or elsewhere May 04 02:35:27 that's what I did May 04 02:35:41 they were really cheap on ebay for a while May 04 02:35:50 I'm gonna get a backup pre before I do anything May 04 02:36:06 until rwhitby and friends increased demand for used Pre's with their franken-instructions May 04 02:37:02 bastards May 04 02:37:17 heh. there's one for $4.99 with 4 min left May 04 02:37:21 there's a broken pre on sale now May 04 02:37:26 haha. haeffb found it too May 04 02:37:48 cracked screen May 04 02:38:04 the snipe is on! May 04 02:38:05 id buy it for the comms board May 04 02:38:18 quick! only 2 min left May 04 02:39:53 1 min! May 04 02:40:18 go go go May 04 02:40:22 not me. I'll wait May 04 02:40:52 buy it now for $19.99 working pre May 04 02:41:06 http://cgi.ebay.com/Palm-Pre-Sprint-used-CLEAN-ESN-/150583008388?pt=Cell_Phones&hash=item230f725c84 May 04 02:41:25 but $39.99 shipping.... :) May 04 02:41:33 ouch May 04 02:42:34 I almost got it May 04 02:42:44 I signed in like 5 seconds too late :/ May 04 02:43:02 haha May 04 02:43:03 oh well May 04 02:43:13 * halfhalo breaks door down to the taco bells May 04 02:43:54 this is the guy I got mine from: http://cgi.ebay.com/Palm-Pre-BROKEN-Sprint-PARTS-/160582670903?pt=Cell_Phones&hash=item2563791a37 May 04 02:45:32 4 pre's for 109.99 May 04 02:45:37 buy it now May 04 02:45:42 gogogo May 04 02:47:33 brb **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed May 04 02:59:58 2011