**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 23 02:59:57 2011 Oct 23 03:17:59 PuffTheMagic: backbone is supposed to be good Oct 23 03:24:27 anyone know of current issues connecting to Facebook chat from Chat app using patch? Oct 23 03:25:04 I disconnected as part of contact migration to google and can't reconnect. Oct 23 05:12:22 anyone hacked the scroller to scroll at a fixed rate? Oct 23 05:53:28 Tibfib_, jo mobile is too much html and backbone isnt enough widget Oct 23 05:53:30 i need enyo! Oct 23 08:23:27 have i ever mentioned how much i love webos ? Oct 23 08:26:36 exhibition app hack winner posted yesterday Oct 23 08:26:37 $(this).offset().left <== what does the $() mean in this context? Oct 23 08:27:29 (this isn't my code, I'm porting some "regular" js crap to enyo) Oct 23 08:32:58 y'know i see a lot of references to $ in javascript, but i haven't yet figured out what it refers to other than in Enyo Oct 23 08:38:16 i see "This is a function declared by many JavaScript frameworks as an extension of document.getElementById" Oct 23 08:38:59 so it's not a language thing, it's a framework defined thing Oct 23 09:42:56 Guh, I really hate how bipolar enyo's flex attribute is Oct 23 12:49:24 Hi all, anybody can help me on how I can setup a palm pre- to work without cell data access, only wifi? Oct 23 12:49:58 Sorry it is not a dev question Oct 23 12:50:07 any other place i can ask? Oct 23 12:51:36 wow, so many guys interested in webos Oct 23 12:53:28 wow looks empty here Oct 23 12:54:40 heh, i just wrote a *very* dirty script to automatically turn the screen off when the phone sits on the touchstone :) Oct 23 12:55:18 I wonder if webos is good enough for a *nix geek, a geek means the man like to use console Oct 23 12:55:20 how do i power off the veer with keyboard and buttons only? Oct 23 12:55:38 LaoLang_cool: its basically awesome Oct 23 12:56:16 you've got all the core unix utils, a completely functional shell via usb or on device and even a whole compiler toolchain if you like :) Oct 23 12:57:05 if that isn't enough, you can always chroot to debian Oct 23 12:57:17 steffen-: webos is based on debian? Oct 23 12:57:32 no, but there's a debian chroot available in preware Oct 23 12:58:01 I guess webos is linux + java apps Oct 23 13:04:07 no that's android Oct 23 13:04:30 oh Oct 23 13:04:58 webos apps are usually C\C++ or html\js Oct 23 13:06:05 oh, I guess maemo is more like *nix than webos, right? Oct 23 13:06:43 I heard that both os are dying... Oct 23 13:10:56 all OS's are dying Oct 23 13:11:27 ... Oct 23 13:11:42 why to say that? Oct 23 13:11:59 webOS underlying Linux userspace is based on OpenEmbedded Oct 23 13:25:41 rwhitby: thanks for useful info! Oct 23 13:43:03 hi all again, i'm a new touchpad customer :) now i have a touchpad and a pre3, i have same profile on both and bluetooth pairined as phone, but touch to share doesn't work, anyone can helpme ?? Oct 23 15:17:42 good morning everyone :) Oct 23 15:19:14 EricBlade: ever get your $ question answered? Oct 23 15:20:26 hola Oct 23 15:21:15 Tibfib_: it wasn't my question, i was researchign it to answer someone else Oct 23 15:21:28 ah well, did you find out? Oct 23 15:21:38 but thank you for asking :) yeah, i don't know if that guy ever checked back for an answer though Oct 23 15:22:31 gotcha Oct 23 15:30:54 http://www.dailysteals.com/ Oct 23 17:59:58 wait, the veer,pre2 and pre3 all have a 5 MP camera? Hrmm.. woulda expected at least one to have more.. Oct 23 18:00:01 (pre3) Oct 23 18:00:28 the pre3 has autofocus which is really great Oct 23 18:00:34 for sure Oct 23 18:00:52 (I mean, i assume so.. i only tried to use it once, and it seemed like it was autofocusing _constantly_) Oct 23 18:01:27 but it probably would have been considered a macro pic if i took it with a prior phone and been blurry Oct 23 18:04:40 man ebay does _not_ make it easy to copy pics off auctions Oct 23 19:06:37 hm, is the free app for everyone? http://palm.com/appspromo Oct 23 19:20:06 have not seen that link before Oct 23 19:24:16 Sorry! Oct 23 19:24:17 Serial number does not match for this promotion. Oct 23 19:25:09 is there anyway to detect the orientation of your app when the user has locked rotation? Oct 23 19:25:30 enyo.getWindowOrientation? Oct 23 19:25:31 the orientation they've locked in in, not the orientation its current in Oct 23 19:25:35 oh Oct 23 19:25:52 hmmm, I don't know Oct 23 19:26:27 ok. and as my part two ... :) Oct 23 19:26:55 hmmm...there's setAllowed, but no getAllowed that I can see Oct 23 19:26:57 is accelX and accelY of acceleration events, essentially the same as pitch/roll of orientation events. Oct 23 19:27:14 omg, you are asking hard questions! Oct 23 19:27:18 wtf is wrong with you? Oct 23 19:27:21 heh Oct 23 19:27:56 let me see if I can find something Oct 23 19:28:52 cool. I am pretty sure pitch/roll are the same as accelX/accelY - just a different scale. Oct 23 19:29:00 accelX Raw acceleration along X axes Oct 23 19:29:00 accelY Raw acceleration along Y axes Oct 23 19:29:01 accelZ Raw acceleration along Z axes Oct 23 19:29:25 but w/o the other - knowing the users locked orientation, I dont think you can properly adjust and respond to those events. Oct 23 19:29:47 I don't know if pitch is related or not...that should just be a measure of tilt from 0 Oct 23 19:30:00 ya, both seem to be measure of tilt from 0 Oct 23 19:30:50 like they're close to zero when flat, and pitch/roll is angle .. so up to +/- 90, but x/y are 0->1 scale of teh same thing Oct 23 19:30:51 so, if you could keep the pad at 0 picth, but moved it y, you don't think it would report accelY? Oct 23 19:31:26 ya, I dont think so because if i tilt it 45degreees and hold it steady, it still reports 0.5 Oct 23 19:31:38 that seems wrong :/ Oct 23 19:31:57 ya, but good enough for my purposes I guess. Oct 23 19:32:11 but ya, maybe wrong Oct 23 19:32:37 I haven't tried the lock orientation thing...you've already verified it can report the wrong orientation if it's locked? Oct 23 19:32:39 but ... the problem is if I want to know the user has locked an "up" but is actually in "right" I need to adjkust the values I'm getting so I can move things correctly. Oct 23 19:33:07 yea, orientation always seems to report the actual device orientation - regardless of lock. Oct 23 19:33:29 lame...let me hunt for a bit Oct 23 19:34:04 cool - let me know if you find something Oct 23 19:34:24 have an app hack entry hopefully, but looks like it cant work if you lock the orientation of the device. Oct 23 19:35:55 hmm, a system pref of "specifiedWindowOrientation" maybe? Oct 23 19:36:07 rwatkins: ^^^ Oct 23 19:36:38 hm, where woudl that be? Oct 23 19:37:36 https://developer.palm.com/content/api/reference/services/system-properties.html ? Oct 23 19:37:51 like how you get deviceInfo via service request Oct 23 19:38:22 rwatkins: yeah, that would be it if it's valid Oct 23 19:38:35 thx - lemme go look Oct 23 19:39:13 rwatkins: there is also a pref for "screenOrientation" (which does not honor the lock) and "windowOrientation" (doesn't say if it honors the lock or not) Oct 23 19:40:21 rwatkins: specifiedWindowOrientation will return null if not set, otherwise returns the value of setWindowOrientation...it might work :D Oct 23 19:43:45 so I call com.palm.preferences/specifiedWindowOrientation .. w/ no key? or thats the key to com.palm.preferences/systemProperties? Oct 23 19:44:25 that should be the key to systemProperties (I think) Oct 23 19:44:40 I'm looking at a collection of things that Ben has in the internal wiki Oct 23 19:44:52 they all seem to be "PalmSystem.properties" Oct 23 19:44:53 cool, lemme go setup a service kind and see Oct 23 19:45:59 I hope it's not just for Mojo :( Oct 23 19:49:35 ugh -> https://developer.palm.com/distribution/search.php?keywords=specifiedwindoworientation Oct 23 19:50:11 haha Oct 23 19:50:12 lame Oct 23 19:54:08 *sigh* 'no such key' Oct 23 19:54:26 lame Oct 23 19:54:31 https://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6937 Oct 23 19:54:48 so tried just 'window.PalmSystem.specifiedWindowOrienation' but null. Oct 23 19:57:18 ah Oct 23 19:57:42 that is probably correct, but the lock is not doing a setWindowOrientation...you'd only get that pref if you made that call yourself Oct 23 19:57:45 hmm Oct 23 19:58:07 ya, if the app sets the lock - the app knows what it set it at and can adjust :) Oct 23 19:58:23 but TP introduced system setting it for you ... and apparently not telling you. Oct 23 20:29:48 someone should make a lightsaber app for the touchpad and pre3, that makes the usuall "voom" "voom" noises when it detects accelerometer movement. kicker: when you hit them together, it uses touch-to-share to detect that and makes the lightsaber contact noises Oct 23 20:30:03 see how many Touchpads and Pre3's end up damaged Oct 23 20:31:36 eric there already is a saber app that does work on the TP Oct 23 20:31:54 and it detects the movement as well as sudden stops to play the proper sound file Oct 23 20:33:50 amusing, but the T2S spot is so small, I'm not sure how useful that'd be Oct 23 20:34:15 * EricBlade goes directly to the catalog Oct 23 20:35:19 There is saber app for touchpad? Oct 23 20:35:31 i really think the old catalog version did not show all apps, there's no way i would've missed this Oct 23 20:36:32 ugh its animation is really slow Oct 23 20:37:08 and it processes input about 2 seconds late Oct 23 20:37:42 Yeah. Oct 23 20:39:25 There is also one paid app. Oct 23 20:39:39 more like 5 or 6 seconds late Oct 23 20:43:56 ugh that's annoying, whenever you hit "Back" in the catalog, it refocuses the search box, which in turn brings up the keyboard Oct 23 20:52:32 hmm...so is there away to do something like a tag but for css? so that I can give images a relative path from a remote server? Oct 23 20:56:49 EricBlade: new feature in 3.0.4? my 3.0.2 catalog doesn't do that Oct 23 21:38:27 * EricBlade-TP yawns Oct 23 21:41:08 * EricBlade-TP notes that Skype performance has not improved when you have a hundred+ conversations open Oct 23 21:43:03 ohh the free app is veer only? too bad.. Oct 23 21:43:20 should be pre3 too imho :) Oct 23 21:50:23 dwc-: the link is in the veer box, fwiw.. and i'd think you could use impostah to work some magic to get the free app on your main profile Oct 23 21:54:16 hi all again, i'm a new touchpad customer :) now i have a touchpad and a pre3, i have same profile on both and bluetooth pairined as phone, but touch to share doesn't work, anyone can helpme ?? Oct 23 22:03:14 args. any reason why i can't use function objects as event targets instead of stupid strings? Oct 23 22:05:02 is there a quick way to reset my phone back to normal again but without loosing all my data? Oct 23 22:05:13 in so far as killing off all my patches etc Oct 23 22:06:37 Vyker: you seem to be wanting 2 contradictory things.. "reset to normal" "without losing patches".. :) Oct 23 22:07:05 ajay, without loosing data, want rid of all my patches Oct 23 22:07:13 my phone just wont keep systems sounds on, Oct 23 22:07:22 so i figure a patch too many has ruined it Oct 23 22:07:40 i get no system sounds anymore, no sms, no email, nothing! Oct 23 22:07:46 not even the swoosh when i throw a card. Oct 23 22:10:24 stbuehler: depending on what you're trying to do, you can cheat a little. For example, if you want to set a function for an onclick of something, you can use the node itself: this.$.someKind.hasNode().onclick = enyo.bind(this, function() {//blah}); Oct 23 22:11:25 Vyker: oops sorry i misread :) that happens to me sometimes, and it's never been related to any patches i have on Oct 23 22:11:30 sugardave: i'm working with WebServices. i don't have access to the request object, for which i want to set events Oct 23 22:12:14 Vyker: can you play music? make calls ok? (hearing through both speakers, regular and speakerphone?) Oct 23 22:12:27 i assume you've already rebooted Oct 23 22:13:34 any suggestions on pre3 screen protectors? Oct 23 22:13:36 stbuehler: well, then there's the long way Oct 23 22:13:49 sugardave: i'll keep trying.. :) Oct 23 22:14:02 Vyker: does it work with a headset? Oct 23 22:14:05 make a generic handler, and pass an object that has a callback function, check for it in the generic handler and execute it Oct 23 22:14:17 pass a different callback with different calls to webservice, etc. Oct 23 22:15:22 Dramatists: there's not too many people who have both a touchpad and a pre3. you might try either (a) contacting the HP Butler or (b) leaving a message on one of the forums Oct 23 22:15:32 that was for Darkmagister Oct 23 22:15:54 stbuehler: i was trying to lead upto that.. :) when this happens for me it's usually either phantom headset or problem with pulseaudio.. but he seems to have gone missing Oct 23 22:16:17 thanks EricBlade-TP i go to try something ;) Oct 23 22:16:18 EricBlade-TP: I thought you were making some sort of statement at first about dramatic people :) Oct 23 22:16:41 what: I think I hit "dra*tab* and then got autocorrect Oct 23 22:16:49 Darkmagister: when I was first trying it out, I felt it was a little picky Oct 23 22:17:04 Darkmagister: i think TTS is just tricky to do, from the one time i tried with friends.. hrmm maybe i should try it now.. Oct 23 22:17:10 ajay: oh jeez autocorrect and IRC do not mix Oct 23 22:17:44 make sure they're paired with each other (of course), you have to put the phone near the "center" button on the tp and one or the other devices needs to have the web browser open and on the page you want to share Oct 23 22:17:50 when I first got our touchpad, I was able to trigger the pairing with touch-to-share between them, but was never able to get it to -do- anything. since we got the official HP cases, I've not even been able to get them to think about pairing Oct 23 22:17:56 EricBlade-TP: oh hahahahaha.. i thought it was your irc client autoselecting the wrong nick, since that's my usual problem. :) (I never irc on webOS :) Oct 23 22:18:22 ajay: yeah I think it was a combination of autoselecting the wrong name -and- autocorrect Oct 23 22:18:33 ooo.. intense! heh Oct 23 22:18:47 wirc really should have spell correction off by default its not like anyone ever notices Oct 23 22:18:50 you can also do TTS between tablets...mine complain about not being paired to each other when I stack them Oct 23 22:18:50 :) Oct 23 22:19:33 sugarcane: adora complained a while back about having a desktop full of touchpad s that were all chirping at each other about tts . . Oct 23 22:19:44 ROFL Oct 23 22:19:46 sugardave Oct 23 22:19:50 oh wow there are multiple mentions of pre3 screen protectors, phew Oct 23 22:20:02 i have the hp case for the touchpad, i have the 2 device paired (i can make call from touchpad) i have wifi on on both device, but nothing pre3 landed on the touchpad in every position over the center button but nothig Oct 23 22:20:15 sugardave: we tried to do that at the sep webOS meetup (since nobody who was around atm had pre3s) but couldn't get it.. Oct 23 22:20:18 no wave on the touchpad display Oct 23 22:20:28 sugardave, should I try to pair the touchpad manually to each other before trying the touch-to-share? Oct 23 22:20:38 Darkmagister: did it make the "bloop" sound and do the little "flash" graphic? Oct 23 22:20:55 no nothig Oct 23 22:20:59 nothing Oct 23 22:21:06 EricBlade-TP: hmm...I don't think I paired my tablets actually Oct 23 22:21:14 no sound no grafich effect nothig Oct 23 22:21:16 in fact I know I did not Oct 23 22:21:29 yeah I don't think I had to pair them befre putting them together back in the first days when I got them .. now it won't even prompt for it though Oct 23 22:21:33 not since I put the cases on them Oct 23 22:21:40 I haven't had issues with T2S Oct 23 22:21:43 stbuehler, i dont have a headset to test Oct 23 22:21:45 and I'm not going to take the cases off of them, one case is rather screwed up after trying to take it off Oct 23 22:21:50 ajay, yeah i can make calls, all is well with the phone Oct 23 22:21:58 i just loose all system sounds, its very annoying Oct 23 22:21:59 only one of mine is in a case, though Oct 23 22:22:03 ive restarted loads of times. Oct 23 22:22:10 it's a little laggy sometimes, but it does work if you have all the setups Oct 23 22:23:37 anyone have any contact info (a chat maybe ) wich i can contact hp ?? Oct 23 22:24:19 there is online help, as per your devices and your instruction manuals Oct 23 22:25:04 Darkmagister: just tried TTS btwn pre3 and TP, took a second, but worked fine Oct 23 22:25:56 EricBlade-TP: oh you're talking about a case on your pre3 preventing you from TTS'ing? (or on your TP? because a case shouldn't get in the way?) Oct 23 22:26:08 s/second/minute Oct 23 22:26:17 minute ? Oct 23 22:26:36 it took a minute? Oct 23 22:26:38 ok i can try to leave the pre3 on thouchpad for a few minutes and see Oct 23 22:26:38 that's wrong Oct 23 22:27:01 it shouldn't be more than a few seconds, imo Oct 23 22:29:22 nothing here :( Oct 23 22:29:39 omg, what is wrong with enyo -.- Oct 23 22:30:10 sugardave: well it took me a few tries to find the right spot, and then it took like another 2-4 times to get the two to pair and turn on bluetooth properly. Oct 23 22:30:12 i got the webservice callbacks to work, but i only get the first response with 401; enyo already has the auth info, and does a 2nd request, but i never see the reply to that Oct 23 22:30:18 question: t2s use the same piece of hardware used to recharge the pre3 from the touchstone base ?? Oct 23 22:30:26 Darkmagister:no Oct 23 22:30:31 ok Oct 23 22:30:50 ajay: I just tried it with bt on only, no pairing beforehand...worked great, auto-paired and asked if I wanted to share messaging and then launched the browser on the pre3 Oct 23 22:32:10 stbuehler: if you want to micromanage it more, you can use enyo.xhrGet or enyo.xhrPost Oct 23 22:33:23 sugardave: yes, i'm look at the framework sources all the time to figure out what it is actually doing Oct 23 22:33:42 sugardave: you've got all that extra palm energy behind you.. :) Oct 23 22:33:46 http://www.hpwebos.com/us/support/ error !!!! Oct 23 22:34:10 dwc-: did you buy any pre3 screen protectors? Oct 23 22:37:39 no Oct 23 22:37:47 dunno where I would have found those anyways Oct 23 22:37:58 Darkmagister: no it does not Oct 23 22:39:58 sugardave, this might not be your area of expertise, but I noticed that the touchpad can't be paired to both a headset and a phone device at the same time. you wouldn't happen to know if that's a hardware or a software limitation? if it's not hardware, Oct 23 22:39:58 I might do some digging around to see if I can find a way to let it happen, figured if someone knew if it was hardware, though, that would make my quest easier Oct 23 22:41:06 sugardave: hm, the XHR object reached status 4 (DONE), otherwise enyo.xhr wouldn't call the enyo.WebService.Request::receive callback; so to me it looks like a bug in the webkit handling Oct 23 22:42:39 hmm. running wirc seems to do terrible things to my battery time. Oct 23 22:42:53 which might explain another bug in the webos browser; it doesn't ask for user/password on a 401 if there is not enough content (i'm working on a xbmc client, which has an empty 401 page in the web interface) Oct 23 22:44:43 dwc-: online.. looking to order some now, thought i'd see if you wanna go in on same if one of us finds a package deal (or just deal on shipping) Oct 23 22:44:51 s/same/some Oct 23 22:45:35 EricBlade-TP: that's no surprise (irc sounds battery intensive!).. Oct 23 22:47:00 it might be because I opened Skype. I think I totally abuse the messenger app compared to what the palm people expected for usage Oct 23 22:48:58 EricBlade-TP: is opening skype what kills battery, or just having it logged in? Oct 23 22:49:50 I'm not really sure. I know in 3.0.2, my touchpad was almost unusable when I had the messenger open and Skype logged in .. jstop once reported that the messenger had 40,000 handles open, to what I don't know Oct 23 22:50:07 ouch Oct 23 22:50:32 I haven't noticed it utterly killing my performance since upgrading to 3.0.4, but I also haven't used it too much, I've hardly been away from home since that update came out Oct 23 22:50:48 and now I'm both logged into Skype and irc, neither of which I normally do Oct 23 22:52:45 i hope the palm folks continue to push hard on fixes+updates before (seemingly) d-day.. Oct 23 22:54:02 has anyone tried having a screen protector over the camera? does it really screw things up? (wondering about the pre3/touchpad front camera, in particular) Oct 23 22:56:00 what d-day? Oct 23 22:56:20 rwatkins: the world ends on Nov 21st, right? Oct 23 22:56:43 or was that October 21st.. I can never keep up with all the nutcases Oct 23 22:57:29 hmm. I really need to get a development environment running on this touchpad, and remember to carry a spare charger with me. it's -dead- at work tonight, no customers, sitting here on my arse, chatting on irc Oct 23 22:57:53 EricBlade-TP: camping predicted maybe on 21 Oct Oct 23 22:58:11 EricBlade-TP: he has a tv channel here, it's _awesome_ Oct 23 22:58:38 there is this one show, with this woman that looks like she's actively decaying, and wears the most absurd clothes ever, that travels the world playing organs Oct 23 22:59:30 $8.96 for the skinomi pre3 skin protector.. i guess that's not bad shipped.. Oct 23 22:59:50 This rapture must be run by the railway. It's late, with no announcements to tell us what is going on... Oct 23 23:00:21 anybody have thoughts on screen protectors? (skinomi vs Oct 23 23:00:25 Vikuiti)? Oct 23 23:00:26 Hendikins: hey Oct 23 23:00:41 rwhitby: Morning. Packing up for a move here. Oct 23 23:01:17 Inspecting places at the moment, and doing the packing up as I can (because of my schedule) Oct 23 23:04:38 dwc-: did you ever get skype on any of your phones? Oct 23 23:05:57 ajay I know you didn't mention it and I don't know if they made one for it, but I love the Invisible Shield one on my iPod Touch Oct 23 23:06:37 i don't think they did.. let me look Oct 23 23:07:57 EricBlade-TP: oh, looks like i might have been mistaken! wow.. Oct 23 23:09:06 take that back.. it's available for preorder, i wont trust that it'll come out.. Oct 23 23:09:48 on the other hand, other people have told me that invisible shield brand is junk, but I really love the way it gave a slightly rubbery feel to my ipod. it didn't quite do the same thing for my touchpad though Oct 23 23:10:59 EricBlade-TP: hm, i'd need to hear more about why they said "junk," I am skeptical of that.. Oct 23 23:12:02 not sure really, it was back when I first got my touchpad and had mentioned that I'd just scored a sale on some invisible shields for them, a couple of people either here or on #touchpad said they were crap Oct 23 23:12:56 yeah i'd need to hear more from them about why they said that, there's a lot of relativism in opinions to wade through :) Oct 23 23:13:03 if I can locate another one, I'm going to replace it on my touchpad, I ended up getting a bunch of crap trapped under it, it's hard as hell to lay out a film like that size and get all the bubbles worked out of it without getting stuff under it, in a hou Oct 23 23:13:03 se with pets Oct 23 23:13:05 (or subjectivity might be the better word there!) Oct 23 23:13:30 EricBlade-TP: agreed.. i'm a little unhappy with how my screen protector went on my touchpad.. eh! Oct 23 23:14:15 yeah nothing for pre3 on invisibleshield.com.. Oct 23 23:14:25 I -almost- pulled the trigger on buying another touchpad today too, but I just can't justify spending 250 right now Oct 23 23:14:28 damn i have to get rid of all these pre screen protectors and batteries i've accumulated :) Oct 23 23:14:33 EricBlade-TP: are you a dev? Oct 23 23:15:06 i'd only spend $250 on a fauxG touchpad at this point.. (but i can't find them for less than $300) Oct 23 23:15:16 app dev Oct 23 23:15:45 i can't tell if that was a statement or a question.. ;^) do you have any apps out? Oct 23 23:15:47 if I saw a 4g tp for 300, I'd definitely fire on that one .. at least, if I could get service for it Oct 23 23:16:01 yeah .. http://ericbla.de/gvoice-webOS/ Oct 23 23:16:05 rr.. Oct 23 23:16:05 yeah i'm not sure how easy it would be to get an unlock code for a fauxG tPad Oct 23 23:16:10 no caps on the "OS" there Oct 23 23:16:13 oh!! i've been thinking about that for the past day, haha Oct 23 23:16:34 I'm quite content without the 3G TouchPad. It means I can tailor my connectivity to my requirements. Oct 23 23:17:12 * Hendikins has a variety of different devices he can use for connectivity, such as a HSPA+ DC mobile hotspot, an LTE1800 modem, etc. Oct 23 23:17:16 Hendikins: I was feeling the same way, but if one didn't have tethering to cell phone available, data plans seem cheaper than mifis (and less radioactive :) Oct 23 23:17:44 ajay: I have no idea what it is like in the US, but over here (on Telstra at least) data is data. Oct 23 23:18:29 I could tether to my Pre3 too, but I don't. Oct 23 23:19:01 Hendikins: yeah, unfortunately in the us, nothing is as it seems.. (data's not data.. calls aren't calls.. it goes on :) Oct 23 23:19:41 And since Telstra has an operational LTE network... it really doesn't make sense for me to tie my connectivity to the device itself. Oct 23 23:20:06 * Hendikins likes Telstra's LTE network. Likes it a lot! Oct 23 23:21:19 Isn't the TouchPad only HSPA+ 14.4 megabit? Oct 23 23:24:08 EricBlade-TP: oh yeah i think i hit you up on the forums about your app, to see about it working on phones.. :) Oct 23 23:25:12 ajay: installed the UK skype ipk in the root of my pre3 Oct 23 23:25:14 EricBlade-TP: i'm definitely looking for something to replace voogle on my touchpad.. would like notifications tho, sounds like your app wouldn't have a way to do that? Oct 23 23:25:15 works fine Oct 23 23:25:37 it does have notifications, although currently the app does need to be running to get them. Oct 23 23:25:49 put in almost no effort, but it didn't work on my pre2. will revisit someday when I have some more time Oct 23 23:26:09 dwc-: nice.. too bad you couldn't fix the appcat.. :( Oct 23 23:26:41 I tried to load it on my VzPre+ the other day.. there are some things that need to happen in some databases to get it to work, of which i know nothing.. Oct 23 23:27:09 I'm actually pretty excited for the next update to gvoice to come up, there's a screenshot of it on site, and I already updated the what's new page.. hoping to get that submitted tonight Oct 23 23:27:28 installed fine, I copied dependencies over, but couldn't add account info Oct 23 23:27:31 I hope that the Palm folks will update skype to work on 2.1+ (a la Bing maps.. oh but that was a necessary update so that's different..) Oct 23 23:28:41 I have not enyo'd my pre2, I figured I'd take another look at it afterwards Oct 23 23:29:59 dwc-: wait, the UK skype ipk installed fine on your pre2?? maybe i should have tried that one then! and which dependency? the only one i got was for skypem, which i could fix Oct 23 23:30:53 what were you trying? Oct 23 23:30:56 s/could/couldnt Oct 23 23:31:02 i tried the Vz (from doctor) skype ipk Oct 23 23:31:11 s/Vz/VzPre3/ Oct 23 23:32:41 no answer useful from us chat support :( after few question a tring pairing device tell me to try to contacting the uk phone support (becuase the pre3 is french) tomorrow i'm gonna try Oct 23 23:34:34 Darkmagister: so you keep trying to touch them together and just nothing happens? have you tried another tp or pre3? Oct 23 23:34:45 no Oct 23 23:34:47 touch and hold Oct 23 23:34:49 you have to know the right spot on both Oct 23 23:34:53 no other touchpad or pre3 Oct 23 23:34:54 :( Oct 23 23:35:07 oh i was thinking you'd have a friend w/ TP or pre3.. Oct 23 23:38:19 hm, tried to compare gVoice and GV Text on the appcat (online).. I can't find the former, and the latter's screenshots are broken. palmFail Oct 23 23:38:34 (or.. what's the word? facePalm?) Oct 23 23:39:07 Darkmagister: you're sure you're holding it right, right? (pun possibly intended?) Oct 23 23:39:21 i think yes Oct 23 23:39:45 EricBlade-TP: you should include a link to the appCat on your site.. Oct 23 23:39:52 hp logo from the rear of the pre3 landed on exacly o near the button on the touchpad Oct 23 23:40:29 Darkmagister: oh.. i was doing it face to face.. try just moving it around, several seconds per area Oct 23 23:41:02 (but the home button on touchpad is definitely right.. don't know where the TTS coils in the pre3 are tho) Oct 23 23:41:03 ajay: gvoice should be showing up in the touchpad and pre3 catalogs . . ? Oct 23 23:41:23 EricBlade-TP: i dunno, i'm just looking on the website.. i really find my computer much more comfortable to use than either of those :) Oct 23 23:42:15 ok tommorow i try again now ... if i do a full erase from the device info on the touchpad i remove my hp profile and i have the activation process to do again ? Oct 23 23:42:16 ajay: you know, I probably should add a link, I didn't even realize that you could link to catalog entries and people could go there from the touchpad, until a few days ago. I figured since the page is just about useless for linking to on pc, that it wou Oct 23 23:42:16 ldn't go any better Oct 23 23:43:31 Darkmagister: i can't imagine an erase is the issue, but you will have to relogin to your profile.. (i assume that's whaty you mean by activation) Oct 23 23:43:47 no i whant to create a new profile Oct 23 23:43:52 for have paid app Oct 23 23:44:03 EricBlade-TP: yeah, just make sure you link with a the proper protocol (http vs https iirc..) Oct 23 23:44:05 or it's better to doctor it Oct 23 23:44:51 Darkmagister: who knows, if it's a software problem, def doctor it. if it's a hardware problem, send it in. else, you're holding it wrong :) Oct 23 23:45:32 ajay it's http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.ericblade.googlevoiceapp Oct 23 23:45:50 EricBlade-TP: yeah i pulled it up on my TP just now.. :) Oct 23 23:46:11 interest that yours is similar priced to GV Text, both of which are more than voogle and (iirc) gDial were back in the day.. Oct 23 23:46:30 s/interest/interesting (that I can't type and :) Oct 23 23:47:20 are you allowed to have the same credit card on multiple palm profiles? Oct 23 23:50:28 EricBlade-TP: text-to-speech notifications? oo, that sounds kind of hot! will it read my texts to me?? Oct 23 23:51:08 the next update will be able to read new text messages, provided you don't receive a whole mess of them in one conversation in one update, as the notifications only pick the newest message in each thread Oct 23 23:51:18 EricBlade-TP: did you add that due to the apphack challenge? oo, and you have the much-vaunted 'archive' feature. nice! Oct 23 23:51:54 I added it, but I missed the deadline for the app hack, I was too busy with some contract work at the time Oct 23 23:52:11 once i figure out how to make+receive google voice calls on my touchpad, i will have to find a good GVoice app for sure! Oct 23 23:52:43 EricBlade-TP: from the story about the winner, i think you would have had a hard time winning anyways.. (who knew that good backstories were so important! I guess i shoulda :) Oct 23 23:53:31 well when I added gvoice, there was only gv text, so I priced competitively. I'm in no hurry to fight for the bottom of the barrel price. Oct 23 23:54:42 I had no idea all of the functions that I'd end up implementing after the first release, I didn't even know google voice did half the stuff I've added since then Oct 23 23:55:13 dwc-: oh you're right, i'd want my free app on my main profile too.. (but I haven't even activated a veer yet.. need an att sim first) Oct 23 23:55:22 EricBlade-TP: heh, nice.. :) Oct 23 23:58:12 the iTunes store has promoted this mentality that apps should be 99c, but I doubt that very few people who price their products at 99c ever make anything even resembling what their app was worth timewise Oct 23 23:59:37 and i think android has promoted the mentality that apps should be free.. (its ridic how easy it is to get free apps!) Oct 24 00:01:27 EricBlade-TP: oh you know what'd be sweet is if you could hack into nuance, and have her default to your app being the call-engager! Oct 24 00:02:22 hack into who and use it for what? Oct 24 00:03:27 EricBlade-TP: the webOS nuance voice dialer, like when you hold volume up, you can say "Call EricBlade-tp" and it'll call you.. Oct 24 00:03:33 (not avail on TP afaik) Oct 24 00:03:39 wow zooey reachable was doing the national anthem for the baseball game tonight.. man that girl's got a nice set of .. lungs. Oct 24 00:04:41 EricBlade-TP: ever since i saw her in that Jim Carrey movie i think she's soo funny Oct 24 00:05:04 oh.. unfortunately, I'm not quite versed in how to do voice recognition stuff, but I do have a couple of ideas Oct 24 00:06:39 EricBlade-TP: I don't think you'd have to be versed in it to hack nuance, ideally you'd let it do all the heavy lifting, and just hack it so that where it calls the webOS dialer, it calls you instead :) Oct 24 00:06:55 yeah.. if I had that :D Oct 24 00:07:23 EricBlade-TP: Oh, and if you can get universe and pronto dial to support your app, that'd get you a bunch more users.. the fact that they both support voogle helps keep me to voogle Oct 24 00:08:01 s/calls you/calls your app/ Oct 24 00:09:49 I'm not familiar with those apps. at the moment, gvoice only works on touchpad and pre3, but if I can locate a way to get Enyo on an emulator, and/or obtain an older device, I'll try to get it up on there Oct 24 00:10:52 EricBlade-TP: universe & pronto dial are great, i'd recommend checking them out. Oct 24 00:11:10 universe is an alternate web browser. Pronto dial is a quick dialer.. (hence the name :) Oct 24 00:11:50 i imagine some people have stopped using universe due to long-time no updates, but as soon as the TouchPad update comes it should explode again Oct 24 00:12:59 theoretically, one could hack the file that has the url handlers listed in it, to call gvoice for tel: protocol links, although at the moment, it only supports passing in a number to it for sending messages, not calls Oct 24 00:13:16 I Couldn't find a way to attach multiple Just Type actions to the program Oct 24 00:14:13 nor could I find a way to attach as an action for a contacts list selection, which is really a damn shame Oct 24 00:14:59 the synergy stuff seems like it really could be put to a ton more and better usage, if other apps could get data from it, instead of just to it Oct 24 00:16:07 EricBlade-TP: hacking the URL handlers would be a super-sweet patch! you should be able to have multiple Just Type actions tho, many apps seem to.. (or maybe it's multiple, but one in each category of JT) Oct 24 00:16:28 not sure exactly what you mean about contacts and synergy tho.. Oct 24 00:17:50 if you find a contact in Just Type, there doesn't seem to be any way to add an action to the menu for it Oct 24 00:18:10 like Just Type->Eric Blade->Text with GVoice, I don't think that can be done (or if it can be, I don't see how yet) Oct 24 00:18:25 have to add it to the quick actions, where it doesn't integrate to the contacts list Oct 24 00:18:37 EricBlade-TP: ohhhhh.. gotcha Oct 24 00:19:13 EricBlade-TP: you could (iirc) hack it so that the phone number/sms launches your app tho Oct 24 00:19:43 yeah you can go into just type, enter something, and hit the quick action for Send Text with GVoice, and it'll auto fill the text box Oct 24 00:20:22 EricBlade-TP: have you asked about this stuff in the developer forum? Oct 24 00:20:59 I meant when you choose a contact in JT, you could (I think) have it launch your app when i hit the person's #/SMS icon.. Oct 24 00:21:22 yeah, getting access to the contacts system is pretty much impossible, other than calling the existing contacts app, and having it paste individual bits of information to the app Oct 24 00:23:03 EricBlade-TP: um, twice you wrote 'yeah,' and i'm not feeling like what you're talking about is what i'm talking about :) Oct 24 00:23:45 I've been getting that problem a lot today, it may have to do with that I've been awake for about 20 hours now and am fading out here, although I'm stuck at work for another 4 hrs Oct 24 00:23:47 i've seen posts in the dev forum about restricting apps access to texts and i believe contacts (like creating actions for calls from certain folks) Oct 24 00:24:37 EricBlade-TP: right on.. i'm way past lunchtime, so maybe we'll chat more.. i'm really thinking that folks either in these channels or the dev forums (or maybe the PC forums) could help you come up with some cool hacks you could throw in preware as patches! Oct 24 00:24:37 I don't -think- there's any way to add to the contacts fly-out menu, and I'm just about positive, that there's no way to access contacts data directly Oct 24 00:25:22 EricBlade-TP: I don't think there's an official way to add the fly-out, nor have it call your app when you hit their #/sms icon, but i'm sure there are homebrew ways Oct 24 00:25:35 s/i don't think/i'd believe you that / Oct 24 00:26:06 i want to hear these lungs you speak of, kinda lazy to find a video of that tho.. Oct 24 00:26:24 it wasn't really the lungs I was looking at Oct 24 00:29:48 yeah i know, but i find anything else hard to believe (from searching google) Oct 24 00:31:35 video is the only way to know Oct 24 00:33:56 damn, i bought the 64gb touchpad cuz the guys in the store told me the fauxG had 1.2 GHz processor, i think they were wrong.. arg Oct 24 00:34:45 they were Oct 24 00:34:46 yea Oct 24 00:35:18 sigh, i could have traded for the 64 later too.. Oct 24 00:36:17 hm, i am willing to spend $50-100 extra for a fauxG, maybe if i could get someone to buy my used 32 for 250 and then i could buy theirs for $350? but that's supporting their overpricing.. Oct 24 00:42:13 dwc-: well i'm going to grab a pre3 screen protector in the next day, so if you're interested hit me up! Oct 24 00:45:46 ok, way past that time.. (how do I spend this much time in irc?? the mind reels/baffles :) Oct 24 00:55:05 anyone else having issues with wORD? Oct 24 00:55:11 wIRC* Oct 24 00:55:48 I hit join and nothing happens Oct 24 01:06:22 for an app just getting off the ground is there a beta path to get some feedback? Oct 24 01:36:33 dylanmei: the HP app catalog has a beta path - details on developer.palm.com Oct 24 01:36:52 or you can stick an ipkg on a web page and tell people to install it with Preware Oct 24 01:37:08 the former is more official, the latter is more efficient. Oct 24 01:37:45 is the catalog the same as this list of apps beta apps on precentral? http://www.precentral.net/apps-beta Oct 24 01:38:06 there's only 37 in there, and they all look old. Oct 24 01:40:57 dylanmei: there used to be an XML feed from HP of the "beta" apps - thats nolonger available Oct 24 01:41:26 the usual method is to submit via the developer portal, but to the "Beta" catalog rather than the regular app catalog. Oct 24 01:41:54 ok i see. yes and use a "beta" in the app id. thx. Oct 24 01:42:01 Beta approval is completely automated - no review, and you get back a direct install link thats valid to use directly on a web OS device. Oct 24 01:42:29 and with that i could open a precentral thread because there's no automatic discovery... Oct 24 01:42:53 right Oct 24 01:45:01 with node services and db kinds the app id problem seems super awkward. Oct 24 01:45:11 thanks for pointer Oct 24 01:46:38 Hey guys!!! Quick question, anybody knows if the webOS 3.x browser/Luna support canvas.toBlob??? Oct 24 01:47:09 ya, you'll need to maintain essentially two apps I think. Oct 24 01:47:48 I avoid coding the app ide in the app itsefl - I get it from appInfo() Oct 24 01:48:01 or add a build step perhaps Oct 24 01:50:21 ya thats a good tip. not a big deal if i get myself organized :P Oct 24 01:52:18 i doubt toBlob is implemented yet. don't think chrome has it even Oct 24 01:53:38 dylanmei: yep, that's what I'm reading... argh... toDataURL takes 2 seconds to convert a 8.5x11in page (at 200dpi)... too much :S Oct 24 01:54:16 Is 150dpi a decent resolution? Or I should better go with 200dpi and see how it goes? Oct 24 01:54:35 * NuttyBunny needs to do more tests... Oct 24 01:54:48 for humans? yeah 150 is good i would think. Oct 24 02:06:41 you know, my life would be so much easier if we supported -webkit-box-shadow Oct 24 02:08:16 sugardave - everyone's life would be better. Oct 24 02:08:39 that is probably what i dislike the most about webos Oct 24 02:08:59 now I have to like, do work and think and stuff Oct 24 02:09:26 thinking is overrated. you don't have to think Oct 24 02:09:34 not many do Oct 24 02:10:34 eh, fake it. border-bottom: 1px solid #888; border-right: 1px solid #888; - done! Oct 24 02:10:41 mojo question: what's the best way to indicate in a normal list of rows of labels that one of the rows is "selected" ? Oct 24 02:10:58 I want to be able to tap on each row, and have it be "selected" (exclusively) Oct 24 02:11:56 * fxspec06 has no experience with that Oct 24 02:11:58 oh, I used to know this... Oct 24 02:12:28 you can have a .selected class for your widget/element and I THINK Mojo will add .selected class automagically when you tap something in a list Oct 24 02:12:52 dave it does that for buttons i dunno if it does that for everything Oct 24 02:12:54 hmm - removing the momentary highlight might even do it Oct 24 02:13:09 there's something about that for .selected items in a list "there can be only one" Oct 24 02:13:46 dawm: hmm, maybe it is only for buttons...but I'm not sure Oct 24 02:14:17 .addClass("selected"); ? Oct 24 02:14:19 * rwhitby notes this is for Tailor - on-device filesystem partitioner Oct 24 02:14:42 and it has to be Mojo? :P Oct 24 02:15:21 Is Enyo on all webOS 2.x devices world-wide? Oct 24 02:15:44 (including FrankenDevices for which the app catalog thinks they are 1.4.5 ?) Oct 24 02:15:48 I'm going to say "no" Oct 24 02:15:54 even though I don't really know the answer Oct 24 02:15:59 then the answer is "Yes, it has to be Mojo" Oct 24 02:16:17 since Palm can't put together a comprehensive official migration strategy for Enyo. Oct 24 02:17:03 * rwhitby thinks x-mojo-tap-highlight might be the key Oct 24 02:17:23 rwhitby, yeah Oct 24 02:17:26 that's the one Oct 24 02:17:30 if you have that, it will apply .selected when tapped Oct 24 02:17:42 thats how i make my custom buttons Oct 24 02:17:48 * rwhitby wonders where the values for that are documented Oct 24 02:17:55 they're not Oct 24 02:18:04 I see momentary, immediate, persistent in a web search Oct 24 02:18:06 I had to search through source to find potential values Oct 24 02:18:06 i've looked for those before Oct 24 02:18:11 delayed Oct 24 02:18:13 never found them. =( Oct 24 02:18:25 there's another one...let me see if I can find it Oct 24 02:18:28 delayed too Oct 24 02:20:45 persistent is not exclusive Oct 24 02:22:31 hmm, I can't seem to locate any "xmojo" in any of my old apps Oct 24 02:22:35 was sure I had some somewhere Oct 24 02:23:13 now to work out how to "unselect" the others when one is selected ... Oct 24 02:23:24 that's the automagic, I think Oct 24 02:23:28 and how to select the first one programmatically for the default Oct 24 02:23:39 sugardave: the magic is not working. it's not exclusive Oct 24 02:23:47 oh oh, I see Oct 24 02:23:57 what about immediate? Oct 24 02:25:36 seems to be same as momentary Oct 24 02:26:40 why now just catch the tap event and apply/remove Oct 24 02:27:20 not Oct 24 02:27:54 * rwhitby notes that you're talking to a web/css/mojo newbie Oct 24 02:28:00 rwatkins: probably something like that, but they're going to want it to be all gradient-y Oct 24 02:28:08 apply/remove what? Oct 24 02:28:26 rwhitby: I call BS, by now you've done enough you're not a n00b anymore Oct 24 02:30:14 rwhitby: dawm is suggesting you put a tap listener on the parent of whatever these things are, then manually add a class name to the selected item and remove that class from the others (I am inefficient and loop through them all to do the remove, then add on the selected one) Oct 24 02:31:15 so if it's a List widget, that's easy because you get the item index in the ListTap event...otherwise, it's a little trickier if you have to use just Tap Oct 24 02:31:43 but you can usually drill into the event object to find which srcElement was tapped Oct 24 02:35:07 sugardave: ya, then your kinda stuck with creating a duplicate box offset with relative position and gradients or images. have fun! Oct 24 02:35:23 or if you keep track of which index was last tapped you can deselect that one instead of looping through Oct 24 02:35:34 he wants multiple selecteds Oct 24 02:35:38 no need to loop thru anything Oct 24 02:35:48 ah Oct 24 02:38:11 no, I want exclusive Oct 24 02:38:23 persistent, exclusive Oct 24 02:39:12 now, what type of thingo can I use addClassName on Oct 24 02:40:57 not this.ListModel.items[i] it seems ... Oct 24 02:43:09 rwhitby: it has to be a DOM element Oct 24 02:43:52 so like the auto-generated list row div Oct 24 02:44:44 rwatkins: how about I just hypnotize them into thinking that box shadows are dumb? Oct 24 02:45:13 sugardave: better approach, I agree. Oct 24 02:46:40 * rwhitby does it by regenerating the list each time it is tapped, and putting #{selectedClass} in the row template Oct 24 02:46:42 so any grand ideas on how to get an Enyo scroller to scrollTo() at a fixed scroll rate? rather than the default one that starts fast n slows down? Oct 24 02:47:27 wanna have a "while this state set" scroll up a X pixels per sec. Oct 24 02:47:52 not exactly eager to write my own entire ScrollStrategy Oct 24 02:49:01 look at the source! (that's what i've always been told) ;) Oct 24 02:49:24 ya, I did. ScrollStrategy - look at it. Ugh. and Math not exactly my area of expertise Oct 24 02:49:50 rwhitby: "spontaneous"...at least for x-mojo-touch-feedback Oct 24 02:50:11 what does that do? tap stuff when you're not expecting it? Oct 24 02:50:30 enyo.scrollstrategy. hmm Oct 24 02:50:36 heh, I'm not sure...but it's a valid one that I use in something :D Oct 24 02:51:42 damping. you've got 3 values: springdamping, dragdamping, and frictiondamping. then you've got snapfriction Oct 24 02:51:48 fxspec06: ya, I've messed with kFrictionDamping to get it to scroll fast n come to a halt quick, but not clear how to get it to move linearly. Oct 24 02:52:08 what about interval Oct 24 02:52:30 that's just the ms it takes to scroll? Oct 24 02:52:30 fxspec06: I assume thats just framerate Oct 24 02:52:43 and fixedTime .. appeard to do nothing Oct 24 02:52:50 can't you just do scrollTo yourself on a drag event? force it to only scrollTo a few pixels every few milliseconds? Oct 24 02:53:13 ^^^^^^^^^^^ there's some crazy thinking Oct 24 02:53:16 i like Oct 24 02:53:22 sugardave: ya, I could set a timer and scrollTo - but to get it smooth I have to do it like every 40ms? Oct 24 02:53:30 that seems .. like maybe a bad idea? Oct 24 02:53:36 yeah, it is :D Oct 24 02:53:44 thanks guys, my ugly but effective method works, and the complexity of your solutions for this HTML/CSS newbie is what drove me in that direction ;) Oct 24 02:53:53 lately I'm the king of Mr. Right Now, though Oct 24 02:53:58 ha Oct 24 02:54:02 lol Oct 24 02:54:17 its an AppHack, so maybe its "good enough for now" Oct 24 02:55:43 actually setScrollTop, not scrollTo I guess if I'm faking it Oct 24 02:55:57 so er you want it to scroll linear and just flat out stop Oct 24 02:56:02 ya Oct 24 02:56:41 because I'm watching a value and when that value is set, just slowly scrolling up. Oct 24 02:57:21 or down. when the value chagnes, I just stop. ease out would be fine, but need it to be linear while its on. Oct 24 02:57:22 rwatkins: or setScrollPositionDirect...looks like it still does effect scrolling Oct 24 02:57:53 oh it does the same thing, just sets top and left **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Oct 24 02:59:56 2011