**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jan 14 02:59:57 2012 Jan 14 03:15:33 i wouldn't think anyone would have trouble with a hello world app Jan 14 03:15:53 (unless it was android) Jan 14 03:22:47 i had to write one line of code... Jan 14 03:27:05 grrr... 3.0.5 no longer can call my voicemail from the voicemail button on the touchpad Jan 14 03:51:00 hmm. is there some easy way to detect a zoom/pinch ? Jan 14 04:01:37 hey cwayne Jan 14 04:01:45 PatrickC: hey Jan 14 04:01:54 hows it goin? Jan 14 04:02:33 PatrickC: good, you Jan 14 04:02:45 goin good Jan 14 04:02:58 had internet issues earlier. but its all good now :) Jan 14 04:03:06 learning C# and how to do wp7 dev Jan 14 04:05:53 webOS needs a tutorial series like the one im watching. a super in-depth one for new-comers :) Jan 14 04:12:59 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs Jan 14 04:16:44 video* Jan 14 04:17:11 !google javascript tutorial videos Jan 14 04:17:54 dwc-: that's too easy Jan 14 04:23:30 anybody want to design some button graphics? hehe Jan 14 04:24:20 (_______) Jan 14 04:26:34 EricBlade1: http://www.iconfinder.com/ Jan 14 04:35:36 never heard of iconfinder before Jan 14 04:50:59 anyone know of an example i can look at code wise for something like this? https://developer.palm.com/content/api/images/design/media-playback-components-browser-widget.png Jan 14 04:51:21 on early versions of nomnomnom I did that Jan 14 04:51:36 hrmmm, now that I think about it, I don't think I ever committed it Jan 14 04:51:48 i'm guessing that it's actually the regular ProgressSlider but inside something else? Jan 14 04:52:21 yeah Jan 14 05:01:57 OH there's an "altBarPosition" attribute in ProgressSlider that does it Jan 14 05:39:19 EricBlade1, ping? Jan 14 05:42:41 hmm.. the opacity of something inside an object with a lower opacity cannot be higher. great. Jan 14 05:45:30 hmm.. is there some way i can hook to -all- touch events in the app... Jan 14 06:02:54 hmm. need to come up with a strategy to make components disappear when the app is not being touched. Jan 14 06:03:22 and preferably make it look good :| Jan 14 06:03:56 EricBlade1: can you modify the Z axis in some way to place them behind other controls? Jan 14 06:05:46 well, it's a toolbar, so it needs to occupy space when it's visible, and not when it's not.. but i don't know of any way to animate a "setShowing" :D Jan 14 06:06:20 i don't want it to overlay, because then you can't reach the bottom of a list Jan 14 06:07:03 Is there a directory on the device where webOS apps are stored? Jan 14 06:07:34 I think it might be /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/, but I'm not sure Jan 14 06:08:11 EricBlade1: hm... can you move it the x axis off bottom of the screen and move it back? Jan 14 06:09:34 invalidopcode: i.. don't know? Jan 14 06:09:54 webOSNewbie: yes Jan 14 06:10:33 So... Does this mean you have the source for every single app you have installed? Jan 14 06:10:36 whoa, my extensive collection of "heavy metal covers of non-heavy metal songs" just dug up a fantastic version of Lola by Andy Taylor Jan 14 06:10:53 well, all the Javascript ones yes Jan 14 06:12:06 gtg Jan 14 06:24:47 oh, here's a big "d'oh!" Jan 14 06:25:17 enyo sliding views don't work in landscape on phones with the gesture area to the right Jan 14 06:25:26 otherwise it's a card gesture Jan 14 06:36:15 EricBlade1: sorry about that.... computer freezed up. um... idk, i was just throwing out ideas Jan 14 06:53:45 hmm. i set my pre2 to 600mhz earlier because of extreme battery drain from skype, and performance wise it's still smoking my 1.1ghz pre+ Jan 14 06:53:47 weird Jan 14 06:56:41 2.2.4 can't swipe in from the right no matter which landscape orientation you have Jan 14 07:01:16 hey i have js which give date..where to write this in my enyo app so it would give me the same?? Jan 14 07:01:19 Jan 14 07:02:13 { content: Date() } ? Jan 14 07:06:36 ok, my last show stopper for this app is scrollers that don't work right. sigh Jan 14 07:07:26 hey i have js which give date..where to write this in my enyo app so it would give me the same?? Jan 14 07:07:29 Jan 14 07:07:39 { content: Date() } ? Jan 14 07:08:07 ok, my last show stopper for this app is scrollers that don't work right. sigh Jan 14 07:10:53 ericBlade1 : no thisisnt workin.. Jan 14 07:12:21 my guess is that's because Date() is not a function Jan 14 07:13:10 ok..actually i have js code .. Jan 14 07:13:26 i dont know how to include it in my app. Jan 14 07:13:34 ny idea? Jan 14 07:13:52 add the file containing it to your depends.js ? Jan 14 07:14:05 done.. Jan 14 07:14:20 but i want it to load the file at first Jan 14 07:14:23 amd: check the error log Jan 14 07:14:48 coz it's givin me the initial startup scene Jan 14 07:14:56 i need to keep a skeleton app around for generating apps that screw enyo up Jan 14 07:15:34 there's no error but it's not giving me the initial startup page also? Jan 14 07:16:48 are you running this in chrome or in emulator or on device Jan 14 07:17:00 emulator.. Jan 14 07:17:14 try it in chrome Jan 14 07:17:14 do you have chrome setup to run it? Jan 14 07:17:26 let me tell u the scene.. Jan 14 07:17:44 i have the code as follow.. Jan 14 07:17:52 http://pastie.org/3160708 Jan 14 07:18:09 http://pastie.org/3182653 Jan 14 07:18:19 the latter are the functions.. Jan 14 07:19:02 now in index.html am calling my main.js ...and now what shall i wrie in main.js to call this file? Jan 14 07:19:44 this doesn't look like it has much to do with enyo at all Jan 14 07:20:32 ... it looks like Mojo Jan 14 07:22:14 dammit! Jan 14 07:23:24 invalidopcode: no mojo par has been put up as comment.. Jan 14 07:23:36 it's just js nothing else. Jan 14 07:23:55 ok... then what does that have to do with enyo? Jan 14 07:24:30 this i done for mojo.. Jan 14 07:24:55 now for enyo....actually this code will give initiall layout.. Jan 14 07:25:05 just want to include this thing? Jan 14 07:27:41 it's a js code and i put this thing in the setup (assistant) function in mojo ny idea invalidopcode? Jan 14 07:28:09 maybe... idk, i don't do mojo, im more familiar with enyo Jan 14 07:28:55 YES i fixed my drag/drop and scrolling. yay. Jan 14 07:29:02 then how do i include thid js coded file in my enyo? Jan 14 07:29:16 you list it in your depends Jan 14 07:30:22 ericblade1: done that but what scene to render in index.html? Jan 14 07:30:35 in index we can render any "kind"..and this file doesn't have ny. Jan 14 07:30:45 that's becuase it's not written for enyo Jan 14 07:34:53 ericblade1: can i do this way like declaring the functions of this file in my main.js ? Jan 14 07:35:16 coz this file i already have it in depend' Jan 14 07:35:39 if you're trying to write this as an enyo app, you'll probably need to re-write the entire thing Jan 14 07:36:44 it's probably pretty difficult if you don't really understand javascript (like i don't really understand javascript very well) to take a bunch of stuff that was written to output to a web page, and make it work inside a framework that doesn't work like that Jan 14 07:38:40 but if it works in mojo framework then shd do it in enyo as well.. Jan 14 07:38:52 both usses js Jan 14 07:40:09 we both have feet, but i wear size 9 shoes. how about you? Jan 14 07:40:37 mojo and enyo work in a completely different fashion Jan 14 07:58:27 daaaaaaamn the headphone output on the Pre kicks the iTouch's ass Jan 14 14:36:20 hey ..i want to print helloworld on screen in enyo Jan 14 14:36:24 howw to do? Jan 14 14:48:22 hey...i want to call a function say abc in enyo how to do? Jan 14 14:51:31 depends on where you want to call it from Jan 14 14:51:35 this.abc(); Jan 14 14:53:22 no i have a blank app...now i want to call a function in the begining ..and that should print "helloworld" on screen Jan 14 14:53:37 the func. will be defined in the same file. Jan 14 14:55:04 fxpec06: were should i write this .abc(); Jan 14 14:55:16 i mean in content or component or? Jan 14 14:57:47 how to do any help? Jan 14 15:00:59 fxcper06..i want to make a call in the same file. Jan 14 15:14:42 create: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); }, Jan 14 15:14:53 that goes in your main enyo kind Jan 14 15:15:02 then there's a bunch of application events you can define Jan 14 15:15:18 and for every kind you can specify other event functions Jan 14 15:43:07 hi Jan 14 15:43:17 i had webos update Jan 14 15:43:23 i hold it on Jan 14 15:43:30 cos i am using preware Jan 14 15:43:47 i am not sure if preware and its patches are working fine with the latest update Jan 14 15:43:53 can some one comment on it Jan 14 16:05:07 patches will most likely all be erased Jan 14 16:05:24 some aren't though. you can remove and reinstall Jan 14 16:11:00 fxspec06, okay i will clean it first and do the update and reinstall the patches Jan 14 16:11:13 best idea Jan 14 16:11:35 how abt preware, is it good or i need to remove it as well Jan 14 16:11:47 preware app Jan 14 16:11:51 nah. preware you can leave Jan 14 16:12:11 be sure to remove kernel as well Jan 14 16:12:45 you mean uber kernel? Jan 14 16:13:02 how abt preware apps which i have? Jan 14 16:19:21 like govanah, wifi browser Jan 14 16:19:46 you don't need to remove apps. just patches and kernels Jan 14 16:19:52 and themes* Jan 14 16:21:05 okay, i dont have any themes, i dont know how to install them as well, not found any themes so far Jan 14 16:22:08 * chandoo is removing patches and kernel Jan 14 16:24:24 woow i have 13 patches Jan 14 16:27:31 theme feeds are not turned on by default. you find them in preware preferences Jan 14 17:12:32 hmm. is it normal for webOS upgrade to have erased the pdk-device-install packages? Jan 14 17:52:13 I see mugen has an extended battery for the pre3, anyone in here try it or know what kind of reputation mugen has with pre batteries in general? Jan 14 18:08:30 I think a couple people on P|C posted about it Jan 14 18:15:49 I recieved my Mugen Pre3 baettery this week, havn't installed it yet. Jan 14 18:16:24 They mailed it when they said they would (and the Pre2 batteries likewise). Jan 14 18:16:53 Does anyone know what deviceInfo.modelNameAscii is, for a Touchpad Go? Jan 14 18:22:41 ... or the TouchPad 4G? Jan 14 18:31:20 hmm.. how to show/hide a Dashboard... Jan 14 18:33:13 DougReeder, Opal for the Go Jan 14 18:33:49 Opal? OK, that's useful Jan 14 18:34:15 Gotta hard code which devices have touch-to-share Jan 14 18:35:29 i'd guessd the TP 4g would just say "TouchPad", but who knows? Jan 14 18:36:18 Rod references it as Opal, so afaik, that should be it. Jan 14 18:42:11 ... and how to style a dashboard so it works on phones.. meh Jan 14 19:15:43 Hey, for the Veer, is deviceInfo.modelNameAscii "Veer" or "Veer 4G"? Jan 14 20:32:21 on a touchpad, should usb (media) be the only partition? Jan 14 20:32:41 or should there be User (ext3)? Jan 14 20:33:47 RocketSnail: there are a couple different partitions on the touchpad, but the only on you should see when you plug it into your computer is the usb one Jan 14 20:35:10 a word of advice though, if your playing with partitions, be careful because it is possible to brick the touchpad to having to send it back to HP. I speak from experience ;) Jan 14 20:35:40 Okay, what about inside the Tailor app from the beta feeds? ext3 should be for optware and ubuntu and debian only, right? because I had just created the "ext3fs" partition, and using Tailor i deleted the "ext3" partition. Jan 14 20:35:55 thats what i was so worried about :D Jan 14 20:37:14 ah ok... i haven't used the tailor app, but that sounds about right Jan 14 20:37:58 would you know how I can send 9 gigs of unallocated space back into my usb partition? Jan 14 20:38:15 That's where I'm kinda screwed :D. Jan 14 20:40:17 hahaha.... thats what i was trying to do when i messed up my touchpad :P (but i started touching things that most people probably wouldn't touch) Jan 14 20:40:39 you can try this: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Application:MetaDoctor#How_to_remove_the_ext3fs_partition Jan 14 20:40:53 ah okay thank you! Jan 14 20:41:43 np Jan 14 20:42:02 woo some graphics finalization and some performance improvements, and this app is ready to roll Jan 14 20:42:14 EricBlade: cool! what app? Jan 14 20:42:23 even my gf who can break every piece of software on earth beyond recognition did not find a way to break it that i didn't already know of Jan 14 20:42:27 I'm surprised tailor doesn't let you reclaim it? Jan 14 20:42:51 subsonic media player Jan 14 20:43:26 RocketSnail: yeah, wait up, if you haven't started using those instructions, try using the tailor app to resize Jan 14 20:44:16 EricBlade: ah nice Jan 14 20:45:16 oops, there is one last bug that i'm not figuring out a way to deal with .. https://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=109&t=19394 .. basically, i want to have a button that does something, next to a divider drawer. However, when you open that divider drawer, the button takes up the entire vertical space of the drawer Jan 14 20:48:36 Didn't come back in time, but I found out how to re allocate all the space back in. http://forums.webosnation.com/hp-touchpad/310010-low-disk-space.html#post3283562 Thanks for helping me through this invalid Jan 14 20:50:58 RocketSnail: ah, ok. no problem, glad to be of service Jan 14 20:57:18 As i am re putting the ext3fs partition back on here, I have another question Jan 14 20:57:34 I am manually installing the partition now Jan 14 20:57:48 and when I see this step (i have to type this in terminal) Jan 14 20:57:49 resizefat /dev/mapper/store-media {size you determined it to be}G Jan 14 20:58:03 do I put resizefat in the terminal? Jan 14 20:58:07 or just resizefat Jan 14 21:00:20 what are you following Jan 14 21:00:30 but no, leave out the that looks like wiki markup Jan 14 21:05:05 Oh okay, i can see that. but I was following http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/UbuntuChroot#Step_1:_Creating_a_WebOS_Doctor :) Jan 14 21:05:17 (it is near the bottom) Jan 14 21:08:06 fixed Jan 14 21:29:02 wrea: opal is different from touchpad "4G" (actually 3G) Jan 14 21:46:37 thank you dwx Jan 14 21:46:40 *dwc. Jan 14 22:24:58 ok, so, i have a list of drawers. I want each drawer to have a control that does something upon all of the things inside that drawer. Any suggestions for what sort of UI would work for that? Jan 14 22:27:32 i can't think of any apps that do that, on any platform, and i'm wondering if i need to just go about a totally different UI Jan 14 22:41:15 cute. when you go full screen in an app, it stops responding to any input Jan 14 22:41:46 same when you toggle away from full screen Jan 14 22:43:54 new to 3.0.5 too Jan 14 22:50:38 EricBlade1, yeah, ive noticed that too Jan 14 22:51:15 wonder if there's anything i can call to make it work Jan 14 22:54:34 ok, it doesn't halt it it just causes a -very- long delay Jan 14 23:05:52 hmm. i think i may have it. if i do the resize via gesture, and then tell it to preventDefault() and stopPropagation() on the event, then the device halts Jan 14 23:05:55 until carded Jan 14 23:12:39 or until a gesture is performed again Jan 14 23:35:14 whaaa, why is Object.toJSON giving me errors in webOS? Jan 14 23:35:44 oh, because it is prototype Jan 14 23:36:30 yikes, been a while since I've done this. Jan 14 23:36:38 * Tibfib_ pops knuckles Jan 14 23:59:03 go Tibfib_ !!! Jan 15 00:02:42 haeffb: so you weren't around to rub in the ksu victory Jan 15 00:02:58 and at this point, ksu has not been great so I dont' have much to rub in. Jan 15 00:04:37 all part of my plan Jan 15 00:04:48 avoid Tibfib_ for a week Jan 15 00:05:12 what's with ericblade's part message. some other person has shown stuff like that Jan 15 00:05:24 it looks like it's losing newlines Jan 15 00:05:53 haeffb: smart man Jan 15 00:06:06 honestly, css is the worst thing in the entire world Jan 15 00:08:25 like, what is the proper way to vertically center dividerTitle ? Jan 15 00:08:26 http://pastebin.com/dL2xUZ4E Jan 15 00:08:28 * haeffb notes that sugardave 's team came to Columbia today. Jan 15 00:09:47 for a flexbox, isn't it like "pack" and "align" or something? Jan 15 00:10:00 * haeffb notes that he hasn't done any of this for months Jan 15 00:11:11 hmmm, that can go on the flexbox itself Jan 15 00:11:16 but then it centers the entire thing Jan 15 00:11:54 I could put it in a stupid vflexbox and put a flex on the top and bottom... Jan 15 01:16:30 saints lost Jan 15 01:18:02 impressive finish by 49ers Jan 15 01:18:10 yup Jan 15 01:19:49 well… broncos…. Jan 15 01:19:57 lol Jan 15 01:20:05 they shall looooooose Jan 15 01:21:13 badly Jan 15 01:21:17 I will laugh Jan 15 01:21:21 loudly Jan 15 01:22:02 :D Jan 15 01:22:17 saints lost the game in the 1st q Jan 15 01:22:31 no, in the 4th Jan 15 01:22:33 the game ended Jan 15 01:22:38 I know Jan 15 01:22:42 I was watching/listening Jan 15 01:22:44 ;) Jan 15 01:25:42 lies Jan 15 01:26:05 it might be close Jan 15 01:26:13 no Jan 15 01:26:17 no way Jan 15 01:26:22 i bet your life on it Jan 15 01:26:23 neither of these teams can play d Jan 15 01:26:38 not a valid bet Jan 15 01:26:59 sure it is Jan 15 01:27:39 and a fumble... shocker Jan 15 01:27:52 haha. Jan 15 01:35:33 would you look at that Jan 15 01:36:31 impressive catch. Jan 15 01:52:45 well that pick was just awful Jan 15 01:57:53 * rwhitby checks channel name to see if it's #webos-nfl ... Jan 15 01:58:03 ;) Jan 15 01:58:04 lol Jan 15 01:58:14 hows it goin rwhitby? Jan 15 01:58:44 it's going well, in general. Jan 15 01:58:49 thats good Jan 15 02:03:08 to Palm hardware designers... I'm sorry, but without any real hope that I'd be able to replace my Pre3 I had to take the drastic step and cover the entire thing with some shielding. Jan 15 02:03:28 it's not as pretty and slick looking anymore :( Jan 15 02:05:34 * EricBlade wakes up again Jan 15 02:06:37 better not be duct tape Jan 15 02:07:31 crapppp Jan 15 02:19:22 no... it's the same type of skonomi screen protector and carbon fiber backing that I put on my touchpad Jan 15 02:23:37 ok, tp update time Jan 15 02:23:50 swapped the coaster for a dead one Jan 15 02:32:22 mmm.... fresh doctored tp Jan 15 02:40:10 holy crap i still cant get over branch's catch Jan 15 02:41:12 i really wish more than one app install can run at a time... bleh Jan 15 02:48:18 35-7. shocker. Jan 15 02:52:15 bah Jan 15 02:52:19 Tebow will win! lol **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 15 02:59:57 2012