**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jun 26 02:59:58 2013 Jun 26 08:25:37 I think I've found an issue with 64-bit build hosts, but since I feel that more ppl should see it I'm a bit puzzled Jun 26 08:26:36 in bitbake.conf this is added to FAKEROOTBASEENV: PSEUDO_LIBDIR=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/../lib/pseudo/lib Jun 26 08:27:05 on my system it should be lib64 at the end Jun 26 08:28:42 so when e.g. a postinstall scripts uses qemu_run_binary I'll end up with a ERROR due to being unable to preload libpseudo.so, which then is picked up by package_rpm.bbclass log checker and the do_rootfs fails Jun 26 08:29:58 erbo: oh, i saw that! only happened with ipkg and was "fixed" by switching to package_rpm. Jun 26 08:30:51 rburton: I see it with rpms Jun 26 08:31:32 erbo: worth bringing up on the list so seebs can comment Jun 26 08:31:41 * rburton has no idea about the black arts of pseudo Jun 26 08:31:52 will do Jun 26 11:13:54 I've got a question about bitbake. I am writing a new recipe, and although bitbake -c compile package works, when I try to install I get permission errors since it tries to write to /usr/local/. Is there some way to run the do_install() function as root? (Also posted to #oe) Jun 26 11:17:27 Stygia: it's not supposed to install into /usr/local Jun 26 11:17:39 Stygia: if it's writing to /usr/local, you're doing it wrong. you want to install into a subdirectory of $D. e.g. automake lets you set DESTDIR=$D and it will install into $D/usr/local/ Jun 26 11:17:48 Stygia: it should install into ${D}/usr/local/ Jun 26 11:17:56 also, don't let the package hard-code /usr/local, use $bindir etc Jun 26 11:17:59 so it goes into /usr Jun 26 11:18:36 Hmm, alright. Jun 26 11:18:46 My problem is that I am installing a package from CPAN, so I am using its own build script. Jun 26 11:19:00 do_install() { runs "perl Build install", which apparenlty decides where to place things. Jun 26 11:19:07 I will see if I can somehow instruct it not to. Jun 26 11:19:14 i thought we had a class to do cpan Jun 26 11:19:32 yes, we do Jun 26 11:19:35 did you inherit cpan? Jun 26 11:20:40 Stygia: see libclass-isa-perl in oe-core, it just inherits cpan. Jun 26 11:20:49 might work for you too Jun 26 11:20:50 I have done that for my other perl modules and it works there, but this package (DateTime) does not have a Makefile.PL, it has a Build.PL, which means I need a more manual do_compile and do_install Jun 26 11:21:30 Which means that after doing inherit cpan and BBCLASSEXTEND = "native" it complains about there not being a Makefile.PL, which is why I'm doing this manually. Jun 26 11:22:16 so you'll need to find out how to tell build.pl where to think the install paths are, and where to actually install to. Jun 26 11:23:07 Seems like it uses Module::Build, which accepts the --install-base argument. I think this will do, I will set that to ${D} in the script. Jun 26 11:25:28 That worked quite flawlessly. Thank you for the pointer. Jun 26 11:25:53 I should sit down with the full yocto manual eventually I suppose, but it's not usually "my job" (I'm just trying to install what I've written to our box), so I guess I'm working a bit in the dark. Jun 26 11:27:12 rburton, So, it all finally worked. So now I have 20-ish recipes for CPAN modules. Jun 26 11:27:19 rburton, I should publish these somewhere. Jun 26 12:51:06 Stygia: yes :) Jun 26 12:54:01 rburton, I put them on my github. I would publish them to some collection of recipes if I knew one. Any suggestions? Jun 26 12:54:23 rburton, https://github.com/saifi/bb_recipes btw. Jun 26 12:55:25 would be good if there was a way of automatically making recipes from cpan Jun 26 12:55:42 give it a url and it will basically generate the bulk of the recipe from the cpan metadata Jun 26 13:07:29 rburton, Hmm, yes. I'm not sure that is totally possible, though. inherit CPAN works, as long as there is a Makefile.PL file, it does not work with Build.PL Jun 26 13:07:40 rburton, But since CPAN itself handles it.... well there must be some way. Jun 26 13:09:04 Stygia: can cpan.bbclass be extended to support build.pl too? Jun 26 13:09:42 rburton, I've no idea. Unfortunately, I'm not actually knowledable about BB in the least, I'm just a poor perl programming trying to get my scripts to install on our Yocto system. Jun 26 13:10:51 rburton, But yes, it presumably could. Jun 26 13:11:11 rburton, Assuming it's written in a touring-complete language.. I heard BB was actually in Python. Jun 26 13:12:13 bitbake is written in python, yes Jun 26 13:12:59 rburton, That I actually know pretty well, I guess I could write an extension for it, hmm. Jun 26 13:13:15 rburton, Not now, though, still too busy with these scripts I needed BB for in the first place. Jun 26 13:14:35 rburton, Eh in the mean time I will manually create recipes for any cpan module I need, for now I've got a pretty good hang on creating these. Jun 26 14:13:27 zeddii: tomz2: no sketches today? Jun 26 14:33:50 i'm working on a package and I find that I need to get some files that aren't currently being included into the root file system. Jun 26 14:35:54 Specifically, these files are in the etc directory of the install. Jun 26 14:36:42 I think there must be a way to alter the bitbake file by appending something to a FILES variable, but I don't know what it is. Jun 26 14:36:58 Does anybody have any ideas? Jun 26 14:38:37 mulhern: FILES for the package name (so, FILES_${PN}) already contains $sysconfdir (/etc). are you setting FILES_${PN} yourself? Jun 26 14:38:56 (by default contains /etc that is) Jun 26 14:40:41 So, it should be getting that directory into the root filesystem without my doing anything? Just to verify that's what you mean. Because, before I saw this problem I wasn't setting FILES_${PN} at all. Jun 26 14:42:27 yeah, it should be included automatically Jun 26 14:42:36 you can see the default FILES values, look in conf/bitbake.conf Jun 26 14:45:50 rburton: Yes, I see that loud and clear. Jun 26 15:39:50 rburton: What directory is the $FILES variable relative to? I'm in $HOME/poky/build/tmp/work/arm5vte-poky-linux-gnueabi/snort/ but there's a plethora of directories below that one. Jun 26 15:40:16 mulhern: $D, so that path/image Jun 26 16:00:49 rburton: Thanks! What task populates the image subdirectory? The stuff I need doesn't make it to there so the problem must occur earlier. Jun 26 16:10:12 mulhern: do_install Jun 26 18:16:02 what's the 1.5 release name? Jun 26 18:18:47 bob ? Jun 26 18:53:06 http://subgenius.wikia.com/wiki/J._R._%22Bob%22_Dobbs <= you could even "borrow" the bob image Jun 26 18:56:59 Hello everybody! Having some build configuration issues. Setting the DL_DIR variable as a shell variable doesn't seem to affect the build. Any thoughts? Jun 26 19:15:15 adam___: in oe-classic, if you want bitbake to see a shell environment variable you need to add it to BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE Jun 26 19:15:54 i'm assuming that's still there somewhere... Jun 26 20:05:11 mr_science: i'm using poky. is this wrong channel? Jun 26 21:01:41 adam__: You're in the correct place. Check out yocto project mega manual (http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html) for BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE. Jun 26 21:10:41 adam___: sorry, didn't mean that to be confusing Jun 26 21:11:25 i just haven't had to modify that yet in yocto, but it should work the same unless the mega-manual states otherwise Jun 27 01:14:27 hi, I'm trying to build qtwebkit from meta-qt5 layer, but I got stuck with strange error http://pastebin.com/NUzgHU6B Jun 27 01:14:49 What should I look for to fix this issue? Thanks. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jun 27 02:59:58 2013