**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Aug 14 02:59:59 2013 Aug 14 06:17:42 Hi Aug 14 06:17:59 I am creating a recipe which downloads some sw from git and compiles it Aug 14 06:18:24 however for some reason when it compiles it.. it says "file format not recognized" Aug 14 06:18:53 Can anybody explain why I am getting this? Aug 14 06:19:55 mikel: Could be that you have something built for the host trying to link with something from the target, or a target executable trying to run on the host, etc. Aug 14 06:21:03 I would suspect that the Makefile or whatever has some hard-coded paths to host libraries. I'd look at the build logs and poke around in the devshell for the package to see what's going on. Aug 14 06:26:13 At the moment I have manually copied the code to the build area. the file I want gets compiled ok Aug 14 06:30:29 ok it doesnt compile... Aug 14 06:32:44 You should probably fix that... Aug 14 06:33:46 If I compile it manually ... no problem... but with yocto .. gives that error Aug 14 06:50:28 Well, you need to check the commands it's running (via the log files) and see why it's calling the wrong compiler. Aug 14 07:01:38 I got it to work now . Aug 14 07:01:41 thanks Aug 14 07:49:01 Hi Aug 14 07:49:14 I am creating native recipe Aug 14 07:49:47 the recipe provides some tools which need to modify the target files like encryption Aug 14 07:50:53 The tool is a shell script which creates is run. that shell then compiles the needed files for the encryption and then does execution... Aug 14 07:51:22 Can I put those files to stage ? Aug 14 07:51:35 How should I make those available to all recipes Aug 14 07:51:47 ? Aug 14 07:53:39 I'm afraid I don't remember how to do that. Aug 14 08:15:03 good morning, so there is no stunnel package anywhere yet with Yocto? Aug 14 08:15:54 which layer would be a good place to add it to? Aug 14 08:54:24 otavio: morning Aug 14 08:56:10 hello, does master is broken? i can't build qt4e-demo-image - mesa failed Aug 14 08:56:43 alex_kag: which machine? mesa or mesa-demos? Aug 14 08:56:54 alex_kag: hi :) Aug 14 09:00:10 imx6qsabresd, ERROR: Task 2292 (/home/alexei/mteplovis/sources/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_9.1.6.bb, do_configure) failed with exit code '1' Aug 14 09:01:45 alex_kag: please pastebin the log of the fail (bitbake should tell you the full path of the log when it fails) Aug 14 09:08:46 http://pastebin.com/PmmVPp4n Aug 14 09:18:00 configure: error: source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first Aug 14 09:18:32 maybe you have some old dirt from some previous builds Aug 14 09:18:55 try "bitbake -c cleansstate mesa" and then "bitbake mesa" Aug 14 09:23:15 morning all Aug 14 09:28:23 morning Aug 14 09:30:10 rburton: the mesa change means people need to clean it :/ Aug 14 09:30:36 oh yeah, out-of-tree Aug 14 09:30:43 would be nice if bitbake could detect that somehow :( Aug 14 09:31:18 we could at least detect that failure and tell the user to clean Aug 14 09:31:23 but magically doing it would be nice Aug 14 09:43:21 hi yocto. I added pcsclite package in my custom layer. It compiled fine and installed in sysroot. But the pcsc libraries doesnt exist in rootfs. Aug 14 09:45:23 my pcsclite bb at http://pastebin.com/ZX2ay1iz Aug 14 09:45:40 anyideas guys. wat i am doing wrong? Aug 14 09:46:33 vicky: by rootfs, you mean in the final image, right? Aug 14 09:46:36 vicky: you're probably not installing anything in your image that needs pcselite Aug 14 09:46:54 that's what i was about to say ;-) Aug 14 09:46:56 yes Aug 14 09:46:58 being build/packaged/sysroot != in the image Aug 14 09:47:43 vicky: you can remove your do_compile, that's default behaviour Aug 14 09:48:05 but you need to add whatever you want to get installed to your image Aug 14 09:52:32 any sample bb file? Aug 14 09:54:19 vicky: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#usingpoky-extend-customimage has all you need, i believe. Aug 14 10:04:55 Yes. I followed this one http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#usingpoky-extend-addpkg-autotools Aug 14 10:06:02 but i got warning of "WARNING: QA Issue: ccid: Files/directories were installed but not shipped" while compiling ccid package (user-space driver of smartcards Aug 14 10:17:06 vicky: that means that your values for FILES_* are not picking up files that have been installed within do_install Aug 14 10:17:30 vicky: so either you need to modify the FILES_* values or fix where things are being installed within do_install Aug 14 10:17:35 (as appropriate) Aug 14 12:00:37 hi. What is this actually means "WARNING: QA Issue: ccid: Files/directories were installed but not shipped" Aug 14 12:01:28 it means Files/directories were installed but not shipped Aug 14 12:01:32 well Aug 14 12:01:43 vicky: that some files were installed into "image" directory by do_instal, but no package is including them Aug 14 12:01:50 it means the fiels were installed by make install, but are not collected into any package Aug 14 12:02:02 vicky: so they shouldn't be installed or they should be included in package Aug 14 12:13:39 I found the problem. I am trying to include the ccid package. But its libraries are not present /usr/lib directory. It is there at /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle. Aug 14 12:14:24 bluelightning: You may right Aug 14 12:24:34 trying to make qt4e-demo-image - now it compiling well. but when i run it - next error is heppend: Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (icui18n: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" I found, whet i should install libicui18n51-51.2-r0.armv7a_vfp_neon.rpm but when i add to local.conf IMAGE_INSTALL_append=" libicui18n51-51.2-r0 " i got :ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'libicui18n51-51.2-r0' (but /home/alexei/ Aug 14 12:24:35 mteplovis/sources/poky/meta/recipes-qt/images/qt4e-demo-image.bb RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it) Aug 14 15:56:44 i'm using now some i5 4-core laptop with standard hdd to build yocto; it takes about 60min. how low can i approx. go with timing when upgrading to i7/xeon + some ssd RAID (or pci-ssd revo drive)? Aug 14 15:58:45 depends on WHAT you are building... Aug 14 15:59:28 it's been a while since I timed the builds.. but a "world" build is a couple of hours on an 8-core Xeon w/ RAID and 128 GB of ram.. Aug 14 15:59:53 'er.. sorry -dual- 8-core Xeon.. (16 usable cores, 32 w/ Hyper Threading) Aug 14 16:00:47 that's mad Aug 14 16:01:04 is the cpu horsepower bottleneck here? Aug 14 16:03:00 sheer numbers of tasks.. Aug 14 16:06:25 only so much parallization can occur.. but the task count for my builds is in the 30,000 range.. Aug 14 16:06:49 assuming around 8 tasks per package.. thats about 3750 packages Aug 14 16:07:01 a couple of hours for that is fairly reasonable. :) **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Aug 14 16:42:31 2013 Aug 14 16:45:48 anyone want to make sure I understand MACHINEOVERRIDES? Aug 14 16:47:04 it's just a value referenced by OVERRIDES. same syntax as overrides, coloon separated override values Aug 14 16:47:41 I suck at overrides in gerenal, except as a consumer Aug 14 16:49:00 I think I am actually fairly clsoe Aug 14 16:49:30 it's just a layered implementation of conditionals. you can define a variable or append/kprepend to a variable if and only if a givenj value is listed in the OVERRIDES list, and they're applied in a particular order such that the most specific information is used in preference to the least specific information Aug 14 16:54:30 seebs: morning Aug 14 16:54:36 seebs: I've just found if libpseudo is LD_PRELOADed when I run "pseudo /some/command" pseudo just exits without error and without running the command. Is that desirable behaviour? Aug 14 16:56:54 ... No. Aug 14 16:57:14 And that's a case that USED to be expected to work, I think. Aug 14 16:58:30 kergoth, I need to make a pacth, as always :) Aug 14 17:04:54 shoudl I drop soc family and use MACHINEINCLUDES directly? Aug 14 17:41:02 https://github.com/Xilinx/meta-xilinx/blob/master/conf/machine/include/tune-zynq.inc Aug 14 17:41:42 so if I read this corrctly, it reanmes the armv7a-neon tune settings to zynq and only slets you use that setting? Aug 14 17:42:15 maybe i need some modern BOFH tips... Aug 14 17:57:06 no, just seems to create an aias? Aug 14 17:58:44 it creates a new tune which includes the features of armv7a-neon + its own. it's a common pattern among tune files, letting one build on another Aug 14 17:59:05 I jsut can't see that it adds anything :) Aug 14 18:01:38 just the kernel address tweak, i guess Aug 14 18:02:18 but you don't need a custom TUNE just for that... Aug 14 18:02:50 yeah Aug 14 18:03:03 I tempted to propose removing all the excess Aug 14 18:03:17 the defualt looks liek the regular armv7a-neon anyway Aug 14 18:03:24 if it actually changed tune-specific flags i could see the point Aug 14 18:03:43 kergoth: There's a ton of bugs to iron out, but I now have a meta-sourcery layer with a working cross-canadian recipe. Well. Mostly working. Aug 14 18:04:02 Also some flashy new features to make life better with binary distributions. Aug 14 18:04:14 can someone explain the whole "canadian" thing? Aug 14 18:04:29 do i have to drink maple sytup to use that? Aug 14 18:04:33 Oh, sure, a lot of my coworkers are Canadian, I know all about it. Aug 14 18:04:52 Just as Italy's currency is the "lire", Canada's is the "tire". This is why their bills all say "CANADIAN TIRE". Aug 14 18:05:19 i thought the Finns made the best snow tires... Aug 14 18:05:30 According to the Internet, "The term Canadian Cross came about because at the time that these issues were under discussion, Canada had three national political parties.[1]" Aug 14 18:05:40 And as we all know, Wikipedia is very reliable. Aug 14 18:05:45 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_compiler#Canadian_Cross Aug 14 18:05:55 now *that* clears everything up... Aug 14 18:06:10 Jefro, knows Aug 14 18:07:07 I was really disappointed, I know someone with a pancreatic disorder of some sort who lives in Canada, and apparently the doctors were totally unaware that she has a legal right to have her brain transplanted into the healthy body of a moose. Aug 14 18:09:17 is she getting her operation? Aug 14 18:11:28 Well, not the healthy moose body one. Aug 14 18:11:40 They're apparently doing some sort of "treatment" which involves conventional science. Aug 14 18:12:29 I feel that any time you go to a doctor and the doctor doesn't scream "THE FOOLS LAUGHED AT ME", you are not getting your best entertainment value. Although I suppose "chance to survive large enough not to round to zero in 32-bit float" is also a desireable trait sometimes. Aug 14 18:29:04 my only data point is my mom, who got married again and moved to North Bay after she retired... Aug 14 18:51:44 Wikipedia is correct about Canadian cross. It was a sort of cutesy term that was never really intended to be used for 20 years. Aug 14 19:05:37 * mr_science loves cloning huge git repos Aug 14 19:07:42 What's "huge"? Aug 14 19:07:56 takes at least 20 minutes... Aug 14 19:07:59 Largest I remember having to deal with was ~17GB for a repo with only a couple of checkins. Aug 14 19:08:13 okay, you win... Aug 14 19:08:37 That was the peak bad case for a git checkin of one of the larger Code Sourcery binary toolchains with a LOT of multilibs. Aug 14 19:08:49 They were way smaller, but git doesn't know or care about hard links... Aug 14 19:08:56 my classic oe-dev repo seems to take about as long as a kernel source repo Aug 14 19:09:39 maybe if i got to lunch it'll be done when i get back... Aug 14 19:09:48 *go to even Aug 14 21:30:16 kergoth: mwhaha, figured out how to automatically glue a "less" onto bb-contents like git does Aug 14 21:30:28 best.feature.ever. Aug 14 21:31:40 rburton: cool... I've tried to make less behave like git's paged output but I found it troublesome to get it to behave properly with less than one screen worth of output Aug 14 21:31:55 just need the right LESS variable Aug 14 21:32:49 tbh i'd always assumed it was just spawning a less Aug 14 21:33:51 kergoth: i'll see if i can figure out a way to abstract it Aug 14 21:34:12 i usually use FRX Aug 14 21:34:36 rburton: can i get one with mustard? Aug 14 21:35:53 i think i found all the classic bits i need to build a hardfloat sdk... Aug 14 21:37:30 kergoth: i think there's some stuff in my bb branch you might want Aug 14 21:37:33 but i see i need to rebase Aug 14 21:40:56 done Aug 14 22:06:06 Kind of a funny thing. I'm building core-image-sato for current master and I get an error for xserver-nodm-init. Aug 14 22:07:39 Recipe xserver-nodm-init is trying to change PR from 'r22' to 'r31'. This will cause do_package_write_* failures since the incorrect data will be used and they will be unable to find the right workdir. Aug 14 22:09:18 The funny thing is if I -c clean and -c cleanstate and then try to bake xerver-nodm-init again the same 2.0-r22 subdirectory gets remade for doing the actual building. Where can that 22 be coming from when the recipes PR is, indeed, 31? Aug 14 22:11:07 mulhern: see tmp-eglibc/pkgdata Aug 14 22:11:36 mulhern: also read https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4102 Aug 14 22:11:37 Bug 4102: normal, Medium+, 1.5 M2, richard.purdie, RESOLVED FIXED, Incremental builds do not work well when renaming recipes or changing architecture. Aug 14 22:22:51 JaMa: Thanks for getting me out of this mess. But it's still weird that now the 2.0-r22 subdir still gets made, the difference is that there are no complaints. Aug 14 22:23:42 I confess I do not fully understand the bug…I lack some of the necessary background, clearly. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Aug 15 02:59:59 2013