**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 17 02:59:59 2013 Nov 17 10:54:18 hi, what's the recommended way of removing x11 from DISTRO_FEATURES when building a custom image? Nov 17 11:19:08 ok. found it. Nov 17 11:19:19 now let's just hope this builds... Nov 17 15:59:17 if i want an insecure network shell for debugging, what can i use? Nov 17 15:59:56 ssh key generation takes too long, and there doesn't seem to be a telnetd recipe in default layers Nov 17 17:12:41 is there a good way of recovering disk space from bitbake? Nov 17 17:13:35 i would ideally like to remove all stuff from tmp that isn't needed for building a particular image recipe, but i can't see a better way of achieving that than just wholesale deleting /tmp/ and rebuilding the whole project... Nov 17 17:16:50 BCMM: are you using "rm_work"? Nov 17 17:17:00 tlwoerner: i don't think so Nov 17 17:17:16 search for "rm_work" here: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html Nov 17 17:17:29 tlwoerner: doesn't that mean that, when rebuilding an image, each recipe will have to be compiled from scratch? Nov 17 17:17:50 not if your sstate_cache is still intact Nov 17 17:17:56 ah, i see Nov 17 17:18:04 (and valid) Nov 17 17:18:22 tlwoerner: sstate_cache contains finished binaries and whatnot? Nov 17 17:19:04 yes, that's the idea Nov 17 17:19:11 here's a better link: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#ref-classes-rm-work Nov 17 17:20:00 so what is the work good for? does it help when recompiling a recipe with slight modifications, or is it just there for debugging builds? Nov 17 17:20:41 personally i use it mostly for debugging and poking around to see what happened Nov 17 17:21:37 ok, i'll use rm_work from now on. what do i do about the situation i have now, with a 20 GB work/? can it safely be removed? Nov 17 17:22:43 yes, you can remove it, no kittens will be harmed as a result :-) Nov 17 17:23:01 where "safely" is "without it *much* longer to rebuild my image after a minor change"? Nov 17 17:23:22 i guess all the stuff taht's used to put together rebuilds is in deploy/rpm? Nov 17 17:23:50 in that case, yes you're fine Nov 17 17:23:55 thanks a lot! Nov 17 17:24:36 it matters much less now that you've saved my 20GB, but is there a way to automatically remove the packages, sstate_cache and so on from recipes that aren't in my image any more? Nov 17 17:24:38 if you track master a lot, over time your $TMPDIR/work folder will contain many versions of various recipes Nov 17 17:24:47 e.g. my first build had pulseaudio in it, but i've fixed that now Nov 17 17:26:01 there is a script in openembedded-core/scripts called "cleanup-workdir" which (i *believe*) does this (and perhaps other stuff too) Nov 17 17:26:06 tlwoerner: thanks! Nov 17 17:26:26 oh, and it's in yocto as well Nov 17 17:26:59 what's the path in poky? Nov 17 17:28:32 heh, it's scripts/... sorry. kept looking inside the layers by accident Nov 17 17:28:44 :-) Nov 17 17:30:30 seems to be outdated packages, rather than up-to-date ones that aren't required by my image any more (since it doesn't take a recipe as a parameter), but PA and friends are a tiny problem compared to the work directory. thanks again! Nov 17 18:20:31 tlwoerner: after removing work/, i get ls: cannot access /home/ben/code/tiny-arm-distro/yocto/poky/build-2/tmp/sysroots/raspberrypi/pkgdata/runtime-reverse/kernel-modules: No such file or directory during do_rootfs Nov 17 18:21:19 sorry, should have quoted that: "ls: cannot access /home/ben/code/tiny-arm-distro/yocto/poky/build-2/tmp/sysroots/raspberrypi/pkgdata/runtime-reverse/kernel-modules: No such file or directory" Nov 17 18:23:10 nevermind, it still does that if i put the old workdir back (i moved it) Nov 17 18:32:45 OK, i don't know why putting kernel-modules in IMAGE_INSTALL ever worked, because that isn't actually the name of any recipe. but it *did* work earlier today, correctly installing modules in /lib/ Nov 17 19:04:10 BCMM: IMAGE_INSTALL lists packages, not recipes Nov 17 19:04:29 (although usually a recipe produces a package of the same name, but not always) Nov 17 19:05:20 bluelightning: AH, i think i see - when it says something like "nothing PROVIDES foo", it's because a recipe can provide one or more packages with arbitrary names? Nov 17 19:05:35 and kernel-modules is a package provided by the kernel recipe i'm using? Nov 17 19:10:31 BCMM: correct Nov 17 19:25:32 bluelightning: thanks Nov 17 19:27:34 np **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 18 02:59:59 2013