**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 24 02:59:58 2013 Nov 24 03:06:23 since i haven't looked, i can't really say, but the rpi layer has its own sdcard_image-rpi.bbclass which seems to work fine with ipks, resizes itself automatically as the rootfs grows, etc Nov 24 06:39:08 nerdboy: the size calculation could be faulty , yeah Nov 24 06:41:46 it looks like a bunch of stuff gets copied to the disk image and then eventually the writes start failing Nov 24 06:41:57 so yeah maybe the initial setup of the partition is wrong Nov 24 08:37:34 I have a build error when following the Quick Start Guide.https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html Nov 24 08:38:32 running bitbake -k core-image-sato fails (eventually) with missing X11 library Nov 24 08:40:00 I can see that poky-dora-10.0.0/meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu.inc has a pair of functions which appear to exist for the sole purpose of removing X11 from the link line Nov 24 08:42:40 Please see http://pastebin.com/nfKeHzqj for the output of bitbake Nov 24 08:45:06 I am confused as to how the do_configure_prepend_class-native() and do_configure_prepend_class-nativesdk() functions get called. They are not referenced in any other file within poky-dora-10.0.0/meta/recipes-devtools/qemu Nov 24 13:35:10 Hi Nov 24 13:35:34 Does anyone here have UTF-8 console running in yocto? Nov 24 19:08:51 I surrender. After two days of trying, I cannot figure out how to get core-image-minimal or core-image-sato to boot on my target system (Atom N450 board). Nov 24 19:09:07 Anyone can point me to a doc? Nov 24 19:09:19 a Really Fine Manual? Nov 24 19:09:33 a Really Truly Fine Manual? Nov 24 19:09:35 heh Nov 24 19:10:28 I can get it to boot the kernel, but then the kernel panics as it cannot find the /dev/sda1 device Nov 24 19:20:03 T0mW: can i assume the right device and sd are enabled in the kernel config? Nov 24 19:20:33 yes, nand device that appears as sata drive. Nov 24 19:21:01 I've booted this board using 5.0.1 and now trying to move up to 10.0.0 of the yocto builder. Nov 24 19:21:12 and the scsi/sd disk support? Nov 24 19:21:14 Under 5.0.1 I used lilo to boot with. Nov 24 19:21:40 so did the kernel commandline change with the bootloader? Nov 24 19:21:45 nerdboy: you know, It is probably a module, that would bork things. Nov 24 19:21:56 yes it would Nov 24 19:22:25 either initrd or compile it into the kernel... Nov 24 19:22:30 grub is so confusing. Nov 24 19:22:41 grub2 i assume? Nov 24 19:22:45 yup Nov 24 19:23:19 I could boot with grub> linux /boot/bzImage root=/dev/sda1 Nov 24 19:23:30 just make sure you have the right kernel config and set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in the grub default file Nov 24 19:23:34 it is probably the modules, thanks. Nov 24 19:24:09 "default file" ? notthing like that appears when I do "grub-install"... Nov 24 19:24:58 * T0mW goes back to kernel config. Nov 24 19:25:15 it gets used when you run grub2-mkconfig Nov 24 19:26:08 so i would assume the image build has a /etc/default/grub somewhere and runs grub2-mkconfig to create the config in /boot Nov 24 19:26:24 no? Nov 24 19:27:03 but i'm just pulling that out of my ass, since i've never built x86/grub with bitbake... Nov 24 19:27:16 That is one of things that is sooo confusing about grub. The docs I read all tell me to run "grub-install /dev/sda", nothing is mentioned about "grub-mkconfig". Nov 24 19:27:38 somewhere you should be able to set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX to what you want Nov 24 19:27:53 nerdboy: will check for that, thanks. Nov 24 19:28:19 meanwhile 'bitbake -c devshell linux-yocto' Nov 24 19:29:15 grub-install is for populating everything, whereas grub-mkconfig just gens a new config for /boot/grub Nov 24 19:29:36 nope, scsi stuff is all built-in, no modules. Nov 24 19:29:52 then the commandline must be borked Nov 24 19:30:13 nod Nov 24 19:31:29 i owuld think the grub recipe may have a "grub" file in the recipe tree Nov 24 19:32:12 either that or it gets modified somewhere to whatever the default is Nov 24 19:34:42 I'm really close to pulling out my lilo recipe and put that in here. Nov 24 19:34:51 see if you can find something; looks like the upstream 4.6 texinfo patches aren't helping me so i have to make my own... Nov 24 19:35:44 In fact, I should use the lilo that I used before, there was a mod in there to use the non-standard serial ports and to reset the thermal printer. Nov 24 19:36:17 nerdboy: you know how it is, you get so close to getting things working that you can almost taste it? Nov 24 19:38:32 this looks like your default here, unless you want to hack in your own GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX option Nov 24 19:38:49 which i've done for pi stuff, just not grub... Nov 24 19:39:03 look here meta/recipes-bsp/grub/grub-2.00/40_custom Nov 24 19:39:34 looks like you could make your own default menu entry Nov 24 19:40:17 but i need to make some stupid texinfo patches... :/ Nov 24 19:43:31 Problem is that grub tries to be the swiss-army-knife of bootloaders and it becomes too complex to figure out what it is doing. Nov 24 19:44:22 that's where grub2-mkconfig helps Nov 24 19:44:49 set your default commandline and run that, done Nov 24 19:45:49 just not sure how to do that in bitbake Nov 24 19:51:56 maybe you just need to set __ROOTFS__ in your image recipe Nov 24 19:52:44 if your machine uses grub, do you have anything in local.conf to set that stuff? Nov 24 19:53:20 no Nov 24 19:53:28 ie, everything in that 40_custom file Nov 24 19:53:41 try setting them in local.conf Nov 24 19:53:49 I need lilo though due to hardware initialization prior to the bootup. Nov 24 19:53:56 __ROOTFS__ , __VIDEO_MODE__ , etc Nov 24 19:54:34 you can set __CONSOLE__ there too, should work in theory... Nov 24 20:01:36 that would be easy if he had waited... **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 25 02:59:58 2013