**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 18 02:59:59 2013 Dec 18 03:27:16 Hi, I tried looking for documentation, but without luck ... Dec 18 03:27:24 what is that 'morgue' directory in my ipk repository for please ? Dec 18 04:09:17 Marex_: thats where older ipk versions get moved to Dec 18 04:25:27 is there any magical command to have the difference of 2 files that are not in a git repository to create a patch that will be applied in a recipe ? Dec 18 04:25:58 diff -upN old new > mypatch.patch Dec 18 04:41:36 WarheadsSE thank you Dec 18 07:01:17 hi all, is possible to overload pkg_postinst_${PN} in bbappend file (I need to overload something in nsswitch.conf) Dec 18 07:10:14 but it seems it's not called when building image Dec 18 07:10:19 using poky danny Dec 18 07:35:58 Hi, I got a problem at build, I get : Computing transaction...error: Can't install mime-support-3.48-r0@armv5te: no package provides /usr/bin/perl Dec 18 07:37:41 Could be same problem as this : http://patchwork.openembedded.org/patch/54437/ but I have no idea where to add the RDEPENDS line, and what PN is Dec 18 07:38:09 ERROR: Task 7 (/media/DATA/poky/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1' Dec 18 07:39:19 THe build is done adding meta-efl Dec 18 08:08:12 missing /etc/pam.d/sshd file Dec 18 08:08:28 after installing pam module in yocto Dec 18 08:19:37 is anyone here using icecc for distributed compilation ? Dec 18 09:36:20 morning all Dec 18 09:45:34 hello :) Dec 18 09:45:44 good morning Dec 18 09:46:25 perhaps one have answer to my question : I got a problem at build, I get : Computing transaction...error: Can't install mime-support-3.48-r0@armv5te: no package provides /usr/bin/perl Dec 18 09:47:19 oswin: there's an undeclared dependency on perl in that package, which has been picked up at packaging time Dec 18 09:48:05 oswin: you need to either add perl to your image, or find a way to remove the dependency (e.g. delete perl scripts from the package within the recipe) Dec 18 09:48:23 so i should add something like DEPENDS += "perl" ? Dec 18 09:48:28 to add to the image Dec 18 09:49:19 oswin: well, that would at least ensure perl is built, but not necessarily packaged Dec 18 09:49:47 bluelightning, is that a build or a runtime missing dependency ? Dec 18 09:49:55 oswin: runtime Dec 18 09:50:17 ok, then a RDEPENDS should guarantee the package is built in ? Dec 18 09:51:07 oswin: RDEPENDS_${PN} += "perl" yes Dec 18 09:51:19 what does PN mean ? Dec 18 09:51:30 PN is the name of the recipe Dec 18 09:51:58 PN = *P*ackage *N*ame Dec 18 09:51:59 if the recipe file is named "abc_1.2.3.bb" then PN is "abc" by default (and PV will default to "1.2.3") Dec 18 09:52:03 bluelightning, ok, and so that schould be put in each recipe whose packet uses perl ? Dec 18 09:52:22 Dennis__: that's what it originally stood for, yes, but technically it's the recipe name Dec 18 09:53:13 oswin: that only adds the dependency to the main package for the recipe, so if the recipe produces additional packages that contain perl scripts they will also need to have RDEPENDS set Dec 18 09:54:19 I got a quick question. What is the main difference between the adt and the sdk? Dec 18 09:55:36 bluelightning, but how could I get this error by using only "official" layers (yocto and OE), the recipe should be written correctly (at least for something trivial like this) Dec 18 09:56:18 Dennis__: if you are asking in the context of Andriod, then, IMO, the ADK is a more specialized SDK. Dec 18 09:58:05 oswin: dependencies sometimes creep in without being noticed; also ipk does not detect and add these kinds of script dependencies at packaging time so anyone using ipk (which OE does by default) would not see this problem Dec 18 09:58:26 T0mW: no, im sasking in the context of yocto adt (http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/adt-manual/adt-manual.html) and yocto sdk (http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.5/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#sdk-generation-dev-environment) Dec 18 10:00:00 bluelightning, ok, thanks for those clarifications. The error comes from the fact I built some packages using perl with the minimal image, who dismiss perl. So I'm doing something who's the "standard" process. Dec 18 10:03:04 Dennis__: heh, just got my first cuppa'. Dec 18 10:03:34 Dennis__: I've been working with oe for quite a few years and it always sucked at building apps. Dec 18 10:04:10 that's what the ADT is designed to help with; it provides Eclipse integration Dec 18 10:04:46 They've gotten better with the -c devshell, but I've always had to take one of the run.do_compile scripts and adapt it into my apps make file so the correct tools / libs would be used (sort of a sysroot). Dec 18 10:05:04 * T0mW runs screaming at the sound of 'eclipse' Dec 18 10:05:23 T0mW: you're modifying the run scripts? or just using them as a debugging aid? Dec 18 10:05:24 I'm an old makefile + vi guy. Dec 18 10:07:25 naw, I take the declarations, e.g. CC=${POKY_BIN_DIR}/${TARGET}gcc, and so forth and include them into my makefiles. That way, I can cross build apps either to run on the dev machine to test them, or, include the definitions into to makefile to deply to the target. Dec 18 10:07:35 Makes debug easier. Dec 18 10:08:02 T0mW: well, typically we would just pass those in via EXTRA_OEMAKE (i.e. 'CC=${CC}') Dec 18 10:08:37 I don't like eclipse, nor anything that puts me at that much distance from the code tools that I'm using to build with. However, I don't write code in C++ for the same reason. Dec 18 10:08:47 bluelightning: yes. Dec 18 10:10:04 bluelightning: dont' get me wrong though, I can see where an eclipse environ is a good thing. For example, I took a spin with the latest android eclipse dev tool and loved it. Dec 18 10:10:29 just for bare metal apps, I use vi + make. Dec 18 10:10:59 I seems meta-efl provides all efl and E recipes and packages, but why isn't there a distro who builds a minimal image who starts E ? Dec 18 10:11:23 Am I missing something, or is this just not yet in the repo ? Dec 18 10:14:06 I have installed pam-plugin-faildelay but I could not find /etc/pam.d/sshd file in my rootfs Dec 18 12:30:15 which recipe should I add to have xorg running on beagleboard ? Dec 18 12:31:24 xserver-xorg xinit xauth xf86-video-omapfb xserver-xf86-config ? Dec 18 12:31:47 hello everybody... Dec 18 12:32:15 did anybody manage to build yocto-1.5 with multilib ? I have weird errors, and Ican't figure out how to investigate them... Dec 18 12:35:24 oswin: core-image-x11 is a minimal "x and terminal" image Dec 18 12:43:58 to answer myself, I found the packagegroups packagegroup-core-x11-xserver packagegroup-core-x11-utils Dec 18 13:36:04 hello all Dec 18 13:39:27 pidge, there? Dec 18 13:39:43 did u answer somewhere to my mail? Dec 18 13:40:12 adding wvdial's wvstream to my image results in QA issue, that some files were installed but not shipped, its /usr/lib/valgrind and /usr/lib/valgrind/wv... i see --without-valgrind in wvstream_4.6.1.bb but some files got through Dec 18 13:40:41 ccube: hi, sorry, let me check my email. I thought I did. Dec 18 13:41:16 pidge, I figured out that the problem occures only with my custom images. when trying to build core-image-minimal, it is working Dec 18 13:42:06 ak77: I was sure there was a patch for that somewhere Dec 18 13:43:08 ccube: hrm. interesting. so, iirc we have two issues, right? LCONF error and GetDistroVersion? Dec 18 13:44:12 pidge, yes Dec 18 13:44:14 well, no Dec 18 13:44:20 ak77: right, there was, but it dragged in valgrind which was undesirable: http://patchwork.openembedded.org/patch/59359/ Dec 18 13:44:34 there are some more errors I cannot explain for now. But these are the most important i thonk Dec 18 13:44:46 ak77: it should probably be turned into a PACKAGECONFIG Dec 18 13:48:22 bluelightning: i don't know if that's the patch. as I don't have anything to do with valgrind, just some files got installed. Dec 18 13:49:32 ak77: right, then the easiest way to deal with it is to just delete the files in a do_install_append() Dec 18 13:49:45 ak77: I was talking about the optimal solution in meta-oe Dec 18 14:06:02 bluelightning: I understand. thanks Dec 18 14:09:48 bluelightning: How can use sakoman linux with yocto? https://github.com/adam-lee/Gumstix-YoctoProject-MetaGumstix/blob/master/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-sakoman_3.5.bb Dec 18 14:10:41 Zaif: set PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-sakoman" and ensure that the appropriate layer is in your bblayers.conf I guess Dec 18 14:18:32 bluelightning: ok, will try it and get back for any issues Dec 18 14:32:14 what is use of base_conditional in recipe file? Dec 18 14:33:32 good morning, what is the difference between ${D}${bindir} and ${STAGING_BINDIR} ? in fact, I would like to understand the real usage of sysroots ? in few examples of bitbake use, when they want to copy a file in an image they uses install -m 0755 file ${D}${bindir} and I would like to understand why. Yesterday when I got helps from you guys you always talked about staging. Dec 18 14:35:29 hi there, how do I check who depends on library xyz? there was some bitbake switch | grep to figure that out as I recon Dec 18 14:36:07 ramose: base_conditional checks if the value of a variable is equal to a specific value, and returns one value if it is, another value if it isn't Dec 18 14:37:01 weebet: ${D}${bindir} is where you should write files to in do_install Dec 18 14:37:51 weebet: D stands for destination directory Dec 18 14:38:35 weebet: the build system takes care of staging a subset of installed files (including that directory) to the sysroot i.e. ${STAGING_DIR_HOST} (and by extension ${STAGING_BINDIR}) Dec 18 14:39:03 so the staging area (sysroot) is a temporary "basic device filesystem" for compilation in case we need specific libraries and header from other recipes ? Dec 18 14:39:05 bluelightning: why it should have 5 parameter to it? Dec 18 14:39:14 weebet: correct, yes Dec 18 14:39:40 weebet: the important thing to remember is the sysroot itself is managed by the build system; you should never poke files into it directly Dec 18 14:40:16 bluelightning: I still don't understand the use case of @base_conditional Dec 18 14:40:20 ramose , bluelighning thank you, with your help I begin to understand things ! Dec 18 14:40:52 Xz_: there isn't an option for that specifically, but you can always do "git grep" on your metadata Dec 18 14:41:47 bluelightning: what do you mean by metadata? I think there is some magic file which specifies all dependencies Dec 18 14:42:19 ramose: for example "${@base_conditional('SOMEVARIABLE', '1', 'value_is_one', 'value_is_something_else')}" will evaluate to "value_is_one" if SOMEVARIABLE has the value "1" or "value_is_something_else" if it doesn't Dec 18 14:42:35 oops, forgot the last parameter d Dec 18 14:42:51 Xz_: recipe dependencies are in each individual recipe Dec 18 14:43:11 Xz_: unless you mean pkgdata after building? Dec 18 14:43:32 What Last parameter specify here? Dec 18 14:43:34 bluelightning: yeah, but after Yocto build is finished - I recon some big file containing all build dependencies Dec 18 14:44:05 in a recipe, is it possible to set environment variable ? Dec 18 14:45:37 weebet: yes, you can either do export VARIABLE = "value" in the recipe, or within an individual shell function such as do_configure or do_compile you can do VARIABLE=value Dec 18 14:45:52 ramose: you mean d ? Dec 18 14:46:10 bluelightning:yes Dec 18 14:46:31 ramose: that's the datastore, it's the means by which you can access variable values in python code Dec 18 14:46:38 bluelightning: thank you Dec 18 14:46:41 I tried to compile wiht 3 parameters but got error like base_conditional() takes exactly 5 arguments Dec 18 14:47:11 ramose: see meta/classes/utils.bbclass and meta/lib/oe/utils.py to see how base_conditional() is implemented Dec 18 14:47:25 Thanks bluelightning Dec 18 14:48:17 Xz_: there isn't one big file, no, but the pkgdata directory produces a file per package giving the runtime dependencies, and you could just grep through that to find the answer assuming what you're looking for has already been built Dec 18 14:48:41 Xz_: in dylan the pkgdata directory is tmp/pkgdata/ Dec 18 14:48:46 in one of recipe file ,I saw some thing like this ${@base_conditional("KERNEL_MAJOR_VERSION", "2.6", " -D__Linux26__ ", " -D__Linux24__ ",d)}' Dec 18 14:49:56 how to I evaluate it Dec 18 14:49:56 ramose: that looks like that will break with kernel versions > 2.6... Dec 18 14:50:16 bluelightning: right now I'm grepping whole pkgdata and so far I can tell there are 'PROVIDES' instead of 'DEPENDS' listed there... Dec 18 14:50:31 Xz_: RDEPENDS should be listed Dec 18 14:50:42 Xz_: DEPENDS (i.e. build-time dependencies) won't be Dec 18 14:51:44 -D__Linux26__ if KERNEL_MAJOR_VERSION", "2.6 is 2.6 or if it other than 2.6 then evaluate to -D__Linux24__ ,right? Dec 18 14:51:49 bluelightning: :( that's what I'm looking for Dec 18 14:52:05 bluelightning: is there any way to figure out who pulls in a library? Dec 18 14:52:42 Xz_: is this a library that is being pulled into your image? Dec 18 14:52:45 bluelightning: actually... if someone makes library xyz appearing on rootfs - it means it's RDEPENDS Dec 18 14:53:02 bluelightning: yes, the library is inside the image Dec 18 14:53:15 bluelightning: and the library is 'gconv' Dec 18 14:53:34 Xz_: OK, to figure that out then I would suggest enabling buildhistory and looking at the depends.dot file produced by it Dec 18 14:54:23 Xz_: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#maintaining-build-output-quality Dec 18 14:54:38 Xz_: specifically if you just want to keep it simple Dec 18 14:54:44 Xz_: it means there is one magic file containing all dependencies? :) Dec 18 14:55:00 Xz_: for the image, when you enable buildhistory, yes Dec 18 14:55:06 isnt gconv part of eglibc? Dec 18 14:55:15 bluelightning: cool, that's what I'm looking for Dec 18 14:55:25 rburton: I think there is something like uclibc-gconv as well Dec 18 14:55:43 yeah Dec 18 15:03:53 is a clean sometimes needed, or is the build state always reliable ? Dec 18 15:04:20 dany: ping Dec 18 15:05:05 bluelightning: Yup Dec 18 15:05:50 dany: could you please reply to https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5625 Dec 18 15:05:51 Bug 5625: normal, Medium, 1.6, paul.eggleton, NEEDINFO , Bitbake ungracefully crashed when chrpath is not installed. Dec 18 15:06:01 bluelightning: sure Dec 18 15:10:42 bluelightning: pong Dec 18 15:12:41 To my surprise, there was actually a cmd called "banana" in package "emboss" :) Dec 18 15:15:56 bluelightning: I sent a patch to the list, and this time no 'refused' response Dec 18 15:16:55 dany: ok, thanks... I just replied Dec 18 15:17:05 bluelightning: I'm very optimistic about it Dec 18 15:31:24 hey hey -- question of my day -- recipe dying in configure, "| checking for file... FILE_UTILITY_NOT_FOUND Dec 18 15:31:52 file is built in the sysroot, but the host does not have it, why is it not using the sysroot's path to bin?? Dec 18 15:33:59 WarheadsSE: depends on the configure script, but the configure script may have an option that you need to specify via EXTRA_OECONF Dec 18 15:34:10 (to tell it which path to look in) Dec 18 15:34:56 Yeah, the fact that it is looking to the host is a PITA wtf moment Dec 18 15:35:17 Because forgive me if I am wrong, bitbake is supposed to be using the sysroots Dec 18 15:35:28 unfortunately a lot of software doesn't expect to be built in a separate path, it's not our fault ;) Dec 18 15:35:31 and be "self contained" within them, or am I wrong Dec 18 15:35:36 well, usually it isn't... Dec 18 15:36:02 well we don't build inside a chroot if that's what you're asking Dec 18 15:36:09 mm Dec 18 15:36:19 which is why I am hitting piles of issues like this Dec 18 15:36:29 Using a very minimal host in a docker instance Dec 18 15:39:23 my misunderstanding then, I suppose. Dec 18 15:40:02 bluelightning: this could also be a part of the problem with qt4 needing the host to have qt-webkit installed for it to actually build that into the qt-everywhere Dec 18 15:45:25 what do I have to do when I add a new layer to bblayers ? The new recipes aren't detected if I run a bake. Dec 18 15:47:41 WarheadsSE: it's the same kind of thing, it's looking in the wrong place Dec 18 15:48:04 oswin: how do you mean "detected" though? Dec 18 15:50:35 bluelightning, I added the layer to bblayers, but if I run bitbake-layers show-layers, the new one doesn't appear (and so the new recipes aren't parsed) Dec 18 15:51:18 oswin: I suspect you haven't added it to the bblayers.conf that is being used by the build then - it should be showing up in bitbake-layers show-layers Dec 18 15:51:57 bluelightning, argh shame on me you're right, I should clean a bit my tree :) Dec 18 15:52:01 bluelightning, thanks Dec 18 15:55:10 oswin: np Dec 18 15:59:37 bluelightning: I suppose shoving the sysroot in front of path might do it. Dec 18 15:59:40 severly hacky. Dec 18 16:01:41 WarheadsSE: we do that already though Dec 18 16:01:48 in PATH, that is Dec 18 16:02:09 Okay, so, whats the best way for me to actually figure out the paths it is actually searching, then Dec 18 16:02:22 since I can see `file` in the location of the sysroot Dec 18 16:02:40 read the configure script / examine the config.log Dec 18 16:03:11 * WarheadsSE sighs and digs a hole into foomatic Dec 18 16:10:17 I have created a simple recipe that create a custom pg_config.sh bash script. In do_install() I copy the file to ${D}${bindir}. this script is needed by another recipe (libpqxx). In my libpqxx recipe, where do I point to get the script ? I tried ${D}${bindir} and without surprise it does not work since the ${D} from pg_config recipe is different than the ${D} from libpqxx, I also tried to point Dec 18 16:10:18 to ${STAGING_BINDIR} but the script cannot be found there. Dec 18 16:13:35 aha. Dec 18 16:13:42 I see it now looking at the details Dec 18 16:14:02 checking for xml2-config... /mnt/bitbake/build/detos/tmp-eglibc/sysroots/unified/usr/bin/crossscripts/xml2-config Dec 18 16:14:11 guess what is not in _that_ sysroot Dec 18 16:14:18 now wtf mate on that one. Dec 18 16:20:26 pidge, r u still there? :) Dec 18 16:22:02 kergoth: does adding deltask to the bitbake "API" seem sane to you? Dec 18 16:22:22 kergoth: certainly makes the dependency graphs saner :) Dec 18 16:23:06 doesn't seem too unreasonable, though i wonder about the behavior when other tasks depend on that task, both within a recipe and without. remove it from all other task deps entirely? Dec 18 16:26:04 kergoth: the "addtask before X after Y" dependency gets ignored if X/Y doesn't exist as it always has done. I'd imagine a specific dependency on foo:X would raise an error Dec 18 16:26:43 that seems reasonable to me. Dec 18 16:27:39 kergoth: Looking at the task-depends.dot changes it generates, it looks like a rather nice cleanup of bogus dependencies to be honest Dec 18 16:30:00 * RP likes the new addition to the -S option, it shows exactly where differences to the current sstate cache start without having to run a build :) Dec 18 16:40:36 ccube: yes, sup? Dec 18 16:41:08 rburton: as you're working on systemd again, can you please check http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2013-December/087575.html ? Dec 18 16:41:45 JaMa: try using moosay for your next ping ;) Dec 18 16:41:50 rburton: I'm surprised that I would be the only one seeing error from preinst/prerm Dec 18 16:42:07 rburton: hehe :) Dec 18 16:42:11 JaMa: maybe everyone else is using dropbear Dec 18 16:42:41 * T0mW uses openssh Dec 18 16:43:14 JaMa: if you could file a bug i can re-assign to a colleague in WR who is tasked with fixing systemd bugs Dec 18 16:43:58 may I use cowsay in YP bugzilla? :) Dec 18 16:44:03 ha Dec 18 16:47:24 someone using archiver.bbclass? Dec 18 16:48:10 I don't use it, but I'd like to see it cleaned up after Richard's addtask changes get merged Dec 18 16:48:22 so much so that I may end up doing that cleanup myself Dec 18 16:49:54 I have created a simple recipe that create a custom pg_config.sh bash script. In do_install() I copy the file to ${D}${bindir}. this script is needed by another recipe (libpqxx). In my libpqxx recipe, where do I point to get the script ? I tried ${D}${bindir} and without surprise it does not work since the ${D} from pg_config recipe is different than the ${D} from libpqxx, I also tried to point Dec 18 16:49:54 to ${STAGING_BINDIR} but the script cannot be found there. Dec 18 16:50:10 bluelightning: I have found interesting corner case where it removes required files before they are used Dec 18 16:50:55 bluelightning: http://pastebin.com/ZVwWwdRf this is commit message from WIP patch to fix that Dec 18 16:51:29 bluelightning: but more looking into the code it looks like bigger cleanup is needed indeed Dec 18 16:55:12 JaMa: hmm, ok Dec 18 17:16:14 JaMa: ouch :/ Dec 18 17:21:49 will send RFC patch after test Dec 18 17:27:39 so, bluelightning kergoth -- if file had actually installed into the target sysroot, it would have caught it in configure, I think. Dec 18 17:29:12 but, my immediate question I need to find is why it was not installed to it. Dec 18 17:31:48 moin Dec 18 17:34:02 I sent today minicom patch to openembedded-core list Dec 18 17:34:11 has anybody received that? :) Dec 18 17:34:22 asking since I had some problems with accessing the list Dec 18 17:38:06 Xz: the minicom patch made it through Dec 18 17:44:34 jackmitchell: cool, eventually works, thanks Dec 18 17:45:07 hmm, okay, so file and soelim (from groff) end up in that other sysroot... but then not detected properly. Dec 18 17:56:59 working again on my libpqxx port, I have a problem with the configure script that tells me that he cannot find main in -lpq. Any clue on this issue ? Dec 18 18:01:46 Xz: I even applied it :) Dec 18 18:42:33 This is odd. udev will only successfully run under sysvinit when the mountall script is run. Dec 18 18:46:40 weebet: it's probably looking in the wrong place for the library, see config.log Dec 18 18:58:35 bluelightning: hackishly solved: export FILEUTIL=${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}${bindir}/file Dec 18 18:58:42 @ configure_prepend Dec 18 18:59:11 WarheadsSE: er, that looks odd Dec 18 18:59:59 Yeah, it just.. was refusing to see it, so I ended up going "GDI THERE, RIGHT F'ING THERE" Dec 18 19:00:14 hmm archiver.bbclass is creating diff between s + '.org' and "s" but never creates ${S}.org AFAIK Dec 18 19:00:30 still makes no sense to me in this case, because it should have functioned. openldap managed to pull groff' Dec 18 19:00:35 s soelim from the same location Dec 18 19:00:49 WarheadsSE: surely it's not under /usr/share/bin/usr/bin/file ? Dec 18 19:02:26 ./x86_64-linux/usr/bin/file Dec 18 19:02:37 WarheadsSE: right, then surely you want this: export FILEUTIL="${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/file" Dec 18 19:02:40 where x86_64-linux is the sysroot Dec 18 19:02:45 k Dec 18 19:03:07 wait. then why the F did it just work. Dec 18 19:03:18 * WarheadsSE runs screaming Dec 18 19:06:19 WarheadsSE: hard to tell from this side, but maybe you giving it a bad path prompted it to search differently than it did originally Dec 18 19:06:31 people do weird stuff in their configure scripts... Dec 18 19:07:03 Yeah, sadly not entirely under my control Dec 18 19:07:18 And yes, they do some very wonky things Dec 18 19:07:33 * WarheadsSE glares at people detecting ARM by ASM Dec 18 19:09:59 WarheadsSE: it's rarely under our control, witness the number of patches we apply to fix these types of situations ;) (although thankfully there are a lot less of these than there used to be) Dec 18 19:11:22 with bitbake, when the linking is done, the library must be compiled for arm or for my local machine (x86) ? Dec 18 19:12:04 to link, they have to match Dec 18 19:12:17 though the linker can be x86 linking ARM bainaries Dec 18 19:12:21 * kergoth failed to oparse weebet's question Dec 18 19:12:24 s/op/p/ Dec 18 19:12:25 me too Dec 18 19:12:48 weebet: where is the thing that your recipe is building supposed to run? Dec 18 19:13:18 bluelightning I don't understand your question Dec 18 19:13:36 weebet: well, we're in the same boat then, I don't really understand yours ;) Dec 18 19:13:38 what processor is the output binary for Dec 18 19:16:41 lol I am again working with the port of libpqxx. the library needs libpq from postgresql. I try to port to arm. I tried to use sysroots/overo library and sysroots/x86_64 library and also my local /usr/lib library and I receive two kind of error : first one when linking with sysroots/overo library : file format not recognized or something like this (so I believe it is not compiled for the right Dec 18 19:16:41 architecture) or if I link with sysroots/x86_64 or locally (/usr/lib) I see checking main in -lpq... not found Dec 18 19:18:33 * WarheadsSE leaves it up to kergoth and bluelightning Dec 18 19:21:11 you can't link an arm binary against an x86_64 lib Dec 18 19:21:17 or vice versa Dec 18 19:21:23 as WarheadsSE pointed out Dec 18 19:21:35 * WarheadsSE would know, he runs an ARM distro Dec 18 19:25:51 I agree with you otherwise it makes non sense Dec 18 19:31:20 duh, I don't understand why, but now it is working... cool, thank you guys ! Dec 18 19:40:39 where might I find that list of env variables bluelightning ? Dec 18 19:41:27 WarheadsSE: meta/conf/bitbake.conf is where the defaults for most of the standard ones are defined Dec 18 20:41:37 Hey! I am using autobuilder and want to add a custom build script (checking out git, compiling jar with maven, embedding jar in my image). What is the best way, doing this? Dec 18 21:27:00 ccube: i do that by deploying from the maven build job to the doc root on the same machine Dec 18 21:27:19 then one of the build recipes uses that as src_uri Dec 18 21:27:58 if it changes every night (for example) then you need to add OE_ALLOW_INSECURE_DOWNLOADS = "true" Dec 18 21:28:09 at least in oe-classic anyway... Dec 18 21:28:57 if you've got a better method i'm all ears... Dec 18 21:48:34 mr_science, will check in few minues what you wrote Dec 18 22:09:03 mr_science, I thought about a custom command while building. Like {'RunCustomCommand: {/path/to/my/buildscript}}, Dec 18 22:09:43 I saw sth like that in bare buildbot, just wondering about what is the yocto way doing this Dec 18 22:10:29 if your maven build is already a separate jenkins/whatever build job it makes sense to deploy it for the yocto build Dec 18 22:11:07 bitbake doesn't really have any "support" for building random stuff afaik Dec 18 22:11:08 yea, jenkins, but on another machine. so I copy it via ssh to the other host and can access it when building Dec 18 22:11:36 nice idea Dec 18 22:11:38 i deploy from jenkins to a web server on the same machine Dec 18 22:12:04 any machine can then "pull" it as a src_uri in a recipe for example Dec 18 22:12:17 ah, I could use src_uri for that :D Dec 18 22:12:21 grat Dec 18 22:12:24 great Dec 18 22:12:32 :)) Dec 18 22:12:35 thanks mate Dec 18 22:14:04 so last question for now. I wann build every night automatically. How to handle this the yocto way? Dec 18 22:17:04 for me, that's outside of yocto Dec 18 22:17:31 i have jenkins build the small stuff first, before it launches the full oe build Dec 18 22:23:44 can jenkins trigger yoto build? Dec 18 22:23:49 yocto Dec 18 22:24:07 jenkins can do whatever you want Dec 18 22:24:10 run arbitrary commands Dec 18 22:24:11 so yes Dec 18 22:24:25 sure Dec 18 22:24:44 * ndec use jenkins to make OE builds Dec 18 22:24:50 ah, there is a buildbot rest api Dec 18 22:25:01 :) Dec 18 22:25:37 but my buildbot is not reachable from outside via http :/ Dec 18 22:25:44 can I start a build from shell? Dec 18 22:27:41 ndec, I thougt about that, but my jenkins is running on a slow vserver Dec 18 22:28:08 would not be that fast compiling a wholde distribution :/ Dec 18 22:28:26 phew, sorry. so much typos tonight.... :/ Dec 18 22:28:50 well of course.. note that it's ok to have jenkins on a 'slow' server, but you need dedicated build nodes, then. Dec 18 22:29:32 yes, but for now I have jenkins for java and android stuff, and yocto-autobuilder for my OE stuff. Dec 18 22:30:09 you should be able to have jenkins trigger yocto-autobuilder Dec 18 22:30:12 I think this is a reasonable setup. Jenkins will deploy java builds to buildbot, which includes them into the nightly image Dec 18 22:30:21 might be fun setting that up... Dec 18 22:30:32 mr_science, its almost done :D Dec 18 22:30:41 spent some nights... Dec 18 22:32:11 a timed job would also be fine. Have to recheck how buildbot does and port that to autobuilder. But I think it should be a way there, since the official yocto-project also build every night, doesnt it? Dec 18 22:36:36 hopefully i get to migrate to yocto soon and try the autobuilder thing Dec 18 22:37:13 right now i have a couple of hairy-ass build/job scripts for each jenkins oe build Dec 18 22:37:32 :D Dec 18 22:37:51 I like yocto project and this support channel Dec 18 22:37:51 setup, injecting versioning and other variables, deploy, cleanup, yada yada... Dec 18 22:38:11 kinda fun poking around with it :)) Dec 18 22:38:44 waiting for the day everything shows up green and my firmwares are auto updating every day from buildbot server! Dec 18 22:38:45 :D Dec 18 22:42:00 arg.. found the qt4-x11-free webkit never builds problem.. Dec 18 23:03:57 * RP notes the builds a mostly green atm... Dec 18 23:04:12 * RP won't remind rburton of the failing build ;-) Dec 18 23:04:20 quick, go to bed! **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Dec 19 02:59:59 2013