**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Aug 28 02:59:58 2015 Aug 28 03:27:41 that sounds weird... Aug 28 03:28:30 if you said you're changing a file in one recipe when a different recipe is built? Aug 28 03:29:17 one way might be to deploy the file from its package first, then touch the deployed file later Aug 28 03:30:00 fingering another recipe that's still in the tree is illegal in some states Aug 28 03:30:08 i believe... Aug 28 03:31:36 nerdboy, yes, it's the raspberry pi config.txt file we were talking about yesterday Aug 28 03:32:03 just modify or bbappend the recipe Aug 28 03:32:21 is there some reason you can't do it the right way? Aug 28 03:33:08 nerdboy, i asked what the right way was yesterday, and this is what i was told to do… Aug 28 03:33:38 nerdboy, i'm writing a recipe which needs to enable i2c, which means modifying the config.txt file which is generated by a different recipe Aug 28 03:34:52 if you can think of a better way to accomplish that than what i'm (trying) to do i'd be very happy to do it that way instead Aug 28 03:35:09 that would be the slightly more hacky way Aug 28 03:35:56 ideally you can just edit the recipe to add that stuff, unless you are not supposed to modify rpi layer Aug 28 03:36:31 otherwise make a simple layer and bbappend the rpi recipe with your version or whatever Aug 28 03:37:18 or, you could make a whole new recipe that depends on that one and hacks the config.tx file after it gets deployed Aug 28 03:38:04 i was trying to keep this as self-contained as i could. i can modify the recipe which generates config.txt, but i can't change the default for i2c to on Aug 28 03:39:07 my first attempt was trying to set a variable ("ENABLE_I2C") to have that recipe generate the line in config.txt, but then i had to set it in my local.conf, which i would like to avoid Aug 28 03:40:25 ideally enabling the piface-rtc recipe (which is what requires i2c) should just automatically cause rpi-config recipe (which generates config.txt) to enable i2c, without any intervention in local.conf Aug 28 03:40:27 option 3 sounds less than optimal unless you have odd reqs Aug 28 03:41:03 actually that is probably exactly how it should work Aug 28 03:41:23 what is? Aug 28 03:41:58 piface-rtc says enable "FOO" in rc.conf and rpi-config looks for config setting Aug 28 03:42:08 er, local.conf Aug 28 03:42:27 * nerdboy working too many distros at once Aug 28 03:43:08 you mean a conf file in the piface-rtc recipe? that sounds perfect—can i do that? Aug 28 04:11:41 why not pull the upstream blob as src_uri in your recipe? Aug 28 04:11:54 at least it's current that way... Aug 28 04:22:13 nerdboy, why bother? I can just update it in rpi-config if i need to, as long as there is a way to set the relevant variable in my recipe it shouldn't matter Aug 28 04:22:46 but i can't seem to find any examples of recipes with config files. do you know of any? Aug 28 05:08:46 nerdboy: I just built the sato image and it just works. I have had zero success with the minimal image though.. Aug 28 05:30:16 your config change? Aug 28 05:30:57 No Aug 28 05:31:12 I just used the default everything Aug 28 05:31:16 And it worked Aug 28 05:31:54 So usb works out of the box I think for sato, no for minimal Aug 28 05:32:34 I think.. I have made that many alterations I am unsure of where I am at, but atleast USB is working with sato Aug 28 07:24:43 does yocto support musl? I find several patches and references to musl in the poky repo, but no package for the actual libc itself Aug 28 08:06:11 morning all Aug 28 08:12:18 morning bluelightning :) Aug 28 08:12:25 hi abelal Aug 28 09:15:06 Hi folks Aug 28 09:15:18 hi raykinsella78 Aug 28 09:15:24 Need a way to pull a tarball out of a tarball Aug 28 09:15:36 Don't ask, its the lesser of many evils Aug 28 09:27:43 raykinsella78: I believe we have at least one example that does this, one moment Aug 28 09:28:08 raykinsella78: meta/recipes-extended/lsof/lsof_*.bb Aug 28 09:28:15 it's not pretty, but it does work Aug 28 09:28:53 Great, thanks Blue - it was never going to be pretty. Aug 28 09:48:03 python do_unpack () { Aug 28 09:48:11 Yuck - but it will work Aug 28 09:53:24 raykinsella78: well the normal do_unpack is already python FWIW Aug 28 09:53:39 (base_do_unpack in base.bbclass) Aug 28 11:21:52 hello, can somebody explain me how I can get qt4-plugin-phonon-backend-gstreamer in my image? Aug 28 11:27:33 hi all Aug 28 11:52:13 Hi All. I need a 64 bit build so I used MACHINE = "intel-corei7-64" in local conf. But one QT application is needing sse4.1 and my processor does not have it. Aug 28 11:52:13 Where can i find a intel-corei5-64 that does not have the sse4.1 enabled. Or should I use the genericx86-64 machine ? will this one work ? Aug 28 12:30:06 darkspike: genericx86-64 may work, or you could create your own machine definition with the desired tunings Aug 28 12:52:44 bluelightning: I've created intel-core2-64.conf and intel-core2-64-common.inc by copy paste from the "-32" versions (and changed 32 to 64 inside). Aug 28 12:52:45 bluelightning: DEFAULTTUNE is now "core2-64". Is this enough to create the 64 bit yocto image ? Aug 28 12:53:26 I wonder if that's a defined tune Aug 28 12:53:57 apparently it is Aug 28 12:54:08 so that should work Aug 28 12:59:16 bluelightning: is is defined in the tune-core2.inc (AVAILTUNES += "core2-64"). I started a build to see if it works. Thank you very much ! Aug 28 12:59:24 darkspike: no problem Aug 28 14:49:48 does anyone actually manage to build meta-toolchain-qt for raspberry? I build under ubuntu 14.04 host, clean state on fido and gstreamer always fails on grammar.tab.c? Aug 28 16:02:41 morning Aug 28 16:03:48 morning kergoth Aug 28 17:13:25 anyone seen a linux system hang completely during boot when wayland package was added? it builds fine on the reference board (iMX6 automotive from freescale). in particular it looks like it hangs when egl driver loads. Aug 28 17:22:08 is it still morning? am i too late? Aug 28 17:23:02 I am pusing my clang and musl autobuilder logs to errors dot yp dot org Aug 28 17:23:05 http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/8394/ Aug 28 17:23:13 is first one Aug 28 17:23:17 really cool Aug 28 17:24:04 Hi, I'm install core-image-minimal in my beagle bone black, but network doesn't seems to start, I have ssh-server-dropbear in there, any ideas? Aug 28 17:24:14 if the error logs could have some syntax highlighting that would be ice cool Aug 28 17:25:00 ljose: you need to see if its starting dhcp client and getting the DHCP address Aug 28 17:26:34 it is not getting a DHCP address not sure why Aug 28 17:27:59 i would add openssh-server Aug 28 17:28:20 dropbear should work in theory Aug 28 17:38:42 so I have a custom layer "meta-foo" and in that under recipes-core, I have an image defined "foo-image". Under conf, I have a distro "foo" also defined. When I run "bitbake -k foo-image" it keeps wanting to use poky as the distro Aug 28 17:39:20 how do I link the distro "foo" to "foo-image" and have it ignore the poky distro? Aug 28 17:56:55 is USB keyboard expected to work with core-image-minimal? Aug 28 17:59:02 daleg_: you did set your distro name in local.conf? Aug 28 18:20:25 you know Aug 28 18:20:27 it's the little things Aug 28 18:20:33 that you always miss Aug 28 18:20:37 thanks nerdboy Aug 28 18:21:11 with yocto I've gotten into this configuration file delirium Aug 28 19:21:27 the thing where it says DISTRO ?= "poky" ? :p Aug 28 22:59:15 wow, the world build on our autobuilder has been going for 14 hours Aug 28 23:23:43 * nerdboy points at darknighte and looks innocent Aug 28 23:24:13 so, how about them Dodgers? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Aug 29 02:59:59 2015