**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Sep 23 02:59:59 2015 Sep 23 03:44:44 Did anyone performance tests of running a program using a custom kernel created by yocto vs running over an unmodified ffos ? Sep 23 03:45:16 The thing is that I would like to see if yocto is useful to create images that performs better Sep 23 03:48:16 seems like the results of such performance testing would be so highly specific to your task at hand. Sep 23 03:48:44 meaning you'll have to do that yerself to get meaningful results. Sep 23 03:49:09 (Sorry I accidentally left) Did anyone performance tests of running a program using a custom kernel created by yocto vs running over an unmodified ffos ? The thing is that I would like to see if yocto is useful to create images that performs better Sep 23 03:49:18 seems like the results of such performance testing would be so highly specific to your task at hand. Sep 23 03:49:21 meaning you'll have to do that yerself to get meaningful results. Sep 23 03:51:16 yocto is a build tool, not magic. but yes, you'd have to do your own performance testing for whatever your needs are Sep 23 03:51:30 Ahm. But then, Yocto can be (for example) to optimize a run. I mean, if I have a program running on a embedded device, using a typical kernel, may Yocto help me to reduce (editing some layers) to reduce the imagen size and performance? Or Yocto simply helps you to port OS to different devices? (thanks for your previous responses Snert Sep 23 03:52:14 thx kergoth Sep 23 08:30:13 morning all] Sep 23 08:38:29 bluelightning: morning :) Sep 23 08:40:26 hi soderstrom Sep 23 08:41:12 bluelightning: how are you this morning? :) Sep 23 08:41:32 ok thanks, how about you? Sep 23 08:43:31 I'm perfectly fine afaik ^^ Sep 23 09:18:35 what's the point of the packaging step? does the installation step make use of binary packages? is the target system expected to have a package manager installed and support dynamic updates that way? Sep 23 09:19:40 as in, what use is having e.g. a bunch of RPMs for the packages? Sep 23 09:20:08 The latter Sep 23 09:20:22 okay, thanks Sep 23 09:20:31 You can have $pkg installed and can install the debug symbols on demand, for example. Sep 23 09:20:54 ok, makes sense Sep 23 09:32:43 Ulfalizer: Great, looking forward to see you next week then :) Sep 23 09:33:43 neverpanic: ah, didn't realize it was you :P Sep 23 09:33:44 same :) Sep 23 09:39:51 Ulfalizer: and the former, the images are built from packages Sep 23 09:42:37 rburton: are those in e.g. RPM format though? i assumed it just fetched stuff directly from the working directory. Sep 23 09:43:29 or WORKDIR or whatever it's called :) Sep 23 09:45:01 no, it uses the packages Sep 23 09:45:06 rpm or deb or opk Sep 23 09:45:14 kk Sep 23 09:45:24 because the packages are where the metadata and postinst scripts and so on are Sep 23 09:49:39 5.3.12. in the manual makes it sound like it's copying stuff directly out of the workdir, but maybe i'm missing something re. what do_install does Sep 23 09:54:20 do_install runs make install (or equiv) and puts files into a destdir, that will later be split into packages in do_package Sep 23 09:54:54 when building images, meta/classes/image.bbclass defines a task do_rootfs that uses the packages to build an image Sep 23 09:55:58 ah, okay, i think i'm following then Sep 23 11:02:13 hi folks - how do I override default configuration files that ship with Yocto - like /etc/network/interfaces Sep 23 11:02:50 I can do a bbappend, with my own version - but what will happen when it tries to copy over with it baulk? Sep 23 11:14:46 raykinsella78, Like this: https://github.com/EttusResearch/meta-ettus/commit/da86e76d116798e386d073a18453aabb6179a09a Sep 23 11:24:24 hi Sep 23 11:24:38 I'm trying to build an archive using the instructions from here: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Building_your_own_recipes_from_first_principles#Build_an_example_package_based_on_a_local_source_archive Sep 23 11:25:07 but I get: linux-yocto-custom.bb: Failure expanding variable do_patch: ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable SRCPV, expression was ${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)} which triggered exception FetchError: Fetcher failure: SRCREV was used yet no valid SCM was found in SRC_URI Sep 23 11:26:08 the bb file looks like this: http://pastebin.com/56RLR20j Sep 23 11:26:29 don't mind the hardcoded paths right now, i just want to see it run Sep 23 11:26:36 any ideas why it fails? Sep 23 12:25:01 blotunga: because you are not using git you need to set PV to a value that does not include SRCPV Sep 23 12:25:11 or rather, does not include ${SRCPV} Sep 23 12:25:40 bluelightning: since I'm a complete beginner, can you show an example? Sep 23 12:26:14 blotunga: the value you are setting in that recipe for PV is "${LINUX_VERSION}+git${SRCPV}" Sep 23 12:26:19 ah Sep 23 12:26:26 from the .inc file Sep 23 12:26:27 the fact that you have ${SRCPV} in there is what's causing the error Sep 23 12:26:53 no, it's in the recipe itself - i.e. what you put in pastebin Sep 23 12:27:04 ah yes Sep 23 12:27:12 because I was using it with git before Sep 23 12:27:13 damn Sep 23 12:28:22 and what should SRCREV be? Sep 23 12:30:13 <_4urele_> Hi everyone, Sep 23 12:30:48 <_4urele_> I'm using gstreamer, with libgstrtp, but i can't find symbols for libgstrtp... Sep 23 12:31:20 <_4urele_> I can't find any libgstrtp-dbg Sep 23 12:36:41 bluelightning: thanks, it seems to work Sep 23 12:42:54 bluelightning: if a recipe has an existing do_install, how do I run something after it in bbappend ... I need to append another action. Sep 23 12:43:13 do_install_append() ? Sep 23 12:43:26 blotunga: SRCREV doesn't need to be set unless you're fetching from a version control system such as git Sep 23 12:43:32 blotunga: great Sep 23 12:43:35 ah ok Sep 23 12:43:36 raykinsella78: yes Sep 23 12:50:57 i wonder where the sandbox/dev comes from when building: meta-sigma-arm = "sandbox/dev:f8768497fcba507a23996f7833a5ed4a93a33f3f", is there some trace from the original git version someweher? Sep 23 13:05:24 Currently 3 running tasks (708 of 2624): Sep 23 13:05:29 god its taking an age Sep 23 13:11:17 bluelightning: if I had SRC_URI reference to aproject/afile in a recipe and then the same file in a bbappend, will the original get ignored. Sep 23 13:11:31 any ideas where updateme that appears in kernel-yocto.bbclass comes from and what it does? Sep 23 13:13:03 s/updateme/configme/ Sep 23 13:13:47 or is it just a bitbake task name being called explicitly? Sep 23 13:16:27 bboozzoo: configme comes from yocto-kernel-tools .. Sep 23 13:18:40 bboozzoo: Please have a look here: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/yocto-kernel-tools/tree/tools/configme Sep 23 13:18:47 looking right now Sep 23 13:18:59 so this is the place where config fragments get applied? Sep 23 13:20:01 bboozzoo: yes, this handles the kernel configuration part Sep 23 13:22:12 hm, I'm trying to recreate something similar for linux-wandboard, came up with some inline python and simple cat $cfg >> defconfig loop, but it looks like configme does a lot more Sep 23 13:22:38 folks is there anyway to show what receipes have a dependency on a specific package. Sep 23 13:25:48 raykinsella78: "bitbake -u depexp -g package-name" ? Sep 23 13:26:18 maxim: does that not tell me the dependences of a given reciepe, Sep 23 13:26:38 maxim: I want the reverse, a list of packages that depend upon it. Sep 23 13:27:03 raykinsella78: It has a "Reverse Depends" section as well.. Sep 23 13:27:55 rburton: http://ci.ossystems.com.br/job/fsl-community-bsp-master-next_x11-imx28evk/837/console Sep 23 13:27:58 maxin: ok thanks I will take a look again Sep 23 13:28:05 rburton: my builde reproduced the error Sep 23 13:29:45 raykinsella78: sorry, could you explain what you meant re SRC_URI ? Sep 23 13:31:03 bluelightning: say a given recipe has in its SRC_URI - recipe/files/afile Sep 23 13:31:44 bluelightning: I then create another layer also with recipe/files/afile Sep 23 13:32:01 bluelightning: with the afile from the second layer automagically override the first. Sep 23 13:36:44 raykinsella78: only if you have a bbappend for the recipe in that second layer containing FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" in the directory next to the files dir Sep 23 13:37:56 bluelightning: perfects, thanks for the tip Sep 23 13:40:46 you'll see that more-or-less boilerplate line in a lot of bbappends Sep 23 13:41:08 bluelightning: had it already, just didn't make the connection ... Sep 23 13:41:45 ah ok, fair enough Sep 23 15:10:08 yocto is officially making me feel stupid. I can't mount a thumb drive and I need to get files onto my wandboard. Sep 23 15:11:24 I set up a tftp server and I am trying to connect to it from yocto. When I run tftp on yocto I am told "Usage: tftp [OPTIONS] HOST [PORT]" but I can't get it to connect to the server (which is pingable from yocto) Sep 23 15:11:50 what is the syntax to connect to the tftp server from yocto? man tftp does not work Sep 23 15:13:33 "can't get it to connect" is not useful information. if you're getting an error, than give us the error. that said, you aren't 'on yocto'. yocto is an umbrella project that includes many things, including poky, the linux distribution you're likely running on your board Sep 23 15:24:17 so should I ask for help on #poky? Sep 23 15:25:28 I'm sorry if I am dumb and asking the wrong question Sep 23 15:27:20 I am not getting an error. If I run "tftp" it merely tells me the usage. I've tried just about every combination of commands that I can think of. Unfortunately I don't know what the "OPTIONS" are Sep 23 15:30:25 That worked. Thank you for the help. Sep 23 15:30:39 I think I'm good now. You all are life savers. Sep 23 15:44:57 * kergoth realizes he never submitted an oe selftest for recipetool-newappend and rolls eyes at self Sep 23 16:04:18 how can i get the DESCRIPTION text of a recipe via the bitbake tool? Sep 23 16:04:54 bitbake -e recipe | grep ^DESCRIPTION= Sep 23 16:04:55 Ulfalizer: low-fi way is bitbake -e [recipe] | grep -e ^DESCRIPTION= Sep 23 16:05:36 rburton: still working on v2 for ${B} issue? Sep 23 16:05:45 JaMa: yeah Sep 23 16:06:01 JaMa: there's a new race with do_populate_lic_setscene Sep 23 16:06:14 k, just wanted to refresh it before starting new world build Sep 23 16:07:41 what's the last thing i wrote? Sep 23 16:07:42 urgh, enters task with a [dirs] set, minute later it does os.getcwd() and that throws file not found Sep 23 16:07:59 Ulfalize1: "how can i get the DESCRIPTION text of a recipe via the bitbake tool?" Sep 23 16:08:21 < Ulfalizer> maybe there isn't a one-to-one correspondence between the name you give to bitbake and .bb files, but work with me as i'm a noob :P Sep 23 16:08:25 i'll add that then. thanks. :) Sep 23 16:13:51 Gm Sep 23 16:18:27 folks how do I specify a particular version of a recipe when more than one is available in my image file or at the command line? Sep 23 16:18:43 raykinsella781: set PREFERRED_VERSION in your distro or layer config Sep 23 16:19:25 rburton: thanks keep forgetting that ... Sep 23 16:25:57 Exception: NameError: global name 'imagetypes_getdepends' is not defined Sep 23 16:25:58 odd Sep 23 16:46:25 Hu Sep 23 17:29:52 hi Sep 23 18:09:01 how do I autoenable a systemd service when the image is being generated. Sep 23 18:18:59 raykinsella781: see the SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE variable in systemd.bbclass. in master/2.0 it's enabled by default, not sure about your version, you can examine the class to see it. set to a value of "enable" to enable it Sep 23 18:21:43 kergoth: thanks got it! Sep 23 18:34:22 RP: do you think we should move to using a stamp to indicate an out of date mirror tarball needs updating rather than removing it? I don't feel strongly either way. In theory it should only be removed if we successfully updated the clone in ud.clonedir.. i can see an argument that an out of date tarball is better than no tarball, but i can also see an argument that if you need a tarball for distribution, you should enable BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS=1 Sep 23 18:34:22 and make it a nonissue.. Sep 23 18:34:36 * kergoth shrugs Sep 23 18:35:23 and i forgot to cc bluelightning on a recipetool/devtool change again. i really need to get better about using Cc: headers in my commits Sep 23 20:20:22 kergoth: BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS is set but we lost the tarball yesterday Sep 23 20:20:57 kergoth: turned out that repo was quite damaged and revisions went missing so I'm not surprised the fetcher had a fit :/ Sep 23 20:21:21 kergoth: but it did delete the old tarball and fail to create a new one since the fetch failed due to missing revisions Sep 23 20:27:16 Huh, I wonder what codepath triggered its removal. Afaict the recently added one should only have hit on successfully updating clonedir. Sep 23 20:27:17 interesting Sep 23 20:27:43 We really need to sit down and start delineating more ideas on cases that need adding to the unit tests, perhaps a wiki page to start with Sep 23 20:58:37 kergoth: yes. I wish I could sit down with this and figure out what happened but I'm in full fire fighting mode right now Sep 23 20:59:10 kergoth: I'd imagine force pushing a branch and then running a build against a removed commit and a new commit would do it Sep 23 21:00:06 kergoth: ; , , Sep 23 21:11:17 hey guys i compiled a kernel from scratch without bitbake Sep 23 21:11:26 and its operational on the board Sep 23 21:11:36 but i dont know how to ge the ethernet drivers working Sep 23 21:11:51 as in i cannot ping google at all Sep 23 21:12:02 and when i type ifconfig it doesnt even detect eth0 Sep 23 21:13:45 any one know whats going on? Sep 23 21:15:02 if up eth0 Sep 23 21:15:11 does nothing? Sep 23 21:15:24 it did something Sep 23 21:15:28 i see > Sep 23 21:15:31 now do ifconfig Sep 23 21:15:43 nothing Sep 23 21:15:58 eth0 exists but it has no ip addy? Sep 23 21:16:02 just returned > Sep 23 21:16:26 hmmmm...okay beyond me. Sep 23 21:16:29 no thats not possible, when i use a different kernel it connects to ethernet Sep 23 21:17:27 ifconfig doesn't show interfaces that aren't up by default. ifconfig -a does them all, or specify an interface name to see it if it's up or not Sep 23 21:19:37 if eth0 really doesn't exist, problem is almost always driver not in kernel or device tree incorrect Sep 23 21:20:15 xyzzy42: yeah that is the issue, the kernel doesnt have the drivers Sep 23 21:20:39 xyzzy42: thing is during cross compilation i don't know how to enable the right ethernet drivers Sep 23 22:30:38 how do i add wireless-regdb to yocto? Sep 23 22:30:57 is it a kernel config setting or a image feature? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 24 02:59:57 2015