**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Dec 08 03:00:19 2015 Dec 08 06:49:40 hello I need some help regarding bitbake Dec 08 06:54:08 /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER aks4pro odjqagdgzoay Dec 08 06:54:54 /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER aks4pro odjqagdgzoay Dec 08 07:02:14 hello all Dec 08 07:05:58 how can i exclude some bikbake with same new in differen folder Dec 08 07:10:02 hello all Dec 08 07:11:19 Hello all Dec 08 07:11:40 I want help regarding bitbake Dec 08 07:13:35 aks4pro, what do you want to do? Dec 08 07:23:53 AndersD, i have two bitbake with same name i want one to exclude during build is it possible? Dec 08 07:33:08 aks4pro, I'm not really following. Do you meant that you have two different bitbake installations, or that you have two recipes with the same name? Or something else? Dec 08 07:48:38 AndersD, I have two recipes with same name. Dec 08 07:51:16 aks4pro, ok Well, do they have different versions? If so, the highest version will be built, if you want the lower version, you can use PREFERRED_VERSION_ = "2.3" Dec 08 07:51:24 Or whatever version you have. Dec 08 07:51:36 Would that solve your issue? Dec 08 07:53:13 AndersD, ok i will check that and let you know. Thanks for support. Dec 08 09:00:59 hello good morning Dec 08 09:09:48 im trying to do a kexec -p and i fail with not finding a free area of memory. I'm able to do a kexec -l/-e. kexec sysfs debug_info crashdump proc_vmcore relocatable are set and i can see the normal kernel message about reserving the crashdump space for the kernel. any help? Dec 08 10:16:09 smoketst: What is it the architecture of your target ? What is it the kernel cmdline that you add ? Dec 08 10:39:03 sm0ketst: On ARM your should enable AUTO_ZRELADDR, specify the devicetree to launch the kdump kernel, and you should remove crashkernel parameter from kernel cmdline to launch kdump kernel Dec 08 11:02:34 t0mmy: it is an Atom/x86, BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 rw crashkernel=64M console=ttyS0,115200 Dec 08 11:03:20 t0mmy: kexec -d -l /boot/vmlinuz --initrd=./core-image-minimal-initramfs-target.cpio.gz --append="root=/dev/sda2 single irqpoll maxcpus=1 reset_device" Dec 08 11:03:43 t0mmy: kexec -e boots but i can't see /proc/vmcore Dec 08 11:03:48 hi, anyone here know how to fix prelinker problem? Yocto generic sw links against library ld-linux-armhf.so.3. I have made few of my own recipes, but for some reason those link against: ld-linux.so.3 and I can't figure out why. have tried to patch prelinker but no help. Dec 08 11:04:25 they work if I make link from ld-linux.so.3 to ld-linux-armhf.so.3 but I'd like to fix it properly. Dec 08 11:50:17 Hello! Dec 08 11:51:16 Anyone here already used t meta-arago-extras to build wl18xx wifi/bluetooth? Dec 08 11:53:34 the layer meta-arago-extras have all things. Dec 08 11:57:06 say you develop for two different platforms that share the same architecture and most packages. if two different MACHINEs were used for those platforms, would the sstate mechanism be clever enough to reuse e.g. the do_package output for packages that are identical between the platforms? Dec 08 12:07:52 if the machine were different but the tune was the same, yes Dec 08 12:07:57 iirc Dec 08 12:13:29 rburton1: ok Dec 08 12:14:00 would be nice in this case, as having two MACHINEs allows you to make platform-specific tweaks in less hacky ways Dec 08 12:14:39 it'd be a bit annoying to build the 99% of packages that are identical for both platforms though Dec 08 12:15:00 *rebuild Dec 08 12:41:05 meta-qt5 question: how to correctly build a cmake project against qtbase? using "inherit cmake_qt5" and DEPENDS = " qtbase " don't seem to be enough. usr/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfig.cmake:158 is complaining about non-existing tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linu Dec 08 12:41:09 x/usr/bin/qt5/qmake" Dec 08 13:27:05 is there some way to rename a file during packaging, e.g. turn /etc/foo-bar.conf into /etc/foo.conf? Dec 08 13:27:56 why during packaging? Dec 08 13:32:43 Ulfalizer: typically you'd do that in a do_install_append() Dec 08 13:33:07 (assuming you've inherited something that provides a do_install for you) Dec 08 13:41:29 rburton1: the idea was to reuse the do_install output (sstate) between two packages that only differ in a runtime configuration file. i'm honestly not sure if i'm keeping it straight in my own head atm though. :) Dec 08 13:42:14 i also need to refresh which tasks' output is put into the sstate Dec 08 13:42:28 Ulfalizer: put the configuration file in a separate recipe Dec 08 13:43:04 so the shared recipe is shared all the way to the package feed Dec 08 13:43:53 yeah, that makes sense. there's some other complications in this case too (packages for two different machines being built in the same sysroot), but maybe i could work around them. Dec 08 13:43:54 Hi there ! I am trying to compile faac with debug symbols. I added EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "dbg-pkgs debug-tweaks" in my conf/local.conf and INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = "1" Dec 08 13:44:12 but I still don't have a libfacc-dbg package generated, only the base one and -dev one Dec 08 13:44:24 did I miss anything ? Dec 08 13:44:56 Ulfalizer: the machine-specific files would be in machine-specific packages (or even better, a single recipe with a machine-specific file) so that's not a problem Dec 08 13:45:25 Ulfalizer: thats how the xorg config is done for example. single machine-specific recipe that has machine-specific files in SRC_URI Dec 08 13:46:52 rburton1: the problem in this case is that the two images are built together in the same sysroot, so that you run into problems if any of the machine-specific packages share installed files Dec 08 13:47:03 e.g., if two different machine-specific recipes both install /etc/foo.conf Dec 08 13:47:09 it's messy Dec 08 13:47:41 separating them by MACHINE would be cleaner. might be some premature optimization going on. Dec 08 14:16:34 the documentation for do_populate_sysroot says that it "copies a subset of files installed by hte do_install task into the sysroot". what subset is that? Dec 08 14:31:28 think i found it, in staging.bbclass Dec 08 14:32:06 it's weird though, because the file that isn't copied in this case is /etc/foo.conf, even though sysconfdir is listed Dec 08 14:38:27 sm0ketst: To enabla /proc/vmcore you need to add CONFIG_PROC_VMCORE=y in you kernel configuration Dec 08 14:45:23 JaMa: you mentioned gudev and jethro. Did you mean fido? Dec 08 14:50:24 no I meant jethro, I think systemd wasn't upgraded in fido Dec 08 14:51:15 but I should ask Robert not you, sorry Dec 08 14:54:50 ok, cool Dec 08 15:03:39 Hi, I have a packagegroup the has a dependency on fuse, the recipe is in meta-oe but bitbake can't find a provider. meta-ivi where the packagegroup is (http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-ivi/tree/meta-ivi/recipes-yocto-ivi/packagegroups/packagegroup-specific-component-p2.bb?h=9.0) also is used to hold a recipe for fuse but now it doesn't. Does a packagegroup require the packages to be provided in the same layer? Dec 08 15:05:10 bitbake doesnt' care what layer provides a dependency, only that it's provided. most likely you forgot to add meta-oe to your BBLAYERS in conf/bblayers.conf. Dec 08 15:05:56 it's definitely in bblayers conf Dec 08 15:06:36 however I think I might have found the issue Dec 08 15:07:11 I have meta-openembedded/meta-oe but the fuse recipe is in meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems Dec 08 15:07:19 I'll try adding that also, ty kergoth Dec 08 15:07:37 t0mmy: It is already there, # zgrep -i vmcore /proc/config.gz -> CONFIG_PROC_VMCORE=y. I'm trying to see what it is not there in proc after booting. i can see the reserved space for kdump kernel Dec 08 15:35:19 Hi, A question for toaster devs, can I install toaster into one directory and then use it to run builds in another directory I've setup under /var/www? Dec 08 16:11:12 sm0ketst: okay, /proc/vmcore is created on a panic, so you need to test if /proc/vmcore exist before to make the dump. Dec 08 16:16:12 sm0ketst: if /proc/vmcore exist then make the dump else load the kdump kernel Dec 08 17:35:40 For new kernel recipes, it seems that S = "${WORKDIR}/git" is "old" -- Anyone have some links to info on the preferred methodology? Dec 08 17:36:41 It seems that by relying on kernel.bbclases's S = "${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}" causes unpack failures, as a git checkout lands things in ${WORKDIR}/git... Dec 08 17:40:06 I'm trying to compile the (master branch meta-qt5) Qt 5.6.0 using fido but qeglfshooks_imx6.cpp is missing, the master branch is compatible with fido ? Dec 08 17:54:24 how come /etc (sysconfdir) isn't copied from D to the sysroot by do_populate_sysroot? looking into meta/classes/staging.bbclass, it seems to be included by default, so is it discarded at some earlier stage? Dec 08 20:55:36 I've got a -cross package that generates some target .so files. bitbake currently attempts to strip these .so files with the non-target 'strip', causing errors. How do I either disable that stripping or tell bitbake to use to correct (target) strip? Dec 08 21:04:31 jmesmon: should this really be a cross recipe? Dec 08 21:04:52 bluelightning: it's a cross compiler. so I think so? Dec 08 21:05:04 * jmesmon could be wrong Dec 08 21:05:13 jmesmon: ok, that's probably correct then Dec 08 21:05:50 jmesmon: there's no easy way I can think of to have STRIP set correctly for the cross-compiler binaries and also for those .so files Dec 08 21:06:12 jmesmon: you could perhaps do this as two separate recipes for the two halves, with the .so files produced by an actual target recipe Dec 08 21:06:26 not the tidiest solution Dec 08 21:06:39 is that what gcc does? (with gcc-runtime?) Dec 08 21:07:11 pretty much yes Dec 08 21:07:11 That might work, but I don't think rustc's (the compiler's) buildsystem is really set up to support it. Dec 08 21:07:26 disabling stripping would be as simple as INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = "1" (and probably INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP = "1") Dec 08 21:07:32 but then your binaries will be larger Dec 08 21:07:55 ok. I'll do that for now, but I'll keep the seperate package thing in mind. Dec 08 21:12:27 is it possible to use FILES_${PN}-runtime to pull those files out? I suppose it's probably not possible to adjust STRIP properly at that level. :( It'd be really convenient if I could just list the packages generated by the .bb file that are target-ish packages (and place the target .so files in one of them) Dec 08 21:14:39 jmesmon: you can certainly pull them into a separate package, but that's not going to affect whether they get stripped or not Dec 08 21:14:53 khem: what's the canonical brnach for your musl/oe-core work? Dec 08 21:16:21 aw Dec 08 21:58:10 Hi, I am trying to run quickstart guide, after typing this command $ bitbake core-image-sato . And it is displaying the following error message: ERROR: User requested feature sdl | configure was not able to find it. | Install SDL devel Dec 08 21:58:50 despite of I already ran this line: sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \ build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm Dec 08 21:58:58 I have installed ubuntu 15.04 Dec 08 22:13:29 pacopedraza: perhaps a different version of libsdl devel is required? Or sdl-config is not present? Dec 08 22:14:32 .. Dec 08 22:14:57 let me check Dec 08 22:15:19 I have installed, this one libsdl1.2-dev Dec 08 22:16:07 yes, it is. Dec 08 22:43:46 pacopedraza: I saw that in ubuntu 14.04 systems also have libsdl1.2debian-dev Dec 08 22:43:58 weird but those systems build you might want to check it out Dec 08 22:44:37 okok Dec 08 22:44:55 I've ubuntu 15.04 Dec 08 22:45:29 15.10 sorry Dec 08 22:48:26 Actually, I have installed already that package Dec 08 22:57:13 pacopedraza: you might want to check bugzilla.yoctoproject.org to see if somebody else has or had that issue Dec 08 22:58:13 ok, I'll to it now Dec 08 22:58:14 thanks Dec 08 23:34:02 pacopedraza: latest ubuntu is broken with libsdl, see the 2.0 release notes for the work around Dec 08 23:36:12 I followed the workaround described here: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8553#add_comment Dec 08 23:36:13 Bug 8553: normal, Medium+, 2.1, ross.burton, IN PROGRESS REVIEW , qemu-native to build on Ubuntu 15.10 Dec 08 23:36:32 It was useful, Now is still running the compilation without issues :) Dec 08 23:36:38 thanks all for your support ! Dec 09 01:33:18 Hello~~I am running Fido on Intel Atom C2000 but I cannot find eth0 even in PCI bus. Can anyone help me~? Dec 09 01:33:40 root@mohonpeak64:~# ifconfig -a lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) sit0 Link enca Dec 09 01:33:53 root@mohonpeak64:~# ifconfig -a Dec 09 01:33:57 lo Link encap:Local Loopback Dec 09 01:34:04 sit0 Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4 Dec 09 01:43:23 Hello~~I am running Fido on Intel Atom C2000 but I cannot find eth0 even in PCI bus. Can anyone help me~? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 09 03:00:25 2015