**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 03 02:59:58 2016 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 03 05:29:15 2016 Mar 03 08:12:11 - Mar 03 08:31:48 hi Mar 03 08:40:33 is there any way to execute post iso generation task? i tried to add do_bootimg[postfuncs] += "do_myfunc" and i declared do_myfunc() {} in my image recipe but it doesn't seem to work Mar 03 09:24:43 Hey guys... I am not quite sure on how to get a IDE onto Yocto. Also if I build a Yocto which package should I include to be able to use any form of a package manager? Mar 03 09:24:49 LetoThe2nd: ^^ Mar 03 09:24:55 LetoThe2nd: Morning :) Mar 03 09:26:21 cart_man: package management: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#using-runtime-package-management Mar 03 09:27:57 cart_man: and what you mean by "IDE onto yocto", i can't see what you mean "an ide" can be about anything, and there is no such thing as "onto yocto" either. Mar 03 09:29:43 there is eclipse integration if you're building say C code and want to build it using the esdk and deploy to a target Mar 03 09:29:54 LetoThe2nd: Ok I will rephrase ... Is it possible to have a programming IDE packaged into the distro build built by Yocto? Mar 03 09:30:50 cart_man: i assume that you mean poky, as yocto does not build any distro. moreover i will assume that "programming IDE" == vi, as you didn't specify it either.... then, YES. Mar 03 09:30:59 rburton: The "Deploy to Target" subject is one I am very unfamiliar with and to be honest I am quite afraid of it also Mar 03 09:31:19 LetoThe2nd: More modern one as in Eclipse , QT etc Mar 03 09:31:26 cart_man: TBH, better learn about deploying to target soon. really soon. Mar 03 09:31:44 cart_man: well, any IDE is only software too. package it, install it. Mar 03 09:31:51 LetoThe2nd: Ok soo have some Ideas of how I can do that and what I need ...Im using the Sabre IMX6 connector board Mar 03 09:32:07 cart_man: and QT is not an IDE, in no sense of the meaning, btw Mar 03 09:32:25 LetoThe2nd: No I think you are right... I will have to learn the deploy to target then Mar 03 09:33:23 cart_man: don't get me wrong, but you are failing on two fronts at the moment. first, you try to work around properly automizing your build by doing it in target (which is a bad idea), and second, you are using imprecise expressions and buzzwords, instead of clearly saying what you want. Mar 03 09:34:42 there's probably a qt-creator recipe Mar 03 09:34:51 LetoThe2nd: :( .... Ok so one front I am admitting the problem and am not doing research to "Deploy to target" setup . The other one hmmm im quite bad at language and explanations in general accept if its math Mar 03 09:34:52 my ide is a terminal and emacs, so i'm happy :) Mar 03 09:35:20 cart_man: the main point is, that doing a quick tinkering test in target is totally fine. like, an ugly python hack just to test a peripheral or such. but everytime you feel the need for anything more complex (by asking for an IDE), the first thing you should ask yourself is: "and what will i do when i need to move development to another board." Mar 03 09:35:22 rburton: Ghez... Ive seen emacs and wanted to set it up on QNX some time ago.. was not a smooth ride I must say Mar 03 09:35:58 LetoThe2nd: True. I see your point Mar 03 09:36:09 cart_man: like, your dev board breaks. a new rev arrives. if your development is tied to that one particular piece of hardware, its always a VERYVERY bad sign. Mar 03 09:36:53 cart_man: OTOH if you have a proper host setup with crossompiling, you have all the shiny new age tools - including proper source control, backups, and the ability to move targets. Mar 03 09:37:12 cart_man: so, learning to use that is acouple of hours to days spent very well. Mar 03 09:38:39 hi everyone i wonder one thing can i instal .pkg.tar.xz in yocto OS, its possible ? Mar 03 09:38:49 cart_man: and musing more about that line, that also the reason why there are no to very little recipes for stuff like that - people actually don't need it. :-) Mar 03 09:38:55 cart_man: nor want to use it. ;-) Mar 03 09:39:18 kageja: what is a pkg.tar.xz, and what is a yocto OS? ;-) Mar 03 09:39:48 LetoThe2nd: That is true... first thing I though was...what the hell why would it not be standard Mar 03 09:40:15 yocto OS (operating system :) ) my yocto version is fido, .pkg.tar.xz is a extension such as .rpm .deb Mar 03 09:40:36 LetoThe2nd: yocto OS (operating system :) ) my yocto version is fido, .pkg.tar.xz is a extension such as .rpm .deb Mar 03 09:40:58 cart_man: i know, its a paradigm shift for many. but once you get your head around the point that an OE generated OS just is *NOT* a general purpose desktop os, but your embedded target, things become easier Mar 03 09:41:24 kageja: well... yocto is just a project name. i guess you basically mean something generated by an OE-based buildprocess? Mar 03 09:41:26 is it possible to call a binary generated by one of my recipe, after my image has been generated? in order to have my own manifest Mar 03 09:41:57 kageja: and for package management: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#using-runtime-package-management Mar 03 09:42:28 lz_: hm, maybe look at what the buildinfo thing does? Mar 03 09:43:50 LetoThe2nd: wow thx leto u are very helpfull, and i think you can answer me how can install apache2.4.18 and tomcat7 with basically, such as smart install apache2 Mar 03 09:44:02 kageja: it does not work like that, sorry. Mar 03 09:44:28 kageja: OE-based builds work by creating images tailored for your needs. Mar 03 09:45:12 kageja: if you want fancy package management for your stuff without doing it all by yourself, better run debian, angstrom, somthing like that. Mar 03 09:46:27 himm ok i see, but other os or projects (debian archarmlinux, angstrom) isn't suitable for my kit (Var_stk_6_ul) Mar 03 09:46:46 LetoThe2nd: i had a look at this but i think it rather is for putting build info on the generated image. what i would like is something generated beside the iso (which will include the iso name, md5sum and so on...) Mar 03 09:46:47 LetoThe2nd: himm ok i see, but other os or projects (debian archarmlinux, angstrom) isn't suitable for my kit (Var_stk_6_ul) Mar 03 09:46:47 LetoThe2nd: i had a look at this but i think it rather is for putting build info on the generated image. what i would like is something generated beside the iso (which will include th Mar 03 09:46:56 LetoThe2nd: i had a look at this but i think it rather is for putting build info on the generated image. what i would like is something generated beside the iso (which will include th Mar 03 09:46:56 kageja: well then learn how to generate your images. the yocto quick start document is actually very good. Mar 03 09:47:53 kageja: but i doubt that tomcat will be much fun. java is always a big pain, and there seems to be nothing available. Mar 03 09:48:38 lz_: hmhm. right. maybe the .sdcard generation magic the fsl stuff uses? sorry, just taking random guesses. Mar 03 09:48:42 LetoThe2nd: actually i build my image based on yocto but its take longggggg time, just now i compiling it, Mar 03 09:50:00 kageja: OE is about building things from source. it takes its time. if that doesn't suit your needs, OE is not for you. Mar 03 09:50:34 kageja: and, you really are not building a yocto OS. probably you are building poky. its always good, trying to speak in precise words. Mar 03 09:50:45 LetoThe2nd: i'll take a look at this, thanks. atm, i just add a bootimg[postfuncs] += "myfunc" and declared a myfunc() inside my image recipe but i'm not confident with how i can have access to the binary previously generated by one of my recipes Mar 03 09:51:05 lz_: sorry, can't offer any detailed knowledge there. Mar 03 09:53:04 LetoThe2nd: himm ok LetoThe2End i'm so sorry, yes you are right, i mean poky 1.8 im excited ^_^ Mar 03 10:19:20 LetoThe2nd: So what is the package to include if you want a package manager? Mar 03 10:20:34 cart_man: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#ref-features-image -Y package management... Mar 03 10:20:45 s/-Y/->/ Mar 03 13:42:34 Hi all. What steps would i have to do, if i wanted to enable systemd? Mar 03 14:04:34 a successful checkuri!? Mar 03 14:11:09 kergoth: A while back you pointed PATCHTOOL out to me. One thing I haven't been able to figure out is whether I can actually do PATCHTOOL_ in local.conf. Tried recipe=virtual/bootloader and the actual recipe name. Not sure if I'm Doing It Wrong, or if this simply doesn't make sense given how this is all resolved. Mar 03 14:12:04 jynik: have you tried PATCHTOOL_pn-recipe? Mar 03 14:12:55 JaMa: I have not -- I'll give that a shot. Mar 03 14:13:14 jynik, if JaMa's suggestion fail, please pastebin the output of "bitbake -e " somewhere... Mar 03 14:13:26 warning, huge output Mar 03 14:15:16 PATCHTOOL_pn- worked in local.conf Mar 03 14:16:32 I didnt' realize _pn- was needed. I guess I'll have to hunt for docs on this. Tips welcome. :) Mar 03 14:17:01 jynik, search for OVERRIDES in the bitbake reference manual (not the yocto one) to learn more about that Mar 03 14:17:16 boucman_work: Excellent, many thinks. Mar 03 14:17:20 np Mar 03 14:17:20 *Thanks even Mar 03 14:17:46 * boucman_work leveled up in yocto the day he discovered that the bitbake reference manual was not part of the mega-manual Mar 03 14:18:24 Oh yikes. What have I been doing with my life? Mar 03 14:33:53 is bbappend applied to recipe before executing or are the executed one after another? Mar 03 14:34:58 they're applied at parse time, in layer priority order Mar 03 14:35:21 mcfrisk, i'm not sure I understand your question, all recipies are parsed by bitbake (with all .bbpapend parsed) then one recipe is selected and executed Mar 03 14:37:06 I'm wondering if I can append to any variable in main recipe or if I need to duplicate do_install() scripts. So they are first applied and the executed in a single run and I can append main recipe variables. Mar 03 14:39:22 a bbappend is like concatenating to teh recipe Mar 03 14:39:27 you can do anything there yoiu can do in the recipe itself Mar 03 14:39:30 so yes, append all you like Mar 03 14:39:37 that's the whole point Mar 03 14:42:52 yep, got it. thanks! Mar 03 15:43:26 Hi everyone, im trying installing rpm package on this site: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-1.6.1/rpm/armv7a_vfp_neon/ Mar 03 15:45:27 i take an error such as unknown platfomr Mar 03 15:45:54 but i am exactly sure, i am using right platform Mar 03 16:02:27 kageja: what target board are you using? What's the exact error and what does uname -a say on your target? Mar 03 16:06:09 vmeson: uname output: Linux imx6ul-var-dart 3.14.38-6UL+g15a4567 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 28 17:51:48 IST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux Mar 03 16:06:32 vmeson: myboard is var_stk_6_ul based on i.MX6 ultralite Mar 03 16:11:22 kageja: seems reasonable. There must be some way to check the rpm files using rpm but I don't know of one off-hand. what does 'file' say about your system rpms and the ones from the URL above? Mar 03 16:12:35 vmeson: file rpm package command output is gcc-4.8.2-r0.armv7a_vfp_neon.rpm: RPM v3.0 bin Mar 03 16:12:49 I'm not an arm geek so I'm not sure if the rpm's being _neon should work for your board. Maybe someone else here knows. Mar 03 16:13:39 vmeson: i hope i wish :) please maybe someone else here knows :) Mar 03 16:13:44 kageja: do you have an rpm file on ( or that was used to build) your system to compare to? Mar 03 16:14:08 vmeson: i have rpm file i installed from yocto site Mar 03 16:14:50 vmeson: Now i compiled new image via bitbake, its compiled package cortexa7hf_vfp_neon Mar 03 16:15:41 hf = hard float -- you have the wrong yocto URL maybe... Mar 03 16:16:21 vmeso: yocto link: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-1.6.1/rpm/armv7a_vfp_neon/ Mar 03 16:16:28 vmeson: yocto link: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-1.6.1/rpm/armv7a_vfp_neon/ Mar 03 16:16:58 vmeson: ok you know where can i find cortexa7hv_vfp_neon library? Mar 03 16:19:17 kageja: for 1.6.1? not offhand other than building them yourself. Do you have a system vendor to contact to support your board? Mar 03 16:19:44 s/hv_vfp/hf_vfp/ :) Mar 03 16:21:00 vmeson: actually current yocto version 1.8 but yocto 1.8 hasnt include rpm package, and cortexa7hf_vfp_neon Mar 03 16:26:33 kageja: this may not be what you want to hear but yocto is not a distribution so providing rpms isn't usually done. You or your vendor should be doing that. There are several companies that you can work with... Mar 03 16:29:36 see https://www.yoctoproject.org/about/how-to-join (that's the only link I could quickly find that list YP distros). Good luck. Mar 03 16:31:44 vmeson: so many thanks Mar 03 17:33:36 hi guys Mar 03 17:33:44 trying to build openssl-native on jethro Mar 03 17:33:50 and I get Mar 03 17:33:51 /usr/bin/ld: libcrypto.a(sha256-x86_64.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `OPENSSL_ia32cap_P' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC Mar 03 17:33:52 | /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value Mar 03 17:34:03 anybody seen that before? Mar 03 17:35:11 fedora 23? Mar 03 17:35:43 yes, forgot to mention that Mar 03 17:36:09 did it break once and you had to install perl-bignum? Mar 03 17:36:20 yes Mar 03 17:36:28 hurray, someone i can test a theory on! Mar 03 17:36:32 :) Mar 03 17:36:38 bitbake -c clean openssl-native ; bitbake openssl-native Mar 03 17:36:57 then I uninstalled it and made openssl-native depend on perl-native and same error as I posted Mar 03 17:37:15 the proper fix is to just install perl-bignum on the host Mar 03 17:37:18 as you're running host perl Mar 03 17:37:38 (not sure why fedora decided not to ship that module, probably a packaging bug) Mar 03 17:38:13 okay, will add perl-bignum back and then you can guide me Mar 03 17:39:07 try installing it and then clean/rebuild Mar 03 17:39:13 back in a bit, dinner Mar 03 17:39:21 so what is the theory? why would clean and rebuild make it work? Mar 03 17:39:31 bon appetit Mar 03 17:40:31 that works Mar 03 17:40:58 I did not try cleaning and rebuilding after installing perl-bignum earlier Mar 03 17:41:11 thanks a bunch Mar 03 17:43:09 is there something broken with poky making it not pick up the changes after the perl dependency has been installed? Mar 03 21:05:53 RP, you probably didn't see any of the PAT discussion on #kernel, but I've summarized in e-mail. Mar 03 21:08:43 paulg_: I did not Mar 03 21:10:15 RP, after bisecting, the fail commit was from someone I knew on #kernel, so he's now going to be looking into it after I gave him a reproducer. Mar 03 21:11:06 paulg_: thanks for making some progress with that! Mar 03 21:11:14 paulg_: and for the bus :) Mar 03 21:13:06 heh, the wheels on the bus go round and round. :) Mar 03 21:13:31 paulg_: I'm really curious if my theory about how it breaks is right or not... Mar 03 21:16:38 halstead: would you be able to get kanavin_home access to the autobuilders? We have a problem we need to debug on one of them Mar 03 21:23:39 zeddii: crossing fingers (but I bet you'll get the build error...) Mar 03 21:44:11 ant_home: I’m definitely trying! Mar 03 21:59:35 zeddii_home: btw have you picked the two pending patches? Mar 03 22:01:26 ant_home: no. i didn’t do that, I pulled meta-oe and then didn’t check. Mar 03 22:01:34 do I need those to trigger the issue ? Mar 03 22:02:15 wel, I'd say to avoid another potential issue/race... Mar 03 22:03:24 hmm. I’ll send you my exact steps in an email shortly, just so i know I’m trying it correctly. Mar 03 22:03:40 oki **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Mar 04 02:59:58 2016