**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jun 10 02:59:59 2016 Jun 10 09:14:40 How can I disable the serial console of my device? set SERIAL_CONSOLE to ""? Jun 10 10:11:05 is their any libnfc recipe for yocto Jun 10 10:13:02 bbiojho: layers.openembedded.org is your friend Jun 10 10:40:07 ok I couldn't find any libnfc recipe. Anyone tried installing libnfc in yocto Jun 10 10:41:00 bbiojho: just assume its going to work fine and use recipetool to make a starting recipe for it Jun 10 10:58:22 I have a few custom packages that I would like to include into my host SDK. without BBCLASSEXTEND = "native native-sdk" it seems to be generating the SDK - BBCLASSEXTEND seems redundant? Jun 10 10:58:58 hi, i have a problem with bitbake Jun 10 10:59:08 the sdcard file it creates seems to be bogus Jun 10 10:59:33 if i manually create an image using the kernel image, u-boot and the filesystem, everything is fine Jun 10 10:59:53 how can i troubleshoot? Jun 10 11:02:49 tiq: image fstype 'sdcard' is absolutely fsl specific. the error you're seeing is pretty sure located in your setup or the layers you use, not in bitbake Jun 10 11:03:59 tiq: so the first step would be to check the classes in the fsl layer that you use if your machine is even supported for that image type. Jun 10 11:04:13 LetoThe2nd: i see, so i should be looking at the layers? anything specific that tells bitbake how to create the sdcard file Jun 10 11:04:33 ok Jun 10 11:04:49 tiq: something along http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-fsl-arm/tree/classes/image_types_fsl.bbclass Jun 10 11:05:29 yeah sdcard is part of the fsl bsp, so you need to speak to them. they have a mailing list, or trying pinging otavio :) Jun 10 11:05:41 tiq: line 88 ff. give a pretty good hint which targets are supported :) Jun 10 11:06:04 rburton: they've done a really good job in making everybody believe that its an OE builtin :-) Jun 10 11:12:12 thanks guys. looks like it just created a sparse file (IMAGE_CMD_sdcard()) and didn't do anything after that Jun 10 13:13:35 bluelightning: can you help me with some sdk issues, please? Jun 10 13:14:41 darkhorse_: what's up? Jun 10 13:18:39 bluelightning: http://pastebin.com/xbjetMH7 Jun 10 13:19:44 darkhorse_: er... can't satisfy a dependency for libc6? that's a bit of a problem.... Jun 10 13:20:10 I'm not sure what would cause that to be honest... Jun 10 13:21:14 bluelightning: could it be because I am using poky-tiny may be..? Jun 10 13:22:15 bluelightning: the trouble is, I can't see the dependency chain using depexp or dot files Jun 10 13:40:46 darkhorse_: ah, well, yes that might have something to do with it Jun 10 13:41:23 darkhorse_: depexp and dot files generated by bitbake -g are only bitbake's idea of dependencies, that does not include runtime dependencies determined at packaging time (it can't) Jun 10 13:42:07 darkhorse_: you didn't change DISTRO to poky-tiny while keeping the same TMPDIR by any chance? Jun 10 13:48:06 gotta go I'm afraid, g'night Jun 10 15:55:04 fray: ping? was wondering if you'd had any time to investigate/think about RPM & package managers? Jun 10 16:08:16 Anyone seen this running wic on 2.7: *** buffer overflow detected ***: python terminated ? Jun 10 16:29:11 kergoth: pax kernel maybe? Jun 10 16:29:40 anyone tried the new santana yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV1ntPBh03Y Jun 10 16:30:59 good idea, but don't think so, looks like stock 14.04, but i've never seen this on my own 14.04 builds, only here on the jenkins vm Jun 10 17:00:29 they use apparmor by default i think Jun 10 17:00:47 tomoyo might also be enabled Jun 10 17:01:16 glibc was built with FORTIFY_SOURCE, it's something in the uuid module's use of libuuid, according to the stack trace Jun 10 17:01:20 hmm Jun 10 17:02:04 there are things under kernel hacking too Jun 10 17:02:28 dump the config yet? Jun 10 17:03:33 i'd rather fix the bug it's finding than disable the checking :) but no, not yet Jun 10 17:03:44 checked the python bts, no luck there Jun 10 17:04:00 could be in e2fsprogs rather than python, though Jun 10 17:05:52 Hello - I'm trying to move a file in a do_unpack_append, but I'm getting a very long error from bitbake. It seems like it's executing my shell code as python. Jun 10 17:06:49 In psplash_git.bbappend, I have: "do_unpack_append() {"\n"mv ${S}/psplash-colors.h ${S}/git/"\n"}" Jun 10 17:06:52 do_unpack is a python function, and _append/_prepend concatenate Jun 10 17:06:55 so you appended shell to python Jun 10 17:06:59 Okay. Jun 10 17:07:09 Is there an available function to move a file? Jun 10 17:07:14 instead, create a new shell function, and do_unpack[postfuncs] += "your_function" Jun 10 17:07:30 that's equivalent to _append, just as a separate function run after the main function Jun 10 17:08:24 Since I'm just moving one file, would it be easier to just do it in python? Jun 10 17:09:25 not sure i'd call that "easier". you'd have to either use movefile, which isn't perfect, or call out to mv with subprocess anyway, and you'd have to call d.expand() or d.getVar() to get the value of ${S}, since the contents of python functions aren't expanded Jun 10 17:09:29 :) Jun 10 17:09:47 Ok. Jun 10 17:10:24 What's wrong with movefile? And, would I even need ${S} in there? Jun 10 17:13:05 Okay. Jun 10 17:13:14 movefile worked, without needing to expand anything. Jun 10 17:13:23 bb.utils.movefile("psplash-colors.h", "git") Jun 10 17:16:22 cool Jun 10 18:20:03 hello everyone, I'm trying to bitbake fsl-image-gui however I'm getting "ERROR: User requested feature sdl" error, how can I handle this issue ? Jun 10 18:31:48 my mistake, I executed old script ^^ Jun 10 18:32:07 now everything works Jun 10 18:32:10 have a nice day Jun 10 19:10:21 Hmm, why is wic using uuid.uuid1() for swap but uuid.uuid4() for the user enabled partition uuids? Jun 10 19:10:26 Anyone know? Jun 10 19:28:55 Anyone know offhand if wic's plugin loading from layers is done in a way to let the layer versions override plugins in the base, or can they only add? Jun 10 20:55:19 rburton, gergoth, are you there Jun 10 20:55:32 kergoth , are you there my friend Jun 10 20:55:44 rburton, are you there my friend ? Jun 10 20:55:53 if you have a question, just ask it. don't pester individuals. anyone may well have an answer Jun 10 20:56:09 how can i make the console logs during booting linux image quiet Jun 10 20:56:14 i have added it in local.conf Jun 10 20:56:35 APPEND += "rootfstype=ext4 quiet" Jun 10 20:56:42 but i think it has no effect Jun 10 20:56:51 sorry kergoth , but you are always helpful guys Jun 10 20:57:36 quiet there , i think it has no effect , the black scree with logs still appear , and i think when i changed to x86-64 with syslinux , the logs become apparent and even more Jun 10 20:58:00 APPEND isn't obeyed everywhere. syslinux and grub-efi will obey it, generally, and even then only if you aren't using wic Jun 10 20:58:08 check /proc/cmdline on target to see if it includes quiet Jun 10 20:58:50 nope Jun 10 20:59:54 kergoth , nope , it is not there brother Jun 10 21:01:49 kergoth, any idea ! Jun 10 21:03:03 what's your IMAGE_FSTYPES set to? Jun 10 21:03:31 APPEND is only used when you're building a disk image with live/hddimg/vm/etc, not when directly using a kernel image and rootfs Jun 10 21:03:35 liv Jun 10 21:03:42 live Jun 10 21:03:54 first, make sure append is what you think it is, i.e. the image dind't overwrite it Jun 10 21:03:59 bitbake -e your-image | grep APPEND= Jun 10 21:05:09 does not show anything Jun 10 21:05:17 let me copy the whole local.conf in pastebin Jun 10 21:05:52 change your APPEND += "rootfstype=ext4" to APPEND_append = " quiet" and check bitbake -e again Jun 10 21:06:02 http://pastebin.com/gwwrsbwx Jun 10 21:06:37 nothing Jun 10 21:06:39 returned Jun 10 21:06:47 that's not possible. you must have something very broken Jun 10 21:06:58 is your bitbake -e returning anything at all, without the grep? Jun 10 21:07:19 ERROR: Only one copy of bitbake should be run against a build directory Jun 10 21:08:00 you can't run bitbake twice in the ame build dir Jun 10 21:08:05 kill your existing bitbake first Jun 10 21:08:19 yes i did this , i am running it now Jun 10 21:08:54 your-image here is qemux86-64 Jun 10 21:09:02 or "build" Jun 10 21:09:06 or core-image-minimal Jun 10 21:09:31 it is core-image-minimal Jun 10 21:09:46 here is the output Jun 10 21:09:47 ELF_APPEND="ramdisk_size=32768 root=/dev/ram0 rw console=" Jun 10 21:09:47 APPEND=" rootfstype=ext4 quiet rootfstype=ext4 quiet quiet" Jun 10 21:09:47 TCLIBCAPPEND="" Jun 10 21:10:02 qemux86-64 is a machine, not an image Jun 10 21:10:18 good, so append is correct for the image Jun 10 21:11:19 now bitbake it Jun 10 21:11:21 ? Jun 10 21:15:12 still , i see the same logs Jun 10 21:27:40 kergoth, do you know of any video courses for yocto project for beginners Jun 10 21:27:59 any complete video courses online , video trainings ...etc Jun 10 21:28:40 is there anybody here knows anything related to video trainings for yocto project Jun 10 22:36:49 kergoth, please how can i prevent bootloader from showing the choice screen to boot in linux during the booting process Jun 10 22:37:20 i managed to install the live iso image into vbox , and each time i boot the vm , it shows me the bootloader choice screen to click and boot in linux , i don't want that Jun 10 22:37:29 i just want it to directly boot into the login screen Jun 10 22:37:36 how can i manage to do that ? Jun 10 23:09:58 kergoth: i am unable to use bridged adapter in vbox when i installed the iso live image into a vbox vm Jun 10 23:10:18 i know less than nothing about our vm or live support Jun 10 23:10:36 that said, you'd be better off using the vm image type than live, as then the userland tools should be installed Jun 10 23:10:51 afaik anyway Jun 10 23:11:03 but i've never used our live isos or vm support Jun 10 23:11:03 i think , it is something related to connman Jun 10 23:11:54 there's a vboxguestdrivers recipe in meta-oe that sounds promising. Jun 10 23:12:19 kergoth: this would be your first lesson from me :) Jun 10 23:12:28 you spent more than two weeks teaching me , now , let me teach you Jun 10 23:12:40 i have zero interest in our live cd or virtual machine support Jun 10 23:12:57 when i added connman connman-client connman-conf connman-plugins-ethernet to image_install_append Jun 10 23:13:06 i got connmanctl program Jun 10 23:13:18 installed onto /usr/bin/connmanctl Jun 10 23:13:22 from where i can enable wifi Jun 10 23:13:26 and ethernet ...etc Jun 10 23:13:30 let me confirm this to you Jun 10 23:13:36 let me boot the iso into vbox and install it Jun 10 23:13:43 and tell you the experiment result :) Jun 10 23:15:19 as i said, i have no real interest in virtualbox support. connman should work fine if you configure it appropriately Jun 10 23:15:40 kergoth: how can i disable this bootloader choice screen Jun 10 23:16:11 yes , when i added connman-client to the image_install_append Jun 10 23:16:18 the internet eth0 interface was up and running Jun 10 23:16:29 and it took an IP address on my lan network successfully Jun 10 23:16:38 i can see the outside world from my image now Jun 10 23:20:42 kergoth: why are you not interested in live image , so how do you install your final linux image onto an appliance ? Jun 10 23:21:14 I work on development boards that boot from sd or internal flash, so an installer is less than useless Jun 10 23:22:40 kergoth: this question is a bit very difficult for you Jun 10 23:22:47 or might be difficult :) Jun 10 23:23:40 now i discovered that /etc/apt/sources.list file is not found on my image , when i copied all the contents of my host ubuntu sources.list onto the vm that runs my qemux86-64 image , i can't install anything from ubuntu repository , since , my host machine is amd64 Jun 10 23:23:46 i tried to do this Jun 10 23:23:54 sudo apt-get install python-pip Jun 10 23:24:39 it discovered all packages and dependencies for this package but at the end , when installing , it gaves me weird errors , i think because the ubuntu repository packages listed in sources.list is not compatible with the yocto linux or qemux86-64 image i have built Jun 10 23:25:14 so how can i download packages using apt-get install command for qemux86-64 image Jun 10 23:25:37 that really doesn't make any sense Jun 10 23:25:46 why would you have ubuntu feeds in sources.list on a yocto image? Jun 10 23:25:56 you should not be doing that Jun 10 23:26:03 packages from one distro are not going to work on another Jun 10 23:26:14 :( , i found this Jun 10 23:26:15 that's true even among desktop distros (don't use opensuse packages on fedora), even more so with embedded Jun 10 23:26:33 :( petty my ignorance sir Jun 10 23:26:44 either set up a package feed using your yocto build output, or add the packages to your image with IMAGE_INSTALL and rebuild the image, or copy the packages from tmp/deploy/ to your device and install them locally Jun 10 23:26:45 so how can i install python-pip Jun 10 23:26:57 see above Jun 10 23:27:20 can i do one thing Jun 10 23:27:40 i just gave you three options, pick one Jun 10 23:27:46 i am thinking of building an online repository on the cloud , and letting all running images at customers pointing to this repository Jun 10 23:28:03 then i can push packages and recent updates to all running embedded devices Jun 10 23:28:06 can i do this ? Jun 10 23:28:19 yes Jun 10 23:28:25 what's what i just said, "set up a package feed using your yocto build output" Jun 10 23:28:31 oh i was about to panic , believe me Jun 10 23:28:37 neverpanic: thanks , good name Jun 10 23:28:53 using my build output ? Jun 10 23:28:58 what do you mean Jun 10 23:29:08 can you refer me some documentation in yocto websites Jun 10 23:29:13 to read more about this Jun 10 23:30:44 sounds like you want http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/recipes/?q=python-pip to get a package for python-pip built Jun 10 23:31:49 exactly Jun 10 23:32:02 snouto: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#package-feeds-dev-environment Jun 10 23:33:05 neverpanic: Thank you so much , this is all what i need Jun 10 23:33:22 you know guys what is weird in this yocto build system Jun 10 23:33:41 A lot of things, but I guess you have a specific idea? Jun 10 23:33:42 is that meta-python is included already in meta Jun 10 23:33:50 kergoth: hi. Can you please confirm this is a python3 change fallout? http://pastebin.com/ug1EKqcq Jun 10 23:34:08 snouto: meta is one layer, meta-python is a completely different layer Jun 10 23:34:11 so no Jun 10 23:34:38 it is not in meta yes , it is in openembedded Jun 10 23:34:42 ant_home: yep, that's definitely python 3 fallout Jun 10 23:34:51 it's a layer in the meta-openembedded repository, yes Jun 10 23:35:01 yes Jun 10 23:35:09 ant_home: change it to raise ValueError("Unknown section '%s'. Valid sections are: %s" % (section, dirmap.keys())) Jun 10 23:35:27 so if i included meta-openembedded in bblayers.conf Jun 10 23:35:34 pip python will be included Jun 10 23:35:37 no, you'd include meta-python in bblayers.conf Jun 10 23:35:38 snouto: that's possible, but you could also build distributions using bitbake without using meta-openembedded Jun 10 23:35:51 and no, that would make the recipe available, it won't magically appear in your image unless you add python-pip to IMAGE_INSTALL Jun 10 23:36:01 or do i have to refer to it in image_install_append Jun 10 23:36:16 as i said, adding a layer to your config doesn't magically add all its recipes to your image Jun 10 23:36:28 so yes, you'd need to add it to IMAGE_INSTALL Jun 10 23:36:54 oh ok Jun 10 23:37:21 thank you guys so much Jun 10 23:37:36 neverpanic: thank you for your help today , really appreciated Jun 10 23:41:16 kergoth: I'll do, thanks **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jun 11 02:59:58 2016