**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jul 08 02:59:58 2016 Jul 08 06:13:11 okay, thanks RP Jul 08 08:15:03 hi! how do I specify a certain version of QT I'd like to use? The current git version has a bug (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1329715) I'd like to try to circumvent by using an older, stable release. Jul 08 08:15:04 Bug 1329715: was not found. Jul 08 08:15:56 Do I have to provide VCS revisions for every component or is there a central place where I can specify it? Jul 08 08:16:20 LeifSo: you'd have to edit the QT recipe to point at the version you want to use instead of whatever its currently set to Jul 08 08:18:26 RP: well question is how the components' recipes (e.g. qt_base, qt3d, qtdeclerative, etc.) source the code? It would be easy if they used https://github.com/qt/qt5 Jul 08 08:18:59 LeifSo: if you look at the recipe (.bb) files, you should see a SRC_URI Jul 08 08:19:37 But, I assume, they're using individual source locations, forcing me to provide dozens of revisions Jul 08 08:20:52 LeifSo: you can specify tarballs or VCS revisions in those variables Jul 08 08:21:30 RP: thanks for your help. I understood the principles of source fetching in yocto. I was just wondering whether I'd have to go through all the recipes or whether there'd be something where I could simply specify a certain release for all of QT's components that are part of such a release Jul 08 08:21:40 like qt-everywhere distribution Jul 08 08:22:55 is there a channel dedicated to yocto qt stuff (meta-qt5)? Jul 08 08:22:57 LeifSo: The recipes may be parametrised, I don't know. I'd suspect not but if you understand the principles, why not look at the recipes then you'd know... Jul 08 08:23:50 RP: thanks, that's what I'll do now then, I guess :-/ Jul 08 08:26:14 Hi. Can you help me a little bit with initramfs in yocto? I'm new to this topic, but I want to use it to encrypt rootFS in my image (I use meta-raspberrypi layer). Jul 08 08:27:09 What I did is enabling initramfs and specifying "initramfs-debug-image" as "INITRAMFS_IMAGE". Now I'm booting to this initramfs and that's it.. Jul 08 08:27:22 so my question is: what should I do next? Jul 08 08:27:41 Can you point me to some source of knowledge or explain here? Jul 08 08:31:45 <_stephan> is there a way to always build some package with an image but not install it automatically? so I can just copy the package to the image and install it when needed? Jul 08 08:33:39 sure, just build the target and it'll create a package Jul 08 08:34:14 <_stephan> I know that way, I just want it to happen automatically :) Jul 08 08:34:25 <_stephan> okay, I could write a script that builds the image and my extra packages Jul 08 08:34:53 or you could run multiple bitbake targets Jul 08 08:35:37 one for the image and one (or more) for packages Jul 08 08:37:55 if you're alergic to doing bitbake myimage myotherrecipes then write a recipe that just depends on the image and other recipes Jul 08 08:38:10 (and inherit nopackages in it to stop it spending time making empty packages) Jul 08 08:39:00 <_stephan> ah, thank you rburton, that sounds nice Jul 08 08:39:11 <_stephan> I'll try that :) Jul 08 08:40:41 rburton, won't that still expose the dependencies on the sysroot? Jul 08 08:42:40 i.e. you'll get a functional sysroot, but it'll conflict when you attempt to install packages? Jul 08 08:43:07 why would it conflict? Jul 08 08:43:35 if the packages come from a future build Jul 08 08:44:20 you could explicitly depend on the task that writes the package instead of using DEPENDS (which is a dependency on do_populate_sysroot) Jul 08 08:48:48 yes, I think if you depend on recipe::task it works Jul 08 08:49:14 neverpanic, thats more sensible if he really wants an image that'll be able to install packages Jul 08 08:55:28 <_stephan> that sounds good too, thanks Jul 08 09:03:55 will a task dependency kick off the build of a task? Jul 08 09:28:38 i still don't understand why a recipe that has DEPENDS=myimage somerecipe someotherrecipe won't do exactly what you want Jul 08 11:54:12 hi, I have a simple question: I have a recipe creating a library with a special non standard include path, the include files are correctly splitted into -dev package, now I try to depend in an executable on that, but the include files seem not to be populated. what am I doing wrong Jul 08 11:55:06 otavio, at the end it was *really* an yocto issue, and got fixed https://github.com/agherzan/meta-raspberrypi/issues/21#issuecomment-231338851 Jul 08 11:55:17 thanks to whoever fixed it :) Jul 08 12:02:51 anyone an idea whats wrong that the second reciped cant find the header from recipe 1? Jul 08 12:32:53 I'm trying to write a bbclass that basically does foreach dep in ${DEPENDS}; do invoke-function "$dep"; done Jul 08 12:33:23 Obviously that's not really simple, because DEPENDS could contain virtual/something and other interesting combinations Jul 08 12:33:37 Is there a precedent on how to do something like this? Jul 08 13:35:46 when i run runqemu attempting to boot mpc8315e-rdb, i get "Error: unable to classify arg [mpc8315e-rdb]" Jul 08 13:36:01 is this MACHINE not supported? Jul 08 13:36:05 not under qemu Jul 08 13:36:17 how can i emulate it? Jul 08 13:36:21 you can't Jul 08 13:36:31 there's qemuppc for powerpc emulation. Jul 08 13:37:08 but for other boards, it depends on what qemu supports, and there isn't much that runs without KVM backing, i.e. on e5500+ powerpc platform. Jul 08 13:37:18 I tried passing the args for the KERNEL and ROOTFS, but it complains that it can't surmise the machine based on the filename Jul 08 13:39:11 "Error: Unable to set MACHINE from kernel filename" Jul 08 13:39:32 is that method not supported as well? Jul 08 13:39:51 runqemu only understands/supports a set of defined machines. so since it isn't one of the supported machines, it can't figure it out. Jul 08 13:40:03 even if it could. it wouldn't run. Jul 08 13:40:54 zeddii: thank you for your help Jul 08 13:41:07 i should have asked before spending all this time Jul 08 13:41:56 no worries .. and, I've been there as well (digging in and realizing I was chasing something not possible) Jul 08 13:41:57 hi guys, how can I build a tar.bz2 image with a initramfs? Jul 08 13:42:14 FWIWW runqemu is being re-worked, so I'd expect a better failure message for that in the future. Jul 08 13:42:30 I tried to set the INITRD and INITRD_IMAGE variables, but it did not change nothing Jul 08 13:45:40 igor2: I can offer an example. Jul 08 13:45:57 I (we) do it this way in a project I work on. https://github.com/OverC/meta-overc/blob/master/meta-cube/recipes-core/images/cube-builder_0.3.bb Jul 08 13:46:01 thank you sir Jul 08 14:32:37 Hi, I'm writing an image recipe from scratch (named "minimal-system-x86_32-generic-system" because I'm generating it from baserock definitions) and when I try to build it I get "nothing PROVIDES minimal-system-x86_32-generic-system". Could it being badly-written cause bitbake to not think anything PROVIDES it, or is it definitely a case of BBFILES not finding it? Jul 08 14:34:13 the contents of the image file currently look like http://pastebin.com/McYPqyGa Jul 08 14:42:56 jonathanmaw: is the recipe put in the directory that bitbake can see via BBPATH Jul 08 14:45:02 khem: I'm fairly sure. I've got 'BBPATH .= "${LAYERDIR}"' in my layer.conf Jul 08 14:45:46 and BBFILES ought to be pointing to that image recipe. When I change BBFILES, I start getting warnings that BBFILE_PATTERN_baserock didn't match anything. Jul 08 14:45:50 Is there a good way to check? Jul 08 14:49:19 "bitbake -e " will print the bitbake environement before any recipe is parsed, you can check the exact content of BBPATH and BBFILES there... Jul 08 14:56:48 BBPATH and BBFILES look fine, then Jul 08 14:57:12 unless BBPATH or BBFILES don't allow ".." Jul 08 15:07:34 jonathanmaw: try with $TOPDIR instead of .. Jul 08 15:09:00 jonathanmaw: share your layer.conf Jul 08 15:09:11 for the layer where you are adding this recipe Jul 08 15:09:29 and I hope you have added the layer to bblayers.conf Jul 08 15:10:47 doesn't bitbake see the underscore _ as a special character? I think bitbake minimal-system-x86 would work and see 32-generic-system as a version number Jul 08 15:11:18 for instance the wpa_supplicant recipe is renamed wpa-supplicant, I guess there is a reason Jul 08 15:12:41 jonathanmaw: i'd definitely try changing the _ to - Jul 08 15:14:19 ah, I didn't know about the underscores, that looks like it's a very likely cause. Jul 08 15:14:51 thanks khem, boucman_work, mathieu_la and rburton Jul 08 15:15:20 overrides are marked with _ so they tend to be specially treated Jul 08 15:28:46 pro tip of the day. don't test patches to the kernel that modify EXTRAVERSION. Jul 08 15:29:00 the kernel classes blow up when packaging Jul 08 15:29:14 * zeddii should probably log a bug against that, but I'm afraid I'd have to fix it. ;) Jul 08 15:51:55 halstead: i just fired a master on the AB but forgot it was your maint window now. if you want to cycle the ABs, can you re-fire a origin/master nightly build please Jul 08 15:52:49 rburton, I'm still adding the 2 new builders. I can do the maintenance after your build. Jul 08 19:15:38 oh _ the override char we cant get rid of **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jul 09 02:59:58 2016