**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jul 11 03:00:05 2017 Jul 11 06:59:49 Hello, I've a strange problem with poky pyro... My build system works with debian. I got an error during the do_rootfs : Could not invoke dnf (the dnf command says "ImportError: No module named 'dnf' "). Did you seen that before ? Jul 11 07:22:53 Hello, I've a strange problem with poky pyro... My build system works with debian. I got an error during the do_rootfs : Could not invoke dnf (the dnf command says "ImportError: No module named 'dnf' "). Did you seen that before ? Jul 11 08:02:37 hello guys ! Does anybody knows how to enable a systemd service at boot directly after a fresh image creation ? Jul 11 08:02:45 I've tried to add to my recipe: Jul 11 08:02:53 inherit systemd Jul 11 08:03:07 SYSTEMD_SERVICE = "my.service" Jul 11 08:03:25 SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE ?= "enable" Jul 11 08:03:45 but it doesn't work Jul 11 08:09:36 Hi all, When calling the do_rootfs of my core-image-minimal,my package installation failed beacause of an unresolved dependency: Computing transaction...error: Can't install caminspector-0.1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon: no package provides ld-linux.so.3(GLIBC_2.4) Jul 11 08:10:42 I've tried to append a recipe to glibc to create a link from /lib/ld-linux-armfh.so.3 to /lib/ld-linux.so.3, but it does not work. Jul 11 08:11:44 here is my recipe glibc-2.22.bbappend: Jul 11 08:13:31 FILES_SOLIBSDEV = "" FILES_{PN} += " ${base_libdir}/ld-linux.so.3" Jul 11 08:13:31 do_install_append () { ln -s /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 ${D}/lib/ld-linux.so.3 } Jul 11 08:14:30 does anybody knows why my link is not recognized as a provided files ? Jul 11 08:16:38 fberg: see http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#ref-classes-systemd -- it's SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} because it's about packages not recipes Jul 11 08:19:00 ty jku ! Jul 11 08:40:13 Hello, I've a strange problem with poky pyro... My build system works with debian. I got an error during the do_rootfs : Could not invoke dnf (the dnf command says "ImportError: No module named 'dnf' "). Did you seen that before ? Jul 11 08:42:01 Him how can one find do_deploy fuction of an recipe file ? Jul 11 08:42:27 s/him/how Jul 11 08:43:17 Ramose: bitbake -e | less doesnt' do the trick? Jul 11 08:43:57 Are there any docs/policies/statements from yocto how long stable branches will be maintained? https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Stable_branch_maintenance at least lists them, but would be nice to have some idea when planning poky updates.. Jul 11 08:44:51 LetoThe2nd : bitbake -e | less ? Jul 11 08:44:55 thats all ? Jul 11 08:45:25 to find do_deploy of an recipe Jul 11 08:46:06 mcfrisk: two releases Jul 11 08:47:16 Ramose: bitbake -e $YOURPACKAGENAME gives you the whole shbang that bitbake sees and uses for doing stuff for that recipe. so i'd expect do_deploy to be at least mentioned for further digging there. Jul 11 08:47:29 Ramose: the less is just so you can comfortably scroll and search Jul 11 08:47:48 ok, got it. Jul 11 09:00:23 rburton: so previous two stable releases are always maintained? Is there some definition of maintenance anywhere? afaik stable branches do not get security updates that much, only some build etc fixes are applied. Jul 11 09:00:55 stable supported branches get important bug fixes and security fixes Jul 11 09:10:17 nobody has a problem with dnf during the image do_rootfs ? Jul 11 09:14:24 nope Jul 11 09:16:38 rburton: so krogoth will be dropped to 'community support' when rocko is released in "Fall 2017"? Are there plans to stick to two releases per year? Jul 11 09:16:47 yes, six monthly cycle Jul 11 09:25:26 rburton: would be nice to have this info in https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Planning and/or https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Releases and https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Stable_branch_maintenance Jul 11 09:27:39 first paragraph under Policies on the stable branch maintenance page is basically what i said Jul 11 09:30:06 added a line about how the policy is last two Jul 11 09:32:01 rburton, I think these are missing: two stable releases per year, two previous stable releases are supported and others in community support mode. Jul 11 10:55:45 hello, can anyone tell me if KWin is able to run on the i.MX 6 SoC as a Wayland compositor using the proprietary Vivante drivers? Jul 11 10:56:46 apparently newer upstream versions of weston (newer than 1.11) can not, because the developers have deprecated the fbdev backend Jul 11 10:58:40 so essentially I am looking for a Wayland compositor that could run on i.MX6 and would be maintained upstream Jul 11 11:03:20 eduardas_m : have you tried? Jul 11 11:04:32 ChrysD: no, I have not tried building KWin yet Jul 11 11:05:01 eduardas_m : when you say weston can not, you mean using proprietary vivante drivers? Jul 11 11:08:23 ChrysD: yes, but I am not sure if stuff like etnaviv would solve the problem either Jul 11 11:24:02 ChrysD: this post shows that I am not the only one with this problem: https://community.nxp.com/thread/451590 Jul 11 11:26:45 no new weston in meta-freescale for i.MX6 beyond 1.11.1: https://github.com/Freescale/meta-freescale/commit/fa9281613e2b3b669b06b085ffaf51d61e48a94b Jul 11 11:27:20 weston developers deprecating fbdev backend: https://github.com/wayland-project/weston/commit/e77f8ad79bdf3613dc7e587ea0cf5b9d39e4f8e0 Jul 11 11:39:57 fberg: see http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#ref-classes-systemd -- it's SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} because it's about packages not recipes Jul 11 11:40:55 I've added the SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}="myservice.service" in my app recipe. by the way the app after the boot process is not enabled by default Jul 11 11:41:04 any suggestion ? Jul 11 11:52:25 fberg: name of the recipe? Jul 11 11:52:34 hostapd.bb Jul 11 11:53:28 fberg: does the .service contains the [Install] section ? Jul 11 11:53:31 I've a .bbappend that install a custome service in the proper ${D} servuce Jul 11 11:54:09 o_install_append () { Jul 11 11:54:24 install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/ Jul 11 11:54:46 install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/myhostapd.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/hostapd.service Jul 11 11:54:50 } Jul 11 11:55:08 yocto version? Jul 11 11:55:13 I can actually enable and start it correctly Jul 11 11:55:24 but AFTER the boot Jul 11 11:55:34 I'm using pyro Jul 11 11:55:53 fberg: use systemd_system_unitdir instead of systemd_unitdir Jul 11 11:56:30 before the do_install_append statement I've added: Jul 11 11:56:31 inherit systemd Jul 11 11:56:31 SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE = "enable" Jul 11 11:56:31 SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}= "hostapd.service" Jul 11 11:56:59 ok zero_note Jul 11 11:57:40 fberg: SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE = "enable" is not necessary as the default in systemd.bbclass is "enabled" Jul 11 11:57:49 ok Jul 11 12:23:14 fberg: note that ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/hostapd.service become to ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/hostapd.service Jul 11 12:23:29 :) Jul 11 12:23:47 I've noticed it know has the service is in the wrong folder Jul 11 12:24:22 image #1000 for today Jul 11 12:24:42 sorry I forgot to specify Jul 11 12:26:28 it's not on you zero, thank you for help ! Jul 11 12:35:50 I've used ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/hostapd.service Jul 11 12:37:05 but stll no success.. Jul 11 12:37:40 no symbolyc link under /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants Jul 11 12:40:21 which recipe provides libstdc++ on the target? Jul 11 12:43:04 $ oe-pkgdata-util lookup-recipe libstdc++6 Jul 11 12:43:04 gcc-runtime Jul 11 12:45:00 joshuagl: great, thanks Jul 11 12:46:09 khem: if the distro has ld-is-gold, can i force the ld to be not gold in a specific recipe? Jul 11 12:46:33 fberg: if I understand correctly, the hostapd package comes with its own .service (and from the recipe it should be disabled as of SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN} = "disable") Jul 11 12:47:05 but you're trying to install your custom .service using a .bbappend Jul 11 12:47:35 yes, and I need it to be eanbled Jul 11 12:47:57 can you paste somewhere both bbappend and .service? Jul 11 12:51:00 ok. I think I have correctly sent you a p, Jul 11 12:51:03 pm* Jul 11 12:51:18 fberg: k Jul 11 12:57:30 joshuagl: * opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'gcc-runtime'. Jul 11 12:57:54 mckoan: you asked which recipe, not which package Jul 11 12:58:21 joshuagl: sorry, I would need to have libstdc++ on the target Jul 11 12:59:04 the gcc-runtime recipe generates the libstdc++6 package which gets renamed to libstdc++, so IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " libstdc++" should do Jul 11 12:59:32 joshuagl: in fact, it works thx Jul 11 13:31:25 Hello! I'm trying to get the Qt development libs in my sysroot (arm). But it counplains about: no package provides libqt-webkit4-dev. Looking around on the internet there was one person with the same problem as me, although he was using qt5, and able to solve it in a way that i am not possible to do. https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2015-January/023347.html Jul 11 13:31:30 Using poky 2.0 Jul 11 13:31:44 Downloaded the sysroot sdk from yocto Jul 11 13:31:52 I'm trying to use Qt4 Jul 11 13:32:37 Anybody got some pointers on where I should look? I've been trying to figure out what needs this webkit exactly, but have not been able to find anything on the recipies that depend on it (Maybe I've been looking at the wrong place?) Jul 11 14:35:36 hello guys. I have asked a similar question but this one is a little different. the php recipe provides also the php-fpm package. withe the php-fpm package there is also php-fpm.service. How can I enable php-fpm by th default ? I've tried to add the following lines to my: php_%.bbappend Jul 11 14:35:51 inherit systemd SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN-fpm} = "enable" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN-fpm} = "php-fpm.service" Jul 11 14:36:11 by the way i can't bitbake php anymore as it returns with error Jul 11 14:36:32 fberg: ${PN}-fpm not ${PN-fpm} Jul 11 14:38:27 yes, sorry. that was a typo bluelightning Jul 11 14:38:48 the error is related to: INSTALL_ROOT=/......./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/php-native/7.1.0-r0/image DESTDIR=/home/fberg/yocto-logic/build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/php-native/7.1.0-r0/image install Jul 11 14:38:49 | make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop Jul 11 14:39:58 Seems that adding the previous line to the .bbappend causes the fail of the do_install task Jul 11 14:40:27 whiping out the bbappend solves obviously the problem Jul 11 14:41:40 fberg: that is bizarre, I don't see how that would be breaking make install Jul 11 14:44:19 yep , I can't understand it too Jul 11 14:46:18 fberg: I guess all you could do would be to compare the run.do_install files between the two runs, maybe that will shed some light Jul 11 14:47:12 the inherit systemd statement is the main cause as commenting it seems to solve the compilation issue Jul 11 14:58:36 YPTM: - dial into: 1-800-262-0778 - enter the attendees number: 88748961 Jul 11 14:58:42 YPTM: Stephen Joined Jul 11 14:59:04 YPTM: Saul is on Jul 11 15:00:00 YPTM: Joshua joined Jul 11 15:01:08 YPTM: Richard joined Jul 11 15:01:24 YPTM: Paul Eggleton joined Jul 11 15:01:24 YPTM: Stephano joined Jul 11 15:02:39 YPTM: Joshua Watt on call Jul 11 15:03:55 YPTM ross joined Jul 11 15:07:50 YPTM Trevor Woerner joined Jul 11 15:08:37 What is the driving factor for switching to memres? (is it supposed to be faster?) Jul 11 15:11:49 YPTM Christopher Larson joined Jul 11 15:11:56 (late, lurking, half asleep) Jul 11 15:12:51 YPTM sounds like it should be an animated children's show with a surprisingly large adult following and a lot of fan fiction. Jul 11 15:13:19 YPTM: :) Jul 11 15:14:15 YPTPM me too Jul 11 15:16:54 YPTM is over. Jul 11 15:24:03 rburton: we are seeing "checkstatus() urlopen failed: " in the refkit CI when trying to build in an Ubuntu 16.04 container. What breaks is downloading from the HTTP sstate cache. Jul 11 15:24:09 It works for other containers. Jul 11 15:24:35 The URLs that are checked do exist on the server, and normal wget in the container also works, so it shouldn't be due to network settings. Jul 11 15:25:06 rburton:add -fuse-ld=bfd to cflags Jul 11 15:25:18 ah thanks Jul 11 15:25:33 pohly: weird, no idea Jul 11 15:25:44 mborzecki mentioned such an error when using SimpleHTTP as server. Jul 11 15:25:53 So you have never encountered something like that? Jul 11 15:26:19 There seems to be some connection sharing going on. I wonder how resilient that is against unexpected connection losses. Jul 11 15:28:54 rburton: although the catch is you will need the gcc patch I sent this morning Jul 11 15:29:15 for these options to work. They have silently failed to work especially after rss changes Jul 11 15:31:23 lol Jul 11 15:33:02 well at least i can test your patch now Jul 11 15:45:22 kergoth: around? Jul 11 15:45:36 bluelightning, joshuagl, rburton: you may also have an opinion Jul 11 15:45:58 * joshuagl is on a call Jul 11 15:45:59 I'm trying to figure out how to setup multiprocessing.Queue but with fds from a socket Jul 11 15:46:02 half here Jul 11 15:46:23 multiprocessing.Queue fundamentally uses os.pipe() so this should be possible Jul 11 15:47:24 My options are: copy multiprocessing.Queue and customise, add a customised wrapper which would have to assume internal knowledge about Queue, or change connection.Pipe from under the module whilst setting up multiprocessing.Queue Jul 11 15:47:45 The latter is probably the least worst but I don't like any of them. Am I missing anything? Jul 11 15:48:42 hi everyone. does anybody here use docker to build yocto projects? i'm having a lot of trouble getting that to work. specifically, libtool_native fails on do_populate_sysroot Jul 11 15:48:47 with input/output errors Jul 11 15:49:18 peacememories: I know its been done and that sounds familiar for some reason but I can't remember why :/ Jul 11 15:49:46 rburton: I can reproduce the urlopen failed: error with SimpleHTTP. Jul 11 15:50:06 i'm doing builds in docker all the time, and crops basically does it too Jul 11 15:50:16 That means I can file a bug and you can investigate it further, right? ;-} Jul 11 15:51:04 RP i think the problem is that it tries to create hardlinks. i'll see if running as privileged container helps, but that would obviously not be a great fix Jul 11 15:51:52 nope, that definitely didn't help Jul 11 15:51:57 hmm, I wonder if you can swap the fds from under a Queue Jul 11 15:52:19 BTW, what is the right Bugzilla component for OE-core's "classes" directory? Jul 11 15:52:44 I'm looking at "Product: OE-core" right now and none of the available Components seems to fit. Jul 11 15:53:02 LetoThe2nd any pointers on why this doesn't work or how to do it correctly? :) Jul 11 15:53:04 pohly: its the right product, is there a "core" under there? Jul 11 15:53:30 Yes, but it says in the Description "Defects within metadata in recipes-core". Jul 11 15:54:05 peacememories: not right now. it rings a bell but i'm not sure which at the moment. care to elaborate a little more on your setup? where is the stuff stored? are you using some kind of volume mounts? Jul 11 15:54:40 LetoThe2nd i think i know why it breaks. docker for mac probably uses nfs mounts for volume binding, which yocto doesn't like at all Jul 11 15:54:58 peacememories: gah. docker on mac. Jul 11 15:55:19 well that's what my build environment looks like^^ Jul 11 15:55:40 using vagrant isn't much better because i need to build everything inside the virtual machine -> giant vm files Jul 11 15:55:42 thats not real docker, but in fact a small virtual machine running docker, with some gizmos on top Jul 11 15:55:50 yeah i know Jul 11 15:56:15 thats also the bell it rang. i gav it a try some time ago too. Jul 11 15:56:31 i was hoping since they're using apple's own hypervisor (as far as i can tell) they might have a good solution for bindings Jul 11 15:56:57 back to building in a vm i suppose^^' Jul 11 15:57:15 peacememories: nope, especially as apples fs has some .. issues with case sensitivity and stuff Jul 11 15:58:39 peacememories: yeah. use a vm and some scripting to shuffle data back and forth. you could probably use throwaway virtual drives too. or, look at CROPS and what they're doing. they claim to build in docker on mac, but probably use some other storage strategy. Jul 11 15:59:08 thanks, i'll look into that Jul 11 16:03:57 yeah, seems crops keeps the storage in the docker vm and shares it with the host via smb Jul 11 16:12:18 pohly: what is serving the files? Jul 11 16:12:53 "python3 -m http.server" - yes, I know, it doesn't support parallel connections well. Jul 11 16:13:21 But shouldn't the sstate fetch code be able to cope with "poor" servers or connection loss (if that's what I am seeing)? Jul 11 16:13:37 The "real" problem is with Apache, though. Jul 11 16:14:20 pohly: it should fall back to building locally if it can't fetch, yes Jul 11 16:15:10 It does that, but I don't consider that a suitable fallback. Worse, there's no indication whatsoever that there were network issues. Jul 11 16:15:32 We spend a day or more debugging why our builds under a Ubuntu container run without sstate. Jul 11 16:16:01 would you prefer it to abort if the wget returns anything other than 200 or 404? Jul 11 16:16:32 We are not getting to the point where wget is called. Jul 11 16:17:07 ah sorry, checkstatus() Jul 11 16:18:10 The fetcher.checkstatus() fails with the urlopen error, but one only gets to see that when running "bitbake -D -D" - and then one has to filter the output like crazy. Getting a >18GB log file from a remote build server turned out to be not feasible. Jul 11 16:18:48 file a bug please :) Jul 11 16:19:56 There's a general "except:" clause, with no attempt to distinguish between an exception that indicates network setup problems and the 404 errors that can be ignored. Jul 11 16:24:28 khem: passing -fuse-ld=bfd doesn't appear to work, at least my test case is still failing in a way that suggests gold is used Jul 11 17:20:48 rburton: which package it this ? Jul 11 17:20:54 is Jul 11 17:48:06 I've compiled a host tool using a recipe with "inherit native". Where do I install this tool so that a subsequent recipe can find and call this tool via its Makefile? Jul 11 17:52:18 jstashluk: you can simply assume this tool to be available in PATH provided you add DEPENDS += "yourtool-native" to the package recipes which need this tool during build Jul 11 17:52:42 and also make sure that it installs into usual standard locations like usr/bin or usr/sbin Jul 11 17:54:20 khem: I'll try that, thanks. Jul 11 18:06:35 khem: assuming bitbake doesn't have root privs, and the executable should remain under the build/tmp/work. Is there a stanard way to tell the second recipe to find the executable? Install in the sysroot somehow? Jul 11 18:07:32 OE build system will put it in a staged area usually next to your package in recipe-sysroot-native and add that to default search PATH Jul 11 18:07:40 you dont have to worry aboiut that Jul 11 18:15:55 khem: Thanks for the help. I just had to pass PREFIX=${base_prefix} to the Makefile in do_install() Jul 11 18:16:31 usually if the recipe is autotooled then you have very minimal to do Jul 11 18:16:36 Does anybody know where the libqtwebkit4-dev requirement comes from? I'm trying to resolve the following error when trying to make the meta-toolchain-qt: no package provides libqtwebkit4-dev Jul 11 18:16:45 in some cases you have to make sure you install stuff into ${D} Jul 11 18:17:27 Elamre: that seems like is using qt4 ? Jul 11 18:17:40 Yes, QT4 that is Jul 11 18:18:25 I saw a similar post on the mailinglist, but that person used qt5 and had a qtcore.inf where he could resolve it. I am stuck with Qt4 Jul 11 18:18:34 poko 2 Jul 11 18:32:24 Anybody? :) Jul 11 21:13:59 So, I am trying to build LAPACK on a yocto distro. LAPACK is linear algebra library (i.e. .so or .lib) that is written in fortran but can be called from C. It depends on BLAS, another library written in Fortran that can be called from C. As of yet, I have been able to set up a fortran compiler properly despite following various directions found on the interwebz. Is there a guide to setting up a fortran compiler within Yocto, and Jul 11 21:14:00 failing that, does anyone know the necessary steps? Jul 11 21:15:54 nas_: a college once told me that you can't cross-compile ATLAS. We created a prebuilt binary package that had been compiled on the actual device. Jul 11 21:16:19 I am not trying to cross-compile Jul 11 21:16:22 nas_: Other than that, no -- I haven't run into problems/chatter with the fortran compiler. Jul 11 21:16:44 I am trying to get the fortran compiler to work in the first place so I can build BLAS/LAPACK on the system itself (as you say) Jul 11 21:18:31 nas_: So you're trying to get the fortran compiler to run on the device? Not cross-compile? Jul 11 21:18:37 Correct Jul 11 21:18:58 (for what it's worth, BLAS can in theory be cross-compiled, but it's such a pain that I've never bothered) Jul 11 21:19:55 (BLAS, yes. ATLAS, no... since it is tuning the build to the hardware rather than pre-canned configurations) Jul 11 21:20:35 True Jul 11 21:21:17 nas_: So... where is the fortran compiler failing? No bitbake recipe? Won't build. Builds but doesn't appear in device image? Appears in device image but doesn't execute (for some reason)? Jul 11 21:23:09 It is not in the build by default Jul 11 21:23:29 no, its not. Jul 11 21:23:47 FORTRAN = ",fortran" is the magic for local.conf iirc Jul 11 21:24:01 (welcome to a corner of the gcc recipe that hasn't been touched for a decade) Jul 11 21:24:14 seriously need to rewrite that bit one day Jul 11 21:24:29 I tried the directions at this (jumpnowtek.com/yocto/add-fortran-support-to-a-yocto-build.html) website but it failed to build Jul 11 21:24:40 Obviously said directions are for an older release of Yocto Jul 11 21:24:50 But I was hoping that they would still work, haha Jul 11 21:25:33 that link seems to fail. hm Jul 11 21:26:28 http://www.jumpnowtek.com/yocto/Add-Fortran-support-to-a-Yocto-build.html Jul 11 21:26:31 That one works Jul 11 21:36:09 I need to run, I will try to parse the error messages a bit more and figure it out, though I don't have much hope Jul 11 22:01:28 Hello everyone. Jul 11 22:01:44 Anyone have any suggestions on what is a good language to write and embedded API over HTTP in? Jul 11 22:01:52 I was kind of thinking python, thoughts? Jul 11 22:05:24 Not a bad choice. Unless performance is *really* a problem, definitely something with memory safety. Jul 11 22:29:53 ALL: At my company I want to make the case "We can deploy families of products faster using Yocto rather than {Android|Debian|Home-grown Linux|*}". Does anyone know of any whitepapers, case studies, papers, conference talks, or Really Good Anecdotes that I could use? Jul 11 22:56:40 gabrbedd: android: google changes to suit its own needs and doesn't care less about your needs. desktop linux is a legal and logistical nightmare to productise. Jul 11 22:58:36 rburton: no, no, no... I *know* the thesis is true, and I've lived in all these environments. I'm just not very good at defending it with facts and whatnot. Looking for some off-the-shelf weapons to help me. Jul 11 22:59:18 gabrbedd: http://www.embedded.com/electronics-blogs/say-what-/4458600/Why-the-Yocto-Project-for-my-IoT-Project-? Jul 11 22:59:28 And in Android's defense... if you stay withing the lines (the Android Java and NDK API's)... that does provide an enticing platform. Jul 11 22:59:51 rburton: thanks Jul 11 23:00:16 haven't read that article yet, but drew knows his stuff **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jul 12 03:00:03 2017