**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 10 03:00:00 2017 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 10 03:06:55 2017 Sep 10 07:01:07 hi Sep 10 07:01:25 Recommend specs for a yocto machine Sep 10 07:01:36 RAM, processor etc Sep 10 07:05:24 anbody? Sep 10 07:16:21 ? Sep 10 07:25:51 Recommend specs for a yocto machine Sep 10 07:25:58 .RAM, processor etc? Sep 10 08:14:55 uhaider: For a build machine? I'd say start with a good 4-core/8-thread i7 or Xeon processor, at least 4GB RAM and at least 1TB disk space. Double the RAM if you're building a GUI stack/web browsers/etc Sep 10 08:16:00 paulbarker yes for a build machine Sep 10 08:16:17 can you recommend a workstation Sep 10 08:16:25 I am really new in this area. Sep 10 08:17:12 I can't recommend a specific machine but look for that sort of spec Sep 10 08:18:01 Ok. Thanks. Sep 10 11:16:09 Hi, my u-boot .bbappend fails under the yocto master. The error is: "ImportError: No module named libfdt". I've heard that it maybe has to do with python but I don't know where to start. Sep 10 11:17:31 https://gist.github.com/zzeroo/a1d1e8f9a060ba4e135f1139ba820049#file-log-do_compile-L171 Sep 10 11:19:27 https://github.com/zzeroo/meta-bsp_lemaker/blob/development/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot_%25.bbappend Sep 10 11:44:46 zzeroo: try DEPENDS += "dtc-native" since you want to run on the build host ;) Sep 10 11:49:17 zzeroo: thought that might not be enough to get pylibfdt, adding swig-native might help since u-boot can build its own pylibfdt? Sep 10 12:21:01 nrossi: No luck, I've added the DEPENDS to my bbappend, now I get stranger errors https://gist.github.com/cdeb1c1ec6eb387d6aa8e84505fef13c Sep 10 12:22:02 https://github.com/zzeroo/meta-bsp_lemaker/blob/development/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot_%25.bbappend Sep 10 12:22:57 zzeroo: bananapro is not x86-64 is it? Sep 10 12:25:58 I only added `DEPENDS += "dtc-native swig-native"` and called then `bitbake u-boot -c clean; bitbake u-boot` nothing more. Sep 10 12:26:28 It's the `swig-native` that seems to have problems with my bananapro BSP env Sep 10 12:28:10 zzeroo: yer it looks related to python setup tools, you could always just walk around the issue and install pylibfdt on your build machine Sep 10 12:30:41 zzeroo: though i am surprised that there is nothing in the meta-sunxi layer to handle it :|, but that might just be because that layer doesn't use mainline u-boot Sep 10 12:31:06 I thing thats not possible, because we use a easy-build/ Docker environment. Our Build env has only the offical dependencies and is more or less read only for our use case. Do you have more info about the python/ setuptools issue, I'm willing to fix that. Sep 10 12:32:06 I have to use Mainline linux and u-boot beside other bleeding edge, but that's another storry >< Sep 10 12:55:10 zzeroo: sorry was afk. I am not sure, but maybe a better solution its to update the dtc recipe in oe-core or have one in your repo, since upstream dtc now ships pylibfdt **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Sep 11 03:00:00 2017