**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Dec 21 03:00:00 2017 Dec 21 05:58:08 anyone recently worked on SELinux? Dec 21 06:07:26 hi all Dec 21 06:08:26 while building x-load in meta-ti I face ERROR: oe_runmake failed Dec 21 06:09:00 arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-ld: cannot find -lgcc. Can somebody plz help me. Dec 21 06:13:09 I'm using morty branch for meta-ti Dec 21 06:13:33 grokreality, you need to indicate what package in the build failed, by quoting more context of your error message. Dec 21 06:16:38 how to keep running the bitbake build after error, I already use -k but it stops after broken patch, I want to see how many patches are broken Dec 21 06:17:36 not finding / linking against lib gcc has different meaning for a user space package vs. say a kernel build. Dec 21 06:19:30 xtron, you cant do that. If patch B depends on A, and patch C depends on B, and patch D depends on C... Dec 21 06:20:15 If you throw out "A" then everything will seem like it is broken. Dec 21 06:20:36 paulg, you're right, but there should be some way to check that how many error are there, isn't Dec 21 06:21:02 the package was x-load. the bootloader for omap3xxx. Dec 21 06:21:46 paulg, most of the patches are independent Dec 21 06:27:48 grokreality, that is good information. A bootloader 99% of the times has to be static linked. It has no idea of a file system or library or ldd concepts. It needs to be a simple binary that the processor can execute out of reset, gradually enabling features like DDR controllers for memory, and then MMU so it can relocate. Dec 21 06:29:18 Such a thing can not expect to use a gcc library on a linux filesystem; it has no idea what linux is at that early stage. Dec 21 06:30:39 Anyone tried to cross-compile for MS Windows target with Yocto/OE? Dec 21 06:37:08 hi paulg. can i send u the error msgs here. Dec 21 06:37:18 or a file? Dec 21 06:39:30 hi paulg. | UNDEF_SYM=`arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-objdump -x board/omap3530beagle/libomap3530beagle.a common/libcommon.a cpu/omap3/libomap3.a disk/libdisk.a drivers/libdrivers.a fs/fat/libfat.a lib/libarm.a |sed -n -e 's/.*\(__u_boot_cmd_.*\)/-u\1/p'|sort|uniq`;\ Dec 21 06:39:30 | cd /home/avi/drive2/yocto-buildserver-bup-1122017/BoardLabSetup/tmp/work/beagleboard-poky-linux-gnueabi/x-load/1_1.5.1-r3/git && arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-ld -Bstatic -T /home/avi/drive2/yocto-buildserver-bup-1122017/BoardLabSetup/tmp/work/beagleboard-poky-linux-gnueabi/x-load/1_1.5.1-r3/git/board/omap3530beagle/x-load.lds -Ttext 0x40200800 $UNDEF_SYM cpu/omap3/start.o \ Dec 21 06:39:30 | --start-group board/omap3530beagle/libomap3530beagle.a common/libcommon.a cpu/omap3/libomap3.a disk/libdisk.a drivers/libdrivers.a fs/fat/libfat.a lib/libarm.a --end-group -L . -lgcc \ Dec 21 06:39:30 | -Map x-load.map -o x-load Dec 21 06:39:30 | arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-ld: cannot find -lgcc Dec 21 06:39:31 | Makefile:163: recipe for target 'x-load' failed Dec 21 06:39:31 | make: *** [x-load] Error 1 Dec 21 06:39:32 | ERROR: oe_runmake failed Dec 21 06:39:32 | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command. Dec 21 06:39:33 | ERROR: Function failed: do_compile (log file is located at /home/avi/drive2/yocto-buildserver-bup-1122017/BoardLabSetup/tmp/work/beagleboard-poky-linux-gnueabi/x-load/1_1.5.1-r3/temp/log.do_compile.24474) Dec 21 06:39:33 NOTE: recipe x-load-1_1.5.1-r3: task do_compile: Failed Dec 21 06:39:34 NOTE: recipe core-image-minimal-1.0-r0: task do_image_ubi: Succeeded Dec 21 06:41:18 grokreality, "bitbake -c devshell x-load" Dec 21 06:42:11 take your same cut and paste above and drop the "-lgcc" and run it. Dec 21 06:43:25 [hint: the directory of the build in temp has copies of "run" scripts that you can cut and paste from.] Dec 21 06:44:18 I don't know anything about your platform, but the -lgcc seems somewhat suspect. Dec 21 06:47:33 I worked on u-boot for PowerPC a lot of years ago, so you get to decide if it is best to ignore me or listen to me. ;-) Dec 21 06:47:59 hey paulg...why wud i ignore u... ;) Dec 21 06:49:41 could u explain the drop -lgcc part? Dec 21 06:49:51 from the Makefile? Dec 21 06:50:16 I ran the -c devshell, could u tell me wht next? Dec 21 06:56:00 The "drop -lgcc part"... you are asking to link into the lib gcc bundle of functions. But a bootloader only needs to know how to configure the hardware and then serial port and/or display+keyboard Dec 21 06:57:10 it should not need complex libraries of functions, and worse == it (bootloader) does not know how to load on-demand shared libraries. Dec 21 06:57:29 I ran the ./temp/run.do_compile script and face the same -lgcc not found issue. Dec 21 06:57:36 in the devshell that is. Dec 21 06:58:11 did you actually *delete* the "-lgcc" part from that script? Dec 21 06:59:43 what I'm trying to say is, nothing in the bootloader should *need* that but if you put it on the link command line, then it has no choice but to tell you the files were not found. Dec 21 07:01:56 all that said, boot-loader code is tricky. To bundle it with a bigger build just makes it more prone to failure. Dec 21 07:02:03 no -lgcc does not exist in the script Dec 21 07:02:10 in the LDFLAGS section. Dec 21 07:07:40 grokreality, the "devshell" puts you in an environment where you can cross-compile stuff for your target, including the bootloader. Dec 21 07:08:06 but i do find libgcc.a in the -L path in BUILD_LDFLAGS variables? Dec 21 07:08:59 I still think this is a bug. Bootloader stuff should not require that library. Dec 21 07:09:30 Bootloader code should be almost pure assembly for that particular processor. Dec 21 07:10:35 ok. so to try where shud i purge the -lgcc from? the Makefile? Dec 21 07:11:25 i found libgcc.a here: ./tmp/work/beagleboard-poky-linux-gnueabi/x-load/1_1.5.1-r3/recipe-sysroot/usr/lib/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/7.2.0/libgcc.a Dec 21 07:16:17 again I have to confess that I know *nothing* about booting the beagleboard. But what I *do* know, is that boot loader binaries have been static linked for pragmatic reasons for a decade or so. Dec 21 07:21:01 thanks paulg. :) Dec 21 07:25:00 New news from stackoverflow: cppunit can't found c++11 libs Dec 21 07:25:18 Hi :) Dec 21 09:07:52 morning Dec 21 09:18:08 morning Dec 21 10:25:31 New news from stackoverflow: Difference between layer and metadata in Yocto Dec 21 13:01:27 i don't know if this is the place for, but i just saw nice discount on books here https://www.packtpub.com/all?search=embedded Dec 21 15:19:23 zeddii_home: how did the kernel testing play out? Dec 21 15:41:08 my tests all passed. I was going to send that patch series out shortly. Dec 21 15:56:40 New news from stackoverflow: Using Yocto with a distribution using python3 by defaults Dec 21 16:22:36 zeddii_home: cool, if you send I can merge as I already tested it! :) Dec 21 16:23:05 rburton: mut is looking rather sad :( Dec 21 16:23:57 hmm, the above is another apic hang :/ Dec 21 16:25:08 rburton: ok if I merge the kernel patches to master? Dec 21 16:25:19 yeah Dec 21 17:56:33 is there some machine specific folder where I can put files that can be referenced in SRC_URI? Dec 21 17:58:50 i.e. referincing the same file from multiple recipes Dec 21 18:16:54 for using the same devicetree for kernel and uboot build Dec 21 18:49:10 halstead: ping. looks like we want the nexus instance again... I forget the status Dec 21 18:50:52 halstead: also we will be needing to update the downloads.yp.org eclipse mirrors for neon.3 and oxygen.1 oxygen.2 versions Dec 21 19:11:50 Does anyone have an example on how to start an existing service automatically ? I want to enable the dnsmasq on on the build so when I flash the image it auto starts. Dec 21 19:18:17 BubuIIC> you can use files/ folder Dec 21 19:18:45 Systemd Dec 21 19:21:28 BubullC: example here: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#customizing-a-recipe-for-a-bsp Dec 21 19:23:00 So the service exist already but I need to enable it, I tried a symlink but it didn't work: ln -sf ${systemd_unitdir}/system/dnsmasq.service ${D}${sysconfdir}/system/multi-user.target.wants/dnsmasq.service Dec 21 19:23:58 it's because dnsmasq is in conflict with systemd resolved I think, let me check Dec 21 19:26:34 I have similar issue with starting hostapd , both services install fine but I can't figure out how to build the image with the service enabled. I have a bbappend scripts for both Dec 21 19:27:16 ikkysleepy: I added After=systemd-resolved.service in dnsmasq-noresolvconf.service (with bbappend) because dnsmasq tried to start before resolved is running Dec 21 19:28:13 nayfe: thank you. I will look into it tomorrow. Dec 21 19:28:43 ikkysleepy maybe better to enable resolvconf in PACKAGECONFIG not sure Dec 21 19:30:00 i'm just making a simple Access Point on RPI3 and I already have it working except for the build part. I guess the next solution I can think of is start up script to start dnsmasq and hostapd Dec 21 19:32:52 ikkysleepy: it's all about dependency in systemd, maybe check systemctl status and journalctrl to see where the error comes Dec 21 19:34:09 is it true that the dnsmasq and hostapd should have been enabled by default? Dec 21 19:35:04 i think it is enabled, but somehow they fail to run when they are launched Dec 21 19:36:04 I can enabled them on first boot and it works but I want this to happen without me having to do it. I'll check the logs ... Dec 21 19:56:00 Reporting back, there is an issue with the dnsmasq starting up: Jan 01 00:00:06 raspberrypi3 dnsmasq[238]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK. Jan 01 00:00:06 raspberrypi3 dnsmasq[241]: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for Cannot assign requested address Jan 01 00:00:06 raspberrypi3 systemd[1]: dnsmasq.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=2 Jan 01 00:00:06 raspberrypi3 systemd[1]: dnsmasq.service: Unit ente Dec 21 19:58:18 did you try to add After=systemd-resolved.service ? Dec 21 20:01:24 I just add this line to the bbappend? After = "systemd-resolved.service" ? If so, i am building / testing and will report back Dec 21 20:03:33 oh you want me to modify the source code mmm... Dec 21 20:05:38 you can override the file by add it with bbappend Dec 21 20:29:51 that seemed to work. =D Dec 21 20:40:01 Nice Dec 21 20:49:20 see also `recipetool appendfile`, which automates overriding files in recipes on target Dec 21 21:03:19 Quick question: I updated kernel options and created new rpms for my yocto distro with the same kernel version. I installed the new RPMs and after reboot the /proc/config.gz is not showing the changes. Is a boot loader changed required to recognize new kernel location? Dec 21 21:57:55 Any yocto developers online? Dec 21 21:58:09 NEVAHHHH :D Dec 21 21:58:34 mrk377, in all seriousness, most of the Yocto folks are on vacation for the Christmas holidays Dec 21 21:58:39 LOL. I have a question about a updating a vmlinux image on my build root. Dec 21 21:58:40 though some people are hanging around anyway Dec 21 21:58:56 and I'm just an idiot that hangs out here because I can ;) Dec 21 22:05:10 mrk377: ask the question and you might get a reply Dec 21 22:08:31 OK. I have created new rpms for all the kernel-*.rpm files using a new defconfig recipe. I remounted my read-only filesystem to read-write and installed the kernel-*.rpm files. Dec 21 22:09:49 The /boot/bzImage-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom is different, but the when I "zcat /proc/config.gz" the kernel options are not changed? Did the kernel update actually work, since it is the same version? Dec 21 22:14:51 Is this OS like lilo, where you have to update the location of the kernel image on each update somewhere? Dec 21 22:23:02 I would not be surprised if Yocto's default setup for kernels is dumb-ish Dec 21 22:23:15 but I haven't made a Yocto image recently, so hell if I know :) Dec 21 22:26:50 I am stumped. The rpm (kernel-image-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom-3.14+git0+769b79eb20-r0) installs the /boot/bzImage-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom image. Dec 21 22:32:05 mrk377: does it have any scriptlets for actually configuring the bootloader? Dec 21 22:32:27 rpm -q --scripts kernel-image-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom Dec 21 22:32:45 Son_Goku: I dont' know. It must have a script of some sort. Dec 21 22:34:16 postuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh): # kernel-image-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom - postrm if [ "$1" = "0" ] ; then update-alternatives --remove bzImage bzImage-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom || true fi Dec 21 22:35:46 eww Dec 21 22:35:49 so it works using alternatives Dec 21 22:35:55 that's... horrific Dec 21 22:35:57 # kernel-image-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom - postinst Dec 21 22:36:06 update-alternatives --install /boot/bzImage bzImage /boot/bzImage-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom 31414 || true Dec 21 22:36:19 do you have an implementation of alternatives in your image? Dec 21 22:36:28 for example, chkconfig provides one Dec 21 22:36:33 yeah. Dec 21 22:36:53 what does "ls -l /boot/bzImage" tell you? Dec 21 22:37:25 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Dec 21 16:42 /boot/bzImage -> /boot/bzImage-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom Dec 21 22:37:39 Looks good to me! Dec 21 22:38:46 what's your configured bootloader? Dec 21 22:40:03 Just rebooted after re-running:update-alternatives --install /boot/bzImage bzImage /boot/bzImage-3.14.57-yocto-standard-custom 31414 Dec 21 22:40:08 standby Dec 21 22:43:47 It is the standard yocto bootloader. Dec 21 22:44:17 uboot Dec 21 22:47:10 No change. Hmmm... I might roll a new image from scratch. I was hoping to just install rpms Dec 22 00:10:16 looking in the mega-manual, should I expect tags/yocto-2.5 to exist? (the command shown is: "git checkout tags/yocto-2.5 -b poky_2.5") Dec 22 00:16:56 "git checkout -b sumo origin/sumo" doesn't seem to work for me either. Dec 22 00:19:01 ... looking at the branches, using "rocko" instead of "sumo" (based on releases listed on yoctoproject.org) seems to work Dec 22 00:20:33 is there any easy way to run a script at startup ? Is creating a service that calls a script the best way? or which files do I need to edit to run a script on startup? Dec 22 00:58:39 New news from stackoverflow: Post-install script on Yocto-built linux **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Dec 22 03:00:01 2017