**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jan 24 03:00:01 2018 Jan 24 06:25:56 New news from stackoverflow: Yocto: oe_runmake failed, error in do_configure from bitbake image Jan 24 07:26:07 New news from stackoverflow: How do I update a datastore variable from inside a bash variable? Jan 24 09:51:20 If I may ask for clarification Jan 24 09:51:35 The manual: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-IMAGE_INSTALL Jan 24 09:51:48 Using IMAGE_INSTALL with the += operator from the /conf/local.conf file or from within an image recipe is not recommended Jan 24 09:52:27 But Can I use IMAGE_INSTALL= in image recipe (which inherit core-image) ? Jan 24 09:52:58 (It is handy since the image recipe is resolved / parsed quite lately) Jan 24 09:54:40 lukma: the rule of thumb is: use IMAGE_INSTALL in imge recipes, use CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL for local.conf. see also http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL Jan 24 09:57:08 LetoThe2nd: And for what shall I use: CORE_IMAGE_BASE_INSTALL ? Jan 24 09:57:48 lukma: to install packages into your image, if you want to do ad hoc modifications through local.conf instead of pouring it into a full blown image recipe. Jan 24 09:58:15 Regarding tasks, some website says "bitbake -c compile recipe", but when I listtasks, there is do_compile. What's the difference between compile and do_compile? Jan 24 09:58:45 learningc: its the same. the tasks name is "compile", the internal function name is "do_compile" Jan 24 09:59:28 So when I call the task, can I call do_compile? Jan 24 10:00:13 bitbake -c compile calls the compile task, that internally is provided by the function "do_compile" in your recipe Jan 24 10:01:58 I see. Then I suppose it's the same for other tasks? For example, do_build, I type: bitbake -c build myrecipe ? Jan 24 10:02:13 yep. Jan 24 10:02:52 i'm not sure if the build task is a good example, but it certainly applies to configure, fetch, clean, etc. Jan 24 10:05:06 Ok I see. Thanks Jan 24 10:08:28 maybe listtasks should strip the do_ prefix Jan 24 10:08:33 rburton: ++ Jan 24 10:08:47 its the same for all tasks, the name is "foo" and the function that implements it is do_foo Jan 24 10:08:55 but it has a considerably less imperative feeling then. Jan 24 10:09:11 bitbake -c do_compile_i_tell_you Jan 24 10:09:38 bitbake -s sudo_compile Jan 24 10:09:48 s/-s/-c/ Jan 24 10:26:45 New news from stackoverflow: How To launch a touchscreen Virtual keyboard during log in Jan 24 10:42:36 I have several modules which I build using cmake. all but one have -fPIC set automatically. I can't see any relevant differences between the CMakeLists.txt or the *.bb files of the modules. what may cause -fPIC not to be set? Jan 24 10:46:08 I'd wish the author for meta-nodejs could come back and import the latest LTS version into it :) Jan 24 10:47:38 brrm: if they're recipes in oe-core then security_flags.inc, if you use that, can add -fPIC Jan 24 10:53:03 rburton: I just found it. I overlooked `EXTRA_OECMAKE += "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON"` which has been missing in the module without `-fPIC` Jan 24 10:53:32 rburton: is it recommended to include `security_flags.inc` in custom *.bb files? Jan 24 10:53:49 no, its recommended to include it in your distro configuration Jan 24 10:54:00 I got something strange here: I'm building nodejs-8.9.4-r1.1 and this has been built on our build server successfully. However, when I build it locally it stopped at missing include . To top the strangeness, if I reran bitbake, it then ran setscene and is happy. What is going on? Jan 24 10:57:25 missing build dependency Jan 24 10:57:45 not a problem with recipe-specific-sysroots \o/ Jan 24 11:01:09 rburton: this is rocko, so the missing build dependency failure should be consistent, right? Jan 24 11:01:27 i had a feeling you'd say that :( Jan 24 11:01:39 what task is failing? Jan 24 11:01:48 the obvious answer is do_compile but i'm curious if it isn't Jan 24 11:02:03 It was do_compile, yes Jan 24 11:02:10 there goes another theory Jan 24 11:02:43 wipe tmp, make it fail, copy the work tree for nodejs, rerun, compare sysroots Jan 24 11:03:03 https://bpaste.net/show/0c21935e770c Jan 24 11:03:08 maybe the sysroot is fine and the compile is just racing badly Jan 24 11:03:15 let me test that Jan 24 11:03:40 (as a devop I'm not overly fond on non-repeatable builds :P ) Jan 24 11:03:51 is that meant to be building with the host compiler? Jan 24 11:05:39 not sure, but I would doubt it Jan 24 11:14:32 One this is that it fails, but antother is that one time it tried to compile it, another is found it in the sstate cache Jan 24 11:15:11 But when I remote the artefacts from the sstate cache it seems to be failing consistently Jan 24 11:17:56 Which fork to pick to get rocko and newer nodejs LTS support when the official one is dead ? :P Not easy Jan 24 11:35:20 So back to the file index database: How to find which native package that provides bits/c++config.h Jan 24 11:41:49 I'm also having problems compiling core-image-x11 on qemux86-64 using latest rocko: https://bpaste.net/show/2ace29547cfc Jan 24 11:42:53 My local.conf for this build: https://bpaste.net/show/e889de06e373 Jan 24 11:44:08 This is with vanilla rocko, using nothing other that poky itself Jan 24 12:13:02 sveinse: two errors in there, the glibc-locale one is a veeery mysterious race. rebuild it and it will go away Jan 24 12:13:32 oh no, its the other bug Jan 24 12:13:35 yeah don't do DISTRO_FEATURES += Jan 24 12:13:45 as that wipes out the ?= assignment in default-distrovars Jan 24 12:13:56 so your libc doesn't want to build any locales, and your gettext never turns on Jan 24 12:14:06 (user error) Jan 24 12:19:27 rburton: quick question, did you still want this patch? https://patchwork.openembedded.org/patch/145618/ Jan 24 12:19:45 nrossi: yes, did i forget to merge it? Jan 24 12:19:59 nrossi: can you rebase and repost please Jan 24 12:20:16 rburton: sure, was just checking on my unmerged submissions ;) Jan 24 13:04:33 Greetings. I'm trying to create a bsp for a adzs-sc589-ezlite board. I need to patch the kernel to build a uImage instead of a zImage, and I need to set the LOADADDR. I am trying to use '$ yocto-kernel config list adzs-sc589-ezlite' to find the correct names for those parameters, but I get nothing back. Jan 24 13:10:26 $ yocto-kernel config add adzs-sc589-ezlite CONFIG_KERNEL_IMAGETYPE=uImage Invalid config item (CONFIG_KERNEL_IMAGETYPE=uImage), exiting Jan 24 13:13:21 rburton: thanks, that helped a lot Jan 24 13:14:48 Is there a scheme for tmp/deply/images/all/ similar to PACKAGE_ARCH="all" ? Jan 24 13:16:50 is there a way to get a list of configuration options that is understood by "yocto-kernel config"? Jan 24 13:27:15 New news from stackoverflow: Unable to run Snappy player on Beaglebone Black using Yocto Project || Yocto - Add Custom Driver Jan 24 13:34:35 sveinse: how can an image be allarch? Jan 24 13:45:43 rburton: E.g. end user install images that spans multiple/all archs. Firmware images for properitary modules, such as wifi or gsm chipsets. Jan 24 13:47:21 sveinse: well try setting the right variable in the image recipe and see what happens... Jan 24 13:51:05 rburton: Is MACHINE set to all with PACKAGE_ARCH="all"? Because I checked bitbake.conf, and I only see DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE ?= "${DEPLOY_DIR}/images/${MACHINE}" Jan 24 13:53:23 So I made my own... In all cases, the overall thinking is that everything produced as artefacts and outputs from the build process should be in deploy/ somewhere Jan 24 13:53:57 sveinse: isnt one option to just live with firmware being in a slightly incorrect MACHINE/ folder? Jan 24 13:57:01 rburton: then the release deployment script must be hardcoded with which machine to search for this. And machine changes from build to build Jan 24 14:07:24 Hi! Does somebody use meta-cgl? I have problems with this layer Jan 24 14:28:55 Is multiple targets/tasks on bitbake executed in order, or will they go into the taskdep pool which rearrages the order based on what is required/available when? Jan 24 14:31:26 pool Jan 24 14:32:07 deps expanded, worked on in order, when they're all done theyre all done Jan 24 14:33:08 so putting a task last does not guarantee it being executed last. thanks Jan 24 14:48:09 sveinse: if you want it executed last use dependencies Jan 24 15:04:48 Can somebody confirm following observation: MACHINEOVERRIDES = "armv4:foo:bar" Jan 24 15:05:10 first bar is took into consideration, then foo if bar not present ? Jan 24 15:09:27 where does bitbake pick the default config file for the kernel? Jan 24 15:12:25 learningc: bitbake -e virtual/kernel | grep virtual Jan 24 15:20:26 Cannot find the path Jan 24 15:24:35 learningc: Then bitbake -c cleansstate virtual/kernel Jan 24 15:24:37 and Jan 24 15:24:52 bitbake -v virtual/kernel Jan 24 15:25:04 ok Jan 24 15:39:54 <_xthunderheartx_> I am flopping in my attempt to add dbus-cxx to an eclipse project after building with a custom recipe. Jan 24 15:40:21 <_xthunderheartx_> Seems like it shouldn't bee this hard. Jan 24 15:40:45 <_xthunderheartx_> I'm using Oxygen and the latest YP Plugin Jan 24 15:41:31 <_xthunderheartx_> I did a populate_sdk and deployed it to /opt/dey/blah blah Jan 24 15:41:55 <_xthunderheartx_> The lib is there under sysroots ... Jan 24 15:42:14 <_xthunderheartx_> I create a new c++ project, select Yocto autotools Jan 24 15:42:38 <_xthunderheartx_> Add "include Jan 24 15:43:12 <_xthunderheartx_> Which of course it can't find because the path isn't present in the default project configuration. Jan 24 15:44:04 <_xthunderheartx_> When I add the appropriate path in the project settings, eclipse gets harshed and thinks the path is invalid. Jan 24 15:45:04 <_xthunderheartx_> So then I remove the include which is could because helloworld.cpp doesn't reference it anyway. Jan 24 15:45:41 <_xthunderheartx_> Eclipse still whines with warning, regardless of a cleaning the project etc. Jan 24 15:47:15 <_xthunderheartx_> Very frustrating. The plugin properties are right ... and the proper --sysroot directive gets passed to g++ ... Jan 24 15:48:33 <_xthunderheartx_> Am I just totally in the weeds or is it just Oxygen? Jan 24 15:50:11 <_xthunderheartx_> I learned (what little I know) about developing for Yocto using Kepler in the Dizzy/Daisy days using the Intel IOTDK for galileo. Jan 24 15:51:00 <_xthunderheartx_> I don't remember using the YP plugin then though maybe it was available. Jan 24 15:51:15 <_xthunderheartx_> Any help would be *way* appreciated. Jan 24 16:43:49 If a variable has a machine override, is it possible to access the base variable or is it completely hidden by the override? Jan 24 16:45:44 rburton, ping Jan 24 16:45:58 armpit: in meeting, email? Jan 24 16:46:06 k Jan 24 16:49:38 if I want to redo a task and all the tasks after that task, what command should I issue? Jan 24 17:06:12 learningc: bitbake -C Jan 24 17:06:20 invalidates that task, then re-runs build Jan 24 17:36:13 rburton, ok thanks Jan 24 17:37:08 hello, I don't really know much off yocto (yet) except that it's what someone has setup for me to use. Currently I'm pushing my program code to some git repo, editing the bitbake recipe to use that commit in creating the img, and then build the image. Is there a way to have the recipe point to a local repo in the same machine as that of the build server? That way it builds what's there locally and not online? Jan 24 17:37:19 of* Jan 24 17:38:08 noway96: try 'devtool modify ' Jan 24 18:01:01 Why are there 2 sources for the kernel? One is located in tmp/work/..../linux-imx and one is located in tmp/work-shared/..../kernel-source Jan 24 18:03:41 kanavin, I don't have devtool Jan 24 18:04:04 but I could just change SRC_URI? Jan 24 18:25:53 is there a way to have an optional variable in local.conf that contains a filename but only conditionally include this file in a SRC_URI if the variable exists? Jan 24 18:31:37 zeddii, https://fosdem.org/2018/schedule/event/rt_linux_with_yocto/ Jan 24 19:19:15 I've added meta-adzs-sc589-ezlite/recipes-kernel/linux/files/sc589-ezkit.dts and meta-adzs-sc589-ezlite/recipes-kernel/linux/files/sc58x.dtsi to my bsp. I've also added entries to my meta-adzs-sc589-ezlite/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.12.bbappend file that correspond. Jan 24 19:20:09 And a KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "sc589-ezkit.dtb" to my meta-adzs-sc589-ezlite/conf/machine/adzs-sc589-ezlite.conf Jan 24 19:20:34 But I keep getting a make[3]: *** No rule to make target `arch/arm/boot/dts/sc589-ezkit.dtb'. Stop. Jan 24 19:44:32 Hmm, anyone run into argp-standalone build failures for musl recently? khem? Jan 24 19:51:58 kergoth: ab exercises that and works fine Jan 24 19:52:18 hmm, odd, k, thanks Jan 24 20:00:41 * armpit did kergoth just call rburton odd? Jan 24 20:02:09 Hello, I generated sdk with qemu(TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = " nativesdk-qemu "). But, when I do ldd on the qemu binary in the installed sdk, I see it linking to host libraries. Jan 24 20:02:24 Isn't the whole point of a sdk to be self contained? Jan 24 20:03:26 ./qemu-system-aarch64: /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_4.7.0' not found (required by ./qemu-system-aarch64 Jan 24 20:04:22 Shouldn't ldd return paths which are in the sdk rather than the host machine library paths? Jan 24 20:04:28 What am I missing? Jan 24 21:14:29 I don't have devtool and would like to edit recipe to compile from local files directory instead of URI. How do I do this? Jan 24 21:25:12 noway96: You can point SRC_URI at a local directory Jan 24 21:25:37 er, file in a local directory. Jan 24 21:26:32 so a makefile? Jan 24 21:26:38 not a directory with code? Jan 24 21:28:26 noway96: Like a tarball of all the source. Jan 24 21:50:06 Will VAR_append append to a VAR ?= assignment? Jan 24 21:53:18 sveinse: you can play with bogus named variables in your local.conf then use 'bitbake -e' to get a good idea Jan 24 21:53:22 of variables Jan 24 21:53:27 anyone know if there's going to be a Dev Day after ELC? Jan 24 21:53:45 e.g., I added Jan 24 21:53:45 VAR_FOO ?= "foo" Jan 24 21:53:45 VAR_FOO_append = " bar" Jan 24 21:53:59 which results in: Jan 24 21:53:59 # $VAR_FOO [2 operations] Jan 24 21:53:59 # set? /home/clsulliv/yocto/poky/build/conf/local.conf:399 Jan 24 21:53:59 # "foo" Jan 24 21:53:59 # _append /home/clsulliv/yocto/poky/build/conf/local.conf:400 Jan 24 21:54:00 # " bar" Jan 24 21:54:00 # pre-expansion value: Jan 24 21:54:01 # "foo bar" Jan 24 21:54:01 VAR_FOO="foo bar" Jan 24 21:54:36 you can play around with +=, _append, prepend, ordering, etc and see how it gets affected Jan 24 22:00:33 what are PR and PV in .bb files? Jan 24 22:01:57 PV is version Jan 24 22:15:53 smurray: yeah there will be a DEv Day Jan 24 22:16:03 learningc: one is a link to the other Jan 24 22:16:42 noway96: PR is release Jan 24 22:32:06 noway96: as to your latest revision question earlier, set SRCREV to ${AUTOREV} and the fetcher will go and get the latest revision for you on every build Jan 24 23:20:10 I am trying to get a custom recipe setup. My issue is my git location is formatted in user@host:path/to/repo. This worked fine for git clone, but do_fetch chokes on it. Jan 24 23:20:19 Any questions or suggestions appreciated. Jan 24 23:22:38 majuk: most likely you can access your SSH keys via the environment variables $SSH_AGENT_PID and $SSH_AUTH_SOCK Jan 24 23:23:01 You can pass these variable to bitbake by adding "export SSH_AGENT_PID" and "export SSH_AUTH_SOCK" to local.conf Jan 24 23:23:44 Then setting the evironment variable BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE="$BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE SSH_AGENT_PID SSH_AUTH_SOCK" before running bitbake Jan 24 23:23:59 It's not an authentication issue. ssh: Could not resolve hostname tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos: Name or service not known Jan 24 23:25:13 Huh, is it possible that "tecphos" is an alias for something else in ~/.ssh/config? Jan 24 23:26:20 I don't think so. This is the git address I get from sourcerepo: git@tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos/TapNand.git Jan 24 23:28:21 I can `git clone` that address with no issue [on any machine with a valid priv key], but SRC_URI and do_fetch don't seem to parse it correctly. Jan 24 23:29:00 Can you show me your SRC_URI? Jan 24 23:29:09 SRC_URI="git://git@tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos/TapNand.git;protocol=git" Jan 24 23:30:47 I think you want to use protocol=ssh Jan 24 23:31:37 Yea, I've tried that, it also complains 'can't resolve' Jan 24 23:31:43 ssh: Could not resolve hostname tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos: Name or service not known Jan 24 23:33:39 which is the same as git protocol Jan 24 23:33:55 What happens if you remove the git@ part? Jan 24 23:34:03 fatal: unable to connect to git@tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos: \ git@tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos: Name or service not known Jan 24 23:34:52 brianm_: No change on remove git@, same error as ^^ Jan 24 23:37:34 Seems to be a parsing error, since it thinks "tecphos.sourcerepo.com:tecphos" is the domain. But I'm pretty stumped, sorry Jan 24 23:38:27 brianm_: No issue, thanks for your input. Jan 24 23:39:15 I agree, I can find no other SRC_URI string using this format of a location so it may just be not supported. Jan 24 23:39:27 Or there's a different way to format it I'm not finding. Jan 24 23:46:15 Hi, Does "-gu depexp" still work for roko? Jan 24 23:51:49 If LIC_FILES_CHKSUM must point to a license file with file://${LAYERDIR}LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${LAYERDIR}/licenses/MIT;md5=.., what is then the purpose of adding LICENSE_PATH += "${LAYERDIR}/licenses" to license.conf? Jan 24 23:52:20 (arh, ignore my paste error here) Jan 25 01:01:18 How do I know in which order the tasks are being processed? Jan 25 01:35:27 sveinse: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM should refer to license/copyright _in the source tree of the project_, whereas the generic licenses in the layer are intended for use with the license file packaging, iirc. it's a pretty rare case where LIC_FILES_CHKSUM refers to a generic license **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jan 25 03:00:05 2018