**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 30 03:00:02 2018 May 30 03:00:30 *to tmp/work/x86_64-linux/qemu-native/2.11.1-r0/build/config.log it's looking for captone headers on the build host (-I/usr/include/capstone) rather than in its own source tree or in the sysroots... hrm... May 30 04:41:57 RP1: I think some of those patches are going to be needed along with gcc8 May 30 04:45:47 drop it in current pull May 30 04:46:04 once I send the final gcc8 knob pull that will be more appropriate and atomic May 30 05:09:52 I sent the final pull request for gcc8 May 30 07:18:20 khem: I'll reply on list about it but we'll have to do something different as it won't work with the current approach :( **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 30 07:24:24 2018 May 30 08:56:50 ls May 30 09:39:24 hello guys ! I'm trying to bitbake ardupilot: https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot May 30 09:39:53 I have a recipe with explicit do_configure(){} as: do configure(){ May 30 09:40:11 git submodule update --init May 30 09:40:20 modules/waf/waf-light configure --board=navio2 May 30 09:40:21 } May 30 09:40:37 bitbake halts with the following error: May 30 09:40:57 | Checking for program 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-pkg-config' : not found May 30 09:41:01 while configuring May 30 09:41:21 Does anyone has any idea ? May 30 11:34:53 New news from stackoverflow: cmake error in falcon compilation in yocto-krogoth May 30 12:34:04 is anybody out there ? May 30 12:46:31 hi all May 30 12:47:14 have to add a wpa-supplicant package to my lcoal yocto, what are the steps May 30 12:51:40 abgelo_ts: add it to your local.conf May 30 12:51:57 CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "wpa-supplicant" May 30 12:52:30 CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " wpa-supplicant" May 30 13:10:58 fberg: Not sure on the pkg-config.... but you should fetch with gitsm:// instead of running 'git submodule update' in do_configure May 30 13:12:40 JPEW: solved simply by renaming pkg-config to arm-linux-gnueabihf-pkg-confi May 30 13:13:43 hmm, interesting. You could probably also maybe add 'export PKG_CONFIG = "pkg-config"' to the recipe? May 30 13:14:22 now the problem is that I am mising a python module, specifically "future" in order to compile May 30 13:14:35 I've tried anything but still nothing May 30 13:14:50 question regarding sstate-cache, I tried to build the "Hello World" application as explained in the https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual.html but don't see any sstate-cache being generated. Why is that ? May 30 13:15:10 JPEW: maybe yes. May 30 13:16:17 I'll give it a try. May 30 13:17:15 Do you know how to install a python module inside a recipe ? I've tried adding "pip install future" in do_compile() after adding DEPDENS += "python3-pip" but bitbake says that pip is not found May 30 13:17:56 fberg: Sorry, the variable waf looks for is 'PKGCONFIG' not 'PKG_CONFIG' May 30 13:19:11 JPEW: ok, Do I have to export the variable inside a task ? May 30 13:21:25 fberg: No, you would just add it to the recipe May 30 13:21:47 fberg: export PKGCONFIG = "pkg-config" May 30 13:23:08 JPEW: it worked May 30 13:24:06 Now I have to understand how the ***** get this future python module installed ! May 30 13:24:20 I'm dying May 30 13:25:01 fberg: Sorry, I don't know much about using pip in a recipe May 30 13:25:28 JPEW: no problem ! me too ! May 30 13:25:39 Also.... that project's use of waf is borderline pyscotic May 30 13:26:56 JPWEW: ahahha ! word ! May 30 13:31:33 fberg: Just FYI, there is also a waf.bbclass you can use try using also. Good Luck! May 30 13:31:44 (in oe-core) May 30 13:33:43 JPEW: thanl May 30 13:33:46 thanks ! May 30 14:38:39 fberg: be careful with python, you don't want the build to be fetching eggs in the background May 30 14:39:07 I usually use iptables rules to kill outgoing 443 and 80 to ensure this isn't the case May 30 14:39:09 marka: what's an egg ? May 30 14:39:42 fberg: if you have pip around and a dependency is missing it will hope on the web and download it May 30 14:39:55 it is a packaging mechanism specific to python May 30 14:40:22 ruby and go have a similar issue May 30 14:40:24 marka: oh, ok. By the way can't have pip running.. Still getting "not found" May 30 14:40:54 most python packages now included a requirements.txt which will list dependencies May 30 14:41:06 since the problem is due to the "future" module I have added DEPENDS += " python-future" May 30 14:41:08 or sometimes they are listed in setup.py May 30 14:41:25 and export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/future" May 30 14:41:27 you need to make sure you have the build depends in DEPENDS and the runtime depends in RDEPENDS May 30 14:42:10 https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/recipe/72550/ May 30 14:42:46 fberg: you shouldn't need to adjust the PYTHONPATH, just DEPEND on python-future May 30 14:43:09 the DEPEND only tag is not sufficient May 30 14:43:25 while compiling I got the future module not found error May 30 14:44:20 odd, it should be building up a python install in the RSS based on the DEPENDS May 30 14:44:54 feel free to send me your recipe and I can have a look, mark.asselstine@windriver.com May 30 14:45:54 I deal with a couple hundred py recipes in meta-cloud-services so haven't met one that stumps me yet May 30 14:46:17 marka: thanks May 30 14:46:23 np May 30 14:48:14 marka: https://pastebin.com/Ve09SjXN May 30 14:48:46 got it, will get back to you in a bit May 30 14:49:06 marka:again, thank you for help May 30 14:55:55 their use of the git submodules to satisfy the py module dependencies is unusual May 30 14:57:16 it's all a bit strange to me. still struggling to figure it oout since this morning May 30 14:57:27 with go you end up with a standalone executable so go packages often have a vendor file with dependencies and their versions May 30 14:57:44 the versions can vary from pkg to package since when it is installed they are stand alone May 30 14:58:04 in their documentation they say to run "pip install future" May 30 14:58:04 with python the modules could be the same as other python pkgs require so you need to be careful with versions May 30 14:58:09 before the waf command May 30 14:58:40 ya, they are relying on pip to install dependencies, eggs May 30 14:59:08 really in the end each of these submodules should be done as its own package/recipe May 30 14:59:40 the git://github.com/ArduPilot/* ones could potentially be done all in this one recipe May 30 14:59:59 but git://github.com/google/benchmark.git and friends are independent py packages May 30 15:00:48 http://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/building-for-navio2-on-rpi3.html May 30 15:01:54 ya, you can see the "fun", the URL has "building" in there, but really they are using pip and really doing installation, not build May 30 15:02:25 you can pretty much substitute pip with apt/dnf/rpm in this case May 30 15:02:59 anyway, I said I would help so I am stuck now, I will get something to you shortly May 30 15:03:23 stuck in a good way here btw May 30 15:03:33 marka: I really appreciate May 30 15:22:12 fberg: wow this is some tangled web May 30 15:22:27 marka: uh ? May 30 15:23:02 originally I thought all the git submodules were python, there are some C/C++ ones too May 30 15:23:43 why not to mix it up a little bit ? it's spicy, isn't it ? May 30 15:23:49 sure May 30 15:24:27 at this point I almost suggest you install the target compiler, pip and python-future in your image May 30 15:25:37 is there a reason you want to package this using recipes. It can be done but it is going to take some legwork May 30 15:26:00 marka: thanks. May 30 15:26:17 not surprised this has had you stumped, the upstream did a good job to make this hard to package May 30 15:26:58 at minimum you will need 10 recipes May 30 15:26:59 marka: It would be better if the generated image is ready to go May 30 15:28:56 otherwise I will have to build the ardupilot eveytime I flash a new image May 30 15:29:52 so basically for each of these May 30 15:29:53 --- May 30 15:29:54 Submodule path 'libraries/AP_HAL_F4Light/hardware/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.1.0/Libraries': checked out 'a4cac64af5db8d61798dcc6fe103fa628897e640' May 30 15:29:56 Submodule path 'libraries/AP_HAL_F4Light/support/minimosd-extra': checked out '134fcc1a549b5ed639af6017a0d726c6961367d3' May 30 15:29:57 Submodule path 'modules/ChibiOS': checked out '2b7abdc3ead0cbcade1deb828fc37c0f88a52e7b' May 30 15:29:59 Submodule path 'modules/PX4Firmware': checked out 'b535f9744f74d537580f3d396ba01a6f31d917ae' May 30 15:30:00 Submodule path 'modules/PX4NuttX': checked out '1472b16c36e37312b722fbe4540e48b39abfa23a' May 30 15:30:02 Submodule path 'modules/gbenchmark': checked out '006d23ccca1375a973b7fae0cc351cedb41b812a' May 30 15:30:03 Submodule path 'modules/gtest': checked out 'c99458533a9b4c743ed51537e25989ea55944908' May 30 15:30:05 Submodule path 'modules/mavlink': checked out '7766ea24b8e2a5a2e09ea5738dc25e1526615d9d' May 30 15:30:06 Submodule path 'modules/uavcan': checked out '70df64480a7512fbbb85b442234dbd9b3bdae548' May 30 15:30:08 Submodule path 'modules/waf': checked out '888ea5af0f4fd3bb5920d903f22697d7fa23ede8' May 30 15:30:09 --- May 30 15:30:11 you will want to have a recipe May 30 15:30:19 you can drop waf, it will be unneeded May 30 15:31:03 it is itself a build tool which when using their instructions is doing the build May 30 15:31:22 you will be using bitbake so waf is redundent May 30 15:32:33 use a pastebin if you're pasting something longer than 5 lines, pelase May 30 15:32:46 kergoth: sorry May 30 15:33:32 fberg: anyway, start by creating recipes for each of these May 30 15:34:33 the 'ardupilot' itself is just a wrapper to fetch and install each so in the end it is also unneeded May 30 15:35:24 marka: thanks May 30 15:35:36 np May 30 15:35:37 i think it will take me some time :) May 30 15:35:47 ya, a days work there May 30 15:36:07 completely possible but will take time May 30 15:36:17 waf is a dirty word around here May 30 15:36:22 ahahahha May 30 15:36:39 yeah, also here now May 30 15:37:11 at a quick glance I don't see anything worrying in the individual parts May 30 15:38:33 hi May 30 15:38:50 trying to build hostapd into my rootfs, getting May 30 15:38:53 error: %prein(hostapd-2.6-r0.aarch64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 May 30 15:39:14 marka: I hope so ! I'll start reciping ! May 30 15:39:24 have a nice day !! May 30 15:39:30 fberg: definitely some unconventional stuff to keep you busy May 30 15:39:32 libraries/AP_HAL_F4Light/support/minimosd-extra/build.sh May 30 15:39:50 for example, instead of just a straight up Makefile May 30 15:39:59 mmm May 30 15:42:19 here we go... I'll try to figure out if all the submodules are really needed first of all May 30 15:42:42 I'm using the navio2 board so maybe some of them are not really necessary May 30 15:47:43 sounds like a good plan May 30 15:48:00 pick the high level parts and work through what it needs May 30 15:49:03 marka: yep. Now I'm off for today. thank you for your suggestions ! **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 31 03:00:07 2018