**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 25 02:59:59 2018 Sep 25 06:05:00 so many recipes failed to build that I'm desperate to wipe out sstate cache and try again, sigh.. Sep 25 06:21:07 New news from stackoverflow: cross-compile library recipe in yocto Sep 25 06:51:12 New news from stackoverflow: If else statement using external variable in a bitbake file Sep 25 08:19:49 I'm (still) building with pyro, and I have an init-ifupdown bbappend that bitbake occasionally complains about not finding a license-information. But when I re-run it's fine, so it looks like a race-condition. All I have in my bbappend is: FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/init-ifupdown-1.0:" and then I have an "init-ifupdown-1.0" folder that jusst contains my "interfaces" file. Is there a known workaround? Sep 25 09:43:14 in sumo, libical creates .cmake module with absolute paths to link libraries into sysroot, on master branch not. Is the only difference cmake version? Sep 25 09:54:03 nah, master branch has 26cccb93059b8963651b7d17cea2ee95f52633b7 as a workaround, sumo needs that too... Sep 25 10:18:19 rburton: running a -next build to test the wikilog warning fix Sep 25 10:21:50 New news from stackoverflow: QA Issue build mono ( Sep 25 13:47:38 RP: finally posted my meson improvements along with a change to siteinfo (world rebuilding, annoyingly) Sep 25 13:50:52 rburton: cool, looks good. I guess we have another build from scratch coming up Sep 25 13:52:26 New news from stackoverflow: yocto bitbake config file location Sep 25 14:26:10 hi, i would like to build libpqxx (https://github.com/jtv/libpqxx) for my karo target(TX6S-8035). i use karo BSP (https://github.com/karo-electronics/meta-karo). i am facing some issue( error : QA Issue: libpqxx.pc failed sanity test (tmpdir) in path). Anyone can help me fix this. thanks in advance. Here is my libpqxx.bb file (https://pastebin.com/LcjrM47S) and my log.do_populate_sysroot file (https://pastebin.com/Ny2UT6yn) Sep 25 14:32:57 RP: hold off the meson stuff, found another breakage Sep 25 14:52:37 New news from stackoverflow: Do all RDEPENDS for python need to be explicitly defined in IMAGE_INSTALL_append in Yocto? Sep 25 15:00:03 * armpit those mesons Sep 25 15:06:15 rburton: I set it away on the AB fwiw before you said that Sep 25 15:15:07 ok, i expect eg mips to fail Sep 25 15:15:13 found another instance Sep 25 15:38:51 rburton: that build has multiple issues so going to need a retry I think... Sep 25 16:02:16 Hey All! Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there a way to add only parts of something you want to IMAGE_INSTALL_append? I'm looking to reduce the size of my rootfs, so for example I don't necessarily need everything in libc, but need parts of it Sep 25 16:07:26 davenporten: you would have to tweak the package function to create different packages that you can then install on IMAGE_INSTALL Sep 25 16:08:38 aehs29: ok, so there's no way to do it in local.conf or something? Thanks for your help! Sep 25 22:29:13 armpit: halstead needs the AB to bring new workers online so don't start anything atm please Sep 25 22:41:41 RP. k Sep 26 00:08:07 Yes the AB needs to recruit new workers **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Sep 26 03:00:00 2018