**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 14 02:59:58 2019 Nov 14 03:29:24 denix: RP I just merged a multiconfig example build on meta-freertos, in case someone finds it useful Nov 14 05:38:53 New news from stackoverflow: Disable CPU cores on Yocto Nov 14 07:09:06 New news from stackoverflow: wifi ap interface would send lots of packages to eth0 even though there are no operations Nov 14 07:29:59 hi, I'm trying to backport a later version of cmake. The only remain problem I've got is that it uses pokys meta/classes/cmake.bbclass file instead of the classes/cmake.bbclass in my layer. Both my order of layers in bblayers file and BBFILE_PRIORITY is set in such a way that my layer should take precedence, and it does for recipes and other bbclasses, just not cmake.bbclass. Does anyone have any idea Nov 14 07:30:05 of what could be going on here? This project is on the rocky branch, currently we are not in the position to rebase it to a later release. Nov 14 07:36:30 soderstrom: just cherry-pick needed patches to cmake.bbclass and cmake recipe to your poky. I do things like that all the time. works 99% of time with the recipes I care about. Nov 14 08:02:33 Good morning! My mingw adventures continue, I seem to be able to build with meta-clang and ti stuff removed. I'll just wait for it to complete, and then put back packages until I have isolated all conflicts. I hate this busy work stuff -_- Nov 14 08:38:58 Will there be any Yocto activity at/after Fosdem 2020? Nov 14 08:39:58 Probably will be, yes. Nov 14 08:41:07 @wrtigon Ok, the rumor i heard was about a developer day or something, the "day after" fosdem! Or something like that.... Nov 14 08:41:14 @wertigon Ok, the rumor i heard was about a developer day or something, the "day after" fosdem! Or something like that.... Nov 14 08:45:15 bobo: No idea what the plan is, but yocto activity will happen if there is interest for it to happen, as is the case with most FOSS projects Nov 14 08:48:17 So if a couple of developers are interested there will be a yocto hack and yocto lectures as well. :) Nov 14 08:58:28 rburton: If you're awake, I have narrowed my mingw troubles down to meta-browser and meta-clang giving me issues Nov 14 08:58:37 i'd put money on clang Nov 14 08:59:33 rburton: Not entirely - clang refuses to build with ncurses Nov 14 09:04:53 But, meta-browser has trouble with openssl and a bunch of other stuff Nov 14 09:25:38 How to force to use sysv scripts for the image, preconfigured to use systemd in distro.conf ? Nov 14 09:30:30 mcfrisk: I agree that it would be the easiest solution. It does however add the requirement to keep a fork of poky in order to keep track of the modifications done to it. While it is certainly doable. I'm also looking to understand why bitbake picks up the bbclass from the wrong layer. How does the inclusion chain of classes work in bitbake? Nov 14 09:33:30 soderstrom: BBPATH https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/2.6.2/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-BBPATH Nov 14 09:34:24 soderstrom: *usually* in conf/layer.conf people are appending to BBPATH. If all layers are doing so, the order in BBLAYERS is the order in which BB will look for classes. Nov 14 09:38:26 I do not override classes through layers. I would not do that. I can create own custom classes which derive or specialize classes from poky and then use that version for recipes in the layer. Nov 14 09:39:30 keeping track of changes in a custom poky branch is normal git work, same as sync with upstream (e.g. git merge) where conflicts are visible and need to be resolved. Nov 14 09:39:32 New news from stackoverflow: How to make /var/log persistent in Yocto Fido (poky) Nov 14 09:59:49 qschulz: thank you :) now I'm getting somewhere :] Nov 14 10:15:50 rburton: my bets are usually on meta-browser. if theres anything thats certain to break at any given occasion, then its chromium Nov 14 10:44:02 hi Nov 14 10:45:24 Hmm, maybe I should install irssi and ditch this crappy webclient thingie... Nov 14 10:45:59 I only used it for a few quick questions but now I seem to be coming back for more punishment every day XD Nov 14 11:23:37 wertigon, do it, or sign up for irccloud Nov 14 11:27:22 Hey everyone, How do I remove qtwebkit from being added in meta-toolchain-qt5? Nov 14 11:28:03 I created a meta layer to choose qt modules for the image but I don't know how to do that for the sdk Nov 14 12:00:01 LetoThe2nd: Any insights? Nov 14 12:00:29 Sorry for mentioning I'm stuck.. Nov 14 12:11:50 Dave_Elec: one way to disable bbappends and recipes from any layers is to set BBMASK in your distro config to filter the paths. e.g. BBMASK += "meta-foo/recipes-bar". I use that to disable unwanted things in several BSP layers. Nov 14 12:11:59 Dave_Elec: i'n no qt user and have only little experience in sdk customization, hence my only advice can be to give both bitbake -e and the dependency dot files from bitbake -g a good inspection, sorry. Nov 14 12:17:52 mcfrisk: So I have to add BBMASK in local.conf? Nov 14 12:18:07 I'm new for yocto.. sorry Nov 14 12:20:22 Dave_Elec: yes, I think BBMASK will also work from local.conf. check the "bitbake -e yourimage" output that it's set correctly. Nov 14 12:21:07 also the SDK may be installing many things via packagegroups which may include all -dev packages. that can be tweaked in custom bbappends for example. Nov 14 12:32:10 Hmmm, back to square one, I have managed to narrow it down to these packages however: Nov 14 12:33:37 https://pastebin.com/UKq88Kjk Nov 14 12:33:43 hallo,hallo. when building ssmtp I get the error "no rule to make target 'install' ". I see it runs inside (...)/ssmtp/1.0-r0/ Nov 14 12:34:00 but ssmtp is version 2.64-r0 Nov 14 12:34:28 there was a folder "2.64-r0" in there, which variable I look for? Nov 14 12:34:58 meta-mingw therefore cannot handle libxcrypt, gdbm, ncurses, openssl, db, libcxx, bison, flex and compiler-rt Nov 14 12:35:44 kayterina: S is for the source directory, B for the build directory Nov 14 12:36:08 ok Nov 14 12:36:24 wertigon: meta-mingw does not handle ncurses and ncurses has spotty mingw support Nov 14 12:36:51 kayterina: and check your PV variable as well to see if it's correctly set Nov 14 12:48:29 nrossi: Aye, and the problem I have is that I need meta-browser and meta-browser require meta-clang Nov 14 12:50:04 wertigon: figure out what needs ncurses (bitbake -g) and then make an append/etc. to remove the dependency if possible (like meta-mingw does for a bunch of things like cmake) Nov 14 12:53:57 nrossi: It's meta-clang that is the main culprit Nov 14 12:53:59 Or seems to be, atleast Nov 14 12:54:11 And by extension, meta-browser Nov 14 13:07:51 nrossi: How can I remove packages for SDK only? Nov 14 13:11:29 wertigon: have a look at -> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/meta-mingw/tree/recipes-core/dtc/dtc_%25.bbappend#n15 Nov 14 13:12:57 wertigon: i doubt you will need to make it specific to only the sdk, but if you do you can use the _class-nativesdk override in conjunction with _mingw Nov 14 13:13:03 wertigon: like -> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/meta-mingw/tree/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_%25.bbappend Nov 14 13:18:29 Ok, I will try that just to see what is broken and not Nov 14 13:18:58 For instance, I do not need ncurses for the dev environment I am creating Nov 14 13:19:56 Or, rather Nov 14 13:20:18 I do not need it for the purpose of the SDK, which is to allow my teammates to build their application Nov 14 13:20:40 But I do want ncurses for a built-in application on the image Nov 14 13:42:30 What does "bitbake -c do_deploy_sdk custom-image" do exactly? Nov 14 13:42:55 Does it make an sdk with only components in the image added? Nov 14 13:44:07 *do_populate_sdk Nov 14 13:44:43 yes Nov 14 13:45:14 If so what about compilers? Nov 14 13:45:21 Dave_Elec, that is also included Nov 14 13:45:31 cross compiler for MACHINE Nov 14 13:45:43 Despite that it is not included in the image itself right? Nov 14 13:45:55 correct Nov 14 13:46:09 Okay Nov 14 13:46:29 Also to remove a toolchain can i just remove /opt/poky? Nov 14 13:46:59 it was installed there.. Or is there a better way? Does it have other files? Nov 14 13:47:14 Dave_Elec, the sdk installations are confined to their installation directory, so yes you can just wipe it Nov 14 13:49:14 Thanks Nov 14 13:53:08 Okay so I only installed qtbase not qtbase-dev in the image.. so there is no qmake in the image. also there is no qmake in the sdk either Nov 14 13:57:21 Dave_Elec, you using meta-qt5 ? Nov 14 13:58:31 Dave_Elec, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40258161/how-do-i-get-qt-sdk-configured-properly-with-yocto-project Nov 14 14:01:12 kroon: yes Nov 14 14:02:02 i'd start by trying to add that "inherit populate_sdk_qt5" directive to the image recipe Nov 14 14:03:12 So that would add all the qt libraries or just the ones I choose? Nov 14 14:04:42 AFAIK that should add all needed files to the sdk that is required for building programs that use any of the qt libraries you have listed in the target imate Nov 14 14:07:33 Okay trying that.. Nov 14 14:08:51 Just to be clear I have a directory tree like this https://hastebin.com/renalutovu I have to add the inherit in the file where i defined my image ie. mylayer-image.bb right? Nov 14 14:09:29 correct Nov 14 14:10:17 Alright.. Sorry for bothering Nov 14 14:10:39 Dave_Elec, no problem Nov 14 14:15:08 Dave_Elec, that should also get you qmake in the sdk (but not in the target image) Nov 14 14:15:17 Dave_Elec, gotta run, good luck Nov 14 14:19:23 rburton: Merged the MinGW test image... where do we change the AB to build it? Nov 14 14:19:37 JPEW: yocto-autobuilder-helper, config.json Nov 14 14:42:57 Hey, is there an easy way to reduce the size of the image? for example is there a rootfs compression? :) Nov 14 14:43:15 ( i guess uboot need to uncompress it then ? ) Nov 14 14:44:09 GeneralStupid: sure. leave out 75% of the packages. we have reports that this has awesome effects in memory saving Nov 14 14:45:14 GeneralStupid: rootfs compression is useful only when using it as an initramfs. In that case, the compromise between size and boot time depends on the hardware, only experiment will tell you Nov 14 14:45:15 GeneralStupid: on a more serious note, it massively depends on which options you have. e.g., what image fstypes you can even use on the given hardware and its boot strategy. Nov 14 14:45:17 LetoThe2nd: I dont find words to answer this on an sarcastic way :D. Ok, so i need to create my own target i guess ? Nov 14 14:45:55 GeneralStupid: image recipe but yes Nov 14 14:46:03 GeneralStupid: if you are doing the "default-whatever-image + add-your-own-stuff", then creting your own image is step #0. Nov 14 14:46:13 not step #1 because you should already have done it. Nov 14 14:46:20 qschulz: thats what i meant... Nov 14 14:46:46 LetoThe2nd: at the moment i try to modify the bsp stuff with my own layer, to stay updateable... Nov 14 14:47:07 GeneralStupid: step #1 is, make sure that only things you actually and really want to actively use are in IMAGE_INSTALL Nov 14 14:47:20 GeneralStupid: the image recipe has totally NOTHING to do with the bsp Nov 14 14:47:24 qschulz: I think imageramfs is a good idea. Nov 14 14:47:36 LetoThe2nd: no but the kernel configuration has (?) Nov 14 14:47:55 GeneralStupid: yeah, but in which way does the image recipe affect the kernel config? Nov 14 14:48:41 GeneralStupid: initramfs is for specific use cases, by default you don't have persistence of data. See it as volatile rootfs which goes back to original state when rebooting. you're also limited by the amount of ram you have on your device Nov 14 14:49:04 LetoThe2nd: doesnt it make sense to put the image recipe into this layer? Nov 14 14:49:28 create your own layer (step #-1) and create an image recipe (step #0) Nov 14 14:50:07 (ad. step #0 start from a core-image-minimal, it's usually a good way to bootstrap things) Nov 14 14:50:41 GeneralStupid: i totally recommend watching the live coding sessions on youtube. i think #2 or #3 walk through *exactly* that process Nov 14 14:51:06 GeneralStupid: and no, bsp and image recipe totally should not correlate. i they do, you have an architectural problem Nov 14 14:51:22 * LetoThe2nd leaves for RL again Nov 14 14:51:38 recipes are stored in meta/recipes, ... so i thought i would need to put this into my layer to keep the bsp and yocto stuff untouches Nov 14 14:52:41 or do i need to store it into my workspace? (which is also just a layer?) Nov 14 14:53:09 wdym with your last sentence? Nov 14 14:53:57 if i use the commandline tool for creating recipes and stuff it will automaticalle create an workspace directory into my build directory Nov 14 14:54:07 put your SW and image recipes in one separate Yocto layer Nov 14 14:54:22 GeneralStupid: yeah, that's for use with devtool, it's meant as temporary Nov 14 14:54:29 Ahh ok Nov 14 14:54:58 qschulz: thanks, thats what i will try now. at the moment i use core-image-minimal ... Nov 14 14:55:13 GeneralStupid: and you already have too much? Nov 14 14:57:30 something is inherently wrong in my development VM. Do you use docker if a vendor's board-etc-etc needs specific ubuntu version? Nov 14 14:58:03 kayterina: Some do. There are a few options Nov 14 14:59:08 qschulz: yes, i definetly need to try out the LICENSE option, because of GPLv3. But yes. I need to get it as small as possible to be able to order a matching Flash module Nov 14 14:59:17 kayterina: https://github.com/crops/poky-container https://github.com/siemens/kas https://github.com/garmin/pyrex Nov 14 14:59:32 Really need to make a Wiki page about that.... Nov 14 14:59:48 GeneralStupid: wait. Like a default core-image-minimal is already too much? How big is it and how small are you targetting? Nov 14 15:01:27 the ziped wic file is 8.9 Nov 14 15:02:11 try to add BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS in your image recipe Nov 14 15:02:20 INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE ain't going to help Nov 14 15:02:58 next step is to find all the default PACKAGECONFIG's you don't need which are pulling DEPENDS or RDEPENDS in there Nov 14 15:03:28 trim down your kernel to the minimal set of drivers and subsystems needed Nov 14 15:03:33 same for u-boot Nov 14 15:04:20 kernel is no problem, iam already working on this :) But iam new to uboot Nov 14 15:04:32 I will compile a list and then i will tryout everything Nov 14 15:04:44 GeneralStupid: some parts are in menuconfig, others are in include/configs/yourboard.h Nov 14 15:05:05 but U-Boot isn't really a big area for size optimization Nov 14 15:05:27 qschulz: iam using bbappend and my own SRC_URI = file:\\defconfig. Is this a good way? Nov 14 15:05:51 the size that matters is the size taken on the flash so I'm not sure the zipped one is a good base for comparison Nov 14 15:06:30 GeneralStupid: that's what I do. If your kernel recipe inhjerits kernel-yocto then you might be able to use config fragments Nov 14 15:06:58 short answer is, it's not horrendous :) Nov 14 15:07:21 its inheriting kernel-imx Nov 14 15:09:32 the build for the board depends on ubuntu 16.4.05 packages, I was thinking I need an ubuntu inside docker? how crops works? Nov 14 15:10:06 qschulz: just one small answer left, is toaster worth looking at? Nov 14 15:12:21 * qschulz shrugs Nov 14 15:12:39 in words: you dont use it and youre fine without it Nov 14 15:13:02 yup but I'm a cli fanatic so... Nov 14 15:13:39 GeneralStupid: also, try to use buildhistory with yocto might help you find out which packages take the most space in your image Nov 14 15:14:30 actually iam new to yocto... It feels really HUGE :) and every day i find a lot of new tools Nov 14 15:15:14 qschulz: oh, after a short look, this looks like exactly what iam searching for Nov 14 15:19:08 thanks a lot, i will try to get yocto into my brain :) Nov 14 15:24:03 GeneralStupid: take your time, read the different docs in Yocto. It's great doc (but long to read). Nov 14 15:24:17 have a look at LetoThe2nd streams (also on Youtube) Nov 14 15:24:25 start small :) Nov 14 15:24:27 good luck Nov 14 15:33:54 qschulz: thanks Nov 14 15:48:08 RP: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/log/?h=meta-yocto/stable/thud-nmut Nov 14 15:52:35 How can I mske sftp and rsync work to a yocto project? Nov 14 15:52:59 I can ssh into it but not sftp and rsync Nov 14 15:55:10 sftp is using ftp isn't it? can you try scp instead? Nov 14 15:55:53 you need rsync installed on the image to use rsync Nov 14 15:57:46 I was trying to use my yocto build with qtcreator Nov 14 15:58:21 neverpanic: I just have to add rsync in IMAGE_INSTALL? Nov 14 16:00:16 https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/recipes/?q=rsync Nov 14 16:00:19 looks like it yes Nov 14 16:03:11 I added rsync to IMAGE_INSTALL and still nothing Nov 14 16:03:55 qschulz: isnt having openssh enough for sftp though? Nov 14 16:04:11 Dave_Elec: depends on the config of openssh IIRC Nov 14 16:10:47 New news from stackoverflow: Docker image format Nov 14 16:14:57 I found vsftpd in meta-openembedded.. Is that the correct package? Nov 14 16:15:03 no Nov 14 16:15:09 sftp is part of openssh Nov 14 16:15:19 so 1) check you have openssh and not dropbear in your image Nov 14 16:15:34 I have openssh Nov 14 16:15:38 PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-keygen ${PN}-scp ${PN}-ssh ${PN}-sshd ${PN}-sftp ${PN}-misc ${PN}-sftp-server" Nov 14 16:15:46 make sure you installed all of it :) Nov 14 16:15:50 I have this line IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash ssh-server-openssh debug-tweaks" Nov 14 16:16:09 that's just the core server. also add openssh-sftp-server Nov 14 16:18:29 Where do i add PACKAGES? Nov 14 16:18:49 IMAGE_INSTALL += "openssh-sftp-server" Nov 14 16:19:05 my paste was from the openssh recipe, showing that it creates lots of packages Nov 14 16:21:29 So now rsync should work too? Nov 14 17:15:13 kanavin: mission complete: a sato build without python2 Nov 14 17:15:26 (i'm ignoring host, this is just without building a py2) Nov 14 17:30:04 ok, some progress made on debugging the basehash changed issue in our vendor BSP layer. We uncommented RP's line in siggen.py to generate a sigbasedata. The diffsigs is tasks added to the task dependencies. Any idea how to find the recipe/class we should behead? Nov 14 17:32:49 afk til tomorrow but if anyone has any pointer, very happy to arrive at work tomorrow and investigate the leads :) Nov 14 18:11:05 New news from stackoverflow: How to manage meta layers for a yocto project & build configs in git Nov 14 19:15:01 Offtopic from yocto but have anyone got those raspberrypi 5 inch tft resistive touch screens working with qt eglfs? Nov 14 19:16:02 I couldn't get touchscreen working. I don't even know where to start. The touch pannel is based on xpt2046 Nov 14 19:59:57 Dave_Elec: did you try with raspbian ? Nov 14 20:00:41 nope Nov 14 20:04:31 khem: I haven't tried.. I just started with a yocto build. Nov 14 20:05:34 I just got Qt5 and the qt5 toolchain working with qtcreator. Nov 14 20:27:21 i see Nov 14 21:12:46 khem: I just tried it in a raspbian buster and it works after some touch up Nov 14 21:27:33 ok then you have a reference Nov 14 21:27:46 so it should work with OE as well Nov 14 21:29:13 look through https://meta-raspberrypi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Nov 14 21:29:17 for more Nov 14 21:47:00 khem: It is not working as expected in raspbian but atleast it is detected. Nov 14 21:47:25 Also I read the documentation and nothing about the touchscreen support Nov 14 21:54:26 The raspbian working after https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show Nov 14 22:01:27 there might be something about LCD Nov 14 22:01:32 thats a good start Nov 14 22:09:11 I think it is setting xinput configuration. But I am not using xinput for the yocto build. Nov 15 00:09:19 Is there a script available somewhere that upgrades all the python recipes to the latest version in a layer? Also I am curious about how the meta-python maintainers update the python packages to latest verisons regularly. :moto-timo ? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 15 02:59:58 2019