**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Dec 24 02:59:57 2019 Dec 24 05:19:54 New news from stackoverflow: How to set i.p for usb0 before imx board boots? Dec 24 07:45:19 Hi. I tried to build python in my image (after deploying) and I get the following error: Dec 24 07:45:32 Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:_bsddb _curses _curses_panel _sqlite3 _ssl _tkinter bsddb185 bz2 dbm gdbm nis readline sunaudiodev zlib Dec 24 07:45:45 After running "make" command Dec 24 07:48:53 The problem is that I have installed sqlite3, zlib, etc. on the image (and it still warns about them), and in addition, I can't find some packages, such as "bsddb" Dec 24 07:49:35 Any help? Dec 24 14:37:22 Did someone answer my previous question? Unfortunately I realized that (again) I've been disconnected from the channel Dec 24 16:04:35 milloni: re: distro vs machine for rel/dev.. thanks for the input! i'll ping LetoThe2nd in the following weeks.. in the meantime, happy holidays everyone! Dec 24 16:04:54 thanks, happy holidays to you too! Dec 24 16:22:29 nacknick: no one did, sorry Dec 24 16:23:14 nacknick: how are you trying to build python "in your image" Dec 24 16:23:38 i would recommend against building anything "in the image" if i understand your intention correctly **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 25 03:00:03 2019