**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Feb 23 02:59:57 2020 Feb 23 10:53:27 bingo, BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT = "10" oe-selftest -r tinfoil -j 1 reproduces Feb 23 11:08:00 any known issues with perf rebuilds? Last poky build failed, cleaning perf fixed it, the perf source directory is quite different before and after cleaning (is it known and worth investigating)? Feb 23 11:36:33 JaMa: there have just been several changes in that area Feb 23 11:37:12 JaMa: new binutils is known to have "fun" with older perf and there were python2/3 sed change Feb 23 11:37:40 JaMa: probably worth investigating, keeping in mind those changes Feb 23 11:52:53 hello Feb 23 11:53:18 I can't umount SD card Feb 23 11:53:30 it's in /dev/loop0 Feb 23 11:53:46 when I use sudo umount /dev/loop it doesn't work Feb 23 11:54:39 i used /dev/loop not /dev/loop0 to umount all SD Feb 23 13:18:33 Two bugs files, both reproducible now, https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13811 and https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13812 Feb 23 13:18:36 Bug 13811: normal, Undecided, ---, richard.purdie, NEW , Memory Resident bitbake has output redirection problem Feb 23 13:18:37 Bug 13812: normal, Undecided, ---, richard.purdie, NEW , tinfoil tests race issue Feb 23 13:20:10 kanavin_home: those are nicely reproducible and don't need much machine overhead if you're looking for things to help with :) Feb 23 13:20:47 kanavin_home: I've gotten them as far as easily reproducible now but I should really step away from the computer Feb 23 13:21:55 or smurray? :) Feb 23 13:22:41 RP: I'm right now working to enable ptests for libinput/wayland/weston, are those bugs important to resolve quickly? Feb 23 13:22:57 (and do step away!) Feb 23 13:24:21 kanavin_home: we're seeing 13812 a fair bit all of a sudden, 13811 is a separate issue, not so probematic Feb 23 13:24:40 kanavin_home: we can probably hack 13812 easily Feb 23 17:24:14 hello :) Feb 23 17:45:36 What's the difference between .ubi and .ubifs? Feb 23 18:09:11 palate: Hi, UBIFS is built on top of UBI. UBI handles all the memory limitations (bad blocks, wear levelling, ECC). UBIFS depend on the work of UBI to handle filesystem stuff (filenames, permissions, etc) Feb 23 19:26:36 RP: heh, I can at least reproduce those issues, but must admit I've no real idea where I would start in digging in the tinfoil bits Feb 23 19:53:18 yocon: so Yocto gives me 2 files: image-qemux86-blahblah.rootfs.ubi, and image-qemux86-blahblah.rootfs.ubifs. One is 17M, the other is 16M. Do I need to flash both somehow? Feb 23 20:01:24 palate why do you want to flash a qemu image? usually you just call runqemu and start the emulation Feb 23 20:01:59 bernardoaraujo: I want to create an ubi image to flash on a real board. I'm using qemu as an example. Is that a bad idea? Feb 23 20:02:39 yes, the binaries will not be compatible... you need to set the MACHINE variable in conf/local.conf to match the board you're building for Feb 23 20:02:48 bernardoaraujo: I have access to this board that uses fastboot, and I can flash an ubi image there. I'd like to create my own ubi image to flash, and therefore I'm trying to understand how to get yocto to build it Feb 23 20:02:50 and make sure the BSP layer is listed in bblayers.conf Feb 23 20:03:51 bernardoaraujo: but say I test with qemux86, it should still create a .ubi image, right? This one I could not flash on my board of course, but that would confirm that yocto can create an ubi image. Feb 23 20:04:51 I have IMAGE_FSTYPES = "ubi", and I set MKUBIFS_ARGS = " -m 512 -e 15360 -c 3600 " and UBINIZE_ARGS = " -p 16KiB -m 512 -s 512 " (no clue what they mean), but I have trouble getting yocto to generate an *.ubi output :/ Feb 23 20:05:53 I had an *.ubi in /tmp/deploy, but I removed it and rerun bitbake, and it is not generated anymore, so I'm confused :/ Feb 23 20:20:14 Anyway, with a clean build I can get ubi to build, but I have both `.ubi` and `.ubifs` files. And I'm confused because the stock image I flash on my image is only a `.ubi`... Feb 23 20:37:20 palate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBIFS explains the UBIFS -> UBI relationship Feb 23 20:39:11 right Feb 23 20:42:01 palate: and this (mentioned in meta/classes/image_types.bbclass) explains how the tools stack to go from ubifs -> ubi: http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/faq/ubifs.html#L_mkfubifs Feb 23 20:42:20 thanks! reading now :) Feb 23 21:33:59 smurray: I see... so if I understand correctly, yocto needs to create the ubifs before it can make the ubi, but what I need to flash it the ubi :) Feb 23 21:40:22 palate: yep Feb 23 22:36:06 New news from stackoverflow: bitbake can't find constructed function Feb 23 23:54:15 adelcast gone? Feb 24 02:38:49 Hello any 1 here today? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Feb 24 02:59:57 2020