**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Mar 15 03:02:57 2020 Mar 15 10:27:30 Hi there Mar 15 10:27:37 I'm writing a recipe for gpib based off this installation guide: https://xdevs.com/guide/ni_gpib_rpi/ Mar 15 10:27:43 There's two different installs from the process, one marked kernel and another marked user. Should I be writing a specialised form of recipe for the kernel install? (New to doing this with drivers) Mar 15 10:33:10 And anyone recommend a good youtube video to learn devtool? Mar 15 18:11:21 New news from stackoverflow: libcurl-dev package for yocto Mar 15 18:54:13 Hi. I'm hoping someone can help me with a head-scratcher. I recently upgraded to zeus from sumo. Because of its new dependency on udev, I need to downgrade lvm2. I copied lvm2 from the thud version of openembedded into my custom meta-exos layer and set the preferred versions for lvm2 and libdevmapper to 2.02.180. Then I get the enclosed errors Mar 15 18:54:14 and I can't figure out what;s wrong. I included a listing of both lvm2 dirs as well as my PREFERRED_VERSIONS from my conf file. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? https://gist.github.com/mabnhdev/e521231691b5d3b262e850bd5d09d566 Mar 15 20:54:17 hi all, i want do test-drive yocto/linux's profiling features and have started with the profiling manual for 2.7. trouble is if i set the PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_STYLE to "debug-file-directory" i run out of space on my rootfs device. so i am wondering, can i specify which packages to build and install without debug? i can sacrifice some debug info in order to be able to upload the rootfs to my device Mar 15 20:56:21 one thing i'm trying out at the moment is PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_STYLE = "debug-without-src", to see if I can shave enough Mar 15 21:54:01 Yo! Do anyone in here know how I can disable getty@tty1.service for my image? I've found some hints online about removing the symlink in a custom systemd do_install_append(), but the symlink is not there at that point, and I can't figure out who creates it! Mar 15 21:54:50 Ref.: http://www.toradex.com/community/answers/10752/view.html <-- this doesn't work (file not found) Mar 16 00:49:57 Is there a way to avoid "host-user-contaminated" and tell bitbake that some files are intentionally created as user ? Mar 16 00:51:45 my case is that I'm appending to pulseaudio recipe and I'm adding instalation of user systemd service to /home/user/.config/systemd with user privilages Mar 16 00:55:16 https://github.com/dev-0x7C6/meta-retro/blob/zeus/recipes-multimedia/pulseaudio/pulseaudio_%25.bbappend Mar 16 01:12:51 dev1990_:you can add INSANE_SKIP_${PN}-server = "host-user-contaminated" in your bbappend Mar 16 01:13:38 risca: find out who is installing getty@tty1.service firstly, perhaps search for this file in your build dir Mar 16 01:13:53 then you can tweak the do_install of that recipe to not install it Mar 16 01:14:05 khem: I have that now (locally), but I'm wondering if there is a way to tell that nicely Mar 16 01:17:47 dev1990_: you can inherit useradd and then create the needed user using USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}-server" USERADD_PARAM_${PN}-server = "...." Mar 16 01:18:07 to add your user to system systematically Mar 16 01:18:35 see https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta-skeleton/recipes-skeleton/useradd/useradd-example.bb Mar 16 01:18:43 for some sample Mar 16 01:19:31 khem: https://github.com/dev-0x7C6/meta-retro/blob/zeus/recipes-extended/retro-user/retro-user.bb Mar 16 01:19:47 this is my user recipe, should I add this content to bbappend? Mar 16 01:20:02 or just add pulseaudio-server to USERADD_PACKAGES ? Mar 16 01:22:03 pulseaudio_%.bbappend pulling retro-user recipe by DEPENDS, is that proper way to make pulseaudio recipe to be aware of user that I'm adding? Mar 16 01:22:38 I ask too many questions, sorry ;-) Mar 16 01:28:51 ok thanks for help, after reading conversation again and checking example I get some ideas how to progress Mar 16 02:12:44 New news from stackoverflow: can't open "/dev/mcelog" No such file or directory **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Mar 16 02:59:58 2020