**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri May 22 02:59:57 2020 May 22 05:03:18 Hi, I try to build my own distro. But I stuck an the init manager. I try to use systemd but there is always `/sbin/init as init process` Here is my distro .conf https://gist.github.com/71bd57bf200c69664f4d5b1cdf6bac9a May 22 11:50:18 hi guys May 22 11:50:34 Im trying to compile my yocto image and it fails here --> ln: failed to create hard link 'i686-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config' => 'pkg-config': Operation not permitted May 22 11:50:51 the error is clear, however Im not sure how to solve it May 22 11:51:21 vNistelroot: maybe you did something as root user? May 22 11:53:05 hmm not sure, I ran bitbake myimage as regular user May 22 11:53:30 and Ive to admit that im new in yocto! :) May 22 11:53:51 vNistelroot: hard to guess what you are doing there May 22 11:55:17 well, let me ellaborate, ive been provided with a yocto source code, and what im trying to do is to add cve-check by adding bbclass to the correct folder, INHERIT and all that stuff and i just want to run bitbake myimage to check for CVEs May 22 11:56:03 well, let me ellaborate, ive been provided with a yocto source code, and what im trying to do is to add cve-check by adding bbclass to the correct folder, INHERIT and all that stuff and i just want to run bitbake myimage to check for CVEs May 22 11:56:19 ops sorry for double-post May 22 12:29:44 vNistelroot: try with single recipe first, e.g. busybox. If issue persist, get a diff of "bitbake -e busybox" output with and without your config changes to figure out why things went south.. May 22 12:33:52 vNistelroot: is your image building without cve-check ? May 22 14:14:51 anyone seeing downloads/gcc-10.1.0.tar.xz' has sha256 checksum bff5c4272444a4601250c328cae6a8e65a808ab5b4ccc568b6a1847ca5cb0d0e when b6898a23844b656f1b68691c5c012036c2e694ac4b53a8918d4712ad876e7ea2 was expected since today? May 22 14:16:14 I get bff5c4272444a4601250c328cae6a8e65a808ab5b4ccc568b6a1847ca5cb0d0e when fetching manually in US and the right sha in Europe May 22 14:16:27 JaMa: from YP mirrors or from upstream? May 22 14:16:33 upstream May 22 14:17:10 also got this one when fetching freetype (download.savannah.nongnu.org)||:443... failed: Connection timed out. May 22 14:17:12 JaMa: :( May 22 14:19:22 now it seems to work when refetched manually in US again May 22 14:19:54 hashes by local ? May 22 14:20:51 it was failing also when fetching bison in different build ftp.gnu.org (ftp.gnu.org)||:443... failed: Connection timed out. May 22 14:21:46 so maybe there was some connection hicup and the gcc was only partially fetched or something like that, I guess it should cause wget to fail which would break do_fetch before checksums are checked, but at least it seems OK now again May 22 14:23:01 and it wasn't in US but in Korea May 22 14:27:40 JaMa: most likely cause is a short download, we rely on the checksums to notice those at times :/ May 22 14:28:59 yes, sorry for noise May 22 14:29:45 JaMa: np, I like simple problems, much better than my usual sort atm! :) May 22 14:42:00 JaMa: is is due to US pulling out of Open Sky treaty perhaps :) May 22 15:30:21 Should adding new licenses in a layer cause yocto-check-layer to fail? Right now it's complaining that AVAILABLE_LICENSES has changed May 22 15:34:44 Oh, weird. lvm2 is failing signature check with yocto-check-layer because it does 'inherit license' which scans for licenses to populate AVAILABLE_LICENSES.... which now fails if any other layers add a license May 22 15:35:15 Hello, does anybody know how to add .NET core to Yocto image ? May 22 15:37:39 gonn: meta-mono exists and i believe is still maintained May 22 15:38:48 rburton is it a layer for .NET core framework ? May 22 15:39:03 gonn: no idea but it has the c# stuff in May 22 15:39:51 rburton I will check for it May 22 15:41:34 gonn: https://layers.openembedded.org is useful May 22 15:42:02 rburton thanks May 22 15:58:49 rburton: gonn, yes I confirm that meta-mono adds .NET core to Yocto image May 22 15:59:17 https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Building_and_running_embedded_Linux_.NET_applications_from_first_principles May 22 16:49:39 thoughts on new workstation specs, threadripper 3960x, 128 gigglebytes of DDR4 3600, 2 TB Samsung 970 EVO plus, Corsair RM 750w? Various Yocto builds mostly May 22 16:50:07 I'm gonna ask Santa real nice, may have to "make do" with a 3950x instead, but either one should be significantly faster than my current one, dual Xeon E5-2630v4 (20 cores total, 40 threads) May 22 16:51:32 setting up for alternating office / work from home, when the world is done ending it will come back to the office...but, rather than transport one back and forth and risk (more) damage, a new one is in order May 22 17:18:43 fury: please order and give me your address so I can steal it May 22 17:19:05 roger that :D May 22 17:20:07 I build on a VM with 16cores and 16G May 22 18:07:22 Is connman able to assign both a DHCP and a manual address to an (ethernet) interface? May 22 18:18:42 jeremytrimble: yes May 22 18:19:00 @khem: How would I configure that? May 22 18:19:18 connmanctl config MACADDR --ipv4 manual May 22 18:19:46 connmanctl config MACADDR --ipv4 dhcp May 22 18:23:08 khem: I mean assign both addresses to the interface simultaneously May 22 18:25:15 with ifconfig you can use eth0 and eth0:0 May 22 18:26:06 Dont know if connman can do something similar maybe if you can use interface name instead of mac addr it might May 22 22:22:49 zeddii: ever seen https://gist.github.com/kraj/8d0453f79227a47f019292276bea5978 May 22 22:30:44 khem, "/bin/sh: scripts/basic/fixdep: Permission denied" May 22 22:31:03 not likely a kernel thing, but a build-system thing. May 22 22:31:34 pseudo/sysroot frain buckage. May 22 22:32:12 that said - it doesn't mean that zeddii hasn't seen it.... May 22 22:42:13 file ./kernel-build-artifacts/scripts/basic/fixdep May 22 22:42:22 ./kernel-build-artifacts/scripts/basic/fixdep: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=67e0adf8c5a48594093918a992ba8189eec9dffd, not stripped **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 23 03:00:00 2020