**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jul 06 02:59:57 2021 Jul 06 03:54:56 hi Jul 06 08:14:14 Hi, does anyone know how to build a recipe which the target also creates a applicaion meant to run on x64; tried this but i can't seem to get it working: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56971910/recipe-also-produces-native-output-that-needs-packaging Jul 06 13:53:28 hello Jul 06 13:54:06 I'm very new to Yocto and I have done a small simple recipe for a makefile based project that generates 1 shared object lib and 1 binary linked to this SO Jul 06 13:54:22 I get this QA warning: QA Issue: -dev package contains non-symlink .so: Jul 06 13:54:35 I don't understand exactly what needs to be done and what's the issue Jul 06 13:55:33 indeed I generate a non-symlinked SO, I generate a real SO :o Jul 06 15:36:39 fixed. I needed to set SOLIBS and FILES_SOLIBSDEV to use un-versioned libraries in my binary package (and not put it in a -dev package) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jul 07 03:00:38 2021